
Chapter 7: Into the Flames

The fire truck barreled down the streets of Tokyo, sirens blaring as it weaved through traffic. Kazuki sat in the back with the rest of the brigade, his heart racing with a mixture of excitement and dread. The industrial district was still several minutes away, but the air was already thick with the scent of smoke, and the sky ahead was tinged with an ominous orange glow.

Captain Obi stood at the front of the truck, his gaze fixed on the road ahead. He turned to address the team, his voice cutting through the roar of the engine. "Listen up, everyone. This Infernal is in a highly volatile area. There are chemicals and machinery that could cause secondary explosions if we're not careful. Our priority is to contain the Infernal and evacuate any civilians trapped inside."

Kazuki tightened his grip on the handle of his Asauchi. He had trained extensively with the blade, and while he had sparred with Lieutenant Hinawa, this would be his 2th time using it in a real battle against an Infernal. The thought was both exhilarating and terrifying.

As the truck approached the industrial district, the extent of the devastation became clear. Thick black smoke billowed into the sky, and the distant sound of crackling flames filled the air. The heat was palpable, even from inside the vehicle, and Kazuki could see the glow of the fire reflecting off the windows of nearby buildings.

The truck screeched to a halt in front of a large factory that was already engulfed in flames. The brigade quickly disembarked, and Kazuki followed suit, his heart pounding in his chest. The building before them was a towering structure of steel and concrete, its once-imposing facade now twisted and blackened by the fire.

Obi immediately began barking orders. "Shinra, Arthur, you two handle the main entrance and look for survivors. Maki, take Iris and start working on containment. Hinawa, you're with me—let's see if we can get a visual on the Infernal. Kazuki, you're with us. Stay sharp and be ready for anything."

Kazuki nodded and fell into step behind Obi and Hinawa as they made their way towards the side of the building. The heat intensified as they approached, and Kazuki could feel the sweat beading on his forehead. The flames roared with a life of their own, consuming everything in their path.

As they rounded the corner, they found themselves in a narrow alleyway between the factory and an adjacent warehouse. The heat was suffocating, and the walls of the buildings were scorching to the touch. Kazuki's eyes darted around, searching for any sign of the Infernal.

Suddenly, a loud crash echoed from within the factory, followed by a burst of flame that shot out of one of the windows. Obi raised his hand, signaling them to stop. "That must be it," he said grimly. "Stay close and be ready to move."

The three of them pressed forward, keeping to the shadows as they approached the source of the noise. The air was thick with smoke, and Kazuki had to fight the urge to cough as it filled his lungs. His grip on the Asauchi tightened, and he mentally prepared himself for what was to come.

They reached the end of the alley and found themselves facing a large, open courtyard that led to the back entrance of the factory. The door had been blown off its hinges, and the ground was littered with debris. But what caught Kazuki's attention was the figure standing in the center of the courtyard.

The Infernal was massive, towering over the surrounding buildings. Its body was engulfed in flames, its skin a charred, blackened mass that cracked and smoldered with every movement. Its eyes glowed with a fierce, unholy light, and its mouth was twisted into a grotesque snarl.

Kazuki felt a shiver run down his spine. The Infernal was unlike anything he had ever seen before—a true monster, born of rage and despair.

Obi's voice cut through the tension. "Hinawa, cover me. Kazuki, stay back and be ready to support."

Hinawa nodded and raised his rifle, taking aim at the Infernal's head. Obi, meanwhile, drew his fire axe and began to circle around the creature, looking for an opening. Kazuki stayed where he was, his eyes locked on the Infernal as it turned its gaze towards them.

The creature let out a deafening roar, and with a swift motion, it swiped its massive arm towards Obi, sending a wave of flames in his direction. Obi leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding the attack, but the heat singed his uniform, and he was forced to retreat.

"Now!" Obi shouted.

Hinawa fired a volley of bullets at the Infernal, aiming for its head and joints. The bullets struck true, but the creature barely flinched. It turned its attention to Hinawa, its eyes narrowing as it prepared to strike again.

Kazuki knew he couldn't stay on the sidelines any longer. With a surge of adrenaline, he stepped forward, his Asauchi at the ready. The blade felt solid in his hands, its weight reassuring as he focused on the Infernal before him.

Without hesitation, Kazuki channeled the energy within him, feeling the familiar warmth of his pyrokinetic abilities. He raised his free hand, and with a sharp motion, he cast Kongōbaku. A sphere of fire erupted from his palm, hurtling towards the Infernal with explosive force.

The Infernal saw the attack coming and raised its arm to block it, but the explosion still sent it staggering backward. The flames from the Kongōbaku mixed with the Infernal's own fire, momentarily blinding it and giving Hinawa a chance to reposition.

Obi took advantage of the distraction, charging in with his axe. He aimed for the Infernal's leg, swinging with all his might. The axe bit into the creature's charred flesh, causing it to bellow in pain and anger. The Infernal lashed out, swiping at Obi with its other arm, but Obi was quick on his feet, dodging the attack and retreating to a safer distance.

Kazuki could feel the strain of the battle wearing on him, but he knew they couldn't afford to let up. The Infernal was powerful, but they had to be relentless if they were going to take it down. He prepared to cast another spell, but before he could, the creature let out a furious roar and unleashed a torrent of flames in all directions.

The firestorm was intense, and Kazuki was forced to raise his Asauchi in front of him, using it as a shield to block the worst of the flames. The heat was unbearable, but Kazuki gritted his teeth and held his ground.

When the flames finally subsided, Kazuki lowered his blade and surveyed the scene. The Infernal was still standing, but it was clearly weakened. Its movements were sluggish, and the flames that engulfed it were starting to wane.

Obi signaled for one final push. "Kazuki, hit it with everything you've got! We need to finish this now!"

Kazuki nodded, determination flaring in his chest. He tightened his grip on the Asauchi and channeled every ounce of power he had into one final attack. The blade glowed with a fiery light as he raised it high above his head, focusing all his energy on the Infernal.

With a roar, Kazuki brought the blade down in a powerful slash, sending a wave of fire crashing towards the creature. The flames engulfed the Infernal, consuming it in a blinding inferno. The creature let out one final, agonized scream before it was completely overwhelmed by the flames.

When the fire finally died down, all that remained of the Infernal was a pile of smoldering ashes. The courtyard was eerily silent, the only sound being the crackling of the remaining flames. Kazuki stood there, breathing heavily as the adrenaline slowly began to fade.

Obi approached him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Good work, Kazuki. You really came through when we needed you."

Kazuki looked up at Obi, his expression a mixture of exhaustion and relief. "Thank you, Captain. I just did what I could."

Obi gave him a nod of approval. "And that's all we ask for. Now, let's get back to the others and make sure everyone's okay."

As they made their way back to the front of the factory, Kazuki couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. He had faced the Infernal and emerged victorious, proving not only to the brigade but to himself that he was capable of handling the responsibilities that came with his power.

But as they rejoined the rest of the team, Kazuki knew that this was just the beginning. There would be more battles to fight, more challenges to overcome. And with each one, he would grow stronger, learning to wield the power within him with greater skill and control.

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