
Combination Magic

After school hours, my sister and I were picked up by our father, we always went home together every day and our father was never late to pick us up, my sister also never made our father wait too long in front of the school.

It's been about a week now that I've been attending this elementary school, even though it hasn't been that long but I've learned a lot of knowledge that is indeed taught in elementary school, or more specifically I already know it all...

All those boring basic lessons really make me tortured, I'm already 30 years old but still learning basic lessons, but well what can I do.

My body now is still 8 years old, even though my mind is like a 30 year old guy.

It's ridiculous, isn't it? Seeing an elementary school boy with an innocent face when the contents of his brain are only adult things.

But even so, I still studied by myself when I got home, my school schedule was from 7 am to 2 pm, about 7 hours I was at school, during those 7 hours I didn't pay attention to my teacher at all because I studied other things, namely android knowledge and robotics.

I always cover the book and close it with elementary school textbooks, fortunately until now no one knows that I carry such complicated books at school.

So I just kept on learning, whether at school or at home, I kept on learning about robotics and the digital knowledge of this era, of course I also learned magic!

I don't want to lose to my sister who is gifted with magic, she's been gifted since birth like a prodigy! Whereas I'm a reincarnated being, so in other words I'm cheating...

But never mind, I'll keep trying to surpass my sister.

First of all, I'll be practicing atomic control magic on a large scale and with a large vibration frequency as well.

I'm trying to decompose, unify and even change the substances in those magic atoms into negative or positive ones and unify them into various elements, although it's not that big but the improvement is obvious.

Then why do humans need to chant when using magic? It's because of imagination!

Imaginations that are drawn in the brain will be clearer when mentioned verbally, like you're reading a novel with an explanation of the setting or a person's trait.

For example, when I say "Wall" I imagine a wall appearing in front of me and then the brainwaves send the visualization of the object I imagine to the magic atom that I want to form, well in short like that.

But to realize it also requires skillful control of the magic atoms, because humans don't have magic in their bodies so they have to use magic atoms that are scattered in the air, then control them at will.

The longer the spell sentence you mention, the more vivid the visualization sent from your brain to the magic atoms you control, although there are also people who can make an entire castle in just one spell word, that person is very talented in controlling magic atoms and his imagination is truly extraordinary.

While I was busy reading some magic books in the backyard, Ellora came over to me, oh yeah today is a free day so I spent my time in the backyard learning magic.

She was accompanied by Echo who was carrying drinks and some cookies.

"Arche, are you learning magic by yourself again?"

"Yes, sis, I want to learn combination magic."

"Arche is very diligent," said Echo as she placed her drink on the back porch table.

By the way, it's been a week since we searched for Echo's owner and dad kept looking for information about it but until now we haven't found it, is it possible that Echo has the same fate as me?

In the end Echo decided to stay in our house as a housekeeper, it also greatly eased my mom's burden, because Echo is an android so she will never get tired, it just takes time to recharge which she does every night, or in human language is sleeping.

She got the guest room as her bedroom, actually she didn't need all that because she just needed a place to recharge at night, but my mom insisted on giving her a room, so Echo just accepted it.

And until now she has continued to work as a housemaid, although no one in this house considers her a maid, we all consider her as family.

As for the learning of magic, I got new information from El, as expected from my genius sister.

According to her explanation, magic consists of various forms and uses, but most people only learn basic magic to assist in doing homework or daily chores to make it easier, for example, air magic to lift heavy loads or light magic to illuminate in the dark, that's it.

But it's different for military-level magic that is specialized for fighting, but against what? Fellow humans? Or other creatures?

The point is, if you are very talented in magic, you will most likely be promoted into a military unit or the like to battle.

So, it's likely that my sister will also have the same fate, although it seems that her appearance and face are not very suitable to enter any military unit, she is more suitable to be a scientist or professor in my opinion.

"I will try to cast combination magic, you just observe Arche."

My sister then closed her eyes and focused the atomic control magic on her palm, then from there suddenly appeared a lump of soil. No, it was more like the soil gradually lifted up from the bottom and gathered in my sister's palm, I couldn't see it because the grains of soil were so small.

The grains continued to gather into a lump of soil and on top of it appeared a small green grass, the grass continued to grow until it was 7cm in size.

Did she just grow a plant in the palm of her hand? How did that happened?

What did she do to the soil to make it grow grass? Even in just a few seconds! She didn't even cast any spells!


I saw Echo stare wide-eyed at the grass on Ellora's hand and chuckle in admiration.

"Well, that's done, how's that Arche? Do you understand?"

Suddenly after that, El opened her eyes and asked me with her flat face that still looked sleepy.

Understand what? I don't even know anything at all!

"This is combination magic, didn't you want to practice this earlier?"

"What? What are you combining sis?"

So she just practiced combination magic? What? I don't understand at all!

"T-that's time magic right?" asked Echo still with her surprised face.

"That's right, it's time magic," Sis El replied casually.

I was suddenly startled, unconsciously after hearing that my mouth opened wide and stared at the grass with wide eyes.

Magic time she said? Is that possible? Did she seriously say that?

"I could see for a moment the movement of the dust around the grass flying so fast and the ground shifting quickly, I could see it with my android eyes in detail," Echo explained.

So she wasn't lying? Sis El who I've always seen lazing around with that innocent sleepy face? Using time magic?

"I'm still studying it too, it's not perfect yet."

"But it's already amazing, Ellora!"

I was still silent watching El and Echo chatting about time magic.

"But, why didn't you cast any spells earlier?" I asked in surprise.

"Magic requires imagination, to clarify my imagination, I closed my eyes and focused on my hands, that's all."

She answered as if she was carefree, very relaxed.

Isn't the magic of time is so powerful? Why could an 11-year-old girl learn it so easily? Was she really that genius?

"Then what did you do with the magic atoms, El?"

"It's a combination of propulsion magic, and light magic. I move the soil and water up to my arm and then I take some grass roots and give them light."

"Then what about the time magic?"


According to Ellora's explanation, she gathered the neutral magic atoms around the grass roots and separated them into a negative part and a positive part.

When the two separate parts were brought together, they rotated in place at the speed of light to form a micro-sized black hole.

And that micro-sized black hole accelerates the movement of time around it, so the grass will grow in a few seconds.

As the grass grows, Sister El immediately shuts down the black hole, otherwise the black hole will continue to accelerate the time of the grass's growth and become uncontrollable.

It does look very complicated, to make it just have to control the parts of the magic atom that can't even be seen with human eyes, how did she do it?

Can she see those tiny atoms?

Besides, are black holes really that dangerous? What would happen if the black hole went out of control and devoured the entire world? How dangerous...

"Magic can't contradict the laws of physics, so you just have to modify them."

"I still don't understand."

"It has to be, it's a very complicated magic with precise atomic control."

"But take it easy Arche, I as your elder sister will teach you, Fufun!"

She said that while puffing her flat chest up as high as possible.

But her eyes still looked sleepy, even though she was smiling.

I know that she's a reliable older sister and a genius.

I'm grateful that she's my big sister.

Unlike me who's a reincarnated being with my previous memories, she's a child with pure talent from birth, so I respect her a lot as my big sister.


Around late afternoon, after I had learned combination magic in the morning and practiced controlling the magic atoms with my sister's guidance.

With no energy left, I lay limply in the backyard, I was breathing heavily because I had been concentrating and focusing on controlling the complicated magic atoms.

I saw that on the back terrace, Echo and my sister were still chatting nicely while drinking their tea and eating the cake that Echo had brought.

I wanted to eat that cake too...

But my sister said I can't eat it until I can use combination magic, it's annoying but it's also a good motivation.

Trying for food...

Alright, let's try one last time.

I stopped counting this attempt at 21.

I don't really remember but I'll try again, a short break earlier might be enough.

I started by making gas, gathering magic atoms and converting them into heat energy, quite hot and getting hotter.

From the heat energy, I'll try to remove the electrons contained in the ion atoms of this gas.

It's quite difficult, I can't tell the difference between electron compounds and other molecular compounds.

It could be bad if this energy gets hotter, my hands are already overheated with the collection of ions forming hot vapor around me.

But I will still increase the heat energy as much as possible, I will shrink the size of this heat vapor first.

Smaller, and smaller like a long pencil.

I close my eyes and imagine a blue flash of light, as small as a pencil and extremely long, with an extremely high temperature, the embodiment of extremely hot gas and light.

This was the combination magic of light and water becoming gas and its extremely high temperature.

As I continued to imagine its form, someone suddenly shouted.

"Archeeee! Stop!"

Suddenly I opened my eyes, I saw in my hand a floating blue ball of light that was only the size of an adult's fist, but I felt the danger of this ball.

While I was still lost in thought, my sister reacted immediately.

She immediately cast a magic spell in a panic, I didn't usually see her this panicked.


I felt something was wrong with the ball of light, then the light got brighter.

I had no time to react, I didn't even know what was happening, but I knew my life was in danger.

"Arche! Stay away!"


Suddenly a lot of laser light appeared from inside the ball of light, it was blue and very long, but only the size of a pencil! The light shot in all directions blindly like a laser that was fired everywhere, its shape was now like a sea urchin, only it was a bright blue light.

The phenomenon didn't last long, only a few seconds, but after the light disappeared, I saw that our yard had many holes.

There were holes everywhere, but they didn't reach my house.

It seemed like Sis El had cast a barrier spell, she was amazingly perceptive.

I was shocked and immediately fell down, I found my body already drooping heavily on the ground.


I saw Sis El running towards me with a panicked look on her face, I wonder why?

I rarely see her face like that, she doesn't usually get panicked.

I'm still fine here, just a bit weak.

Although it's a bit painful at the end of my leg, but why do I feel like there's water at the end of my leg.

Then I looked at it and how surprised I was when I saw the tip of my own foot.


There was a hole there, it seemed trivial but there were several holes even though it was only in my ankle, and from that hole a lot of blood was coming out.

It hurt like hell, this was the first time I felt this kind of pain.

Did my magic work? Apparently not, I couldn't even control it.


I screamed, I cried and I held my legs while groaning in pain, my hands were dirty with blood and my shirt and pants were also stained with blood.

I found Sis El casting healing magic around my leg, as expected from Sis El she was a genius, meanwhile Echo was carrying a bucket of water and a towel towards me.

My vision is turning white and my body is very weak, I'm very sleepy, it looks like I'm going to faint now.


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