
The Start III

(Aerion's POV)

"My Lord." I looked up to see Maester Gerardys walk into my room, "You called for me?" 

I was sitting next to a table, a quill and paper in front of me as I finished up the last of the letter. 

"Yes." I nodded as I set the quill aside and began to fold the letter, "Tell me, Maester, can I trust you?" 

"M-My Lord, Of course." He said, "I've been loyal to your House, your Family, to your wife." 

I nodded as I folded the letter, placing hot wax on it and pressed the stamp on it, "I see." I said as I looked at him, "Maester Gerardys, tell me something, I wish for you to be honest. You've known my Uncle, right?" 

"Of course." He said, "Like I've said, I've been loyal to your House for many years. I've served the Crown faithfully." 

"Do you think he'd change his mind?" I asked him, "Do you really think that King Viserys, in his deathbed, changed his mind?" 

There was a moment of hesitation, his mouth slightly open as his eyes darted around, as if his mind was thinking of what to think. 

"I...." He said before gulping, "Truthfully...If King Viserys wished for Prince Aegon to be his heir, he'd announced it years ago." 

I nodded as I looked up at the ceiling, "I thought as much." I said, "My Wife's throne was usurped, Maester Gerardys. What do you think I should do about that? If they don't surrender and bend the knee, what do you think the obvious course of action is?" 

"War." He said

I looked at him, "Of course." I told him, "And Maester, I'm afraid that's the only thing I've ever been good at. So precautions have to be taken. The Throne is Rhaenyra's, by Law. The King's word, that's the Law. Fuck tradition, fuck the old ways. This isn't about petty ideals, he made his choice, he knew who was worthy." 

He frowned, "I am afraid I don't follow." 

I stood up and walked over to him, "This letter." I said, "Can I trust you to safeguard it?" 

As I handed him the letter, "M-My Lord?"

"I want your word, Maester." I told him, "That nobody opens and reads this letter. This is for Rhaenyra's eyes only. And only when she's on the Throne and if I'm dead."

His eyes widened, "L-Lord Aerion." He started, "W-What do you mean?" 

"It's a precaution." I said seriously, "I don't plan to die. But if I do die, it won't be before Rhaenyra sits on that throne, which is rightfully hers. No matter how many men I plan to slay, I won't meet the Stranger until she sits there. That is the worst-case scenario and if it comes to that, give her this letter." 

He looked at the letter, folded and sealed by my stamp, "Alright." He said with a slow nod, "I'll do it. I'll safeguard it. But....I hope it doesn't come to that." 

"Neither do I." I said, "But these are serious times. Tensions will be at an all-time high. I have to make sure that Rhaenyra and her boys are safe. As well as my children. I don't care about my well-being, I will do whatever it takes to end this conflict and take that chair back. If it means taking flight and facing the enemy's armies by myself, it matters not. This is what I was made for, this is my purpose. You Maesters feel like it's your life's purpose to gain knowledge, to serve the world, and to help others. My life's purpose is to fight. I am of Fire and Blood and I will bring that to the Hightowers if they don't leave my Wife's castle." 

He gave me a slight smile, "My Lord." He said, "Might I say something?" 

I nodded, "Go ahead." 

"When I stitched your wounds all those years ago, when you claimed Vermithor..." He started, "I was bewildered at the boy that was before me. His body was something that was crafted by the gods themselves, his will was like no other. And that boy is now before me, a Man. The Warrior Incarnate. I'm not much for songs, but even if songs aren't written about you, I am sure you will be etched into the History books." 

I was going to say something when the door opened and I heard the tapping of a wooden cane. I looked past the Maester and saw Lord Corlys limping through. 

"A word, Lord Aerion?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow

Maester Gerardys bowed slightly, "My Lords." He said, "I will take my leave." 

I nodded at him, "I leave it to you." I said seriously

He walked past Lord Corlys and left the room, leaving the Sea Snake alone with me. 

"Mm..." He said as he limped a bit closer, "I was informed right after waking up about something rather...well, saddening. My brother is dead." 

I nodded, "He is." 

He looked at me, "And you are the one who cut him down." 

I nodded again, "I am." 

He slowly shook his head, "He went before the King and denounced Rhaenyra, calling her sons bastards. He insulted not only Rhaenyra, but me, the one who named Lucerys heir." He said as he looked down, "Demanding a Trial by Combat was foolish. No, even suggesting a petition for the inheritance was foolish enough. He was my brother....my blood.....and I of all people know that heedless ambition is a Velaryon weakness." 

"If it makes you feel better, it was quick and clean." I said seriously, "The Silent Sisters only needed to stitch a clean stab wound in his chest. That and the one on his wrist." 

He looked at me and sighed, "It matters not." He said, "What matters at the moment is that the Hightowers have usurped the Throne. In turn, they have inadvertently caused his sons to desert the Velaryon Fleet and take a few ships with them." 

I raised an eyebrow, "You lost some ships?" I asked seriously

"I had just woken up." He told me, "They're at King's Landing by now, I wager." 

"Daeron and Daemion." I said, "I don't think they ever liked me." 

"Well, that incident cemented it." He said, "Beating them down was the most lenient thing you could ever do to someone insulting your daughter. Lord Aerion Targaryen, merciful as he is ruthless." 

I nodded, "But they're traitors now." I told him, 

"And I won't be so lenient the next time I see them." 


(Third Person POV)

[King's Landing]

Two hooded figures walked towards the entrance of the Red Keep as a crowd of people formed, seeing a horrific sight. 

They stopped and looked up and saw that in front of the walls, several men were hanged, their lifeless bodies dangling down by the neck. 

"What the hells..." one of the smallfolk said

"This is retribution for the death of the prince and princess..." another said, "They attacked the Queen, murdered her children." 

"King Aegon is ruthless." another said

The Hooded Men merely stared at this as someone whistled at them. 

"H-Hey!" a man called from an alley

They both turned and slowly walked over to the man who leaned against the wall. 

"Where is he?" one of the hooded men asked, "The Grey Snake." 

"Not here." the man said, wiping his nose, "What do you two got for me?" 

One of them pulled out a coin purse and handed it to him, "You best make this worth it." he said, "Stir some trouble, have a bunch of bottom-feeders claim they are Sterling." 

"Heh." The Man smirked, "That'll cause some chaos. Why are two Velaryons coming all the way here? Isn't your House allied with Rhaenyra?" 

"Fuck Rhaenyra." one of them pulled his hood down, revealing he was Daeron Velaryon, "And fuck Aerion Targaryen." 

The other did the same, it was Daemion Velaryon, "Doesn't mean we'll play nice with the Hightowers." He said, "We'll avenge our Father, with time. For now, do as we say or we'll gut you and feed your innards to the fish." 

"Quite the nice fucks you are." the man smirked, "I'll think of something. That whore, the White Worm, may prove herself to be useful. If not, I'll bring her to you and you can fuck some information out of her." 

"Enough." Daeron said, "Do as we told you." 

"Alright." The Man said, 

"I'll get it done." 

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