
Daily Special: Livewire

I don't own DC

It was another unremarkable day at Superbabes. The dayshift was ending, the nightshift was starting, and Orders just turned on deliveries. Livewire rubbed her blue shoulders walking out of the locker room in sexy street clothes and yawning broadly about to head home for ideally 8-hours of uninterrupted sleep.

"Have you thought about what we discussed?" Orders asked suddenly as Livewire stifled her yawn.

"Hawaa-wha?" she mumbled sleepily as Orders raised an eyebrow at her, her purple eyes flashing brightly as she rubbed her temple, groaning quietly to herself.

"About being added to the daily special." Orders noted as Livewire groaned.

"Yeah… I guess." She replied lazily. "…The reason why I didn't when you first announced it was because we thought it would exacerbate my… 'issues'." She noted.

"And I respected your opinion and original decision…" Orders noted calmly, "…But I refer you to your usual and increasingly active urges and potential for starting orgies unintentionally."

"Yeah…" Livewire mumbled tiredly, her libido has been acting up far more lately, her last 'that time of the month' was a nightmare… having an opportunity to 'relieve' herself before the next one might help. It has before. "…How about a trial run? It's been a while since we last did one, right?"

"Hmmn." Orders' purple eyes flickered again and she glanced at the floor. "…Yes I suppose that might be a good idea. Head on home. We'll do a raffle tomorrow." She said, taking a breath and rubbing her head, trying to soothe the headache.

"Tomorrow? Why not tonight?"

"Because we're about to get a whale, and I need to break out my harpoon." She replied calmly. Livewire raised her own eyebrow at that, "And we want as many people to show up as possible as many of them immediately want to fill up their next raffle ticket." Livewire shrugged at the logic and she shook her blue head, turning around and taking her big blue wobbling bombax, and heading to the door.

"…Night then Orders." She said casually, walking out the backdoor and heading to her regular bus stop. She was barely gone two minutes before the door to Superbabes swung loudly open.

"Privet! Gothaaaam!" Howled a young man with a STRONG Russian accent, his arms around a pair of beautiful women. One with a dark, almond-colored complexion and of middle-eastern descent judging by the colorful hijab she wore… although, it might just have been decorative considering how risqué she was dressed. The other girl's skin was so white it was almost translucent, and with long curly red hair and a freckled face…

Both had large busts and slender frames, and pretty smiles but only the redheaded woman had a soft body type with wide childbearing hips and plump round ass. The man between them was loud, obnoxious, covered in jewelry and gaudy tattoos on any and all visible skin. His arms draped over the ladies' shoulders, his right hand, covered in rings, held a mostly empty Vodka bottle… because the Russian cheering wasn't enough to establish that he was Eastern European… and trying to discard the fact that he looked like a Gotham gangster… a discount Gotham gangster.

…The guy behind the trio was, in comparison and appearance, positively normal. Wearing a plain, neat shirt, long pants and sturdy glasses, he looked like a slightly younger copy of the man flanked by the women… slightly more annoyed too, already arranging a table with hostess Wonder Woman as the loudmouth abruptly brandished a roll of cash from his fur jacket and wagged it around. "Next round is on me!"

Orders' greedy purple eyes twinkled as she curled her finger at Giganta, who leaned down, "Keep an eye on him." she said cautiously before gesturing for Poison to come to the counter, "…Slip a few raffle tickets their way." She said conspiratorially as Poison Ivy grinned and went onto the floor. Orders deviously greedy mind working overtime as she turned to the computer and set up the announcement for the Daily Special raffle tomorrow night… before she immediately began reaching for the phone as it started to ring. The rich Russian loudmouth was literally throwing money around much to the detriment of his obviously more responsible younger brother. But, hey, as long as Orders' girls collected those fallen bills the loudmouth can throw as much as he wanted.

"Superbabes, we Deliver." She said, and proceeding for the rest of the night as if she wasn't planning something lucratively profitable for her and the resident blue half-alien beauty.

As usual, the next evening Superbabes was positively packed with raffle participants, all eagerly awaiting the joyous and fun event. It usually ended up being so, despite the looming reality and the sheer astronomical odds that only ONE among them got the grand prize of a day with a Superbabe… Livewire watched from the lounge as Power Girl brought out the holy Superbabes bucket stuffed with the tickets, and (B) Vixen brought the chair. Livewire has seen a few of these draws before of course and after… And she obviously knew that knowing Orders, she was definitely going to pick someone who was going to pick HER, but she was unaware of Orders' full schemes.

"Alright! Welcome to the Daily Raffle Draw!" shouted Orders to the crowd as they clapped and cheered, more than ready to win their 24 hours with a sexy Superbabe of their choosing, from a select few, and a recently added addition of beautiful blueberry beauty, Livewire. "Are you all ready?!"

"YEAH!" cheered the crowd as Orders raised her hand and slipped it into the cheaply made but Superbabe branded bucket, shifted her hand around and around… until she grabbed what she was looking for, with her flickering purple eyes, and yanked out the ticket making a big show of it. Despite the fact that she was literally rigging the draw before their eyes…

"Drumroll please." Orders noted as Vixen smiled, aimed her ass at the crowd and rapidly twerked her ass cheeks up and down as the crowd hooted and Orders yanked out a ticket. The crowd went silent as Vixen stopped her 'drumroll'. Orders then eyed the raffle ticket, but she didn't even really read it she already knew what it said. "Piotr." she said.

The traditional moan of dismay and annoyance echoed through the crowd, as Orders repeated herself and looked directly toward the corner of the room and repeated the name. "Piotr." After a moment, a young man in glasses cautiously moved forward, claiming the victory…

The same young man from yesterday who had arrived with the loud mouth Russian, looking somewhat confused as he approached Orders and she pointed to the lounge, "Ladies, escort the winner." The confused young Piotr was dragged by Vixen and pushed by Power Girl into the lounge as Orders hopped down from the karaoke stage and declared, "Free drinks all around!" she waved dismissively as the floor was then swarmed with girls to soothe the 'poor' losers by showering them with attention.

It helped them by more tickets.

Orders walked around the counter as the nervous Piotr stood curiously on the other side, glancing around as the entirety of the lounge, except Livewire, rushed onto the floor to start the 'party'.

"I am sorry but…" began Piotr. "What have I won?" he had a strong Russian accent but it his English was as clear as a bell.

"You've won a full 24 hours with one of these lovely Superbabes." She said, producing the 'mat' with Green Lanterns (I and II) Vixen, Wonder Girl, Starfire, Batgirl, Catwoman (II) and Supergirl (II), and Poison Ivy. "To do whatever you want with, or too." She said frankly as he blinked at her, legitimately surprised before she added. "Oh… and our Livewire is a new addition to the ones seen here…" she gestured to Livewire, and then the mat. "You may also select her."

Piotr glanced at the blue Beauty as she cooed sultrily. "Hola Mijo." She said waving coyly, her voice like honey in his ears, her Spanish like a siren song, and her pheromones like cocaine up his nostrils.

"I…" Piotr glanced at her and noticed how big her blue Bombax was. "I'm not sure-"

"Just sign here." Orders said, putting an official-looking document on the counter. "And pick." She said handing him a pen as he looked nervous, but after a moment of reading the document… he seemed less concerned, and finally, he put his name on the bottom… and selected a different bottom.

"…Her?" he said, pointing right at Livewire who, because this is Superbabes and Orders is Orders, knew Piotr would pick her.

"Good, Now." Orders smiled, "12:00 tomorrow, noon, whether you are here or not that's when your day starts. My time, not yours." She tapped her own watch. "The day after tomorrow, noon, that's when you bring her back. "If not, my friend here…" she gestured to the imposing Giganta, walking out of the locker room with a snap of her costume on her powerful shoulder. "Will find you at your house and do terrible things to you…" he blinked at the big woman concernedly as she winked at him and walked onto the floor, "And I'll have her bring friends. Who will also do terrible things to you…"

"I am from Russia, I am used to threats." He replied sadly, more as a fact than as an attempt to brush it off.

"Shut up." She ordered and unsurprisingly he did. Orders' mob boss aura sending a chill down his spine. "I need to finish. Within those 24 hours you may do whatever you wish, within reason, but if she says 'No'… unlikely as that maybe-"

"Puta…" sighed Livewire resignedly, rolling her eyes and not entirely sure if she was talking about Orders or taking a degrading crack at her biology again. Both options would work and everyone ignored the shot anyway.

"Then that means 'NO'. Do we understand each other?"

"Yes Ma'am." He said, surprisingly polite considering his relative (most likely brother) was a loud mouth… but then again they managed to spend enough to fill up a couple of raffle tickets after one night of Superbabes partying so she wasn't going to turn down that sort of cash access.

"Good. She'll see you tomorrow." She said gesturing out the back door. Piotr sighed and didn't move at first before shuffling out the back door and paused, before turning back to Livewire.

"…You might want to bring a swimsuit." He said, clearly, but a little cryptically as Livewire merely replied in a sultry tone.

"Kinky Mijo." She replied as Piotr, blushing a little, shyly walked out the back, and stumbled, catching himself before pulling out his phone and rapidly speaking in Russian, nervously running his hand through his hair as he vanished into an expensive car. "…Okay what's his deal?" she asked as Orders shrugged.

"…Nothing. I just prefer him over his brother." She replied knowledgeably, "Besides officially HE's the one responsible for you and not his rich playboy relative. Much better scenario… and make sure the swimsuit is sexy." She added casually as Livewire shook her head.

"I only have sexy swimsuits! A veces jefa, creo que eres más loca que los criminales de Gotham." Livewire replied before going out onto the floor to help soothe the masses.

"No lo sé. Y él no es un criminal de Gotham. Solo rico." Orders replied casually in perfect Spanish. "Ponte a trabjar."

"Yeah yeah, I'm going." Livewire waved it off, and walked out onto the floor… that big blue bombax working its spacy alien magic. Making tips magically appear… or grow.

Time: 11:59 AM. Remaining Time: 24 hours and 1 minute

Livewire wore shorts so tight they almost cut off circulation, packing her ass into any sort of clothing that wasn't designed to be sexy, to begin with is a worthwhile effort unto itself. She wore a white tank top that barely hide her black bikini top, and her matching bikini bottoms were already riding up into her glorious blue bombax… but nobody could see her ensemble as she wore a coat over it.

It's Gotham: it's fucking cold.

She held a small, waterproof knapsack over her shoulder, it contained a few necessary items for a night away from home, spare clothes, her uniform… she was already wearing the boots. She was a sexy blue woman with an ass so big it practically had an actual orbit… and we're not just talking about the various guys who would be swirling around her like sharks trying to get a look. She needed to cover up today… at least for now.

It was now 12:00. She looked up from her phone and expected to see something other than people checking out the blue chick waiting in front of Superbabes. She waited and waited… a good three minutes at least… normally the guys were chomping at the bit to get here on time.

"…Privet." She looked to her right, towards the lot and saw Piotr standing there in his nice, normal clothes and glasses. "Over here." He looked rather dismal… not something she expected considering he was about to spend 23-something hours with a Superbabe, and not just any Superbabe… a literal genetic nymphomaniac. "Apologies there was traffic." He said, leading her to his car.

"No problem." She said with a purr, sliding into the passenger's seat. "So. Where are we going?"

"The Gotham Harbor." He said, as she blinked at him and he drove out of the parking lot… they rolled along in silence before he suddenly spoke. "I am sorry you have to do this." He said and she raised an eyebrow at him.

"…Do what?" she said, leaning back in the comfy seat as Piotr fidgeted.

"You would not be here if my brother did not throw all that money around." Livewire chuckled, and he blinked at her surprised.

"You're making it sound like a bad thing, mijo." She purred, "Trust me… you got nothing to worry about."

"…Well. Ivan can be a little unbearable."

"I've fucked worse." She said frankly, making Piotr blush fiercely. "Besides he didn't win me you did."

"It was his money." He said hesitantly. "His ticket."

"With you're name on it." she replied as Piotr blinked. "…And between you and me, Mijo? My boss is a bit of a Bruja when it comes to the fine print." Then with a rather inviting purr, she added, "So don't worry about you brother, and just think about all the things you get to do…" The whisper somehow echoed around the roar of the car as Piotr noticeably clamped up, his face red. "Hmph!" Livewire smirked and leaned back again as they drove on to Gotham Harbor… wondering just why they were going there at all. Not much there but dockworkers and boats…

"That's a big fucking boat." She declared to herself as Piotr packed the car and got out. Off maybe half a mile from the dock was a large luxurious yacht… easily the biggest yacht she's ever seen in her life, on par with a small cruise ship. It must cost a fortune. It was anchored away from the harbor, it wouldn't have fit in commercial docks… she could just barely make out the name in red lettering on the white hull on the prow. 'Elizium.'

"…It is my father's," replied Piotr with a sigh. "My Brother and I sailed her here… we are sailing around the world." He added, which he seemed to take a little more pride in as Livewire whistled. In a humoring tone. "Come." He said, guiding her to the dock and towards a small speed boat. Getting in and untied it from the mooring as she entered as well, and within moments they were speeding towards the Elizium.

On the back of the massive dock was a flat platform with a pair of protruding poles on either end closest to the water. "Throw that loop around the mooring please." He said pointing to a looped rope attached to the speed boat as Livewire followed his instruction, throwing the loop on the mooring as he did the same to the other side. Clambering onto the Elizium and holding his hand out to her, she smirked, taking it and walking onto the boat before climbing up a ladder onto the ship proper.

"This is the main deck. Cabins, kitchen, entertainment room…" he said like he was trying to sell it to her. "Above us is the helm and control room, and pool. Above that is the hot tub… and below us in the hull is engine and storage." he noted, as she smirked.

"So where do you want me to go first?" she noted as he blinked at her, hesitating as he sighed.

"…I better go check on my brother. You can explore." He said sadly, "Introduce yourself to the other girls." He added as Livewire blinked at him.

"Other girls?"

"…My Brother is something of a 'collector'…" then added reluctantly, "A playboy."

"…No skin off my blue ass." She replied as he blinked, then she opened her coat and handed him her bag. "Might as well get comfortable… right?" she smiled, then began to strip as he stared at her sumptuous blue body. Wrapped up tightly in her swimsuit as she removed her boots, handing them to Piotr as if he was a butler rather than the owner of an expensive boat. "Put those somewhere for me, alright Mijo?" she cooed playfully, now standing in a tight, shiny black g-string bikini… because of course, it was a g-string. "…You find me when you're ready to play with me." She whispered before exploring the vessel. Leaving Piotr staring at her mostly bare blue ass in aroused awe.

She moved to the second floor, walking around the helm and towards the prow of the boat to find a small pool, surrounded with empty bottles… However there were also a collection of lounge chairs, and three of them were occupied.

Two were currently in use by the girls that Ivan had his arms around the other night, the Middle-eastern girl and the curly-haired red-head… both of whom were in swimsuits. The curly-haired redhead was lying on her stomach, her big backside soaking in sun and dressed in a pink slingshot swimsuit. She seemed to be asleep. The middle eastern girl was lying on her back in a side-tie green bikini… and a matching Hijab and sunglasses… which seemed out of place.

The three was a girl with a thick bubble butt and boyishly short blue hair, also wearing a hot-pink slingshot swimsuit that showed off her leg tattoos, thorny vines curling from her feet, up her legs, and two flowering roses tattooed on her ass cheeks…

"Hola." Livewire declared as the blue-haired woman and the hijab-wearing girl both turned their attention to her. they stared at her curiously for a minute as she strutted across the deck towards them, hands on her hips.

"Privet." Said the blue-haired woman politely.

"You're new. Did Ivan bring you aboard?" asked the middle eastern girl who didn't sound middle-eastern, she had a slight spanish accent but she spoke English clearly enough.

"Piotr." Said Livewire conversationally, "He won the lottery at Superbabes. So I'm here for…" she glanced around and spotted a clock.

Time: 12:59 PM. Remaining time: 23 hours and 1 minute.

"23 hours give or take." She finished.

"Hmmn." The middle-eastern girl replied, mostly disinterested. "So what's your name?"

"Livewire." She replied as the woman scoffed. "Yours?"

"Jasmine." She replied bluntly, adjusting herself and soaking in sun. Livewire rested her hands on her hips, glancing around as Jasmine then added, "That's Merida…" he gestured to the redhead. "And that's Anya."

"What do you girls do here?"

"Anya's the captain."

"Mostly in function. Not so much in name." Anya replied in a strong Russian accent, "The Kozlov family owns the boat but if Ivan had his way, he'd drive it onto the beach."

"As to what me and Merida do?" Jasmine lowered her sunglasses to look Livewire in the eyes, "Well… I think you know what we do." She said with a knowing wink, displaying her big bust and slender belly-dancer hips and gesturing to Merida's big buttocks, before then blinking at Livewire curiously and adding in some surprise. "…Hold on, are you ACTUALLY blue or is that the vodka?"

"Actually blue." Livewire replied frankly as Jasmine frowned.

"How'd that happen?"

"Born this way." Livewire replied, gesturing to her own beautiful blue body. "…Why are you wearing a hijab in a bikini?" she asked, unable to resist the weird question any longer as Jasmine groaned, pushing the sunglasses back on and lying back.

"Ivan likes hijabs." She mumbled tiredly. "And he pays me too much to question his kinks."

Merida moaned, "Aye, that fuckin arsehole." She said in a strong Scottish accent. "Jazzy keep it down I'm trying to sleep."

"Then go to your room." Jasmine replied lazily, but Merida seemed just as lazy as she didn't bother to comply or argue.

Livewire, who had expected to be having SOME form of sex by now, frowned at the three exotic ladies. She sighed audibly… She also wondered WHY Orders bothered to send her here when there was already a trio of sexy bitches at the beck and call of some rich Russian oligarch's son… sure it made sense in CONTEXT but it was still a confusing decision.

"Don't suppose any of you want to have sex?" she joked conversationally as the girls gave her a collection of negative groans. "Haah…" she sighed again.

"Plenty of time for that later." Anya sighed, "Enjoy the relaxation while it lasts."

…Livewire then conceded that there was in fact plenty of time to do it later, and she could think of worse things to do than relaxing on a yacht… but since she didn't want to turn orange, she picked a nice shady spot by the window of the helm to stretch her beautiful blue body out.

She had just gotten comfortable as Piotr returned, sighing tiredly, and standing beside her. "I am sorry. But Ivan is still-"

"Drunk off his arse? He didn't got to sleep until a couple of hours ago." Interrupted Merida.

"D-Da…" he mumbled admittedly as Livewire then raised her hand, and began rubbing his crotch, he recoiled in surprise. "Wh-what are you doing?!" he mumbled shyly as the other girls chuckled teasingly.

"Mijo, I am here to FUCK, YOU. Not your brother." She said frankly, "Whoever won gets my time not the one who paid." I mean, technically speaking Orders would probably want her to go after the one with the most MONEY but she's going to follow the letter of the law rather than the one who wrote it. So to speak.

"B-But wait a-" he glanced at the trio of other girls who seemed confused at Livewire's forwardness, she promptly unzipped him as he tried to stop her… and failed. As she buried her face into his zipper and let her tongue explore his pants. Licking at his boxers as she sniffed loudly, inhaling the scent of a sweaty Russian guy… or at least she tried. But apparently, Piotr showered so he sounded rather pleasant…

Or maybe that was just Livewire's biology doing a number on her brain and turning on the 'I want to fuck now' parts…

"There it is." She moaned, gazing up at him and, expertly, extracting his growing erection with her tongue and getting it into her mouth… "Mmmgn." She rubbed her nose into his underwear before beginning to suck in full, sliding off the lounge chair onto her knees, her big blue ass molding into her feet as she held onto his waist, pulling her head back and forth slowly but keeping most of her face still in his pants. Piotr moaning loudly and holding onto her head… acting like he's never gotten his cock sucked before…

There were three sexy girls on this ship, specifically hired to be sexual partners, if Jasmine is to be believed, and they sailed to Gotham… there's no way Piotr hasn't gotten his dick sucked. So she kept at it as his fingers curled into her light blue hair, massaging her blue scalp. "Mmngh… Mmmngh…" shaking her head as she felt him wiggle in her mouth, cum already oozing out of his tip as she kept sucking away. "Mmgh! Mmngh!" he hands clawing at his ass pulling him forward into her face. "Mmngh… Mmmn…" tongue slathering saliva on him, her eyes twinkling up at him as she reached down, sliding her finger into the bottoms of her bikini, fingering herself, loudly, Piotr clinging tightly to her head but not resisting her tongue tickling his cock, and lips sliding up and down his shaft. "Mmngh!"

Jasmine, Merida, and Anya all watched in curious awe, unable to look away as Livewire pretty much ignored them… and maybe in some cases showed them up. Piotr gasped suddenly, clenching his teeth as his whole body began shaking, his hips bucking against her face before she felt the hot warmth of his cum flooding into her mouth… "Haaah!"

"Mmmngh!" Livewire's eyes rolled erotically up into her head, as she drank his load, her fingers churning her pussy before it began dripping arousal to the deck. "Mmmn… Mmn-ghmn! Aaah!" she wetly popped off of Piotr's cock, "Ah…" opening her mouth wide and letting her tongue loll out, swaying her tongue left and right then rolling it all around, "Mwah…" she kissed his cock, "How was that Papi?" she cooed as his length twitched against her chin.

However, Piotr suddenly jumped, looked at the other girls, and quickly pushed his cock back into his pants and scrambled away as Livewire raised an eyebrow. "…That's not the response I was expecting" she said bluntly, pulling her hand from her bikini and standing up. Licking her sticky fingers absently as the other girls stared at her, chuckling knowingly. "What?"

"…Piotr's a cherry boy." Declared Merida with a grin, her big breasts bouncing up and down on her chest as she tried to stifle her giggles. "Hee-hee!"

"Virgin? With you three on the boat?" she asked as Jasmine just shrugged her shoulders and lay back on the chair.

"…Ivan pays us for Ivan." she replied, "Unless he tells us to do things to his shy brother, we mostly leave Piotr alone." as Livewire rolled her pretty eyes, got up, and went looking of Piotr.

"He's welcome to look though." Added Merida as Anya giggled.

Livewire strutted about on the Elizium and explored the various cabins on the lower deck. And apparently found 'her room', or at least where Piotr neatly put her belongings, along with Ivan's room. Because she found Ivan, passed out completely naked on his bed still holding an empty vodka bottle. Livewire hesitated for a second, contemplating his numerous tattoos… including the one on his dick that said 'Welcome aboard'… classic. She rolled her eyes, shut the door, and went looking for Piotr again.

This was a new experience for her. Normally she would be pinned down and used by now, she was unused to people making it harder for her to do her job. Let's be honest, if she actually wanted to have sex it would be nearly impossible to resist her pheromones or her bombax. "Piotr…" she cooed seductively, "…It was just a blowjob." She added, as a door suddenly opened and Piotr glanced out. "Hola." She said as he opened it further.

She then pushed her way into his bedroom, before walking right past him and towards his bed. Putting her hands on the end, and pushing her big blue thong-wearing bombax towards him, swaying it side to side. "You know Piotr if you didn't want to participate in the raffle…" she turned, "You should've just written your brother's name and moved on." She then turned around and sat down on the edge of his bed. Crossing her blue legs as she looked at him.

"…I am not good with girls." He said shyly as Livewire audibly sighed, sounding annoyed. "Sorry." He added quickly as Livewire just shook her head and got off the bed, she moved to his door and immediately locked it. "…Chto?"

"Do you have a problem with women Papi?"

"Nyet." He said quickly.

"Do you want to fuck me?"


"Is that a question?" she asked sternly, sounding annoyed again as he shook his head.


"So do you want to fuck me?"

"Da." He said firmly as she smiled prettily at him and lightly patted his cheek.

"Good. Don't you worry… I certainly know what I'm doing…" She then licked her lips and pushed him onto the bed, before sliding her hand over her crotch, his gaze locking onto her as she slowly masturbated, maintaining eye contact as she wormed her body, gyrating and thrusting her hips towards the young Russian virgin. Her pussy dripping wet despite the fact that she didn't take a dip into the pool.

She then slid her thumbs into her bottoms, and slowly swirled her hips around and around, sliding them slowly down her thick blue thighs, exposing her hairless little pussy. "Mmmn…" letting them hit the floor she quickly removed her top, tossing it aside.

"…You are blue all over?" he asked, staring in awe at her body as his erection stretched out his pants.

"I am blue… all-" she turned around slowly, showing him her thick blue bombax, bending over, and grabbing her ankles. "-over." And began to make it clap, bouncing it up and down and side to side, shaking her thickness proudly as Piotr stared in a hypnotic trance at it. "You can touch it if you want Papi." She cooed enchantingly. "In fact. You. SHOULD." She added, making her ass jump and clap to the words for emphasis. "Play with this culo." She cooed, raising her hands to clap them on her big blue bombox, "Come on mijo give it a clap." She cooed, bending her knees and really pumping that ass, switching between squats, dropping dat bombax to the floor, or rolling her ass cheeks like Vixen's drumroll.

"Come on Papi, play with it." she teased, riling herself up as much as him. She stood upright and began bouncing on her heels, "What's it for if not fun? Give it a slap, give it a squeeze. Es un gran trasero, así que agárrate fuerte." She shimmied in place, bending over as her bombax danced… then upright again. "Let me show you how to do it-" CLAP! She slapped her hands hard on her big blue bombax, her ass cheeks rippling together in slow motion. Piotr's eyes followed the motion studiously… then she said the magic words that sealed the fate of Piotr's virginity. "Now you try." Giving her wobbling ass a tantalizing shake.

There is not a straight single man alive that would resist that offer… she's even successfully tempted a priest once. She was called a succubus for a while but then it was found out he was spending time at a local Columbian brothel doing more than just preaching, it sort of evened out.

Piotr's hands twitched as he held them up towards her big blue backside. For just a small moment, a third party might think he was going to push her away. But that would be silly… because once his hands touched that mass of wobbling blue bombax his hands sunk into her flesh like it was warm wet clay… molding on his hands and fingers, as she released a deep, sexy… "Mmmmn…"

If anything was going to push Piotr over the edge it was that. He pulled his right hand away before immediately bringing it back and-SWAT-clapping it onto her big blue ass cheek, it wobbled as she wiggled pleasantly before he stood off the bed and took his hands away from her rear to fumble excitedly with his pants.

"Ay, Papi… let me take care of that." she cooed, turning around and giving him a damn good look that made his loins burn excitedly. "It's what I'm here for… now let's get it out…" she said, squatting down before him, yanking down his pants with one quick movement that made him jerk in surprise. "Ay! Look at him…" she nuzzled his cock, inhaling his musk as her alien genes started to affect her brain again.

The engines were on and now she stepped on the gas. Livewire dragged her tongue along his perfectly average-sized cock, it wiggled erectly on her face as she brushed her lips against it, "Mnmn. Mmn. MWAH…" before flicking her tongue over and over on his tip as he finally managed to get his shirt off. Unlike his brother who was a display of tattoo artwork. Piotr was completely pristine. "I could suck you all day Papi, but I think…" she stood back up, rubbing his twitching erection, brushing her fingers under his shaft and biting her bottom lip. "…I need this a lot more than you do." She whispered and shoved him on the bed.

…She was just doing her job… and scratching those Alien urges again. "Don't you worry Papi, you just relax, enjoy the show…" she turned around again before dropping onto his lap. "I'll do all the work. You just…" she took his hands and put them on her hips. "Hold on." Grinding her thick blue bombax back and forth on his cock, before popping his cherry, sliding him inside her. "Ooh." Instant Sluutavaan satisfaction, that'll keep the urges calm for a bit. "Haah. Aah. Aah!" dat ass started clapping, dropping onto his lap. "Ugh! Ugh! Mmmn!" she moaned, eyes rolling up into her head as she rested her hands on her knees and rode Piotr hard…

The thunderous drop of her ass cheeks seemed to rock the boat beneath them, Piotr moaning instinctively as he experience a top-quality de-virgining and holding onto Livewire's big blue booty for dear life and contented satisfaction as she howled louder, and louder, moaning whorishly as her insides clung to his cock, her ass cheeks clapping and clenching for his viewing pleasure, his hips thrusting up into her faster, and faster. Before they both began roaring primally like animals. Livewire slammed her feet on the floor, muscles tensing and back arching as she pinned Piotr on the bed beneath her, gasping for breath as she climaxed…

Him to, mumbling unintelligible in Russian as he spilled his hot fresh load of the rest of his life up into Livewire's thirsty half-alien pussy. She breathed a sigh of relief as she felt his fingers tense in her soft blue flesh… then immediately slacken and fall off her body. "Hooo Papi, you really-" She paused, and wiggled on his lap. "…Mijo? Piotr?" but with a big goofy grin on the young man's face, he seemed to be very out of it. "…Haah…" she rolled her eyes, and brushed her sweaty hair from her face.

"Right…" she clapped her hands on her ass, "Right, well. We'll pick this up-" She joked, 'lifting' her ass off his lap as she stood up, "When you wake up." She finished playfully, bumping her ass in her hands as if she was trying to shake off the dust, or shake out the cum, while she walked out of his room, quietly shutting the door behind her.

Time 2:14 PM. Remaining time: 21 hours and 46 minutes.

Still dripping with fluid and not even bothering to redress herself she strutted back up to the upper deck. Then right in front of the girls still sunning relaxedly on the chairs she slid into the pool. "Hola." She replied, the heated waters of the small little pool warmed her blue body, but still cooled her down as she weightlessly drifted across the surface. Her thick blue ass breached the surface like a pair of humpback whales…

"So how'd it go with Piotr?" asked Jasmine as Livewire drifted across the pool resting her arms on the side of it to look at them.

"Piotr is now a man." She replied casually as Jasmine raised her glass to look at her surprised, the other girls sitting up as well.

"No foolin?" asked Merida with a laugh, "Oh we might have to watch out for Piotr now!" she joked with the other girls who started laughing mirthlessly… only to suddenly stop as Piotr appeared, wearing swim trunks as he blinked at the trio.

"Hey Mijo." Livewire purred, drifting in the pool. "Ready for round 2?" she asked casually. "It's nice and warm in here…" she said, slipping her hand into the clear water of the pool and giving her thick blue ass a shake… implying she wasn't talking about the pool.

Piotr was clearly tempted, but apparently having an audience was a bit to much for him… so he tried a compromise. "The hot tub is very warm." He said, gesturing to the roof of the helm. But Livewire just smiled sliding closer to him, until she was no longer treading water, and standing on the bottom of the pool. "Come on Papi." She purred, those alien pheromones oozing out of her, and burning up her body. "Right here…" she wiggled in the water as Piotr's gaze fidgeted to the girls. "If they want to join in mijo, they can too." She replied playfully.

Piotr squirmed as Livewire rolled her eyes, and dropped all pretense and her sultry invitation, moving out of the pool and approaching him, "Wh-hold on a-" she grabbed him and dragged him quickly into the pool, pulling him right in with a splash. She broached the surface first. "There we go." She said proudly as Piotr came up as well, gasping for breath before she pushed him to the side of the pool. Pressing her body to him and grinding her lower body against him as his hands, as if magnetized pressed to her rear beneath the water.

"Ah…" she moaned eagerly in his ear, pushing his pants down and feeling his erection again against her stomach before sliding him into her. "Oooh… just like that." she floated in the water, and squeezed his hips with her legs. The water sloshed around them as she began rolling her hips back and forth on them, "Mngh! Mmn!" she moaned into his ear, feeling his cock twitching inside her as she tongued his ear. "Like that Papi?" she whispered in his ear.

"D-Da…" he moaned, sinking his hands into her ass and pulling her harder and faster against him. "Da it feels, amazing." He groaned, pushing inside her as she rolled her head back, "Nngh!"

"I want to cum Papi make me cum." She moaned, her eyes rolling in her head as she moved faster and faster, seductively gazing at the paid harem watching her curiously… but Anya had her tattooed legs spread wide open, rubbing herself as she watched Livewire ride Piotr. "Make me cum and I'll eat one of their pussies out." She giggled enticingly in his ear as he turned red. Jasmine scoffed, smirking smugly as Livewire licked her lips panting in his face. "Haah-aah!!"

She licked Piotr's face, moaning erotically as they slammed their hips together, her hands clinging to the back of his head. Slamming her hips hard against his pushing his lower body against the side of the pool as he pulled against his hips as she howled her climax. "Haaah!" her hips still pounding him. "Haah…" feeling his cum pumping into her as he held her ass to his hips. "Mmmn!" she wiggled excitedly as she hissed in his ear again. "That's it, cum your brains out."

"Haaah…" Piotr groaned, squeezing her ass beneath the water as she shook her head.

"Phew… mmmn…" she moaned, squeezing him tightly before glancing at the pretty girls lounging by the side of the pool, mostly indifferent to the sex show before them… though Anya seemed to be enjoying herself. "Now which one of those pretty holes do you want me to lick?" she whispered in his ear as Piotr fidgeted.

"Wh-what? I don't…" he hesitated as Livewire began strutting out of the pull. Her thick blue ass wobbled in full view like the rising sun over the horizon, and watched in silence as Livewire licked her lips and seemed to be viewing the prime selection before her. Anya seemed like an easy choice, and Jasmine looked tasty… but Merida and her thick, rival-sized ass looked JUST right. The thick Scottish ginger didn't move or resist as she rolled over, her meaty ass wobbling as Livewire kneeled down behind her, grabbing her ass cheeks before licking her pussy through the pink slingshot bikini.

"Mmn… she's a cheeky fuck ain't she?" Merida groaned, feeling Livewire's tongue against her slit, her hands squeezing her thick pale ass cheeks. "Fucking arsehole." She groaned quietly, writhing under Livewire's tongue as the blue beauty straightened up, swaying her proffered big blue bombax towards Piotr as she ate out Merida, pressing her lips to the puffy camel toe of her crotch before burying her face fully into her phat ass.

"If you insist, puta." Moaned Livewire before nuzzling the thong aside and sticking her tongue into Merida's asshole.

"Oh bugger!" she hissed, "cheeky cunt!" she added before moaning erotically. "Kinky bitch." She spat as Livewire smacked Merida's wobbly ass meat. "NGh!" Piotr watched in awe, slowly pulling himself out of the pool, watching Livewire eating out Merida curiously before standing up with an erection. Watching Livewire's ass wobbling tantalizingly, tempting him enticingly… she didn't have to try so hard, feeling his cock against her slit. "Mmn.

"Mmgh!" Livewire groaned into Merida's ass, feeling his cock push into her body once more, his hands grabbing to her ass and pushing against her. "Mmgh!" and into Merida's meat, tongue thrashing about inside her.

"Oh FUCK…" Merida groaned, "Haah…" shuddering in pleasure as Livewire drooled into her. Feeling Piotr bucking against Livewire as she rubbed her face into her ass.

"Right here huh?" Jasmine mumbled tiredly, "Fuck." She spat as Piotr's hand suddenly raised up and swatted Livewire's blue ass. She jumped in surprise as he grabbed Livewire and pulled her against his hips. "Huh."

"MMngh!" Livewire and Piotr moaned excitedly together as he held her against his hips. His balls quivered as he pumped her blue pussy full of his cream. Extracting himself from a quivering Livewire and swatting her rear again excitedly, playing with her ass as Merida's curly-haired head rolled back and she moaned.

"Fuuuck!" she shuddered, orgasming on Livewire's rimming tongue as Jasmine shook her head. Merida twitched in pleasure. "…That's a good tongue." She admitted with a contented sigh. Jasmine sighed and sat up on the chair.

"Well if you all are going to fuck on my break I'm going to… to…" she hesitated as Piotr stood before her, holding his cock towards her lips. "…What?" she said dismissively. Piotr stared at her for a moment, then surprisingly…

"I always thought you were very pretty." He said, honestly, catching her by surprise.

"Oh… well that-mmngh!" then her mouth was filled with cock. Merida, despite her post orgasm relaxation, laughed as Jasmine's hijab wrapped head bobbed up and down into Piotr's crotch. She moaned loudly in surprise before sliding off the lounge chair and squatting before Piotr, continuing to suck him, faster and faster as Livewire stood up.

"Hey that's what I'm for." she said indignantly, "Why fuck this paid puta when I'm doing it for free?" she said as the paid Puta in question flipped her off but Livewire brushed the woman's hand aside, squatting beside her and licking at Piotr's ball sack as Merida shambled off the lounge chair.

"Well if everyone else is earning their keep." She approached Piotr, pressing her big breasts to him. "Here you go you cheeky perv." Anya got off her own lounge chair but instead of joining in she quickly made her escape. Piotr licked at Merida's nipples as she pulled her suit open and exposed herself. Livewire and Jasmine furiously licking and sucking at his balls and cock. Piotr moaned hungrily into Merida's tits as Livewire slurped on his balls, fingering herself and Jasmine's bronzed ass.

"Mmgh! Mmnh!" Jasmine's tongue slathered on Piotr's cock before he groaned into Merida's breasts. "Mmgh?!" Jasmine pulled away suddenly and coughed spitting out Piotr's thick loud before taking the rest on her face and sunglasses. "Ah. Fuck…" she grumbled, sticking out her tongue. "Ah you dick! At least give me a fucking warning." She growled as he finished off on her face before Livewire began licking her cheeks of his load.

"A proper slut swallows." She declared before grabbing Jasmine and forcing the smug slut to take his cum properly even as Jasmine recoiled and splattered his load into Livewire's mouth like backwash. But the blue Superbabe would not be defeated, forcing it back…

"For FUCKs sake!" spat Jasmine shoving Livewire away, her chin and tits covered in spit and saliva as she coughed it out. Merida laughing as Jasmine marched quickly away as Livewire licked her lips.

"…Guess she doesn't want to play anymore." She said casually, "…Now about that hot tub?"

Time: 3:23 PM. Remaining Time: 20 hours and 37 minutes.

Merida, Livewire, and Piotr slid relaxedly into the hot tub. "Haah…" Livewire sighed contentedly as Merida's huge breasts floated in the bubbling water before they both surrounded a lounge Piotr. "So…" she smiled at Merida. "…Are you like a high-priced hooker or something?"

"Are you?" replied Merida snappily as Livewire shrugged.

"…Kinda… also a literal, natural slut…" she slipped her hand into the water, and grabbed Piotr's cock. "It's complicated."

"Eh… I got laid off at my real estate job and a girlfriend of mine…" she caressed her tits, practically shoving them into Piotr's face. "She told me that I had a very good figure for a camgirl and model… and before I knew it I caught Ivan's eye and when he was in Scotland he gave me an offer…" she shrugged. "There are worse things than being a kept woman yeah?"

"What's the deal with Jazzy?" asked Livewire, nuzzling Piotr.

"Housemaid who seduced Ivan." Replied Merida with a gossipy whisper. Livewire scoffed.


"Oh yeah." Merida replied with a nod as Piotr mumbled into her chest.

"She came highly recommended…"

"I bet. The amount of cocks she had to suck for that recommendation, I can only imagine." Merida joked, "Now she's Ivan's personal fetish bitch."

"You'd think she'd be used to swallowing then." Livewire replied, "Speaking off-" she mumbled as Merida continued.

"And before you ask Anya is really the helmswoman of the-" but her voice died in her throat as Livewire slid beneath the water, opening her mouth and sucking on Piotr underwater. He moaned into Merida's breasts as the redhead scoffed. "Elizium." She finished. Piotr's hands gripping onto Livewire's head as Merida shrugged, "…Oy…" she purred huskily before shoving her nipples into Piotr's mouth.

"Bwah!" Livewire's head broached the surface, she took in a breath, then back down again. Sucking on Piotr's hard cock as the bubbles of the hot tub concealed her body.

"Piotr!" shouted a male voice, Ivan, walking up onto the roof with one arm around an annoyed Jasmine's waist, and the other holding a refilled Vodka bottle. "Did you use my bitch?" he shouted as Piotr whimpered, his mouth around Merida's tit as Ivan, naked, stood at the edge of the tub. "Well?!"

"…Ye-yes…" he mumbled, a mouthful of tit and twitching as Livewire kept sucking.

"…GOOD FOR YOU!" Ivan said happily as Jasmine gave him a look of annoyance. "Finally popped your cherry!" he toasted his brother, then took a sip.

"Ivan-" began Jasmine only for him to pull the bottle away, then pour it into her mouth. "Mgnh-bleck!"

"Shut up, whore." He said simply, "My sweet baby brother cums in your mouth and you bitch about it? You are a whore!" he said sourly, "You do what I fucking want." He said sourly, "What am I paying you for? FUCKING!" he answered his own question. "Now, Apologize for being rude and treating my Piotr like shit!!"

Jasmine spluttered out the vodka, and gave a meek, "I am sorry Piotr." She said, looking more than a little nervous as he spanked her ass, loudly. She whimpered but didn't complain

"You want to fuck Piotr?" Ivan grinned, "You can fuck!" he said before dragging Jasmine away, almost roughly, and laughing. "But I'm using her now, you have fun!" dragging Jasmine away. Piotr groaned suddenly into Merida's tits.

"Mmg!" he groaned, Livewire soon breached the surface of the water, opening her mouth and moaning as she showed off Piotr's cum.

"Mmmn…" she swallowed it, before looking at Merida. "…What did I miss?"

"Jazzy getting scolded. Nothing much." Replied the redhead. As Livewire then crawled onto Piotr's lap, his hands on her blue ass again, squeezing it firmly as she cooed.

"Ah… you want in on this? Or…"

"Eh." Merida replied dismissively as Livewire slid Piotr back inside her. Slowly rocking on her body, bouncing up and down on his lap as he bucked his hips up into her blue body.

"Ugh… aah… UGH!" Piotr took the initiative, bucking furiously up into Livewire as she rode him harder and harder.

"So are you joining us on our voyage?" Merida asked conversationally, pushing her tits back into Piotr's mouth.

"I'm just here… for! the day!" moaned Livewire, "Ah Papi!" she whined enticingly, gyrating on his lap as she tossed her head back. "Aah.. aah… Oooh!!" Merida watched her shuddering on Piotr, riding him harder and faster as she masturbated at the sight. "Cumming Papi, cumming on this cock!" she groaned, grabbing the side of the hot tub behind him. "Ah! Aah! Aah! Hah! Aaah! MIERDA!" she howled, shaking on a moan Piotr as he flooded her insides again. "Ooooh…" she flopped against him, pressing against Merida before sliding off of him. "Leaving a MESS." She grinned as Merida licked her on lips, moaning slightly before standing up… and sitting on the edge of the hot tub, lying down and spreading her legs.

"…Oy, Piotr…" she rubbed herself, "…Hows about a taste of this?" she asked, spreading her meaty camel toe.

"Don't mind if I do." Livewire then took another taste of Merida's crotch, licking away at her pussy. Making the redhead moan loudly as Piotr watched Livewire eat her out.

"F-Fuck… me!" groaned Merida as Livewire slurped out her arousal. "Haah! Aaah!" squeezing at her big tits as Livewire slapped her hands around her thighs, squeezing them tightly as she kept eating her out. "haah! Aaah FUCK!"

Piotr stood up, cock in his hand… and carefully pulled Livewire away… she shifted to the side and watched as Piotr engulfed his bulging cock head with Merida's camel toe. "uggh! DA!" he groaned happily, pounding at Merida's thick body as she bounced.

"Ah! Haah! Ah!" she moaned, Livewire sliding behind Piotr, her body acting without her brain… the Sluutavaan side acting up hard as she buried her face into Piotr's ass and started rimming him. His hips bounced off of Merida and slapped back against Livewire's face as he plunged in and out of Merida. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuuuuck!" Merida's back arched as he orgasmed, shaking as Piotr flopped onto her body and pulled out of her.

"Aaah!" he shuddered, as Livewire's tongue flicked onto his hanging tip and pulled him into her mouth right as he released his cum. It would've gone into the hot tub… and they can't have that. "Mmhg! Mmmn…" Livewire moaned, draining Piotr's cock dry as he sloshed into the hot tub.

"Fuck-fuck-fuck…" Sighed Merida, sliding into the tub as well. "…Phew…"

"Mmn-hmmn." Cooed Livewire, licking her lips. Before leaning against a rising Piotr.

"N-No more. Let me rest please." He begged as Livewire licked his cheek, before slowly climbing out of the hot tub…

"…Okay Papi, you let me know when you want more." She cooed, stretching as she walked away, her ass wobbling out of sight. "I'll be in my room." She said, assuming the place where he put her things was her room.

She headed back downstairs and casually passed by Ivan's room. And oddly enough he was in the same position he was the first time she saw him. Naked, on his back and holding a vodka bottle but now he had the addition of a naked Jasmine, except for her hijab, her head bobbing up and down on his cock as she blew him. His other hand was on her head and keeping her going, but he wasn't even watching her. Just drinking Vodka…. She passed right by them, hearing Jasmine moan disgustedly as he declared his orgasm in Russian… she assumed, she didn't speak Russian.

She entered the little cabin 'assigned' to her, and found a small little bathroom that she used quickly, before stretching and adjourning to the bed, lying down and stretching her legs out. Groaning quietly as she relaxed, feeling the subtly rocking off the boat… and though she didn't expect it, she ended up falling asleep.

Time: 7:30 PM. Remaining Time: 16 hours and 30 minutes.

"Wake up." Livewire blinked as her leg was shaken, being jostled awake by Anya, wearing white booty shorts and a matching shirt. "…Do you want something to eat?" she asked calmly, as Livewire rubbed her eyes.

"…I could eat."

"Burger and fries."

"…Sure?" she replied as Anya put a cell phone to her ear.

"Yes, sir… burgers and fries." She said, before promptly hanging up the phone. "Piotr dropped his brother off on shore with Merida and Jasmine." She explained. "Ivan spends most of the night on shore in Gotham clubs." She added conversationally. "Piotr will be returning shortly."

"Mmn…" Livewire replied, before getting off the bed and opening her bag. "Might as well great him then."

Piotr returned to the boat, Anya waited for him and assisted him in mooring the speedboat as he get onto the Elizium holding a large fast food bag. Anya took the bag as he climbed onto the deck. "Hey Papi…" cooed Livewire in costume. "Ready for more yet?"

"Ah… I… was…" he gazed at her costumed body as she grabbed his shirt, and pulled him towards the cabins.

"…How about we 'eat' in my room?" she cooed as Piotr followed along like a lemming. Leaving Anya confusedly holding the food.

Livewire dragged Piotr into her room before pressing him to the wall and shoving her tongue into her mouth, sucking out his saliva from his mouth and hungrily swallowing it… it was like she was a vampire and his spit was his blood. "Mmgh! mMngh!" he grabbed her ass firmly as she chuckled into his mouth. "Mmn-hmmn…"

"Do-don't you want to eat?" he mumbled as she licked her lips.

"I am…" before dropping to her knees, and getting his cock out. "Mmgh!" sucking away eagerly as Piotr groaned, holding onto her head as he sighed loudly.

"Haah… aah this… is a lot more… vigorous than I expected." He moaned as Livewire chuckled. "Ngh!"

"Mng! Mmh! Mmnn…." She moaned, as Anya soon stuck her head in the door, watching in mild stoicism as Livewire sucked off one of her bosses again. But she didn't look away as Livewire made eye contact. "Mmmn?" she asked an unspoken question as Anya fidgeted…

…Then she entered and shut the door. Before removing her shirt, Piotr stared in awe as Anya joined Livewire on the floor beside her, and began licking at Piotr's leg, then buried her face into his crotch, suckling on his balls as she and Livewire moaned together, leaving thick globs of saliva on his shaft. "Mmngh!" Livewire moaned as Piotr shuddered, shooting into her mouth. "Mmmmn…" she buried her lips to his base, taking his cum into her mouth before grabbing the blue-haired russian girl, passionately kissing her, and depositing Piotr's cum into her mouth. Anya and Livewire gazed up at Piotr, his cock twitching erectly as they swapped his cum.

"Haah… haah…" he panted, watching the sight before clenching his teeth and grabbing them both by the arms, pulling them from the floor. Anya, who had far less complicated clothes to take off, stripped completely naked, showing off her rose-tattooed ass as Piotr took her waist and shoved her chest to the wall and slid quickly inside her body.

"OH GOD! Piotr!?" she gasped as he began strenuously pounding away at her bubble butt, Livewire stripping off her uniform wearing only her boots as Anya howled greedily. "Fuck me harder!" she begged as he grabbed her waist, "Use me like this!" she moaned as Livewire raised an eyebrow, swatting Anya's ass and pushing Piotr into her. "Aaah!"

"Again you pound these chicas over me? You trying to make me jealous papi?" she moaned, rubbing herself, "Fuck her hard but don't tire yourself out, I still want a turn." She moaned longingly as Piotr grabbed the top of Anya's hair by her tuft of blue hair, yanking her head back. "Hey! Puta! Don't drain him completely.

"AH! Ah! Ah!" Anya howled as Piotr slammed away at her body, her thick bubble butt wobbling with the smacking of his hips burying into her body over and over. "Ah-haa-haaa!" she panted, loudly tightening around Piotr as he buried his cock into her body.

"Uughn! NNGH!!" he ripped out of her pussy and rested his cock between her quivering ass cheeks before unleashing his cum onto her lower back. "Haah! Anya… you are so tight…" he praised as Anya moaned. Livewire, however, leaned down and began licking the cum off her back. Collecting it in her mouth she pulled Anya from the wall and deposited another thick load of cum between her lips.

"Mmmgh. Papi… me too." Moaned Livewire into Anya's mouth, pulling away and crawling onto the bed, rolling onto her back and lifting her legs hooking her arms around the back of her knees and holding herself open as Piotr stroked himself, then a wobbling Anya stroked him.

He crawled over Livewire, slowly, his tip rubbing against her wet blue pussy before he plunged into her, pounding and ramming her body as she grunted, his weight dropping onto her as Anya suddenly swung a leg over her face. "Ah-mmgh!" Anya moaned, gyrating on Livewire's face as the blue babe grabbed her thick bubble booty, holding her down. "Haah! Aah!" squeezing her breasts and writhing on Livewire's face as Piotr kept mindlessly pounding away into Livewire. "Ah! Aah! I am going to cum!" Anya moaned, "Oh GOD!!"

She fell against Piotr, licking his face as he kept pounding into Livewire who moaned into Anya. They continued their triangle of lust, Piotr's cock twitching and bulging warningly. Pushing his hips firmly against Livewire's hips… and spilling his seed into her body once more while moaning into Anya's mouth. Livewire howled lustfully into Anya's pussy, tongue lashing about inside the blue-haired woman as he pulled out of Livewire…

Gasping happily he gazed at Livewire's trembling body, but then Anya flopped down onto Livewire fully and licked her gooey clit, sucking out Piotr's cum before he grabbed her head, pulling her away from Livewire's pussy only to fill Anya's mouth. "Mmngh!?" she moaned, but slurped noisily on Piotr's cock as he clenched his teeth. Holding her head firmly, thrusting and pounding away at Anya's face but she loudly slurped around it, holding his waist, pulling him deeper.

Livewire's hands however loudly slapped onto Anya's ass, she yelped and moaned but kept sucking on Piotr's cock, seemingly more interested in sucking his shaft than Livewire's hands pounding her cheeks harder and harder. "Mmmngh!!" Livewire threw Anya off, Anya then rolled over like a dog onto her back, letting Piotr continue to face fucking her. "Mmgh! Mmgh! Mmngh!" Livewire's fingers slid inside her.

"You greedy fucking puta this is my job!" moaned Livewire licking Anya's tits. "Suck. Suck it! I want more of that fat fucking COCK." she sneered as Piotr whimpered and buried his cock into a squirming, howling Anya's throat.

"Mmmngh!!!" Anya moaned, gulping down his load as he slowly extracted from her suckling lips. Kissing his cock like a lover as Livewire replaced her, on her hands and knees, her blue ass in the air she wrapped her lips around Piotr and loudly sucked.

"Mmgh! Mmgh! Mnngh!" his hand on her head, pulling her down into his crotch again and again. "Mmmgnh!" her ass wobbling in the air behind her, she pulled away. "Ah! Papi fuck me! Put it in me!" she begged harshly. Spinning around on the bed, swaying her phat blue bombax towards him, "Hurry. Hurry Papi I want that cock…" she moaned. "Stick it in me…" he grabbed her wobbling booty, climbing onto the bed before pushing his cock back into her pussy, "Mgh! Mmgh! Aah!" her blue ass clapped thunderously against his stomach as he bucked hard into her. "Haah! Ah! Aah!! Fuck! Me! Fóllame duro, papi!"

He clapped his hands onto her ass, but loudly moaned as Anya shuffled beneath him and wrapped her lips around his swinging ball sack. "Haah! Aah!" moaning loudly, squeezing Livewire's beautiful blueberry bombax. "NNGH!!" clenching his teeth as she tightened up, howling and gasping in pleasure… shuddering in orgasm as he pumped another hot load into Livewire…

"Oooh… Hijo de puta." She cooed longingly as Piotr flopped onto her back, pushing in deep before rolling off her body and lying between her and Anya… who didn't stop licking his balls. "Mmng…" Livewire rolled over and rested her ass against his leg, rubbing his limp cock as it rested on Anya's face, and his hand rested on her ass, squeezing it firmly before she rolled over, and joined Anya in suckling on his cock and balls.

Time: 7:33 AM. Remaining time: 4 hours and 27 minutes.

"Mmn… mmngh?" Livewire at some point in time, around… 9 maybe… she went full blackout Sluutavaan… and judging from the smell and the stick sensation dripping down her inner thigh she had a hell of a time. She lay beside a sleeping Piotr… spooning him from behind as he rested his head on a pair of feet… Anya's face was covered in dried semen… as if he spent the entirety of last night pounding HER but blasting Anya…

Livewire groaned, and shuffled off the bed, crawling on the floor briefly before standing upright and walking into the bathroom… the second she did.

"Piotr!" cheered Ivan, suddenly kicking in the door and howling drunkenly. "I have returned! Did you know that if I ask REALLY nicely the Gotham police force will take me home?!" he replied as Piotr sat up.

"Wh-what? Huh?"

"Oh! You were fucking Anya! Good! Anya! Clean up!" he ordered and turned away, smacking 'something'… likely Jasmine's ass as Livewire heard her squeak. "And get me another vodka!"

Then there was a loud crash. Livewire stuck her head out the bathroom door and saw Ivan drunkenly sleeping on the floor as Piotr sighed.

"Can you put him in his bedroom?" he asked Merida.

"Yeah we'll get him. Anya give a girl a hand."

"I'm covered in cum." Anya noted, sounding almost as confused as Merida was dismissive.

"Aye. But that sounds like your problem than mine." She said, and together they carried Ivan to his room by grabbing his arms and legs. Livewire watched him go as Jasmine crossed her arms tiredly. Rubbing her eyes and adjusting her hijab.

"…I see you're still here." She noted exasperated.

"Yep." Livewire replied, swaying her hips slightly. "At least for another few hours." Jasmine scoffed. "Speaking off. Hey Papi, want to pound me some more." Piotr groaned, clearly conflicted… but then Livewire began to flex dat bombax… and he was less so, hand on her ass. She smirked at him, before adding rather mischievously. "How about we fuck that pretty gold-digging slut together?" she gestured to Jasmine who managed out indignantly.

"Excuse you?" she spat

"Show her what mamacita taught you." Livewire teased, shaking her ass as Piotr glanced at Jasmine, cock twitching as he approached grabbed Jasmine's hijab head, and forcefully kissed her.

"MMGN?! Mmmn…" she moaned, into his mouth, feeling his cock twitching against her legs and lifting her mini skirt as Livewire crawled on the floor, burying her face up into Jasmine's pussy, letting his cock wiggle in her white hair. "mmg?!"

"Mmmn…" Livewire enjoyed the taste of the smug gold digger, reaching up and pulling down her underwear to her mid-thighs, continuing to lick her directly as Piotr groped her big breasts. Pinning her to the wall of the room, before pulling Livewire's head from Jasmine's kitty. "Aah…" then laughed as he shoved his cock right into Jasmine.

"MMGNh!?" moaning as Piotr pounded away, Livewire crawling between his legs flexibly, before kneeling behind a furiously thrusting Piotr's behind, the howls of Jasmine's pleasure muffled by his forceful tongue kisses, lifting one of Jasmine's legs and continuing to use her body, as Livewire crawled around to the side of the raised leg and began licking them both. "Mmn! Mmngh! Mmmgh!!" rubbing Jasmine's bronze legs, squeezing her sumptuous flesh as Piotr slammed deep into her pussy. "Mmgn!? Mmnng…" Shuddering in orgasm and drooling arousal down her leg, Livewire licked it up as Jasmine gasped.

"Y-You came inside me!" she whimpered as Livewire replaced Piotr's extracted cock with her lips, slurping his cum noisily from Jasmine's body. "haa-Ooooh!" she shuddered as Livewire stood up, but kept her face pressed to Jasmine's pussy, pushing her ass toward Piotr as he massaged her blue ass cheek. She then reached around with one hand, the other was holding up Jasmine's leg… and spread her ass cheeks.

"…Put it up my ass Papi?" she encouraged, as Piotr, far too deep into depravity to NOT do that… did. "Oooh!" Livewire howled into Jasmine's pussy. "FUCK! MIERDA…" moaned Livewire as Piotr experienced anal. "Haa-aah! Aah!! Laaaah…" licking Jasmine's pussy as she clutched to Livewire's head. Her ass rippled behind her as Piotr slammed away. "Mmgh! Mmn! Mmnn!!"

"You're… such a slut!" hissed Jasmine moaning erotically as Merida, and Anya, both made themselves known… and clearly after taking a bath.

"Soy la mejor zorra de este barco, cabrón, y si vas a ser una zorra, tienes que ser tratada como tal." She shoved her fingers into Jasmine, who howled whorishly at the penetration as Livewire trembled erotically, slamming her ass back on Piotr. "Cumming Papi! I'm cumming! shoot that fucking load!" she let an orgasming Jasmine drop to the floor before climbing up the wall, pressing her body to it and her pussy to her face. "Shoot that fucking load! All over this puta's face!" she sneered, grinding her wet pussy on Jasmine's face as Piotr howled, ripping out of her quivering, clenching ass hole as Livewire shifted to the side and watched Piotr blast a hot load onto Jasmine's face….

"Mmmn…" Merida chuckled as Livewire leaned against Piotr while he continued releasing his seed onto Jasmine's face. "Now there you go Papi… you remember her just like this…" she lightly patted his ass. "…Now who's up for breakfast?"

"I ate, and now I'm going to fucking sleep." Merida declared, "While Ivan's still passed out." Piotr's hand rested on Livewire's ass as she smirked at him.

"…Hot tub?" he asked as she blinked.

"…Si Papi, whatever you want."

Time 10:58 AM. Remaining time: 1 hour and 2 minutes

"Hah! AH! Ah!" she moaned, straddling his lap again and bouncing up and down. "Ay Papi… you're so wild!" she cooed enchantingly, but the former virgin Piotr was quickly drying out. After a veritable marathon with an insatiable half-alien nympho… even veteran pornstars would get tired. "Haah! Aah! Ahaah! Aah!! Haaaaaah…" Livewire sighed, springing up and down on his lap as she sighed. "Ooooooh." Wiggling her ass on his lap and leaning against him as his fingers remained glued to her ass but his cock wiggled defeatedly inside her. "Mmmn…" They have been pounding for a while in the hot tub. "…All done mijo?" she cooed encouragingly, feeling him briefly twitch inside her… but no. Piotr was done.

But Livewire still used him as a seat, resting against him as she gazed off towards the Gotham skyline… and when you take away the mirk, the grime, the criminals, and the fact that the sun always seemed to be behind the clouds… it was still fucking Gotham. "So how long are you and your brother going to actually be in Gotham."

"Another couple of days." Replied Piotr tiredly as she rolled off of him and sat next to him. "Whooo… Then we're going south."


"Brazil. Columbia. Dominican Republic. Jamaica…" he then sighed audibly, "…Ivan wants a black girl." He sighed sadly.

"Hmmn… Columbia has the best asses." She whispered with a wink, before turning around, and showing him hers one last time before clambering out of the hot tub. "I'm going to go get cleaned up Papi. You let me know when you're ready to go back… don't want to keep my boss waiting."

She returned to her bedroom and cleaned herself up as best she could, getting dressed and tossing on her coat as Piotr met her by the boat. She winked at him and jiggled into the boat as they disembarked… seeing Merida and Anya she waved farewell to them… got to the obvious rental car, and he drove her back to Superbabes with time to spare.

Time: 11:57 AM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Piotr parked in the parking lot, eyeing a buxom Britney as she arrived for her shift. She winked at him before heading into the lounge, and Livewire chuckled. Rubbing his leg, "Next time you're in Gotham look us up mijo." She cooed, rubbing his leg, and his erection. "Go get one of the girls to take care of that." she added with a wink, sliding out of the car… she took off her coat, and let Piotr burn the image of her big bombax into his mind and walked into Superbabes.

"I'm back. Did I miss anything?" she declared as Orders suddenly shot upright. She had been sleeping on the counter and yawned broadly.

"…No." she then looked at Livewire before dropping a large duffle bag on the counter. "I want this back." She gestured to the duffle bag. Then sighed audibly, "…Also you didn't put on sunblock Lori."

"What?" she replied confused before suddenly walking into the locker room and taking her shirt off… "Oh Hijo de puta!" she sneered angrily, gazing at her partially orange back. "How long has it been like this?!"

"Probably long enough to be considered the living example of blue and orange morality." Orders noted sarcastically, "Good thing you just got a good payday because I don't think I can use you for a week."

"FUCK!" spat Lori, "What the fuck am I supposed to do for a WEEK?!"

"Go see your mother." Orders replied with a shrug.

"What? Go see my mama?!"

"It's going to be her birthday soon, right? How convenient you know a couple of rich simps who can give you a ride to Columbia." Lori stared at her suspiciously, but then Orders said, rather cryptically. "…What can I say, I have a soft spot for loving mothers."

Lori scoffed. "…Be back in a week." She said.

"Not if you don't run out there fast enough to talk to Piotr. You're lucky he's still contemplating on whether or not to get a meal before he goes… and if you happen to put into their heads, and convince them, that Superbabes is the place for rich guys to go. I won't say no." she added.

…What can she say? She's also a smooth businesswoman.


Orders works in mysterious ways. And Now Livewire is officially on the Daily Special list, and honestly, she should've been in the first place. So thank you Skymouse for pointing out that error. Next up is Either Silver Swan or Giganta, depending on who I get an idea for first... gonna put Swan up in the summary though.

The butchering!

A veces jefa, creo que eres más loca que los criminales de Gotham. = Sometimes boss, I think you're crazier than the Gotham Criminals

No lo sé. Y él no es un criminal de Gotham. Solo rico. = Don't I know it. And he's not a Gotham Criminal. Just rich

Ponte a trabjar = Get to work

Es un gran trasero, así que agárrate fuerte. = It's a big ass, so grab on tight

Soy la mejor zorra de este barco, cabrón, y si vas a ser una zorra, tienes que ser tratada como tal. = I'm the best fucking whore on this ship, cunt, and if you're going to be a bitch then you need to be treated like one.

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