
2 for 1 Combo: Fire and Ice Order #6

I don't own DC

It was a lovely Gotham morning, the sky was cloudy, a cold wind chill rushed through the streets, and the stick up in the nearby alleyway was surprisingly pleasant…

"See you next week Larry!" the criminal said while stuffing the money in his pocket and making a run for it. He was chased by coincidentally patrolling uniformed officers just turning the corner as he made a break for it. "HO!-LY-" but he was distracted by a pair of magnificent breasts, and wide hips attached to a thick ass stuffed into clothes so skimpy she was practically naked. The pair of suns tattooed on her ass cheeks were almost visible and her rainbow-colored hair glistened in the sun. "SHIT!" the mugger, distracted by ass, was tackled by the cops to the ground so he only saw her golden heels walking away from him as she was undeterred by the looks of disgust, arousal, and admiration on those watching her walk to a quaint little brownstone to visit an acquaintance so early this lovely Gotham morning.

Click-Clop-Click-Clop her heels stepped up to the front door. She raised a well-manicured hand sparkling with multicolored nails and knocked loudly on the solid door. She waited with a smile on her glossy red lips stretched in a sweet smile and a catchy tune humming in her throat. Finally after a moment of waiting she raised her hand again and knocked loudly once more.

Click… the door opened and a Platinum blonde stood before her, tilting her head curiously. "…Celestia D'Whorse? My mother did not summon you."

"She did not-" Celestia D'Whorse: Beautiful and Sexy Pony-themed Pornstar, tilted her head curiously at the woman before placing her name, or at least who she was on duty. "Platinum. Is she home? I want to talk to her."

"She is home. She is asleep."

"That's okay I can wait." Celestia declared, practically elbowing passed her into Orders' house to the living room, setting herself down on the couch, and leaning back, stretching her shapely body, crossing her long legs, and bouncing her golden heels as she smiled at Platinum. "…Yes?"

"You are an intruder."

"No, I'm NOT. I'm a friend!" she said charmingly as Platinum stared at her."

"Mother only has one friend and you are not Ronnie-Bell Nash." Platinum said logically as Celestia frowned.

"…Then I'm a very important business partner." Celestia replied, "…She'll be very angry if she can't get my Pippy to film pervy films for her."

After a long moment of processing this information and sternly but stoically glaring at a completely unaffected Celestia D'Whorse, Platinum finally concluded. "…This is true." She then went upstairs, leaving Celestia on the couch patiently waiting for Orders to wake up. She hummed to herself the melodious theme song from her favorite show as she heard an unmistakable grunt of annoyance.

"Celestia D'Whorse… why are you in my house?" Orders grumbled tiredly, standing in a silky purple robe and stomping grumpily around her couch to sit in her armchair.

"Why else would I be in your house?" she said coyly smiling annoyingly sweet at Orders who sighed.

"Business I hope." Orders grumbled tiredly, lounging back in her chair as Celestia smiled.

"It is! Good guess!" Orders rolled her purple eyes at the excessively cheerful pornstar. "So listen, Pippy got a call from a big-time porn guy from out west. He wants to do a shoot with us, specifically me." She added playfully, "But here's the thing he wants to shoot with me and another girl."

"Uh-huh." Orders mumbled, glaring at her. "…Anyone specific?" she asked sarcastically as if she didn't already know/could have guessed. Probably one of her girls-

"Sally Snowball."

-Oh would you look at that? What a surprise.

"She's retired." Orders replied with a yawn, extending her chair and relaxing. As if she considered this conversation already over and was prepared to just fall back to sleep in her comfy chair.

"Don't be like that Orders, you could at least ask her." Celestia smiled, "This is a good business opportunity for Pip and me!" she drummed her fingers on her THICK thighs, licking her glossy lips. "You talk to Sally for me, tell her to help us out and I'll talk to Pip about giving you a larger cut of the profits…" she cooed invitingly.

Orders seemed to stiffen in her chair at the mention of 'profits', and one of her Purple eyes opened to glance studiously at Celestia. She took a deep breath and sat back up, apparently regaining interest in the conversation. "It's a choice entirely up to her. Why does this… 'bigtime' guy want Sally Snowball?"

Celestia shrugged, "Who knows?" she said as Orders' Purple-eyes flickered and she scowled as Celestia continued, "Some guys are just like that. Absurd amounts of money to sleep with a pornstar… all she has to do is a little jerking and licking and all the other good stuff!" she said happily, "Nothing she doesn't do on the regular, and she'd get a nice chunk of change."

"Why not go to her then? Why ask me directly?" Celestia however laughed cheerfully with a pretty eye roll.

"PLEASE, I might be a bimbo Orders, but I'm not dumb. Your girls don't do anything dubious without your say so… you're kind of a mob boss." She joked as Orders frowned at her. "Just run it by her, okay? I need an answer by the end of the week."

"So you come to my house? Now? Why not just order Fire and Ice when you need it? It hasn't stopped Pip before."

"Those were emergencies." Celestia replied sweetly, "…It's generally poor form to suddenly spring a sexy recording on some girls. Besides, then 'Fire' wouldn't really have anything to do for an hour! I'd rather just have her for the shoot however long it takes. With permission of course! It'll work out better for EVERYONE. Much more fun that way…" she said with a smile, then seeing Orders' sour face. "And much more profitable." She added. Though it was really more of an afterthought for her, Pip told her to emphasize 'profit' when it came to Orders.

Naturally Orders growled in thought, loudly, drumming her fingers on her chair as she glared at Celestia. After a long moment of silence, she said, finally. "…I'll ask her."

Celestia happily clapped her hands, grinning at her. "Great! I always wanted to work with Sally Snowball she was so NASTY!" she growled appreciatively. "Pippy is going to be so excited!"

"Hmph." She grunted, already knowing Ice's answer didn't ignore the fact that Pip was NOT going to be that excited that this shoot was happening… but she had a feeling it would all work out. Especially when she did a bit of… script alterations. Orders rubbed her eyes, fending off the headache she now had, and when she opened them again. Celestia was watching her curiously… "Why are you still here?"

"I'm waiting for you to call Sally Snowball and ask her." She replied as Orders narrowed her purple eyes.

"…You want me to call her now?"

"Obviously. I want to know as soon as possible!" she cheered like an excited puppy. Bouncing subtly on the couch, or as subtly as those big breasts could.

"…DARCY!" Orders barked angrily, and just like that Darcy was in the living room.

"Yes Mother?" she asked stoically.

"Call Ice… tell her to come over." She then stood up, leaving Celestia on the couch, "I'm going back to bed. Let them talk it out."

"Yes, Mother." Darcy replied, walking out of the room and activating her 'phone'… which was her hand. Holding it in a 'shaka' gesture towards her ear. "…Ice. Mother requests you come over to her domicile immediately…"

Three Days Later

Ice obviously said yes to Celestia's offer, though 'why' she did will always be a mystery to her roommate and best friend Fire. They spent so long talking about it once they arrived at Orders home that Orders had awoken hours later and yelled at them to get out of her house… She also to her to just go ahead and do it. That also might have contributed to Ice's decision.

So Saturday came about and Ice was texted the location of the studio they were filming at… an Old Gotham film set, and after dropping off little Noir at Jae-Hwa's apartment for kitty sitting, Fire and Ice drove to the Old Gotham set…

"Querida. You don't have to do this you know." Fire said, getting out of the car with the pretty smiling Ice wearing a pretty and comfortable sundress with stockings, her bubble butt wobbling as she hopped onto the curb. Fire wore her green sports jacket with a red tank top, showing off her big brown sugar breasts, and tight jean shorts showing off her amazing Brazilian body while she followed her friend into the building.

"But Tia was so nice! I just want to help her out…" Ice replied sweetly as Fire audibly sighed, rolling her green eyes as they walked through the old studio building. "And Pip is always a gentleman with us." She smiled prettily at her friend, "You don't have to stay."

"Querida…" Fire laughed good-naturedly, but with a slightly exasperated tone "If I don't come with you, you'll be here all day."

"No, I won't!" giggled Ice sweetly as Fire playfully patted her on her bubble butt.

"Querida you'll fuck anyone who asks after filming!" Fire declared as Ice laughed again. "You're too nice!" she teased, "All those Idiotas will give you sob stories about their hard ons and you'll be sucking all day. I'll stick around to make sure they stay honest, yeah?"

"Don't know what I'd do without you." Ice replied giggling with a smile.

"Probably suck a lot more galo than you need to." Fire replied as she and Ice reached the proper studio Stage. Stage #6. It was right there on the door, Fire then reached up and knocked.

Time: 10:33 AM. Place: Gotham Recording Studio (Stage #6)

"Superbabes." Teased Ice as Fire rolled her eyes but smiled fondly at her friend.


But the door suddenly popped open to show Celestia in a golden bikini.

"Girls!" she grabbed them and yanked them both in, squeezing them tightly. "Ooooh! I'm so excited! Sally!" she kissed her cheek, "Thank you! For cumming! Pippy!" Celestia led the girls in, showing a large heart-shaped bed surrounded by cameras and camera men… Pip sat in a director's chair… The long shaggy-haired, sunglasses and Hawaiian shirt-wearing Director looked… surprisingly downcast, slumped in the chair and looking disappointedly at the floor. "Pippy!"

"Huh?! Yeah! Yeah… Tia, uh… what's up?" he said nervously as Fire tilted her head at him, studying his body language. Tia fondly squeezed Ice's waist.

"Sally's here!" she said happily, rubbing Ice's bubble booty through her sundress. "I'm going to take her to get prettied up and in costume."

"…Yeah. Okay." He said putting on an obviously fake smile that Tia and Ice didn't notice, skipping away like Schoolgirls about to take part as the headliners of a stage show… but Fire noticed, hands in her pockets she approached Pip.

"…What's up?" she asked as Pip, his eyes blocked by his shades stared at her.

"…Nothing." He lied, obviously.

Fire frowned at him, for half a moment she thought it was about Celestia going to perform with other men. But she was a pornstar and he was Pip the Porn Director, it couldn't be that, Celestia's filmed over a hundred videos, nearly all of them directed by Pip. Some recently. Something was bothering him.

"Is Orders blackmailing you again?"

"…No." Pip replied childishly, as Fire opened her mouth again, to try and grill the director when.

"Hey. Director. Is Sally here yet?" A fat out of shape looking man with a piggy nose and a haughty look on his face walked towards pip, wearing a bathrobe his long curly hair and porn stache looked greasy and unpleasant… Instantly his beady eyes narrowed on Fire's Brown Sugar breasts and he licked his thin lips like he just spotted a rack of ribs and he was particularly hungry.

"Yeah, Warner she's-"

"Who's this fox?" he said, scratching himself as Fire recoiled.

"…She's a friend." Pip said slowly, a friend of Ice to be specific but 'Warner' didn't let him finish.

"Sexy friend. Ever think about sucking dick for a living?" he asked, staring lecherously at her tits.

"Já pensou em tomar banho ou desconhece o conceito?" Fire replied as he licked his lips.

"Spanish uh? That's fucking hot…" he declared

"Idiota." Fire's green eyes narrowed, and she promptly zipped up her jacket. Though it didn't really hide the fact that she had big brown sugar breasts, it did hide her silky smooth skin. So he then lost interest in her and returned his attention to Pip.

"So your girlfriend all ready for a real man?" he asked as Pip rippled, on hand gripping the arm of his director chair firmly.

"…She's getting ready with Sally Snowball."

"Mmn! Sally Snowball… that's an ass I can't wait to tap!" he declared, "But Celestia D'Whorse! I don't know what she sees in you. But when I'm done with her she won't remember it." He declared, suddenly opening his robe and flashing Maria his thick throbbing cock hanging between his hairy legs. "No bitch can resister Warner Bunter." Gyrating and thrusting towards her as she raised an eyebrow.

"Vai se foder." She spat as Warner closed his robe.

"Where's that sweet ass girlfriend of yours, I need her lips on my cock soon." Warner added, ignoring Fire's obvious distaste.

"I told you she's getting ready."

"Yeah, I guess she will look better with her make-up running. Dumb colorful bimbo."

"Don't talk about her like that" Pip snapped but wilted under Warner's gaze.

"I'll talk about her however I want. I came to this shithole city for talent and she's the only one here with it… except maybe sugar tits there." He grinned as Fire recoiled again as he stared at her chest, even with a closed Jacket her chest still felt slimy under his gaze. "I'm going to fuck her, then I'm going to take her back to West to use her up like a fucking condom before I find myself a new bitch to replace her when she gets too old for me. The only reason why you're even here is because she didn't want to shoot without you." He scoffed. "Probably wants you to watch a real man fuck her you little beta cuck."

Pip leaped from his chair and reeled back his fist but Warner sneered at him. "What are you going to do? Hit me? Do it and all those fun opportunities vanish." He added as the studio crew averted their eyes. "Yeah. That's what I thought… sit your skinny ass down." He shoved Pip back into the chair, "And call you girlfriend and that nasty bitch Sally out, it's time for fucking…" he turned his attention to Fire. "And when I'm done with them I'll have my fun with this one too. Damn, those are some FINE titties!"

"Filho da puta!" snapped Fire spitefully as Warner licked his lips. But blinked as she caught a glimpse of a glittery pair of girls suddenly come out of nowhere… Ice was wearing a matching bikini to Celestia, only in silver. Celestia however was frowning…

"Damn look at you girls!" he cheered, approaching a frowning Celestia. "Let's get on the bed and-" he reached for her tits but she slapped his hand away, saying coldly.

"Don't touch me." She said, before strutting to a rather dejected-looking Pip and caressing his face. "Pippy why didn't you tell me he was a jerk to you?" she cooed as Pip sighed.

"You were so excited-" he said but she pouted.

"Pippy! I only agreed for US, not me! I thought it was good for OUR career!" she pulled his face into her cleavage, before glaring at Warner. "Deals off. Fuck off." She declared frankly stroking an increasingly happy Pip's head. To be fair his face was in her chest, so… not a lot to be sad about.

"Fine! Dumb cunt, see if I care. Come here you nasty slut we're going to-GURP!" as he reached for Ice, who took a step away, a high-heel pointy-toed boot shot up between his legs from behind. "EEEAH…" he squealed like a little girl as he was nut-busted by Fire, who then proceeded to beat the SHIT out of him on the floor like a pro-MMA fighter.

"Não toque no meu amigo, seu nojento! Porra de porco! Idiota!" before degenerating into rapid nonsensical Portuguese, brutally beating the SHIT out of Warner Bunter. "Asshole!" she yelled at him as she finished her relentless assault, spitting on him and leaving him broken and whimpering on the floor. "Querida, let's get out of here."

"…But I got the costume on and everything?" smiled Ice sweetly, gesturing to the 'costume' as Fire sighed.

"Just go home Sally." Celestia sighed sadly. "…I was hoping to shoot with you, but I'm just not in the mood anymore." She said, caressing Pip's head lovingly.

"MMnn? Wait!" Pip replied, wigging his face out of his girlfriend's cleavage to look up at her. "We still need to shoot something." He said, "We already told the producers we're going to get something done." Celestia frowned. "We can't NOT shoot something."

"Well, Miss. Burning Rage there just broke Warner…" she said, gesturing to him broken on the floor. "Not that we'd shoot something with him now anyway. I am not in the mood, and I don't feel like earning him any money using his stuff."

"We can shoot at our studio." Said Pip, "…And as to what we can do…" he said, looking at Fire and Ice… "…We do have superbabes." He noted as Ice waved and Fire scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"…Oh FUCK…" she noted, realizing what was going on and why Orders encouraged them to 'do it'.

"Where are we going to get another dick? Pippy are you volunteering?" asked Celestia as Pip looked around at the half-a-dozen male crew who seemed rather excited at Warner getting the shit kicked out of him. They should, they actually work for him not Pip, and were well used to his abuse.

"…You guys want to be in a gangbang?" Pip asked curiously to a rather… unanimous response.

Time: 11:23 AM. Place: Old Gotham (Pip's Porn Studio Apartment)

Half a dozen very happy crewmen stood around a large bed. It wasn't a tacky heart-shaped bed in the middle of a well-lit film studio. Just a tacky thing big enough to fit a family of 6 in a cheaply lit room…

The way porn ought to be.

Then a pair of very sexy bitches strutted towards the bed, one with a thick bubble booty wrapped in a silver bikini and a brown sugar skinned Brazilian with long green hair and big brown sugar breasts stuffed into a golden bikini… they crawled sensually on the bed before turning to face the camera…

Fire and Ice, one obviously smiling broadly and the other looking extremely annoyed waved to the camera before turning to face each other, and passionately kissing. "Mmgh… mmmn!" Fire's extremely annoyed mood lessened as it was hard to be pissed when you were kissing Ice. Her long four-inch tongue slid into Fire's mouth and easily subduing her tongue. She moaned agreeably as she returned to fondling favor, squeezing Ice's breasts through the silver bikini as Ice pulled away, and her tongue slowly followed slipping free of Fire's lips.

"Ay… Como faço para continuar entrando nessas coisas?" Fire groaned but smiled fondly as Ice began kissing her lower and lower, cupping her big brown sugar breasts, sliding her tongue under the cup of her left tit, finding her nipple, and flicking her tongue on it. "Ah…" Fire moaned as Ice kissed and licked at her tits in full. Fire soon removed her top completely, yanking the string around the back of her neck, letting it fall away, and exposing her big brown sugar breasts for the rest of the room. Ice wrapped her lips around her left nipple and sucking them lovingly, sliding her other hand down the front of Fire's bottoms, rubbing her pussy. "Ay! Querida…" she sneered playfully, doing the same to her.

"MMgh!" only she attacked her front and back, pulling Ice closer as one hand attacked her big bubble booty and the other her silky pussy, her fingers spreading both holes and causing Ice to giggle sweetly around her nipple as she continued to lick away. Moaning around Fire's tits and wiggling her bubble booty as they fingered each other.

Of course, two hot beauties playing with each other were going to rile up the viewing audience, furiously stroking themselves at the sight as Ice finally pushed Fire over. "Mmgh!" burying her face between her beautifully big brown sugar breasts. Rubbing her face between them like a dog with a bone, her long tongue slithering between them before she pulled away giggling. Taking Fire by the shapely samba hips and rolling her over.

"Ay?! OH!" Ice peeled the golden bikini away before sliding her long tongue slowly up Fire's pretty pussy. "Querida!" moaned Fire in response to Ice slithering her tongue up Fire's ass. "Mmmgh~!" shuddering wildly with her ass in the air and the pretty white-haired sweetheart continued furiously eating away at Fire's sexy samba booty. Moaning like a dog eating a meal as finally a rather average-sized cock slapped against Fire's face. "Ay…" she sighed, opening her mouth, extending her tongue and moaning invitingly as a pair of dicks slapped onto her tongue. Fire licked the two slowly, gazing up at them as the left dick slid between her suckable lips. "mmmn… MmGH!?" she shuddered as Ice's tongue was forcibly extracted from Fire's ass leaving the pretty Brazilian's hole nice and lubed up.

"Ooh…?" Ice, a little drunk on eating Fire's ass cooed as her head was turned, extending her tongue towards the dick being shoved slowly into her mouth. "Mmgh. Mmmn…" up and down her pretty face went, burying into his crotch as she joined Fire in dick sucking. "MMgh. Mmngh… Ah…" her tongue coiling on his length as she pulled away, and switched dicks. Her bikini fell away as they undressed her.

"Ay. Idiotas." Snapped Fire as she was lifted up onto her knees, her tits were squeezed and fondled before they began sucking on her nipples. "Mmnn!" she groaned as they sucked loudly on her big brown sugar breasts, and they tasted just as sweet as another dick swung down from above, slapping on her forehead as they tilted her head back and slid it into her mouth. "MMgh! Mgh! Mmgh!" pushing on the inside of her cheek. "MMgh-! Mmn…" slurping loudly and drooling between her cleavage as they squeezed her heavy chest. "MMngh!" Her nipples dripping with saliva as she was surrounded, by a lucky dick sliding between her big brown sugar breasts and the other sliding on her cheek before it soon gave it attention, popping off the one she was sucking on to give it a little lick.

However while Fire was giving the boys a little titty tugging and tongue-tickling, Ice was escalating.

"Ooh… Ooooh!" she straddled a lucky boy, her bubble ass to the camera bounced up and down as she started almost immediately rolling her hips, her ass cheeks clapping as another dick decided to make itself home up. Pushing slowly into her thick bubble booty, it wobbled and quivered pleasantly. "Oooh! Oh! MMN!!" instantly pumping and grinding inside her. Plunging in and out of her body as her mouth was then slid into again, making her nice and airtight as they sped up, faster and deeper into her. "MMgh! MMGh!!"

"Merda!" gasped Fire as pre-cum spurted from between her chest and she pulled her lips off a cock to say it, "Ay!" dragged on top of another her legs splayed open next to a moaning Ice. Cock slid into her ass, "Aaah!" and her pussy. "MMmgh!!" before another dick took its turn between her breasts. "AH. AH. Ah…" opening her mouth as she was plunged in and out of, her breasts bouncing up and down with each backswing of a pair of hips sponging against her magnificent breasts as she opened her mouth, extending her tongue. "Ay!" his cock throbbing between her breast suddenly exploded onto her face. "Merda!

"Freeze!" shouted Celestia, "You came too early!" she said, tossing Fire a towel as she wiped her chin and chest. The lucky devil between her tits pulled away from her cleavage

"Mmermng-hmmnot-oomghsenal…" Ice mumbled around the cock in her mouth, her tongue resting on his testicles as she still managed to be articulate.

"I know they're not professionals Sally. That's no excuse!" Celestia replied, fluent in 'mouthful of dick'. "Okay! Unfreeze!" she replied.

"MERDA!" Fire squeaked, barely tossing away the towel, before they began thrusting inside her in earnest. "Ah! AH!" her big breasts bouncing up and down, Ice moaning loudly with her as she was jackhammered into, the dick in her mouth sliding free allowing her to moan more openly, her tongue flopping up and down before turning to Fire. Inches from each other her tongue slid into her mouth and they started tongue kissing again before the cock returned, intruding between their lips as they slurped and sucked on it, drooling liberally on it as they slid sloppily along it, Ice's magnificent tongue slathering on Fire's face as she cooed.

"Mmgh! Mmnhg-aah!" Ice gasped as the men pumped harder and faster, ramming furiously into her ass before shaking.

"UUGH!!" ripping free and shooting a load across her bubbly booty, still wobbling up and down as the man pumped up into her from below.

"AH! AH! AHHH Ah!"

"Merda!" gasped Fire as the man thrusting into her pussy pulled away and shoot feeble ropes across her toned stomach, splashing on the bottom of her tits.

"For the love of-" mumbled Celestia as Ice and Fire kept bouncing on the two men beneath them.

"Let it go it works!" Pip replied happily.

"OOho!" Fire hissed, shaking as the man under her kept thrusting up into her ass. Her sticky breasts bounced and clapped together as she was thrown upright, he grabbed her wrists and yanked them back, "AH haa… ah…" displaying her bouncing breasts, before she was thrown forward, her face landing on top of Ice's ass, her chin sticking to the cum on Ice's wobbling ass, seductively licking the curve. "Ah… AH!"

Ice moaning as her ass cheeks clapped on Fire's face. Her lips stuffed with cock again as they writhed in a mass of sex. Fire licked Ice's ass clean before dropping onto the bed, ass in the air and tits bulging beneath her as her cheeks were clapped loudly and rapidly behind her. "FUCK. FUCK! MERDA…" moaned Fire, before moaning loudly. "Oooh!!" Burying her face briefly into the mattress, biting the sheets before pulling back up and shivering. "Mmmgh!" grunting loudly as she shivered with the furious thrusts behind her.

"MMGh! Mmgh!" Ice shaking as cum burst into her pussy. "MMmgh!!" still bouncing and clapping her ass cheeks before crawling off him and towards the dick still in her mouth, cum oozing from her pussy. "Mmgh! Mmgh! Mmgh!" sucking away on his dick, her tongue sliding out beneath his length to tickle his balls, then taking a thick glob of cum in her mouth. "Gack…" it oozed out of her mouth, done her tongue as she smiled prettily up at him.

"MMMGh!!" Fire shook in pleasure as she took a load up her ass "haaha…" she gasped softly as Ice hooked her hands on her shoulders, pulling her up and onto her back as Fire spread her legs wide, holding them open with her ass oozing cream, Ice sliding across her body to lick at her pussy. "MMmn…" resting her hand on the back of Ice's head as the pretty white-haired girl smiled and let her serpent-like tongue spread Fire's pussy lovingly before she began to slurp the cum out of Fire's ass. "Ay…" she moaned, shaking pleasurably over Ice's sloppy moans.

"MMmn!" pulling away from Fire's ass before looming over her face, and opening her mouth, Fire did the same as Ice dribbled cum into Fire's open mouth before bending down and furiously kissing her messy lips. "Mmgh! Mmmn…" Squeezing Fire's sticky tits as they lay together on the couch, fondling Fire as they showed off their messy bodies. "Mmn…" sloppily kissing each other as one after the other, ropes and ropes of cum from the various cocks roped across the both of them, getting in their hair and on their beautiful faces as Ice and Fire together sucked on her big brown sugar breasts together.

"Come on girls!" cooed Celestia encouragingly as Ice and Fire began to lick cum off each other, scooping with their tongues, slurping with their lips until cheek to cheek they opened wide, showing the thick globs they had collected, before closing their mouths, and swallowing. Opening their mouths wide once more and their empty mouths as Ice giggled and let her tongue slither into Fire's mouth once more.

"Ay Querida!" laughed Fire as they began making out again, rolling around on the sticky sheets. Their hands roamed each other's bodies from squeezing Fire's brown Sugar breasts to Ice's thick bubble ass. Fire spanking Ice loudly.


"Querida, você é uma puta!" she laughed as Ice's tongue went back to Fire's tits. "Sim. Chupe meus peitos, minha linda puta." She cooed as Ice nursed on Fire. "Mmmn…"

"Cut! Print! Perfect!" declared Celestia. Strutting playfully towards Fire and Ice before crawling onto the bed, taking Ice's face gently from Fire's tits "Cum here Sally I want some…" before sliding their tongues together and kissing passionately over Fire's bouncy brown sugar breasts. "Mmgh! Mmn…"

And by 'SOME' she meant a LOT, stripping out of her skimpy clothes with one hand, her thick wobbling sunbutt wiggling in view her big tits bouncing against Ice as she tackled her to the bed. "Mmgh!" Ice and Fire smacked her sunbutt playfully as she yelped into Ice's lips… pulling away and cooing. "Smack it! Smack my sunbutt!" she kept shaking it as Ice and Fire spanked away at it. "Oh YEAH…" she purred, getting on her hands and knees as the two spanked and squeezed her thick sun-tattooed ass. "Mmgh!" sinking their fingers into her ass cheeks, showing off her tasty holes before letting her ass clap shut, "Hee-hee!" cooed Celestia as Fire grabbed her rainbow hair. "Ow…"

She said it like it hurt but moaned like it didn't. Ice spanking her sun butt with a smile on her face as they rolled her over, pulling her thick shapely legs open, displaying her pretty pussy as Fire covered Celestia's face with her sticky tits, bouncing them on her as she grabbed Celestia's big breasts, Ice crawling over her left leg, keeping it open as she slithered her tongue into her pussy. "Ooooh!" Celestia moaned, squeezing Fire's big breasts and licking the 'frosting' off them as Fire crawled forward now, muffling Celestia's face as she joined eyes and tongue fucking Celestia's quivering pussy.

"MMGh! mMN!" the duo spread her quivering lips before slipping their fingers in and out of Celestia's ass, making her shake and quiver excitedly as the two snacked on her dripping hole. "MMNgh! Mmgh! Mmgh!!" she squealed into Fire's pussy as they drove her quickly over the edge, her toes curling in the air as Fire and Ice made her squirt all over their faces, Sally lovingly swallowed the savory fluid as Fire spat it into her mouth. "Mmmnnh…" Celestia cooed lovingly as the two returned to giving Celestia's pussy a loving lick lock. Squeezing her thick sunbutt ass cheeks as she cooed.

Fire and Ice pulled away from her quivering pussy, laying onto Celestia before kissing Celestia, tongues and lips mixing erotically as they all giggled, waving to the camera as Pip, FINALLY stopped rolling.

"Great! We got it!" Warner's crew clapped and cheered as Ice, Fire, and Celestia sat up. "…And now I have to burn that bed." He noted under his breath as the girls wiggled and jiggled out of the recording bedroom. Celestia gave her director boyfriend a smack on the ass as she passed him. "Hey!"

"Love you Pippy!" she cooed as the three of them went into the showers. "Ah… That was GREAT girls and it only took us forty minutes!"

Time: 12:04 PM. Place: Pip's Porn Place (Showers)

"How did you Esquisitas talk me into this?" Fire mumbled as Ice just smiled and slipped under the shower, taking cold water onto her sensual but sticky body.

"You and Sally have great chemistry! It was only natural."

"Tia you can call me Zoey." Zoey replied sweetly as Celestia suddenly hugged her.

"Oh, you are SO CUUUUUTE!" Celestia replied happily, "I just want to eat you up! AH!" but Fire cracked her hand on Celestia's sunbutt. "Oh!" and not in a sexy spanking way.

"Hey! HEY hands off Garota." She ordered as Celestia pouted, rubbing her prized sunbutt. "Just because you're not a guy doesn't mean I'm not going to protect Querida from your post-shoot horniness.

"Maria… what's a little skinship between friends?" cooed Celestia as Maria rolled her eyes, and fidgeted as Celestia squeezed her big brown sugar breasts. "I mean LOOK at these things! They're so TASTY."

"Ay hands off!" she slapped them away, "…I've already done too much PORN today. Thank you. I still don't know why I even agreed!"

"…Tia's very persuasive." Replied Zoey, Celestia giving Zoey's bubble booty a playful swat as she got her rainbow hair under the water.

"Well, I didn't want to let that douchebag touch me after he insulted my Pippy." Celestia replied, "And it seemed like a waste of two perfectly good superbabes…" she added, "…Besides this way, you two get a bigger cut of the potential profits."

"Wait I thought that idiota was funding it?" Maria asked, soaping down her shapely body as Celestia resisted the urge for more 'skinship' with her tits and focused on her own.

"He rented the studio, and provided the staff for camera and makeup but we didn't shoot there." Celestia replied, "…And since he didn't participate in what we DID shoot he doesn't get any of it." Tia smiled almost coldly. "This is our own thing, and those guys we 'borrowed' from him are… off the clock." She noted with a shrug. "…All we did was make a porn for Superbabes premium content website..."

"Qual provavelmente era o plano daquela cadela psíquica o tempo todo." Maria mumbled quickly, "Ay… I am tired." She moaned.

"Listen though how about we get some lunch!" replied Celestia. "I mean I have to suck Pippy's dick first." She added as Maria stared at her confusedly, Zoey however just nodded as if she understood. "But after that, we can get some food! Oh! How about some Superbabes?!"

"I could eat." Smiled Zoey, but Maria.

"Suck Pippy's dick first?" she repeated hesitantly

"Uh YEAH." Tia replied sardonically, turning off her shower and strutting naked out of the bathroom. "How else will he know that I love him if not a good dick-sucking?" she smiled and walked out, soon the sound of Pip squeaking adorably in surprise at his girlfriend's sudden dick-sucking echoing into the bathroom as Maria sighed, rubbing her eyes.

"…I suppose it's comforting to know it's not JUST SUperbabes where the crazies are…" Maria replied as Zoey giggled. "Querida…" she sighed.

"Well… we're still working there…" she laughed sweetly. "…So we must be crazy too!"

"I don't doubt it Querida…" she replied resignedly, following her best friend/Roommate naked out of the bathroom.


Took me some time to finish but I got it! Next up is Wonder Woman II, she needs some catching up.

To the Butchering!

Já pensou em tomar banho ou desconhece o conceito? = Ever think about bathing or are you unaware of the concept?

Vai se foder = Fuck off

Filho da puta = Motherfucker!

Não toque no meu amigo, seu nojento! Porra de porco! Idiota = Don't you touch my friend you slimy! Pig-fucking! Asshat!

Como faço para continuar entrando nessas coisas? = How do I keep getting into these things?

Querida, você é uma puta! = Honey, you're such a slut!

Sim. Chupe meus peitos, minha linda puta. = Yeah. Suck on my tits my pretty slut.

Qual provavelmente era o plano daquela cadela psíquica o tempo todo. = Which was probably that psychic bitch's plan all along.

Chapitre suivant