
Delivery Girl: Huntress Order #6

I don't own DC

The delivery woman put the last box of Superbabes branded merchandise, such as delivery bags, utensils, and plates, on the handcart she was using to wheel it closer to Superbabes itself, walking in through the backdoor and placing the collection down in front of Orders' counter, minus Orders at the moment. She wiped out from her pocket the electronic POD and holding it out. "Who can sign for these?" she asked, unperturbed by the scantly clad ladies of Superbabes… one of the reasons she was given this route.

Far too many delivery men were easily distracted by the babes.

"I'll do it." Huntress took the electronic POD and signed it 'Huntress' as instructed when the girls needed to sign something. The delivery person was more than happy to accept that, slipping the electronic POD back into her pocket, shimmying her handcart out from underneath the boxes, and rolling it out the back door with barely a 'thank you' "Thank you." Huntress replied before lifting the top box and putting it onto the counter. She examined the thick tape holding it close before asking for something sharp. "Anyone got a boxcutter or something-" she said, before remembering Orders had a scissor behind the counter-

Yellow Lantern seemed to appear beside her, holding out the handle of a steak knife towards Huntress as another knife slid point first across the counter from the kitchen and into the cardboard of the box. "Haah." She carefully pushed away the knife offered by Yellow Lantern, "Far too many sharp objects around me." She declared, plucking the knife out of the box, picking it up and slicing it quickly off the top before opening it up. "And it's more merchandise."

Pulling out plates and cups stamped with Superbabes and baring an almost cartoonishly attractive superheroine or villainess. "Let's put them with the rest I guess." She added, conscripting Yellow Lantern and Harley Quinn to help her with carrying them, walking from the lounge to the kitchen, then up the stairs to the storage room/ former temporary shelter for 'house deprived' girls.

"You ever wonder what would happen if any of these girls actually told us to stop?" Harley Quinn asked as Huntress and Yellow Lantern put the boxes with the rest of the plates and mugs.

"What? Like Wonder Woman getting in on her intellectual property?" Huntress lifted a mug by the handle, balancing it on her finger with the picture of the buxom Amazon stamped on it. "…I'm sure it haunts Orders' nightmares."

"It probably would if she slept." Yellow Lantern replied, stacking the boxes "Pretty sure her blood is caffeine at this point." Harley Quinn put the third box with the rest of them and they all walked down the stairs, back through the restaurant, and into the lounge.

"But can you imagine if we have to pay royalties for this sort of thing?" she added, "If it's anything like my voice work we'd be cutting pretty deep into our profits…"

"Pretty sure you have to reveal your real name if you want to cash some checks." Huntress noted, "…At least we had to when I was in porn."

"I guess we can't all be Gotham's favorite vigilante." Yellow Lantern mumbled, sitting down on the couch and putting her feet up on the coffee table. "Or Bruce Wayne Trademarking the Batman before anyone else."

"I'm telling you Bruce Wayne didn't trademark Batman." Harley Quinn declared, "The Wayne company just produces the most products."

"…I'm still going to think it." Yellow Lantern declared as Huntress shook her masked head and was just about to head back onto the floor and earn some tips as Orders soon entered marching behind her counter and heading into her office with barely a hello.

"Evening." She declared before briefly vanishing in her office, then quickly reappearing and sitting down behind her counter. Her purple eyes took a quick glance around the lounge before clapping her hands. "Ladies. Lets get to work…" and just like that everyone got up and tried to find something to do. Orders' attention shifted to the computer and turned deliveries on for the night.

Huntress combed her hair and braced herself for another couple hours on her feet. But then remember to inform Orders. "Oh, we had a merchandise delivery, I signed for it."

"Thank you." Orders said casually without looking at her.

"…It's starting to pile up." Huntress added. Orders hesitated, then sighed before replying calmly.

"I'll cancel the next delivery. See if we can push what we have it out." Huntress stared at her suspiciously. "What?"

"You said 'cancel' and 'delivery' in the same sentence usually that is usually followed by a conniption or something." Huntress joked and Orders frowned at her.

"I'm not canceling deliveries I'm-" but she stopped herself, "It's not the same thing."

"I know Orders but it's still progress. Maybe one day we can get you through it without flinching, or eye twitches…" she said, pointing to her own eyes behind the mask as Orders' twitched slightly.

"We can only hope." Orders replied sarcastically before reaching for the phone.

Time: 7:09 PM Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Sūpābeibī, watashitachi ga todokemasu"

"Kon'nichiwa... Nihongo o hanashimasu ka?"

"Orokana shitsumon o shinaide kudasai. Chūmon shitakatta nodesu ka?"

"Hai! Hantoresu no shokuji o onegaishimasu. Hantoresu mo issho ni! Kanojo ga hitsuyōda. Onegaishimasu"

"Sōdesune, 60-bu inai ni kanojo ga modotte kuru to yosō shite imasu.-Sō shinaito keisatsu ni tsūhō sa remasu. Nōhin kanryō-go ni goseikyū sa sete itadakimasu. Onamae to gojūsho o onegaishimasu."

Sonoaida…which is Japanese Romanji for 'Meanwhile

Orders snapped the phone back on the hook, finishing the receipt, and ripping it off to hand it to Huntress. "You got one."

"…Are you sure?" asked Huntress surprised, no matter how many times she had seen Orders just switch to another language, it was still rather jarring for it to come out of nowhere.

"Of course I'm sure, I'm me." Orders replied casually, "It's all fairly standard…" she hesitated, "…If not a bit odd." She added cryptically, but before Huntress could press Orders on being cryptic the food slid across the counter, stopping accurately between her and Orders. "Now. Off you go." The purple-eyed boss declared, pushing the food towards Huntress and gesturing out the backdoor.

Huntress sighed and resigned herself to earning her keep on her knees rather than on her feet for the next hour. Heading out the back door and toward the company car, sliding into the driver's seat and placing the food down on the passenger's side. Adjusted her mirrors. Double-checked the address on the receipt, before shoving it into the bag before slowly pulling into Gotham traffic and off to Hotel Street.

The Gotham International one of many hotels with 'Gotham' in the name but this one tended to cater to tourists out of the country… Huntress parked in a nearby lot, before getting out of the car and confidently walking into Gotham International with barely a second glance. The natural phenomenon of people mostly ignoring Superbabes when they walk by… was ironically ignored by many of the tourists in Gotham International waiting to be assigned rooms or just relaxing in the lounge.

The staff was aware of what Superbabes was: a restaurant, and maybe some of the staff were VERY aware of what Gotham's Superbabes was… a 'delivery service' but all of it was secondary to the attractive woman in a super-heroine costume heading straight to the elevator and heading up to the higher floors.

Allegedly, not that Huntress knew personally, every floor of the Gotham International had a 'theme' for various countries. Italy, Russia, France, Australia, Japan… and at least 20 maybe even 30 more countries. Just in case their guest missed home… and judging by Orders' conversation on the phone she was getting off on the 'Japan' floor.

There was an odd smell on the floor, like the sea breeze on a warm summer day, she walked down the hallways passing half a dozen rooms before stopping at the right one. Checking the receipt, making a match, and then slipping the receipt back into the bag before raising her fist and knocking loudly on the door. "Superbabes."

Time: 7:23 PM. Place: The Gotham International (Room 206)

"Special Delivery Service." She said, waiting patiently for the door to pop open, and after sensing someone peeking through the peep-hole, the door swung open.

"Ā sugoi! Totemo utsukushīdesu ne! Honmono sokkuri!"

Oh wow! You look so beautiful! Just like the real one!

He was a young Japanese man, maybe early 20s, he had no real defining features but his shortly cut black hair was a little spiky like he hadn't washed it in some time. She eyed him, unsure of his words as he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her into the very Japanese-themed room. Tatami flooring and paper doors to separate the living room from the bedroom. The bedroom contained a large futon bed in the center of the room, and on the right side being that of a large window showing off the Gotham skyline, which was quite a majestic display of gothic and modern designs… when it wasn't exploding or on fire.

"Ah…" Huntress wobbled into the tatami room, then the bedroom, leaving the bag of food on the floor by a low table in the main room, surrounded by pillows rather than chairs. "Well aren't you eager?" she said, as he pulled her toward the futon bed. He pushed her towards it, and she slipped onto the futon, walking on her knees toward the middle of it… expecting him to follow but he stood on the edge of his bed, holding up his phone and taking various pictures of her… on the phone. "…This all you're going to do?" she asked.

The Japanese man blinked at her curiously, she then pushed her breasts together with her upper arms, and he exclaimed joyously at the sight, taking more pictures of her.

"Ā, totemo sekushīdesu ne! Marude honmono no yōdesu ne!"

Oh very sexy! You look just like the real thing!

"You don't speak a word of English do you?" she asked as the Japanese boy blinked at her before repeating in a stereotypical fashion.

"English?" he then repeated, "Hai! English." He then smiled, "…Very little." He said before taking pictures of her again. "Huntress Is Favorite!" he said, giving her a thumbs up as she continued to pose erotically, for him… then he abruptly got closer, getting some selfies. "Huntress is Nanbā 1"

"Uh-huh." She smiled, "Okay. I guess we're just going to do this for the next hour?" she asked, rolling onto the bed, laying on her back, and hearing the click of the phone as she continued to pose erotically for the camera. Stretching her arms, arched her back, pushing her breasts out and together… before sitting upright suddenly and slipping off the bed. Strutting around the room toward the window/wall of the room. Pushing her body up against the glass.

Her breasts bulged against it as she pushed her but out behind her, arching her back and glancing over her shoulder at him as he kept taking pictures. Before flipping herself around, putting her back to the glass wall and posing again.

"Oh!" he cheered as she kept posing, subtly moving and rubbing her body on the glass as he finally stopped taking pictures and threw himself across the bed crawling to the wall he pushed a button and the glass wall instantly fogged over. Very fancy… Huntress pushed off the wall running her fingers against the cold glass of the wall. She couldn't see the skyline anymore… but nobody could see them.

She strutted from the wall, watching him for a minute as he checked his phone and the photos. She sat on the edge of the futon, looking over his shoulders. "Nice pictures." She said as he grinned and nodded.

"Arigatō." He declared as she watched him for a minute longer, focusing on his pictures. She frowned, standing up she walked around the hotel room, found nothing of particular note, then returned to the bedroom room, staring at him for a long time under her mask.

There was a small part of her that told her just to let it go. Sit down with him, and watch some TV… guy only wanted pictures. That wasn't weird. Guys wanted pictures of the girls all the time… but he could've just come into the shop for that. She had a part that told her to let it go, but the other part of her head that professional courtesy part told her that she shouldn't just sit on her sweet ass for the next thirty to forty minutes…

…Shit maybe Orders' work ethic was rubbing off on her.

She watched him for a minute before whistling sharply, getting his attention. "Hey…" she waved at him before slapping the edge of the futon. "Come here…" she then got down on her knees, sitting at the edge as he blinked at her. "Come here…" she repeated smoothing out the futon as he seemed to finally register she wanted him to sit in front of her. It took him a second longer to react to that information. Shuffling to the edge of the bed, and sitting in front of her looking curious but excited.

She then pointed to her lips, "Haaa…" and opened her mouth, slowly extending her tongue as she let it hang out of her mouth. She sighed loudly, "Haah…" saliva dripping off her tongue and landing between his legs on the futon as she drooled seductively. He stared, frozen in nervous fear as she slid her hands on his legs and slid her hands up to the waistline of his shorts, pulling them down to his knees as his erection popped upright between his legs. She then reached out and grabbed at his quivering length with her fingers. She slid her digits up and down his shaking length, swirling her tongue around her mouth before leaning forward and wrapping her lips around his tip.

"Ā, nantekotta"

Oh my Goodness!

He moaned uncertainly, feeling her lips sliding slowly down his shaft. "Mmh-hmn." Moaning softly, as her eyes gazed up at him. She kissed the base of his cock, he wasn't that impressive when it came to size… she's taken footlong dicks before so his was fairly easy. Her tongue swirled around his shaft, before she pulled her lips slowly up his now totally soaked shaft to his tip. "Mmnh…" holding him between her lips she swirled her tongue around it, diving down again. "Mmn…" burying her face into his shorthairs. She wiggled her head, "Mmnh-hmmn…" cooing softly before up she went, then down again, her tongue stroking and slurping his member. It twitched against her talented, fleshy appendage as she kept pumping her head up and down.

Her red lips left a print of them on his cock as she bounced and plunged up and down on his girth. Her mouth opened, her tongue sliding out beneath his shaft and licking his balls. She slurped loudly on it, before letting her tongue slide back between her lips and started sucking his length again. "Mmngh! Mmngh! Mmn…" springing wildly up and down she twisted her head left and right, 'screwing' her lips around him as he bucked his hips towards her face. His hands tightened on the bed, his toes curling on the tatami floor. "Mmn! Mmngh! Mmngh!" she sucked him harder and faster, tasting his pre-cum on her tongue as she gulped it down with her spit. "Mmgh! Mmgh! Mmgh!" gazing up at him, deepthroating his cock over and over until he declared his imminent release.


I'm cumming!

"MMGh!" she buried his cock into her throat, kissing the base of his shaft before shooting back up and holding his tip between her lips. "Mmn…" wrapping her index and thumb of her right hand around his shaft and stroking him as he gasped excitedly. Feeling his cock pulsating between her fingers and lips as she sucked out his first load. "Mmn-hmmn…" her tongue flicked wildly around his tip. "MMmn…" he finally stopped blowing his thick semen into her mouth and she pulled away with a wet pop. "Mmgh!"

A string of cum oozed from her lips and she slurped it up like a spaghetti noodle. "SLURP!" she tapped into her old porn mentality and sloshed it around her mouth before opening her mouth. "Ah…" lashing her tongue around, churning it over and over before closing her mouth with his gaze looking dazedly on her face. "MGh! AH…!" she opened her mouth once again and extended her tongue, showing her empty mouth, her tongue flicking up and down to show she didn't hide a drop, before closing her mouth and pressing her lips to his limp cock.

"Soreha... Sugokatta"

That was... amazing

Huntress ran her tongue slowly along the length of his flaccid member like she was licking a popsicle, she was going to let it go, since she seemed to have sucked the life right out of him, but then she decided that maybe she'll give him something to remember her by. Her tongue pressed against his shaft and slithered around and around, her breasts pushing against his legs as she loomed over his tip and continued her oral dance. "Uugh!" he shuddered eagerly as her tongue practically coiled around him before he was hard enough for her…

Her lips then wrapped tightly around his cock, and her head promptly became a blur. "Gluck-gluck-gluck!" up and down, up and down, his legs suddenly stretching out behind her. His entire body going stiff.

"Hah! AH! AH!" he clenched his teeth, ached his back, and pushed his hips towards her face as she pushed him back down to the futon and slurped loudly on his cock, bringing out the Heather Hottie for it as she popped him again in record time… her record to be fair, but considering he already climaxed already it was still a valiant effort. "IKU!"

"MMMGh!" her lips formed a tight seal around him, feeling his second load blasting the back of her throat as she slowly pulled her lips to the tip of his cock. Milking him dry before popping off his shaft, "Ooh…" she formed an 'O' with her lips and pushed his cum out between them, before slurping it quickly back in and clenching her teeth, "GULP!" not breaking eye contact as she gulped down his cum without closing her mouth and swirling her tongue around her lips. "Mnm…" She then flicked his cock away, gently, with her finger before standing up. "All done." She declared, then checked the clock as he moaned contentedly with a stupidly happy smile on his face. She checked the clock… she still had some time left but now at least she did something instead of sitting around and letting him pay for pictures. She walked out of the room and sat down on the couch, which was also a futon…

Then turning on the TV, letting him recover as she tried to watch something only to find that it was ALL Japanese programming… she frowned. "So much for that idea…" she frowned, "…They must get it directly from Japan." She noted more to herself than anything…

So she spent the next ten to twenty minutes watching some sort of Japanese gameshow. It was funny but it looked incredibly dangerous and she lived in Gotham. Eventually, however, he walked out of the bedroom, spotted her, gasped, then rushed back into the bedroom. He wasn't wearing pants after all…

Then after a few more minutes, he walked back out, holding a fistful of bills. He presented it to her with a polite bow, holding it out to her as she took it from his hands. She winked, and blew him a kiss before walking out the backdoor with a casual "Order again." Not that he probably understood her.

"Huntress is Nanba 1!" he said, as she stepped outside. "Very Popular in Japan!"

"If you say so." She replied, winking, and shutting the door behind her. "Phew…" she sighed, walking back to the elevator, running her fingers through the cash, casually counting the amount before stuffing it into one of her belt pouches. Stepping into the elevator, and heading back down.

Time: 8:44 PM Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Okay so…" Veronica sat on Orders counter, casually looking over a clipboard and noting down, ironically, countless numbers. "We cancel the next few shipments and start using the mugs and plates as replacements for the older ones we have…" She then noted down more numbers. "Will save a whole lot more… and we can write it off!" she said happily as Huntress walked in through the backdoor.

"Just get it done." Orders said as Veronica made more notes. "And take inventory too while you're at it." She added as Veronica hopped off the counter.

"I love inventory!" she said happily, skipping off to storage, bouncing up the stairs as Huntress frowned.

"…I didn't know Veronica was working tonight."

Orders rolled her purple eyes. "She wasn't. But I didn't feel like doing my own math tonight so I told her to do it." Tilting her head toward the locker room as Huntress pulled the money out of her pouch and put it on the counter. "Have a shower Laura."

"I don't really need one." She replied, "All he really did was take pictures."

"…Then use mouthwash." Orders replied as Laura rolled her eyes,

"I could use mouthwash." Orders then counted and sorted Laura's cut as she soon returned with minty freshness on her breath. "So apparently Huntress is popular in Japan." Laura said as Orders blinked at her.

"…Evidently." Her purple eyes flickered. "…I should start ordering Huntress merch…"

"Didn't you just say you were canceling the next delivery?"

"What's the point of having that psychotically pansexual math savant if I can't make it work?" Orders noted casually as Laura shrugged.

"…Fair Point." And then she sat down on the couch and picked up a magazine with Lucia Lopez on the cover.

"Also how would you feel about bootleg 'Superchicks' DVDs?"

"I don't get royalties for it." She said dismissively as Orders cursed under her breath.

"Well fuck…" she scowled, drumming her fingers on the counter.

"Don't worry boss." Laura replied, turning the page. "I'm sure you'll think of something."

It is Orders so… probably.


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