
Delivery Girl: Wonder Woman II Order #6

I don't own DC

We find ourselves, increasingly as of late, NOT at Superbabes. But instead at the 'Superbabes apartment building' owned and maintained by friends of Superbabes Mikey and Geoff. Currently in Fire and Ice's apartment playing a board game with Wonder Woman (II) and Surfer Sage Geoff…


"Apologies!" cheered Ice, knocking Wonder Woman's piece aside and back to the start.


"I don't think you're very apologetic." Wonder Woman said, almost huffily putting her piece back to the start.


"It is part of the game Bonita." Cooed Fire seductively as Geoff ate a sandwich, rolling his dice as they continued playing Apologies! By HassinBros… which was actually based on an ancient Indian game called Pachisi… so naturally Wonder Woman knew how to play.


That didn't mean she was playing it WELL.


"I still think it's very rude." She mumbled, but quickly smiled it off. She had been invited to Ice and Fire's apartment for casual 'hanging out' before work.


"If you think this is bad, you should see Querida when we play Cartel." Fire replied, Ice's constantly pretty smile almost wavered as she added.


"I still don't think that's a good name for a family game."


"I hear Monopoly was already taken." Geoff replied, moving his piece behind Fire's, she eyed the 'Surfer Sage' irately.


"Why are you even HERE?" she snapped, Geoff unaffected by her ire as always.


"Apology is no fun with just three people." He said as Ice nodded.


"He's got a point."


"No, he doesn't Querida." She then scowled. "…Is that my sourdough?"


"…No?" replied Geoff as Fire scowled.


"Stop stealing my sourdough you Estúpido! Ingrato! Rato bastardo idiota! Tenho que comprar aquele prato especial na padaria da rua! Isto! Tem! O! MELHOR!!" yanking off a slipper and swinging it at Geoff like a blackjack, who raised one arm to defend himself while quickly trying to cram his mouth with the sandwich.


Ice seemed relatively unsurprised by Fire's sudden and rapid descent into angry Latina, but Wonder Woman was surprised that Geoff managed to valiantly fend off Fire's slipper assault and eat his sandwich. Normally one would fail at one or the other, Geoff appeared to be exceptionally skilled at fending off these assaults.


"Does this happen often?"


"Only when Geoff comes uninvited." Ice replied as Fire finished her tirade and sat down, putting her shoe back on.


"Which is all the fucking time."


"You know when we had uninvited guests where I came from we tossed them into boiling pots of oil." Wonder Woman noted casually, "Do you have boiling oil?"


"Not in a big enough pot." Snarled Fire crisply. "I better find a fresh loaf of sourdough when I get home tonight you idiota."


"The bakery closes in ten minutes." Geoff said, finishing his sandwich as Fire glowered at him.


"Then RUN, Puta." She ordered, waving a hand at him to brush him out but Geoff didn't move.


"We're still playing the game." He replied.


Fire mumbled angrily in rapid Portuguese curses, prompting Ice to happily grin at her. "Oh! I recognize that word!" before adding to Wonder Woman, "I'm learning Portuguese." Wonder Woman smiled.


"Perhaps I should try learning another language." She noted, but also added to herself 'that people still speak'. She had quite a knowledge of ancient languages, or as they are colloquially called nowadays 'dead' languages… also Egyptian hieroglyphs.


"I'd recommend it." Ice said, "You never know when it might come in handy."


"Speaking of handy. Have you told Mikey to fix our sink yet? It's still draining slowly." Fire replied as Geoff nodded.


"Yep, we need a pro plumber for it." He replied casually, "Got one scheduled for later today when you're at work." Fire scowled at him, "…What? There's stuff even we can't handle." He said, "Don't worry it'll be fixed before you get back."


"We won't be here."


"Yeah, but I got a key-" Fire's slipper reappeared in her hand and she began furiously slapping him again. "Ah! Hey! Come on!"


"Are we going to continue to game?" asked Wonder Woman, Ice sighed, checking her clock.


"I think we're going to have to leave it or we're going to be late for work." Ice replied sadly, though still with a pretty smile on her face.


"Puta!" snapped Fire, "You better not steal any more of my shit."


"I don't steal stuff." He replied as she dragged him up from the couch and shoved him toward the door.


"You stole my food!" Fire shoved him out the door, "Out! You always steal my food!"


"You got good taste." Geoff replied before she slammed the door in her face.


"Estúpido ladrão ladrão." She rapidly chattered before going into the kitchen to hide what was left of her sourdough. Ice stopped stroking Noir, who was resting happily in her lap, and lifting the kitten she put her on the couch.


"I'm going to go use the bathroom real quick before we go." She said as Wonder Woman waved her off, but Ice hesitated as her pocket started buzzing. "Mmmn?" she fiddled with her pocket as Noir leaped off the couch and towards Wonder Woman's elegant feet, participating in her favorite hobby of toe swatting while she still could. Ice plucked her phone from her pocket, checking the caller.


"…Oh." She noted, softly, before answering. "Hello, Orders we're coming right now." She hesitated then eyed Wonder Woman, "Okay." She smiled prettily at the buxom brown-skinned beauty and held the phone out to her. "It's for you."


She'd ask how Orders knew Wonder Woman was there… but it's Orders. Wonder Woman smiled, curiously examining the phone before bringing it to her ear. She didn't have one herself, but she's seen it used before.




Time: 7:34 PM. Place: Mikey and Geoff's Apartment building (Fire and Ice's apartment)


"I have a job for you."


"Indeed, I'm going to be heading towards it in a moment."


"Don't be fucking cute-"


"I have been told many times I am quite beautiful."


"Fucking son of a-Shut up. Listen. I have a job for YOU, I'll send you the address on this phone.


"Oh certainly master, is there anything particular about it I should be concerned about?"


"Nothing you can't handle by just being YOU. Deal with it."




Wonder Woman pulled the phone away, casually examining it as an address was indeed sent to her. She frowned, reading the instructions and committing them to her excellent, if not a little airy memory. Handing Ice back the phone. "It appears I'm needed elsewhere, I'll see you at the store later." She said casually, standing up and walking out of the apartment with a wave to Ice and a pet to Noir, Wonder Woman made her way to the door.


"Okay. We'll see you at work!" Ice said cheerily, "Don't let Noir out! My little escape artist!" she cooed affectionately as Wonder Woman shut the door behind her. She bounced, quite literally down the steps, her breasts wobbling up and down as she made her way out of the building entirely.


She quickly glanced around, before turning into an alleyway, before producing a 'ride' from a nearby dumpster. And she found a raggedy welcome mat, she tossed it onto the ground. It slowly floated into the air and she sat down, flying off into Gotham.


…Gotham Cemetery was cold, dark, and oddly misty… a low fog wafted over the graves even on a warm night like tonight. Like she was riding on a skateboard, she skidded across the sidewalk to a stop outside the solid iron gates of the Cemetery…


She gently poked the iron gate and it creaked slowly open. It was a good thing she wasn't Demona or this might be slightly inconvenient. Cold Iron and Demons/Spirits/Fey tend not to mix well. How clever of humans to use it to surround graveyards. Still, she walked right in, wandering the paved walkway amongst the tombstones…


According to Orders instructions her destination should be right around… here.


She stopped in front of a small mausoleum, and the large wrought iron door was open. She approached and glancing inside she noticed a long stairwell, leading deep into the ground… that was quite ominous, but it wasn't anything particularly noticeable for her. She then raised her fist and knocked on the open door. "Superbabes."


Time: 8:06 PM. Place: Gotham Cemetery (Creepy and Obviously dangerous Mausoleum)


"Special delivery Service. I'll just let myself in…" she said, stepping down the stairs into the darkness to the odd smell of smoke and incense, someone was burning candles down there.


…Again, a NORMAL woman might be concerned. She'd leave the mausoleum, call the police, maybe even quit her job, and get out of Gotham as fast as she could… but Wonder Woman was made of firmer stuff. She took tentative steps down the dark stairs, her high-heeled boots clicking on the stones as she saw a light at the end of the tunnel… then heard the mumbling chanting…


She reached the bottom step and declared rather airily. "Hello!"


Men dressed in dark hooded robes ceased their incessant chanting, surrounding a stone coffin shaped like an old stone alter. They stared at her, before one, holding a leather-bound book pointed a gnarled finger at her.


"Seize the sacrifice!" he declared with a wheezy voice, and immediately to large hooded men grabbed her arms and pulled her towards the alter. "The Great Golden One smiles upon us this night my brothers!"


Wonder Woman raised an eyebrow at that. 'Sacrifice' might have sent a shudder down her spine if she was any other woman… well except maybe Darcy or Demona… and various other super-powered individuals. 'The Great Golden One' however scratched an itch in the back of her mind, she didn't recognize the moniker…


She was 'dragged' to the stone coffin and dropped to her knees, glancing around the tomb and the intricate carvings and letterings around her and to her slight surprise she recognized them… there were a few dead languages on the wall but they didn't make sense, it was as if someone opened a book of examples and wrote whatever looked impressive.


'Dip the Donkey in the Spices Wiggle-throp, In and Stout, drag the oak' and that was written in at least four different tongues, and just one example among many.


"Accept our sacrifice!" declared the old man as he approached and placed the book on the coffin


"Accept our sacrifice!" the men around them repeated as the old man reached out and grabbed at her chest with both hands, squeezing firmly before releasing an undulating cry.




"La-la-la!" the others declared before cheering like frat boys as she felt the back of her knees shoved and she dropped to her knees.


The old man then opened his robe, revealing a wrinkled old dick, swinging upright at 9-inches and smacking at her face. "Let the ceremony begin!"


"YEAH!!" the crowd laughed as the old man pried open her mouth with one hand, slipping his crinkled cock between her lips in with the other.


"Ugh!" he grabbed her thick hair as the men restraining her released her arms. Her hands rested on the bony hips of the old man as he began thrusting into her sloppy wet mouth, slurping noisily as he yanked her hair, tugging her up and down. "Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" the other men in the room opened their robes, releasing massive girths of a multitude of colors as the old man continued his rigorous throat fucking.


"Gluck! Gluck! Gluck!" Wonder Woman's throat tightened around his length as it thrust in and out, her tongue flicking around his crinkled dick as he kept pumping his hips, increasingly speeding up as saliva dribbled out of her mouth and into her silky brown cleavage.


"Take my seed into thy stomach sacrifice!" declared the old man, his sagging balls swinging at her chin like a hairy flail. "Aaah! AHHH!!"


"MMMGH!!" she gazed up at him, her beautiful brown eyes wide as he pumped his stringy load directly into her stomach. Her nose was buried in his white pubic hairs as he held her balls deep on his cock.


"Ugh! Haah…" he sighed loudly, slowly extracting his limp member from her soft plump lips, slipping out of her mouth and dripping a dollop of his seed into her chest.


"Move already preacher." The old man was shoved aside-


"Sacrilege!" he grunted, but the man pried open Wonder Woman's mouth, his 10-inch black uncircumcised black cock prodding at her lips.


"GLUCK!" Wonder Woman moaned as the man sheathed his cock into her throat like a sword into it's scabbard.


"Ah yeah… been waiting all week for this. Take this dick baby, take it!" he gripped her head tightly and promptly jackhammered hard against her face, swinging his hips hard at her face over and over. "Shit. Aw SHIT…" he hissed.


"Mmgh! Mmgh! Mmgh! Mmgh! Mmgh!" she grunted as he rolled his hips back and forth, thrusting deep into her throat before holding her to the base of his cock without warning.


"UUURGH!!" he roared, "SHIT!!" he declared happily, his cock pulsating in her throat, pumping thick semen deep into her stomach. "Ugh FUUUCK." He ripped out of her mouth, a dollop of semen spraying onto her lips and dripping into her cleavage.


"Haa-haah…" she gasped but she didn't have a moment to breathe, she was pulled up, turned, and shoved back against the coffin, her head resting on top with her neck bending back as another cock was abruptly shoved down into her throat. "Mmgh!" her breasts wobbled and bounced in the star-spangled corset as the new man's hips plunged his cock deeply into her mouth, her throat engorging and bulging as his massive member stretched her throat greedily.


"AH. Ah! Ah!" his heavy testicles swinging against her throat, plunging and scraping into her mouth as he pinned her head to the stone coffin lid. "Nngh! Aah…!" burying his length into her throat.


"GLUCK!?" she moaned feeling his length pulsating in her throat and drinking down his semen just like before.


"Haah. Ahh…" he put one foot flexibly on top of the coffin and started pumping again, many of the other robed figures moaned angrily and impatiently as he tried to get out another load.


"MMgh! Mgh! Mmgh!" her tongue slithering out from between her lips, flicking beneath his shaft as he abruptly buried his cock back into her mouth and spilled his seed once again into her stomach. "MMgh!!"


"Ugh! Ugh fuck…" he pulled out of her throat with a wet slurp, his phallus slapping limply on her face before he stumbled back. She was abruptly grabbed by the arms, dragged up from the floor and across the coffin until her head hung over one end.


"Ah-MMgh!" her mouth was opened again, a firm hand grasping her throat before relentlessly thrusting into her mouth. "GLUCK! GLUCK! GLUCK!" saliva scraped out of her mouth and dribbled down her face with each firm backswing, steadily pumping in and out of her throat, his sweaty ball sack slapping against her nose. Her eyes watered as her nose was whapped over and over. Her breasts were grabbed and groped, thrusting his hips wildly as she sloppily sucked.


"Slurp! Slurp! Mmgh! SLURP…" with a groan, he buried his length into her throat and groaned, feeling her stomach warmed again, his shaft pulsating in her throat as she was filled with more seed. He ripped out of her mouth, moving aside as another thick wobbling cock smacked on her slightly dazed face, "HAaa-mgmh!" she moaned as he buried his cock into her mouth. "Mmgh! Mgh! Mgh!!" over and over, held down on the coffin with her breasts bouncing about on her chest as her throat was rigorously violated.


Her ears started ringing as the old man started chanting again, her throat stretching and contracting on the cock plunging away into her mouth as she sloppily slurped, saliva and mucus oozing down her beautiful face as her throat fucking continued.


"UUGH!!" the man in her mouth slapped his pulsating balls on her face as he pumped her throat full of more of his seed. "Uguuh! NNGH!" grunting he bucked his hips against her face before abruptly ripping out from between her lips.


"Mmgh! URp…" cum spluttered from her lips only for her mouth to be pried open again, another heavy phallus rushing into her throat. "Mgh! Mgh! Mgh!" he held the back of her head, furiously thrusting into her throat, uncaring of the sticky mess on her face as he kept thrusting away.


"Shit! Shit! Shit!" he moaned happily, burying his cock into her throat. "Gonna cum! Suck it! Suck it!" he declared, slapping wetly on her face before burying his girth into her mouth. "Uuuugh!!" flooding her stomach with his semen as he reached up and grabbed at her breasts, furiously squeezing her chest before lightly slapping them.


"Mmgh!" she squeaked around his shaft as he pulled out of her mouth, "Blurk…" saliva and spittle pouring out of her mouth as she kept her mouth open, gasping softly as her body was molested and fondled by the robed men. Hands squeezing her large breasts as if trying to see if they were overripe melons, her shapely thighs caressed and fondled, her hips and womanhood rigorously rubbed by dozens of fingers as the old robed man rigorously chanted in gibberish from the leatherbound tome.


Literal gibberish, again, there were ancient languages in there but a majority of it was nonsensical and grammatically incorrect. "Mmgh! Mgh! Mgh! Mggh!!" she grunted as the most recent throat fucker slammed into her throat and stayed her, moaning as a stream of thick semen sprayed directly into her stomach. The old man roared more gibberish, before suddenly raising a kitchen knife and ramming it into her stomach!


"HOLY FUCK!!" screamed most of the other robed men, recoiling and screaming as the knife buried into her abdomen.


"Oh my god! Oh MY GOD!!" shrieked another.


"Holy shit!"


"Are you crazy?!"


"Run fuckers! Everyman for themselves! I ain't going back to Blackgate!"

"I just wanted my dick sucked!" 

The old man however seemed completely unconcerned. "Blasphemers! Deceivers!" he declared, chanting gibberish again from the tome. "The Great Golden One shall judge thee!"


"You're fucking NUTs!" declared the final robed man, ripping out of her mouth, as the rest of the robed made themselves scarce, rushing up the stairs to get away from the madman as the old man continued chanting…


…Meanwhile, Wonder Woman lay still on the stone table as she FELT it... magic swirling and writhing around her. She remained still as a magical portal began to form, glowing with golden light as the old man laughed.


"See! See! Non-believers! All of Gotham shall bow to me!" he declared as she scowled and a figure, a solid golden leg stepped out of the portal, "Cleanse this city with your golden light!"


A towering golden adonis stood before him, completely gold from hairless head to golden toes. "I-" he began, speaking with a reverberating tone. "-am the great Golden-" Hold on she recognized that magic, and that smell.




At the sound of her voice, the old man and the golden figure froze. She abruptly sat up, the old man shrieking in horror as he fell away from the coffin. She grabbed the knife in her stomach and ripped it out, it wasn't even covered in blood. It also didn't hurt her… she can't be harmed by non-magic weapons.


"HA! AH!! What devilry is this!?" he shrieked as the golden man blinked at her, before speaking with a surprisingly less reverberating voice, something more normal and yet quite ancient… also slightly Gaelic in accent.


"…No…" he suddenly smiled, "When were you released!?" he suddenly cheered, but there was an odd smile on his face like he was suddenly very nervous. She tossed the knife aside, letting it clatter on the stone of the mausoleum, and scowled at him.


"Never mind that. What are you wearing?" she declared gesturing to his golden form.


"Oh… uh." He laughed looking down, "Ah it's just for show you know." He said casually, still speaking with that ancient accent. "I got bored a few hundred years ago and started a wee cult."


"Seriously?" she replied as he shrugged his golden shoulders. "That is not appropriate."


"Ah. But It's a wee bit funny."


"I got stabbed." She said, pointing to the hole in her costume."


"…Aye sorry about that. I'm pretty sure I didn't have human sacrifice in the book." The book then shot from the old man's hand and into his golden one, looking it over. "Ah! Aye! It says 'PIERCE' he replied, "…Not stab." He noted as she glowered at him. "Taken out of context."


"Shaunessy." She warned as he sighed.


"I said I was sorry! No harm done!" he replied but she scowled furiously at him.


"I don't think you're very apologetic! If I was mortal I'd be seriously injured! That's very inappropriate!" she said as the golden man flinched as if she whipped him.


"Alright! Alright I'll fix it!" he replied but the old man got up off the floor.


"W-wait! Golden one! I did it all for you! Where are my riches!? Where is my power!?" Shaunessy eyed him with golden eyes then scoffed. "I sacrificed everything for you!"


"…Piss off you wee bastard." he then reached out with his other hand and flicked the old man's head. Turning HIM into solid gold, frozen and still quite naked. Then before her eyes, he shrunk to about a foot tall. He leaped onto the coffin, standing before her as a green jacket appeared on his body and he grew curly red hair, bushy beard with no mustache, streaks of his red hair was distinctly grey, showing his age. His skin turned into a more pinkish hue with rosy cheeks as he grinned up at her.


Shaunessy the Leprechaun stood before her, the tome the old man had read from had shrunk with him to about the size of a notepad, he opened his jacket and slipped the leather-clad book into his inner pocket. "Alright. See? No harm done!" he repeated but Wonder Woman frowned at him.


"What if it wasn't me, Shaunessy? How many girls has that book killed?"


"It's not my fault if he took it to the extreme!" he replied indignantly, but still slightly apologetic, he was just supposed to give em a little gangbanging! Not actually stab anyone!" Wonder Woman glowered at him, but she sighed shaking her head, and with another glance around the room she saw the gibberish on the walls had smoothed out, and the room had completely changed to a normal tomb… only the old man remained, still very gold and most likely quite dead.


"…Well now what am I going to do? I haven't been paid for this!" she said as the leprechaun seemed confused. "My master will be very unhappy with me that I don't have payment!"


"Payment? Are you joking?" he replied as she suddenly gripped him. "ACK!" holding him at eye level, so he could thoroughly see the mess on her face and her seriousness. And now that she had her grip on him he couldn't escape... she was a Marid Genie, far more powerful than even the oldest non-royal Leprechaun in existence.


"No, I'm not joking! I am not going back in the bottle Shaunessy, I will stuff you in there first!" shaking him in her first angrily. He wasn't sure what she was talking about but he got the general idea and tried to placate her quickly.


"I! mean!" groaned Shaunessy, gesturing with his head to the golden statue. "He's kinda solid gold lass!"


"I can't drag a naked golden statue to my boss!" she replied indignantly, "It's very inappropriate!" Yes, that's the problem.


"Oh-aye! Okay! let me bloody do something about it." She dropped him, he wobbled on his feet before turning and eyeing the golden statue. "…I'd say he's about... seven or eight stone?"


"Give or take." Wonder Woman replied, cleaning herself up with a snap of her fingers.


"Alright alright…" he said, stretching his fingers, doing a little jig, before wiggling his 'jazz hands' at the golden statue of the cult leader…


It slowly began to melt, however, instead of dripping to the floor it slowly formed into a long golden snake, turning into four neatly molded solid gold bars on the coffin, stacked on top of one another to about the size of Shaunessy, who leaned casually against them. "How's that?"


"It will do." She replied, unconcerned that the gold bars were originally a murderous cultist.


"So… how long have you been out?" he asked as she began picking up the golden bars.


"Oh a while now." She replied casually, "Are you still tricking farmers out of their shoes?"


"Ah only occasionally." Replied the leprechaun, "I show up to these little gatherings now and again." She stared at him plainly before shaking her head.


"Maybe don't encourage them." She said, already heading out of the tomb. "I'll see you around Shaunessy!" she replied, only to hear him reply.


"Aye I hope so!" he declared, "But maybe don't tell King Brian that I've been messing around with the mortals again aye? He's been a wee bit touchy lately." He said, before leaping off the coffin, and into a golden portal. The smell of irish spring once again filling the tomb.


"Like I'll be anywhere near the emerald isle for a long time." She walked out of the mausoleum, shutting the stone behind her and walking the graveyard once again, the fog seemed to part before her as she stepped outside the wrought iron gate, stepped on her welcome mat, and 'surfed' all the way back to Superbabes.


Time: 9:13 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Hello master I have returned!" Wonder Woman declared abruptly as she walked into Superbabes.


Orders didn't look up from her Sudoku until Wonder Woman approached and placed the four gold bars onto the table. "Good work Arwa." She declared casually as Maria and Zoey walked in from the floor.


"Puta merda!" Maria gasped at the four gold bars just sitting there on the counter. "Who did you have to fuck to get those?!"


"It's more who she had to fuck over." Orders replied, dismissively. "…Even if technically there was no 'fucking' involved. Also keep your voices down this is a place of business." Orders added as Maria and her big brown sugar breasts wobbled in her green top.


"Sim Chefe." Maria sighed and a grinning Zoey patted her smooth shoulders, and they emptied out their tips onto the counter.


"Be right back." Orders said, picking up the gold bars, and promptly moving into her office only to be followed by Arwa, Orders sighed through her nose as she placed the gold bars under her desk. "Yes?"


"I'm quite curious as to why you sent me."


"I needed the gold." Orders replied casually, "…I have acquaintances that only work for precious metals." Arwa raised an eyebrow at that as Orders sighed audibly again. "…I just want to have it in case I need it. And I'm probably going to need it."


"Very cryptic…" Arwa replied, scratching her stomach. "…You do know that gold was once a person?"


"Yes. But I've dealt with worse. Good work…" she then gestured back out of her office. "Now go take a shower you smell like Irish Spring and graveyards."


"And we can't have that." Arwa replied, before turning and strutting out of the room.


"…There are worse things to smell like." Orders replied casually, before sitting down behind her chair and putting her feet up on the gold bars… probably the only person on earth who could comfortably use a soft metal as a foot rest…




Well this was the last #6, now the main series is going on a little hiatus and eventually I'll get the Mini-series up, Superbabes in SPAAAAACE! I'll post the first couple of chapters as soon as I'm done with then. I'll do the prologue and first chapter first and post them both when I'm done. And I don't know when I'll get around to it unfortunately but I should be done before or around Halloween.


Now to the butchering.

Estúpido! Ingrato! Rato bastardo idiota! Tenho que comprar aquele prato especial na padaria da rua! Isto! Tem! O! MELHOR!! = Stupid! Ungrateful! Idiotic rat bastard! I have to get that special from the bakery down the street! It! Has! The! BEST!!

Estúpido ladrão ladrão = Stupid thieving jackass

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