
Delivery GIrl: Divine Order #5

I don't own DC

The TV was on, but there was no sound. Just a low light flickered from it as some children's programming played. Some sort of cartoon grumpy cat and dumb dog. Instead of squeaky voices or catchy jingles the soft breathing of a sleeping Divine filled the room… her room, specifically. In the Suburban Superbabes house.

She slept on a futon couch, it could be extended to an actual bed but currently using it in couch form. Laying on her back in boxers and a short but loose T-shirt, displaying her powerful abs and muscles. Not to mention her magnificent breasts rising and falling like mountains in an earthquake…

"MMmhg.." she stretched, briefly, then went limp again, still sleeping as a tail wiggled past her face. THUMP. Four paws landed on her futon and Notch the Cat quickly rubbed his furry aide on her waist, purring loudly. Notch, officially Helen's cat but basically the Suburban Superbabes housecat… rubbed lovingly on Divine's abdominals. But as he got no response, he lifted his paws onto her stomach and climbed onto her…

One might think you'd notice having a 10-pound weight suddenly added onto your stomach. But Notch went relatively unnoticed. He pawed across her muscles before happily resting his notched-eared head between her breasts and purred loudly, his cheeks bunched together as he comfortably went back to sleep.

"Mmmn…" Divine's hand swung onto the cat's back, scratching and rubbing his furry side as he purred loudly in response. "hmmn…" her hand gently stroked his fur, making him purr happily between her chest like the cute pervert tomcat he was. "Mmmn?" Divine dazedly opened her eyes to see Notch purring happily between her breasts, and he got even louder once she was aware of his presence and giving him more focused attention. "Hello, Notch." She mumbled sleepily as the cat meowed affectionately in response.

She glanced at her TV, grabbed her remote, and turned it off before sitting up. Notch remained briefly between her plump breasts before sliding down between them, past her abs, and onto her lap. Limp as a fresh corpse and pretty damn happy functioning as her lap pillow. "Ugh…" she rubbed her head… a slight hangover pounded in her skull and she blamed Freya for that.

The Superbabes' Top Biker Chick won a big underground race last night, and from her description of it she even outpaced The Batman himself in his batmobile trying to chase her down for speeding. Which was a bald-faced lie 'Batman' wasn't chasing her at all and it was Nightwing, who was after one of her race opponents, an amateur smash and grabber…

To be CLEAR she still would have won even if he hadn't picked a fight with Nightwing and they celebrated as such… even surly Demona had a few… in fact she vaguely recalled Arwa constantly bringing in fresh bottles… did they HAVE that much alcohol in the house?

"Mrooowl." Notch moaned loudly as Divine rubbed his head. He was hungry and yowling, he got like this when Helen couldn't feed him. Divine often took on the responsibility when she was on shift.

"I hear you. You slave driver…" she said fondly, putting him onto the floor and stroking him as he shook like a dog, stretching his limbs before following the Boobs of Iron Superbabe as she walked towards the kitchen. Ignored the many empty bottles and a sleeping, smiling Arwa… opening up the bottom drawer grabbed a can of cat food from it, and began opening it up to put in his bowl. "She should've called you 'Orders' instead of Notch." She joked. Notch rubbed his body affectionately on her leg as she finally finished, and put the food bowl down for him. "So demanding," she replied as Notch chowed down. "You're welcome, you heartbreaker…"

She groaned, no longer charmed by cat love her hangover came back in full. Her head was pounding as she checked the state of the OTHER Superbabes currently off a hangover. Arwa was in the kitchen, which was easy to keep track of. Freya was on the living room couch, she had barely gotten out of her riding suit, facing a pyramid of beer cans as she snoozed away. Helen at least, like Divine, managed to get to her bedroom but not completely into her bed.

She had managed to reach the side of her bed, but she looked like she had fallen asleep mid-prayer. She was on her knees and had managed to grab her closest pillow and put her face on it. She was still breathing so she wasn't dead… "Ugh…" she grumbled, then turned down the hall to find that even Dee was out, wrapped up in her wings and snuggling a bottle of tequila on the stairs… where did they even get tequila?


"MMn… No puedo beber más…" And Lucy was here… when did Lucy get here? She was sleeping on one of Arwa's very luxurious floor pillows… did she bring the tequila? Doesn't matter in the long run, after doing the 'rounds' and making sure they didn't have any 'uninvited' guests, especially once she realized Lucy was here, she returned to the kitchen and ignoring the happily fed cat grabbed some pain meds and a large glass of water to cool her hangover.

She absently kicked a few bottles rolling on against her feet aside, making them bounce off a dozing Arwa's thick legs, now with a well-fed Notch resting on her plump cleavage, and she walked back to her bedroom. Groaning LOUDLY as she heard the sound of her phone ringing on the way and it wasn't helping her hangover.

She didn't even have to look at the caller ID to know who it was. "Shit…" she mumbled quietly, seeing 'Orders' on her phone and answering.

Time: 7:59 AM. Place: Gotham Suburbs (Suburban Superbabes House)

"Hello Orders…"

"I don't appreciate being compared to a stray housecat…"

"…It was just a joke."

"How hard did you all party last night?"

"Um… define-"

"Let me put it this way. How DRUNK is Lucia?"


"Does she have any MEN in her?"

"…Oh. No."



"Shit...… I'm going to need you to cover her tonight."

"Why me?"

"Because everyone else is busy. Ola just finished a shift, and Helen is ALSO nursing a killer hangover. And Veronica is not bothering to spell Mxyzptlk backward. Since I don't want to deal with that last one right now. I pick you. See you tonight."


Seconds later.

Orders had already hung up leaving Divine sighing audibly at being called in for work today. "Mrooowl." She glanced down to find Notch rubbing her leg again, apparently having lost interest in using Arwa's voluptuous body as a pillow and returning to the second woman who primarily gave him food for love and affection.

She sighed, picked him up, and sat him on her lap, stroking him absently as she resigned herself to covering for some of the sluttiest girls at Superbabes… "…I blame you." She said as he happily rolled over and let her rub his fuzzy belly, his notched ear twitching happily as he rubbed his head in her other hand. "It's your fault." She cooed.

Later that night

Divine big beautiful breasts were stuffed into her uniform… in other words her black bra and she bounced out of the locker rooms as Orders played sudoku. "So how bad is it going to be?" she asked.

"Hmmn?" Orders looked up at her, cocking an eyebrow. "What?"

"I feel I've worked her long enough to know that you're sending me into the lion's den?" Divine replied as Orders stared at her, her purple eyes flickering.

"I'm not sending you into the lion's den…" she frowned, "…I mean I'm throwing you at a bunch of horny idiots, but I wouldn't call them lions." She tapped her finger on the counter, "I barely call them kittens…" Divine frowned at that.

"…Wait… I'm confused-"

"They're a bunch of horny idiots." Orders repeated, "No more. No less. They're also RICH and I like to leave good impressions." Divine felt that she should be slightly flattered by that statement. "And since you need the practice with groups this seems like a good opportunity." She wasn't that flattered anymore…

"So these… rich guys? When are they calling?"

"Hmmn? They're not going to call they're going to pick you up. They ordered in advance." Orders replied, drumming her fingers on her sudoku book. "…I should charge extra." She added under her breath. Divine frowned at her, "Anyway a bunch of rich boys trying to lose their virginities is the perfect time to build some experience."

"Wait if they're virgins trying to lose their cherries isn't that a Grace job?" Big Barda, on duty tonight, interrupted but Orders rolled her eyes.

"Yes but, again, Divine needs the practice with groups." She then pointed at Divine and her magnificent chest, "Those things are popular it's only a matter of time before groups start calling in. She has to build her experience. We can't have shoddy sessions we have standards." Big Barda burst out laughing as Divine rolled her eyes. Sometimes the things out of Orders' mouth sound more absurd than the ones that come out of Veronica's… and that's saying something.

"When will they be… picking me up?" Divine asked as Orders eyes flicked up to the clock, she then tapped her pen on the book.

"Oh… 10 minutes or so. Depending on Traffic. Just give them a good time. They'll bring you back around in an hour or the first time they had sex with a woman will be tainted by the first time they got their ass kicked by several of them…" Divine and Big Barda both noted how Orders voice when from chipper to menacing in the length of that sentence and Divine had no doubt that she would be participating in such an ass-kicking. "Now either have a break… or try to stuff your bra with tips…" she rubbed her forehead. "…I need to bring Veronica back to this reality…"

See? More Absurd than Veronica…

Regardless, Divine chose to be 'fresh' for her oncoming delivery. So she didn't go out of the floor to be pinched or flirt for tips… the food soon slid across the counter and Orders spoke. "Divine. It's time." She said, "Walk out the back door and wait out front for a limo." She pushed the Superbabes brand bag, stamped with a sexy Power Girl, forward towards her as she picked it up. "I have to make a private call. Big Barda cover the phone."

"Uh. What?" the big girl replied in confusion as Orders slammed her office door, but whatever allegedly magical shenanigans Orders was getting up to, Divine didn't hear them, walking outside and towards the curb she only had to wait a moment before a limo speedily pulled up to the curb. It wasn't one of those classic limos teens take to prom it was a big Hummer limo that generally has strippers in it.

The vehicle had pulled so close to the curb that her breasts bulged against the window… which might explain why nobody bothered to open a window or a door and let her in… so she raised a fist and knocked. "Superbabes."

Time: 8:02 PM. Place: Gotham (Outside Superbabes)

"Special Delivery Service." She said then after a moment the door opened and a young black man with a buzzcut opened the door… allowing her to slip inside.

"WHOOO!" greeted instantly with cheers from a blonde, and a redhead… all of them wearing what looked like varying stages of three pieced suits. The redhead wasn't even wearing a shirt. His skinny chest was peppered with red lipstick prints and he had his tie wrapped around his head like a bandana.. And she was also not the only girl at this party. There was an attractive woman sitting between the blonde and redhead guys. She had short, shockingly pink-dyed spikey hair. Wearing a Police officer black cap, a choker around her long neck, cutoff blue jean-shorts hugging her thick pawg waist, red high-heels, and a tanktop cut off just over her impressively round fake breasts…

Actually Divine recognized her, in a matter of speaking, she looked like a character from a popular fighting game she played with Vixen recently… Toxin? She looked like Toxin.

She winked a green eye at Divine who cocked an eyebrow back at her. "Nice tits." The pink-haired woman declared.

"They are FAN-TASTIC!" the black guy declared, suddenly getting RIGHT to it and cupping Divine from behind, getting a feel for her massive breasts, she moaned loudly in response rather than delivering an elbow to his head. "Holy shit guys! Feel these things!" his cold fingers sunk into her flesh… and judging by the smells in the limo they'd been heavily drinking... lot of that going around.

The Blonde took him up on the invitation, quickly approaching Divine and pinning her between them and the black guy, who will be referred to as Brunette going forward until she gets a name. A little mental trick Power Girl taught her-

Oh! Strawberry, Chocolate and Vanilla. That's better. Chocolate and Vanilla were REALLY enjoying her body. Their hands rubbed all over her body… but mainly her massive breasts. Because who wouldn't grope those all the time if given the option?

Apparently not the redhead, who looked positively out of it, resting his head on Toxin's VERY thick thighs. The woman dressed like a video game character chuckled, and licked her glossy red lips, resting her hand on the redhead's head and stroking it almost affectionately as she intimately watched Divine be wantonly groped. Divine just let it mostly happen, even when the blonde suddenly pushed his face into her chest. Motorboating her as the Limo started driving again…

"…Holy hell look at these abs!" Chocolate cheered finally releasing her heavy breasts. "She's fucking ripped!"

"So am I!" cheered the redhead, with a STRONG Canadian accent, rubbing his cheek on Toxin's thigh as she chuckled.

"I'm busy…" moaned the blonde between her chest, pushing her huge breasts against his face. "…I fucking love this…" he declared happily and it wasn't hard to argue with him.

"Damn, you grate meat on these things!" Chocolate declared happily, "That is so hot!" and then his hands went lower and began unbuckling her pants… Divine saw that at moving forward so she promptly unhooked her top without either noticing. It fell off her body, and the two pawing her like playful puppies didn't even notice. But Toxin did.

"REALLY nice tits…" she declared, relatively impressed at Divine's all-natural body. Stroking Strawberry's head like Divine stroked Notch's, one bright red high-heeled foot bouncing in the air. She puckered her lips at Divine and winked, before pulling Strawberry up from her thigh and suddenly stuffing her tongue into his mouth, smearing his lips with her lipstick as she sloppily tongue kissed him… and now Divine realized that they were escalating.

Seeing Strawberry getting some, Chocolate began to strip down, and since he was the one with the most clothes still on… even compared to Toxin and Blonde, it was taking him a while so Divine seized the opportunity and pushed Blonde out of her chest and back onto the seat next to Toxin, who wasn't sitting on the seat anymore… her thick pawg backside wiggled off as she knelt on the carpet and pushed Strawberry upright, fiddling with his pants and extracting a surprisingly limp but very long 10-inch cock.

Toxin opened her mouth and ran her tongue slowly on Strawberry's dick, he giggled drunkenly, or maybe her tongue tickled. She wiggled her thick PAWG behind her, wrapped so tightly in cutoff jeans they might be cutting off circulation. But she was still clothed, Divine however was mostly naked at this point and using her considerable assets properly…

She grabbed Vanilla's pants, and promptly 'removed' them. She hoped his suit wasn't a rental, but he at least didn't seem to care as his 9-inch cock wobbled free towards her face. She then promptly grabbed her gorgeous, soft, and massive breasts with both gloved hands and promptly wrapped them around his cock, the tip barely protruding from between them as she began pumping them easily up and down. Her mouth opened and her long tongue extended over her black lips to drool into her cleavage for lubrication as they bounced up and down on his lap.

Vanilla seemed absolutely hypnotized by Divine's chest bouncing up and down around his cock, pre-cum already oozing out of his tip down his length as she squeezed her tits around him, shaping around his cock like memory foam just like Power Girl taught her… or at least gave her tips. She and Toxin worked Vanilla and Strawberry's shafts respectively but they were both confusing poor Chocolate who had to decide between sexy pawg Toxin or Divine's sweat buns of Iron… you'd think it would be an easy choice one way or the other. But he was young, drunk, and horny… and he finally manage to logically deduce or managed to remember that they could only play with Divine for an hour so…

Chocolate and his raging erection slapped between Divine's ass cheek. Her body instinctively flexed, squeezing his 9-inch dick between them as he began steadily hot-dogging her, holding into her waist and grinding slowly against her ass. While Divine was rubbing dicks front and back Toxin was opening her mouth and taking Strawberry's 10-incher between her glossy lips and sliding to the base of his shaft. Moaning loudly as her head began to slide up and down his increasingly red length… almost as red as his hair.

Encouraged by Strawberry getting head Chocolate decided he wanted some of that… but since he also had clear access to a tight pussy he made an exception. He slid his cock between her ass cheeks with some difficulty, her flex was strong, But he finally managed to pry his dick away from her body. He then aimed his tip against her slit, and pushed steadily into it, howling goofily as she tightly squeezed him and he buried himself into her.

"Oooh…" she groaned as Chocolate… well he started thrusting but he was mostly incoherent. Mumbling happily as he began to steadily thrust into her and trying his best impersonation of a stereotyped pornstar…

"Yeah! Yeah! You know you like that!" So while her ass was being slammed against by a skinny young adult, she pulled her hands away from her tits, resting them on either side of Vanilla and squeezing them with her upper arms, springing them wildly up and down. Fapping loudly on his lap as Toxin's slurps echoed around the limo. Until they suddenly stopped and the sweat slapping of Divine's tits and ass, flesh on flesh, replaced it.

"Well I don't have the tits for that…" purred Toxin playfully, grabbing the waistline of her cutoff jeans and easily tearing them away as if they were held on by Velcro. Her massive pawg ass wobbled free and she turned around. Bending her knees she twerked like. Hands on her knees her ass cheeks rapidly clapped together as she shook it wildly, then dropped her ass like an atom bomb onto Strawberry's lap, squeezing his girth between her pawg cheeks. They squeezed and flexed around his cock as he ground on his lap.

Definitely more stripper than hooker, but Divine had other things to focus on now…

Vanilla was going to cum, specifically, he was going to blow a massive load all over her giant tits, pre-cum oozing from the tip of his length as she leaned over. Wrapping her lips around, the tip, slurping the salty fluid from his tip. There was no shower in the Limo so there was only one logical place for that cum to go… especially since she didn't want to walk back to Superbabes covered in gunk like Veronica on a Friday morning.

Vanilla reached out to grab her head, Chocolate still pounding and mumbling away. Living out his porn fantasies as her breasts continued to rub and squeeze Vanilla's cock, her tongue flicking over the tip of his dick until it quivered between her breasts and lips. Cum splattered onto her tongue and she flinched at the taste, but she's mostly gotten used to it. She swallowed it quickly, not letting it linger, milking him dry as Chocolate pumped away into her from behind.

"Oh shit! Oh SHIT! Come! Come here!" he said, he pulled her by her hips onto her knees. Divine's firm breasts bounced and wobbled as Chocolate continued his pornstar stereotyping and promptly held his cock out towards her tits…

Again, she didn't want to get any of it on her without the promise of a shower directly afterward, so she wrapped her mouth around his tip and started stroking his cock until it throbbed in her silky gloved grip, and pumped another load of cum directly into her mouth… at least he tasted better than Vanilla.

"Oh my god…" she sucked the last drops out before pulling away with a wet pop. But before he could properly register Divine just swallowed his cum. Saw Toxin and her thick ass stop giving Strawberry a lap dance and slid him inside her.

"Oooh…" her thick hips shimmied side to side on his lap before bouncing up and down on him… "Like that baby? Yeah… like that snug little pussy." Chocolate's cock, hanging limp after unloading in Divine's mouth slowly rose erectly again watching Toxin riding Strawberry. His hands ran over her thick wobbling booty as Vanilla began poking against Divine's cheek with Chocolate taking the other side. They both poked at her face until she opened her mouth and gripped the base of their cocks, sliding her silky gloves hands up and down their shaft, extending her tongue and sliding it over their tips, they almost touched but they didn't seem to notice, their hands returning to her chest to give her tits another squeeze each.

"We should do that thing man. From that Hentai…" Chocolate grinned, "She's going to love it." He pulled Divine up from the floor before sitting on the couch, pulling her ass first onto his lap…

"NNGH!" feeling it pushing against her asshole, it slipped easily inside. "HAa…!" she hissed as she took all of it into her. "Haaah!" she moaned as his hands hooked her big tits, pulling her back and spreading her legs with his.

"OH SHIT! SHIT SHIT SHIT!" he hissed happily, thrusting his hips up into her ass as she quivered and moaned erotically. "Get some of this man! Get some!" Vanilla slowly aiming his cock towards her open pussy before pushing it into her.

"HAaah!" writing between their double penetration as they buried their cocks into her. She wasn't given any time to adjust as they began wildly thrusting in and out of her body, pumping away as she tensed up. Shuddering and shaking as their hands squeezed at her big tits. There was more than enough for four hands…

"Oh Damn! She's so tight!" Chocolate moaned. "Come on baby talk dirty! You like having two dicks in you?!"

"Haah! AH! Ahhhh…" Divine moaned and howled loudly as Toxin's fat clapping ass cheeks echoed around the limo.

"Listen to her! Listen! Fuck she loves that!" she licked her glossy lips as Strawberry smacked her ass hard. "Ooho Yeah… give me some of that baby!" she purred.

"Say you like two dicks In you! Say it!" Chocolate howled, ramming his throbbing dick rapidly into her ass, her cheeks rippling and wobbling as Vanilla plunged into her wet pussy, clenching tightly around either of them as she clenched her teeth, hissing out the words.

"I like two dicks! I like two dicks!" she gasped, shuddering and shaking as Chocolate and Vanilla pumped away into her."

"Harder man! Harder she's gonna cum!" declared Chocolate. The fact that she was cumming wasn't due to any particular skills on Vanilla and Chocolate's part but merely the fact that… well she was cumming…

You don't work as a delivery girl at Superbabes and NOT learn to enjoy yourself at least a little… Chocolate and Vanilla rammed in and out of her, her big tits bouncing in their fondling hands as she gasped and moaned in rhythm with their thrusts.

"AH-ah Ah-ha! AH!!"

"OH! YEAH! BABY!" Toxin suddenly howled as Strawberry squirmed and moaned underneath her, pumping his load deep into her pussy as she gyrated on his lap. "GIVE me all that nut…" she cooed encouragingly, squeezing her own big tits as Vanilla and Chocolate seemed to take that as their own invitation to cum in Divine.

"ARGH!" Howling they pushed into Divine, burying their cocks DEEP into her body and unloading thick hot goo into her. Divine shuddering and gasping as she came, pinned between two horny boys sowing their oats as Toxin gyrated and moved to unheard music. Twerking her ass cheeks on Strawberry's lap before she slowly put her hands on the roof of the Limo and stood up. Strawberry was surprisingly still erect even as the proof of his release dripped slowly down Toxin's inner thigh.

Toxin continued to gyrate erotically, she might give Brielle a run for her money with those stripper moves. Vanilla and Chocolate both slowly pulled out of Divine, eagerly paying attention to Toxin but soon shoving out Divine. "Give us a show!" cheered Chocolate as Strawberry's cock twitched excitedly at Toxin sensually encouraging more out of the redhead as Divine… tried her best…

But when it came down to her 'dancing' it was limited to her shimmying and bouncing her tits. But the boys were so loaded that it didn't matter that Toxin was top-tier headliner stripper and Divine was Early Monday morning stripper… they were still enticing. Clapping and howling as Toxin realized that bouncing tits were appealing to them more than gyrating hips, so she decided to regain their attention by using Divine as a stripper pole.

…Even if Divine was more like a supporting pillar with that Body of Iron. Still, Toxin gyrated and ground on her, raising her hands to squeeze top-heavy tits. Licking her muscular legs as Strawberry, dazedly stood up. Toxin grinned smugly, at him only for him to suddenly tackle Divine…

…It had about as much effect as you could expect. But his 10-inch cock was poking at her quivering pussy lips and the smug look dropped from Toxin's face. Apparently, she had expected Strawberry's attention again… and when she didn't get it she was dragged by Chocolate and Vanilla, "Ooooh!!" and getting the same treatment, thrown across Chocolate and letting Vanilla get a sweat taste of ass, double stuffing Toxin as Divine finally let Strawberry tackle her to the carpeted floor.

Strawberry, with his face as red as his hair looked just like Notch this morning between Divine's tits… only Notch wasn't humping any part of her let alone her pussy. Cooing softly as he pushed her tits around his face to the sounds of Toxin being furiously railed into by Chocolate and Vanilla. Apparently, she could encourage it but she couldn't take it… well she could, she was clearly enjoying it.

"Haah! AH! AH! AH!! HA! FUCK ME! FUCK ME!" her meaty ass cheeks clapping as Strawberry focused on burying his cock into Divine again and again nuzzling warmly between her tits over the sounds of raw pornstar fucking behind him. Divine cooed, subtly pumping her hips up into his thrusts as he bounced her ass on the carpet of the limo.

"Come one. Come On… hurry it up. Faster…" she said, "Do it. Fuck me… Come on…" she encouraged, tensing and clenching around him as he mewled almost adorably. "Ooh. Oooh…" his cock scratching and rubbing all the right spots in her as he pulled his face from her chest, wrapping his mouth around her nipples as Toxin kept howling and squealing behind him.

"I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!..." Vanilla howled

"Cum on my face! Cum on our faces!" Toxin gasped and that was more than enough of an invitation. On the floor holding her tits together and opening her mouth Chocolate and Vanilla surrounded her, before pumping their hot sticky loads onto her, spraying into her tanktop as she grinned, "Ah YEAH!"

Strawberry decided to follow suit, pulling out of Divine's quivering pussy and straddling her abs, sliding towards her tits, pushing between them as he slid back and forth, humping her tits as she pushed them together and gazed up at him, tongue extending from her mouth. Strawberry glided back and forth, pumping away at her breasts, naturally, before with one firm squeeze his cock strained and throbbed, a thick rope of come shooting from his tip and across her face as she gasped, feeling his hot cum on her skin as he sighed, a dollop oozing out of his tip onto her neck as he sighed happily.

He flopped off her body and onto the floor, sighing happily as Divine sat up. Toxin, covered with cum leaned over to her and licked the thick load off her face. She was… less than enthused about having to smell like Semen until she could get a shower… but the thought was appreciated.

"WOOOW!" cheered Chocolate and Vanilla. "Let's take this party all the way back to Metropolis!" Vanilla added but Strawberry suddenly sat up.

"Wait! WAIT…" he looked confused, "What time is it?" he noted unsurely.

"Uh…" Chocolate hesitated, then pushed a button. "Uh… Driver? What time is it?" then a woman's voice replied.

"It's almost Nine." She replied and Strawberry nodded slowly.

"We go to the Superbabes." He said and crawled across the floor to the other seat, opened up a 'secret compartment', and grabbed a backpack. Extracting a stack of bills and handing it to Divine before dropping face down ass up.

"Oh… looks like he's out again." She picked his face off the floor and onto her thighs. "Looks like the party's over for now boys."

"Awe…" mumbled Chocolate and Vanilla, Toxin winking at Divine… who then decided to put her clothes back on. The limo pulled back up to Superbabes, so she grabbed the cash and waved to the disappointed boys. Before getting out, walk around the back and into Superbabes.

Time: 9:05 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Take a shower Xue." Orders declared, not even looking up. Xue didn't have to be told twice, she put the money on the counter and walked right into the locker rooms and "Wait!" Orders suddenly shouted and with a sudden explosion of colors, Veronica flopped onto the shower floor in a sticky mess. "…Okay you're good." Xue stared at her. "Don't worry about it."

"Woo!" Veronica pushed off the floor, "That place was Crazy Fun!" she laughed, wiping her eyes. "Orders! I'm back!"

"Shut up. WASH UP. And get in uniform you're covering for Xue."

"Okay!" she cheered, before sticking her face out of the locker rooms, still covered in what could only be assumed to be semen… only it was of MANY different colors… more like thick food coloring than anything. "That funny little guy in the Batman mask said he'll see you later."

Orders sighed, "…That's going to give me a headache."

"After a multicolored bath, Xue walked out wearing a towel. "Orders? Did you say Veronica's covering for me?"

"Well, I got her back from the 5th dimension. So she's going to work that off." Orders replied as Xue looked… EVEN MORE confused then before… and she just saw Veronica flop out of a firework of colored cum. "…Head home. Tell those drunken idiots they're all working tomorrow so STOP DRINKING…" she then sighed audibly, "…Actually, Rebecca? Go with her. Throw anyone with a dick OUT and force those girls to stop drinking…"

"Uh… sure? You want me to come back?" she asked surprised as Orders shrugged.

"…Probably. I'd rather not call in Ashley." She added, "…I'm having far too many headaches tonight. I have to call the owner of Honey Bs and inform her that she has a rogue limo."

"Honey Bs?" Xue asked, walking out of the locker room fully clothed… or as fully clothed as she came in. She was wearing a sports bra, and jacket to show off those amazing abs.

"They're like SUperbabes only with video games and strippers." Rebecca replied. "…Kinda a fun place really."

"OUT. Home!" Orders ordered, pointing out the back door. She then sighed, audibly… "…I hate Mondays." She grumbled, going back to work.


Arwa was totally magicking up boose.

Anyway! Not from lack of effort but I finally got this done. A Honey B's callback and some other stuff. Next up is Green Lantern II, so... I'll figure that out eventually.

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