
Superbabes Commissioned: Prime: Green Lantern and White Rabbit

I don't own DC

It all started a couple of weeks ago.

"Oooooooooooow." Mike Conroy, Izzy's best friend, and boyfriend to sexual JAV 'icon' Joy 'The Toy' Toyoda, was incredibly sore and a little disheartened... Despite the confidence boost of dating THE Joy Toy, retired JAV star... he's been trying to better himself for her.

He shaved his gamer beard, he's been bathing more, he cleaned up his geek apartment a little more, he's trimmed his long hair, he deleted his 'collection' of her videos on his computer... Though he has them on a storage device in his closet, next to a few other family heirlooms, it's the thought that counts. And now he was trying to lose weight...

Everything else was easier, even (to some extent) deleting his precious 'collection'... He's started getting up earlier, going for jogs, jumping jacks, pushups, sit-ups, trying and failing to do a pull-up... and now everything hurts... and he hasn't seen a positive improvement. Now he was just sore, and tired... and from all appearances hadn't lost a pound of weight.

"...So... how'd it go?" Izzy asked him, eating his leftover Pizza. As he lifted his head from his couch to glare at her.

"Izzy don't you have your OWN apartment?" he replied sourly as she smiled at him, taking another bite.

"I mean YEAH... but you always have pizza in your fridge..." she finished her slice, "And you'd miss me if I didn't show up."

"Uh huh..." he moaned sarcastically and slammed his face back into his couch cushions.

"So you didn't answer my question. How'd it go?" Izzy asked again as Mike groaned. "...So you're scale is mocking you huh?"

"It feels like every time I lose a pound I gain two more." He groaned, rolling slowly over and feeling extraordinarily stiff. "My Weight is the Hydra!" Izzy flinched at the memories of their last DND campaign.

"Oof... Why are you even doing this to yourself anyway? You've always been a husky fella, it's never bothered you before." Mike slowly did a push-up, making a face like he was constipated the whole time as he sat upright...

"I went out on a movie date with Joy a couple of weeks ago and everyone was... looking at us, you know?" he mumbled as she just watched him attentively. "Like... 'How did a tubby guy like that hook a babe like her?' He's probably paying for it. It's probably a pity date. They must be just friends... he's blackmailing her."

"Wow. Dark thoughts this month huh? Am I going to have to be afraid of rocks falling next Dnd Session?"

"Look... for WHATEVER reason... Joy keeps going on dates with me." Mike said as Izzy snarkily, and a little tiredly replied.

"She's your girlfriend, I believe it's required."

Mike however wasn't really listening to that. "I just want to be a guy she's happy to go out with and spend time together. A guy who says 'Yeah, she's actually with me, stop hitting on her in front of me."

"You do that now. Joy doesn't care as long as you're happy. She really likes you." She tried again, but Mike just groaned, but whether he was listening or not was debatable, once he gets into one of these funks it was going to take a while to drag him out. "Okay... look if you're going to keep doing this 'healthy' thing to yourself we might as well do it right. You want me to talk to my trainer and nutritionist friend?"

Mike looked at her surprised. "Your trainer and nutritionist friend? You have one of those?"

"I have friends other than you, you know?" she replied sarcastically as he blinked at her.

"I mean. I get that but it's so specific." He noted.

"She's lots of things. But mostly a nutritionist, personal trainer, gym instructor, morning aerobics show host, marathon runner..." She began tapping her fingers, counting the MANY jobs her friend and Green Lantern at Superbabes: Lucia 'Lucy' Lopez... "If it has anything to do with health and fitness I'm pretty sure she's done it or she qualifies for it." she paused, looking thoughtful before adding in. "...I wonder if she was ever a school Gym coach?... That sounds like a Veronica situation honestly..."

"What?" Mike asked, too sore to listen closely to his best friend's musings.

"Eh. Don't worry about it." she smiled prettily, waving him down. "Want me to talk to her or not?"

"...I mean I know this is me saying it, but how much does she charge?"

"Hmmn? Oh, don't worry about that. I honestly don't know, you guys can figure it out. It wouldn't hurt to listen to her right?"

"...I guess not..." Mike moaned, "...Well. Sure, I guess give her a call... but first. Can you help get off the couch?" he raised his arms up as Izzy sighed, got up, and jiggled quickly over to him, grabbing his wrists and hauling him up from the couch. "Haah-haah..." he groaned, practically limping into the bathroom as Izzy pulled her phone from her back pocket.

Izzy- Hey are you busy?

And after a few minutes wait

Lucy- I just woke up

Izzy giggled playfully, before replying

Izzy- So you need to kick your new friends out?

Lucy's habit of waking up BETWEEN people was taken into account. It took Lucy a minute to reply

Lucy- Yes, but I did that already. What's up?

Izzy- Think you can come over to my friend Mike's house? I'll text you the address. He wants to lose weight.

Lucy- Let me shower, these guys were messy. Then I'll be right there.

It took Mike about thirty minutes to pry his sore stiff body out of the shower and hobble out into his bedroom for a fresh change of clothes before collapsing back onto one half of his couch, Izzy was on the other half. "I called her. She's coming right over."

"Great..." mumbled Mike as soon they heard a knock at the door-

"Superbabes," Izzy replied as he groaned but looked at the door.

"...Can you get that?" but Izzy was already getting up and heading to the door, opening it up as the buxom and booty-ful Latina Superbabe Green Lantern entered in tight ass-hugging green stretchy pants, sports bra, and headband keeping her beautiful auburn hair out of her green eyes along with a ponytail.

"Hola! Nice place." She said looking around with a cheerful twirl. "Hi!" she held out her hand to Mike. "I'm Lucy! You must be Mike.

"....Hi?" he replied, looking at her rather awed. The woman was gorgeous, fit, and just seemed to glisten with sweat. And suddenly he felt overdressed.

"Izzy tells me you want to get fit?"

"I... yeah?" he replied confused as Lucy took him by the hand and pulled him to his feet, and yes, he was very uncomfortable about it. "Nngh..."

"Well let me have a look at you!" she said, glancing around him and running her hands on his husky body. "Oh, big boy." She joked playfully, "...Hmmn. Well, you tell me. What do you want?"

"To... lose weight?"

"Well, how much weight?" she asked patiently, "The average weight for a guy your size is about 156.5 pounds. Or 71 kilograms. I'm just going to use Pounds, we're in the States after all." She joked as he stared at her. "I'd say you're about 214..."

After a moment of silence. "...She's good." Mike said amazed, he was in fact a plump 214, give or take..."

"I told you. If it's about getting healthy, Lucy's your girl." Izzy said proudly as if she was the reason Lucy was so good at her passion job.

"...I guess average weight then?"

"Let's start with getting you under 200 first." She smiled, "Tell me what you've been doing and-OH!" She clapped her hands, "And I have to check your diet. Do you mind if I look in your fridge?"

"My fridge? Can't I just-" he began as she went to his fridge and her sexy, tight Latina booty wiggled distractingly as she opened the door. "Tell you?"

"Hmmn..." she then shut the fridge door, before smiling kindly... but uncertainly at him. "I find that people lie to me less when I know what's in their fridge." She joked before approaching him and resting her hands on his broad shoulders. Gazing into his eyes as he resisted the urge to gaze into her cleavage. He was doing a pretty good job-oh there he goes... Wow, those are amazing. "...You are not going to like what I have to say to you..."

"...Oh..." he noted, bracing himself for bad news."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked firmly as he took a breath, managing to distract himself with a mental picture of his hot Asian girlfriend's breasts instead of the luscious Latina's before him.

'Do it for Joy'. Joy's breasts said. As he nodded. "Yes." He said.

"Then no more pIzza until you meet your goal." She said, looking legitimately apologetic but it didn't stop the cry of dismay from both super nerds.

"NO GOD NO!!!!"

And now, the present time.

"I can't BELIEVE you didn't tell me Mike was training with Lucy!" White Rabbit snapped as Zatanna who was eating pizza... that she paid for herself... like someone who didn't have a friend who always had pizza.

"...Well in my defense I thought he might have already told you." She replied, accidentally dripping pizza sauce onto her big geek girl tits and was immediately set upon by Veronica. "Ah! Get off me you weirdo!" she laughed smacking at the nympho's head as she licked the pizza sauce from her cleavage. "Get out of there! Help!"

"Eeep!" Squeaked Veronica adorably as Xue got her into a half-nelson and dragged her away, "Oh... these are NICE..." smiled Veronica, pacified as Xue's breasts bulged against her.

"Anyway." Mumbled Zatanna as she wiped her breasts with a napkin instead of a Nympho's tongue. "He just wants to lose some weight for you. Why's that bad?"

"One: He doesn't have to do that for me. Two: I LIKE that he's husky. And THREE: He's doing it with LUCY!"

"Lucy is literally the best." Zatanna replied, "And you know... for health reasons Mike could lose a few pounds."

"But he is PERFECT the way he is!" replied White Rabbit. "If I wanted a big hunk of muscle I would've stayed in Japan."

"Lot of muscle guys in Japan?" asked Zatanna as White Rabbit glared at her.

"NO." White Rabbit replied stubbornly, Zatanna blinked at her then it dawned on her.

"...Hang on, are you... nervous about him being alone with Lucy?"

"NO!" White Rabbit replied, her face red.

"Lucy is NOT Veronica. Unless she has tequila in her." Zatanna noted, "And ever then she's not going to sleep with Mike!... unprovoked or without encouragement... usually from Tequila."

"I'm not worried about Mike having sex with Lucy." Yes, she was, but that was secondary to her true intentions, to be fair Lucy actively tried not to home wreck. When it happened it was usually the other parties at fault. "I'm annoyed that she seems to be spending more time with him than me!"

"You have been pretty busy lately. And he's usually too tired to do anything after Lucy's done with him. I don't think he's stepped foot in his store for weeks. The guys and I have been handling it." To the customers' viewing pleasure.

"Mmph!!" White Rabbit growled, then inhaled DEEPLY through her nose. "That's it! I'm going over there!"

"What? Now? We're working." Zatanna checked her watch. "Yaya, are you getting in on this?"

Catwoman (I) who had been quietly eating a Supergirl sandwich the whole time just shrugged and smiled. "Honestly this is great. It's nice to know that Joy has someone to get jealous over."

"I'm not jealous!... Okay, I AM jealous." White Rabbit replied, before shouting into the kitchen. "Hey! White Rabbit risotto!"

Zatanna watched the buxom Asian bunny, angrily tapping her sexy booted foot impatiently. "...I'm sure it's fine." she noted unsurely. "...Think Orders cares if she takes an hour for a dayshift delivery?"

"As long as she pays..." Catwoman replied, thoughtfully. "...To be fair if she's paying for the delivery compared to our regular hourly rates, it's a net gain."

"Hear that? I'm doing a good thing!" declared White Rabbit firmly as the food soon slid across the counter. "I'll be back in an hour." She snapped, yanking the food from the counter and heading out the back door to her car, speeding off to Mike's shop with Zatanna and Catwoman watching her go in silence.

"...She's totally Jealous." Declared Zatanna.

"It's cute." Catwoman replied fondly.

White Rabbit activated the garage and drove her car right in. Mike's garage had enough space for two, and she also had a copy of his key fob. Since the Garage was behind the shop, everyone else didn't notice the sexy and skimpy-dressed White Rabbit walking/bouncing up the steps to Mike's apartment. Standing at the front door, and hearing easy to mistake grunting behind the door she knocked loudly-


Time: 12:09 AM. Place: Gotham (Mike's Apartment)

"Special delivery service!" since she had a key, she let herself in. "Aha!"

"Uh. Hey Joy." Mike declared on the yoga mat on the floor, his head facing the door. Lucy was holding down his feet as he did sit-ups... obviously in her sports bra and tight ass hugging pants... every time he'd do a sit up he'd get a face full of sexy luscious latina boobs... and he was obviously a boob guy, just look at his smoking hot Asian Girlfriend. "I didn't order any Superbabes." He added confused as White Rabbit immediately approached them both, putting the food down on the moved coffee table as she stomped towards them.

"You stop this right now!" she declared firmly as Lucy stared at her.

"He's not supposed to rest for another 5 minutes..." she noted, checking her watch "But I guess we could break for lunch." She patted Mike's knees. "Alright let's get you on your scale."

"Hey! I said STOP IT." White Rabbit declared as Mike got up and she got a good look at him. "...What did you do to my MIKE?!" she gasped as Mike glanced down at his body. His arms were a little more toned, and he had less of a gut... he certainly looked like he lost more than a few pounds.

"She's been helping me get into shape." Replied Mike as Lucy walked away. "You like it?" he asked, flexing with a grin as White Rabbit looked at him, and frowned.

"...NO!" she replied as he jumped.

"Wait what?"

"No. I don't like it!" she declared, hands on her hips. "I want my roly-poly Mike back!" Mike stared at her, checking his body again as she sighed sadly. "Look. I'm HAPPY you want to be healthier. But if you're doing this to yourself because of me, STOP IT." she declared, "I also don't want you hanging around with Lucy alone! I should be here at all times if she is."

"Oh come on." Lucy declared adorably, carrying Mike's bathroom scale into the living room. "It's not like I'm Veronica..." she bent over, displaying her sexy flexibility before shooting back up after putting the scale down. "I mean... situationally I sort of am. But I'm here for a job." She replied, smiling at Mike. "Okay. Hop on."

Mike then stood on the scale as White Rabit frowned. "197." He declared as Lucy clapped.

"Great! We've gotten you under 200!" Mike blinked down at the scale and grinned at White Rabbit who pouted at him, saying nothing. And his grin lessened as Lucy's eyes flicked between them, and she smiled. "So, now that we got you under 200, do you want to keep going?"

"W-Well..." he began, "I... guess... I don't?" he noted as White Rabbit still said nothing. "...I think I'm good."

"Well still we achieved our goal!" declared Lucy proudly, "You should give your boyfriend a reward." She noted.

"He shouldn't be rewarded for being silly. I like him just the way he was!" said White Rabbit but she rested her hands on Mike's chest. "...But I guess he IS already sweaty."

"With his weight down his energy and stamina should even go up!" Lucy declared, before smiling at Mike. "...Why don't you show this sexy bunny-" she clapped a hand White Rabbit's rear, "What you've gained with your new physique!"

White Rabbit was rubbing her big breasts on Mike's slightly more muscular chest as she glanced at Lucy, with a pout on her sexy red lips. "What happened to 'I'm not Veronica?'

"Situational." Lucy replied, "...I can leave if you want."

"Hang on what's... going on?" replied Mike as White Rabbit and his sultry Latina personal trainer began to rub on him.

"...Did you not know that Lucy is our Green Lantern?" Mike stared at her and then groaned.

"Son of a-She's a Superbabe?" he then looked at Green Lantern who winked a sexy green eye at him. "...I should've known from the look of her alone..."

"Now now... no need to sweet talk." She chuckled, "I guess I SHOULD help you celebrate your reached goal... I usually do so with my other clients."

"Definitely should have known." He replied... but his sexy hot 'alleged' girlfriend was offering to bang him with his equally hot personal (temporary) trainer and now White Rabbit was kissing him and his reservations were stored away until after he banged them.

"MMn... now, show White Rabbit your newfound stamina..." cooed Green Lantern, already grabbing her sports bra and yanking it up and over her auburn-haired head, freeing her firm bouncing breasts, while White Rabbit pushed down her pink bottoms... with Mike's help, pulling them down her thigh high booted legs before hooking his arms between her legs and lifting her up.

"Oooh!" she squealed as he lifted her from the floor, his hands on her back and her legs hooked over his arms. "Hee-hee!" she giggled as she was carried around the room easily. "Oh! Big strong boy!" gyrating against his body as Green Lantern peeled her tight pants from her sensuous body, dropping down onto the floor before Mike with her head rubbing against White Rabbit's ass as she pulled Mike's pants away and freed his cock... it swung upright and rubbed against White Rabbit's body, Green Lantern running her tongue slowly beneath his cock from base to tip, feeling it wiggle on her tongue now dripping with Saliva as she pushed it into White Rabbit. "Oooh!"

"MMn... Now you just lift up and down..." Green Lantern cooed her ass wiggling behind her like a happy bitch. "Like lifting weights!"

"Hey!" snapped White Rabbit before she began moaning as Mike did just that, "Haah... Ah..."

"Come on now you call that lifting!?" Green Lantern ordered, "Come on! Faster! Use those muscles!" Full-on sexy gym trainer mode.

"Ah! AH! AH! OOOh!!" her rabbit ears bouncing on her head as Mike planted his feet and kept furiously thrusting up into her. "NNgh! Ah! AH!!" Moaning right into his face as she bounced furiously up and down, his hips pumping up into her body as it bounced. "Oh! Ooh NGH!!" getting pounded away at her body as her tits jiggled in her pink corset, her ass cheeks clapping together as her toes curled.

"Ugh!!" Mike groaned as Green Lantern crawled beneath him, wrapping her lips around his balls, sucking loudly into her mouth as his cock began pulsating inside White Rabbit, her insides clamping down around his cock as her head rolled back from his furious pounding.

"Haah! AAAH! AAAH SUGOI!!!" she whined encouragingly, usually she's the one that has to initiate but Mike was pounding away at her like she was back in JAV and doing 'Gaijin' actors for Western markets. All the seduction of Japan with the big dick appeal of foreign markets... but usually a rougher ride. "EEEHAAAH!!" she shuddered wildly in the air, her legs tensing up and stretching, they flopped about on his arms as she climaxed, soon slammed down against his hips and feeling his hot cum pumping into her body, Green Lantern still sucking and slurping on his balls, extracting at least another few ropes into White Rabbit before she popped off his sack.

"And SET!" she said as Mike tossed a shaking White Rabbit onto the couch. "MMn... Green Lantern crawled out from between his legs. She crawled like a seductive stripper, swaying her thick ass behind her, wiggling and bouncing as she approached the couch, giving White Rabbit a long lick on her crotch, making her coo erotically, sliding up push their breasts together, lightly slapping White Rabbit's face before sliding her tongue between her lips. "Mmmn..." before she curled up into a ball, and flexibly flipped herself ass up and shoulder's down.

She spread her legs, toes touching the floor and exposing herself to Mike as his cock rose back up after a few breaths. Green Lantern shimmied, grabbing onto her big breasts as she bounced her seductive body. White Rabbit hooked her own legs over Green Lantern's and spread her wet pussy so Mike could see DEEP into her.

"Put it right in this teasing bitch." White Rabbit cooed as Mike soon approached and slid his length into Green Lantern.

"Oh! fóllame." Moaned Green Lantern as Mike bottomed out inside her, reaching up to White Rabbit's breasts, and pumping his hips down into Green Lantern. "Mmn! Mmn-hmmn!!" she shuddered as Mike began speeding up, "Más rápido..." she moaned, encouragingly. "Oh! SI!!" she squeaked happily, her mouth hanging open and closing her eyes as she moaned, Mike was too busy tonguing White Rabbit to really pay attention to the cock hardening ministrations of the slutty health nut draining his nuts. "MMn! Muy Bueno...!" she moaned.

White Rabbit cooed into Mike's mouth as he sped up, jackhammering down into Green Lantern as he squeezed her big breasts, pumping into Green Lantern faster and faster. "Ah! AH! AY!!" she gasped, her legs suddenly shooting up like a fly trap and snapping around Mike's body, "Oooh!!" shuddering in orgasm as Mike slipped, pushing deep into her spasming body. "Mmmgh!"

"Whoa!" Mike slipped, falling over with Green Lantern's legs still around him. "Ow." He mumbled as White Rabbit flopped onto the floor with them... her legs were trapped between Green Lantern's and Mike's waist after all and she was much stronger than she looked. And she was pretty fit, to begin with.

"Oh..." White Rabbit pried her legs from Green Lantern spreading the Veronica Rival free as she stood up. "Geeze Lucy-" she mumbled as Mike loomed up behind her. "You could kill somebody with those legs-OOH!" Mike suddenly wrapped his recently toned arms around her neck from behind. Green Lantern might have cum, but he was still hard and ready, pushing into White Rabbit abruptly. "Ooooh!" she shuddered as he squeezed her neck, her mouth opening and tongue lolling in her slutty ahegao face as he began pounding away into her body. "UGH! Ugh-huh! Ugh! UGH! UGH!!"

Grunting like an animal, 'strangled from behind her hands slapped at his arm, then his waist, her eyes rolling up into her head as her tongue flopped out of her mouth, her big breasts restrained by her corset, but barely, it was having difficulty holding onto her bouncing breasts "Ah! Ahh-haah...Ah..." she gasped, twitching and shaking in pleasure as Mike squeezed her tightly, his lips and tongue nibbling and licking her ear... it was the only part of her he could reach, his other arm wrapped around he waist, throwing her back HARD against his thrusts as Green Lantern sat up, crawling in front of the jiggling White Rabbit and licking at her pussy as Mike's cock rammed into her trembling body from behind, Green Lantern licking his shaft while it pumped into her.

White Rabbit's hands grabbed onto Green Lantern's head, gasping for air and quivering in orgasm, pulling the lucious Latina deeper to eat her out as Mike moaned loudly, pushing inside White Rabbit from behind and unloading another heavy wad into her body before releasing a loud groan. She squealed in pleasure again as they all collapsed together onto the floor. Green Lantern's lips flicked across her lips, watching them as Mike groaned. White Rabbit on top of him and still shaking in orgasm, smiling to herself Green Lantern crawled across White Rabbit once more, sloppily kissing her... before she waited for a second, eyeing Mike and stood up.

"Ah... I guess he's out." She said, "Yeah... he usually naps after a workout." She looked down at White Rabbit, who rolled off his body. "...You okay Joy?"

"Mmn-hmmn!" she moaned, shaking erotically as Green Lantern helped her to her feet wobbly feet. "Mmgh!" dripping her boyfriend's cum before suddenly grabbing Green Lantern's nipples and pinching.

"Eep! Ay!" she laughed and slapped them away, "What did I do!"

"You RUINED my cuddly Mike!" she snapped, red-faced with anger AND the fact that she was in a sleeper hold a second ago.

"Joy it was his choice." Replied Lucy patiently, "He wanted to..."

"I love him just the way he is!" Joy replied firmly. Then she started playfully slapping Lucy's softer parts. "Don't! Ruin! My! Mike!" she said as Lucy laughed, easily fending her off.

"Okay! Okay, but you need to talk to him..." she laughed. "...I'm going to shower then head out. I have another appointment." She gave Joy a swat on the rump as she grabbed her clothes and went into the bathroom. "You deal with Mike, and talk out your issues. I'm not Kathy." She replied, before strutting into the bathroom, glistening as always...

Joy frowned, then knelt down beside her dozing Boyfriend, before she leaned forward, and whispered. "You're a dummy." She patted his lack of gut, frowning slightly, "And I love you anyway... you big goof."

"You do?" he mumbled suddenly as she gasped.

"Ah!" she slapped him hard on the stomach in surprise.

"Ow!" he shot up, rubbing his stomach. "Geeze."

"Of course I do you big idiot! I am your GIRLFRIEND! I like you just the way you are... I prefer you just the way you are."

"...Well you know. I just wanted to be the kind of guy you're happy to be seen with."

"Oh. You mean EXACTLY THE WAY YOU ARE?!" she repeated loudly as he mumbled, then scratched his head with a sheepish grin.

"Right... yeah. Makes sense." She pinched his cheek as he grumbled.

"Don't be a dummy okay? If something's bothering you then let's just talk about it. You don't need to change for me." She noted as he sighed. "...Shaving your beard is one thing but I love my big cuddly teddy bear..." Mike blushed and grinned broadly.

"R-Right... I got it." he said shyly as she cooed, and began rubbing her breasts on his muscled chest.

"...So how about we have lunch before I have to go back to work?" she asked as he nodded.

"Lunch sounds great. Should we go out or-"

"I mean we COULD go out with me looking like this..." she smiled, "But I brought you White Rabbit risotto." She noted as he frowned. Then asked, sheepishly.

"...Can I order Pizza?" he asked hesitantly, "It's been weeks since I had pizza. Please for the love of god can I have Pizza?"

"Go for it." replied Lucy, coming out of the bathroom, already dressed and going for her shoes. "...But you know if you want to keep your new physique you got to change your diet as well as exercise." She noted before winking playfully. "...But I'm sure you'll mind yourself. Call me if you need another session!" she said, "I've got to run to the Diamond District." She waved, shutting the door behind her as Mike watched.

"...So Pizza?" he asked as Joy cooed.

"Two Pizzas... I want my cuddly Mike back." She began kissing him and pushing him over.

"W-well I... got to call..." he noted as Joy mounted him.

"We got time." She giggled before promptly helping him 'exercise' again...


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