
Chapter 110: Mocking Yu Xiaogang – If He Can Get It Right, I’ll Acknowledge Him as a Master

"System, martial souls are divided into tool martial souls, beast martial souls, and body martial souls, right?"

With three opportunities to bypass punishments, Lin Yu confirmed the answer in his mind after a brief theoretical analysis and then waited for the system's response.

After a moment, the system's cold voice echoed in his mind:

[Ding! Congratulations, Host, your answer is correct! Would you like to display the answer in the live stream?]

So he was right!

Hearing the system's response, Lin Yu couldn't help but smile. For the people in Douluo One, the potential of body martial souls had not yet been realized. Consequently, everyone thought of body martial souls as merely a variant of beast martial souls and didn't take them seriously.

It wasn't until the emergence of the Body Sect that body martial souls were officially recognized as a third category, independent of beast and tool martial souls!

To be honest, if Lin Yu weren't a transmigrator who had seen the later Douluo series, he might not have noticed body martial souls from the livestream.

"Don't display it yet!"

After confirming his answer was correct, Lin Yu decided to hold off on displaying it and instead chose to mock Yu Xiaogang first.

In his past life, Lin Yu had been amazed by Yu Xiaogang's top ten martial soul core competencies when he first watched Douluo Continent, considering him an underappreciated "Einstein" of Douluo.

But as he grew older and rewatched Douluo Continent with the advent of the anime, Lin Yu couldn't help but think:

"What on earth is this nonsense?

This is common knowledge in the spirit master world!

How did it become your theory? It's utterly nauseating!"

Both in the later content of Douluo Continent and the subsequent Douluo series, Yu Xiaogang's reputation took a severe hit.

He was hyped up during Douluo One, but in later years, he left behind no significant achievements. To be praised as a martial soul theory master?

It's outrageous!

Lin Yu remembered that Yu Xiaogang had even developed a theory claiming, "There are only tool martial souls and beast martial souls, and nothing else."

"Yeah, I know that too!"

"Listening to you talk is a waste of time!"

Later, someone compared the master's claim that "there are no useless martial souls, only spirit masters who can't cultivate" to his actions, thoroughly tarnishing his reputation.

It was clear to Lin Yu and many others why Yu Xiaogang was seen as a joke on Douluo Continent!

Summarizing common knowledge and passing it off as his own, then mixing in personal biases and making several erroneous theories—mocking others while undermining himself! It's no wonder he was scorned.

[Lin Yu (sneering): @Yu Xiaogang, oh, our esteemed martial soul theory master, I remember you've been researching martial souls for decades. Didn't you propose a theory that there are only tool and beast martial souls, and nothing else? Well, it seems that's incorrect!]

[But since it's common knowledge in the spirit master world, although you shamelessly plagiarized it, that's a reflection of your character. You may not have developed anything new, but after so many years of research, can you answer this question now?]

At the border between the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, in a forest along a branch of the Star Dou Forest:

When Yu Xiaogang saw that Lin Yu had @-ed him again, publicly humiliating him in front of everyone in the livestream, his face turned dark, and his hands clenched in anger.

"This damn guy! He's mocking me again. What's his problem? Does he have a grudge against me?"

Despite his anger, Yu Xiaogang remained calm. He didn't know the answer to the question. If he didn't answer, it would seem like he was avoiding it, and if he answered incorrectly, he'd face a penalty and lose more face throughout the Douluo Continent!

Beside him, Tang San looked at his teacher Yu Xiaogang, who was turning darker with rage yet seemed unwilling to respond. Tang San felt a bit disdainful.

"My teacher always boasts about being a martial soul theory master, knowing much about the Blue Electric Tyrant Dragon Sect and the Spirit Hall.

But is this so-called master only good at summarizing others' knowledge and has no achievements of his own after decades of research?

Now, he doesn't even dare to defend his reputation when mocked. Is he a martial soul theory master or just a fraud?"

Tang San was doubtful.

But knowing that in the future of the live stream, he would become a god, and having chosen this person as his teacher, Tang San hoped maybe Yu Xiaogang had some genuine skills after all.

In the live stream, seeing Yu Xiaogang's refusal to respond and essentially acting like a turtle hiding its head, Lin Yu continued to mock him using Yu Xiaogang's so-called top ten martial soul core competencies.

[Yutian Heng (angrily): How dare you slander my uncle! My uncle is a true martial soul theory master. His top ten martial soul core competencies were proposed over twenty years ago. The mistakes in his theories are merely due to the limitations of the knowledge at that time. My uncle has been deeply researching martial souls for many years and must have found the correct answer by now!]

As Yutian Heng defended Yu Xiaogang fiercely in the livestream, Yu Yuanchen, Yutian Heng's father, felt a headache coming on.

"Given what I know about my son's personality, this situation might get worse!"

Seeing Yutian Heng defending Yu Xiaogang, Lin Yu couldn't help but laugh.

"So Yu Xiaogang has fans in the Blue Electric Tyrant Dragon Sect despite his tarnished reputation across Douluo Continent. That's something!"

Lin Yu wasn't upset by Yutian Heng's defense—in fact, he was a bit pleased.

Yu Xiaogang could hide from Lin Yu's mockery, but could he keep hiding in front of his adoring nephew?

Lin Yu eagerly anticipated this.

[Lin Yu (sneering): @Yutian Heng, you say your uncle is a real martial soul theory master. From what I see, he's just a master of plagiarizing theories. If he's truly a master, let him answer this question correctly first.]

[Since you say he has found the correct answer, then let him prove it!]

[If he answers correctly, I'll publicly admit three times in the livestream that I, Lin Yu, was blind and Yu Xiaogang is indeed a true martial soul theory master!]

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