
Summoned Into The Unknown

To better understand this chapter and the next chapter, you can refer back to chapters 39-41 where the character in this chapter was first introduced.


The woman with flaming red hair and albinotic skin walked into the room in even strides that were somehow slowed as Zina's eyes zeroed in on her. Zina could trace everything about her, from the green cloak that she wore that swung with her as she walked, to the tresses of red hair that bounced with her swinging arms.

Then the woman tilted her head to Zina and the motion was still slow as if trapped in space and time…and then her golden-red eyes captured Zina just as a smug smile tugged against the lips of the woman.

Something about looking at her made Zina's chest squeeze like a viselike grip held her heart captive. It felt as though she knew the woman, at the same, not.

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