
Delivery Girl: Catwoman II Order #5

I don't own DC

Sometimes the universe works itself into little unexpected scenarios. For one, for the first time in a LONG time Three former Pornstars, Huntress, Catwoman (II), and Ice were not on duty at Superbabes. To celebrate the occasion, they decided to spend some time together at one of their apartments. And since one had an adorable kitten (and unrelated but still important sexy Brazilian) they chose to go to Mikey and Geoff's apartment building, aka Fire and Ice's apartment for an evening of bonding and baking.

Wait, what?

"Okay girls!" Cheered Catwoman (II) from the kitchen, "Almost done!" she inhaled deeply near the oven, "Aah…" sighing at the smell of freshly baked cake. She stood up and leaned over the counter covered in flour and mixings… the counter too. "Alright not bad for a first attempt."

The other girls, Huntress, Ice, and Fire, stood on the other side of the kitchen counter, all of whom looked significantly… lighter… than usual. Mostly because Noir decided to belly flop into the flour bowl… the kitten was ALSO 'lighter' than usual. The usually all-black kitten now resembled another, quite recently acquired, Superbabe pet: Cheetah's snow-white Akita. Didn't seem to bother the kitten though apart from a slight nostril irritation.

Chee! The kitten sneezed off a few chunks of powder, "Bless you, Honey." Smiled Ice. Maria absently dusted her brown sugar breasts, mostly flour white now until the brown sugar part of her returned, and she smiled wistfully at Ice.

"I told you we should've locked her up Querida." Purred Maria as Ice's usual pretty smile turned into something between a feeble pout and an 'awe-shucks' smile.

"But she was so sad all alone in my bedroom…"

Catwoman however waved it off. "It's fine, it's not my first animal in flour incident. At least it wasn't a mongoose." She declared casually, Huntress rolled her eyes but Maria laughed.


"My Naani used to have pet mongooses, she kept them around to fend off snakes. Worked pretty well, I was never allowed to pet them though when we visited her. But…" she smiled watching as Noir rolled around in the leftover flour, "One of the babies snuck into the house once and flopped right into the flour. Angry little fella." She clapped her hands and a puff of flour shot from her hands like a small mushroom cloud. "Alright! Now we wait about 20 more minutes and we're good."

"You know when I agreed to come and hang out." Huntress noted, walking further into the already flour-drenched kitchen to dust off more flour from her shapely body. "I did not think we'd be baking."

"Well I've always offered to teach everyone's favorite girl next door "Sally Snowball" but the opportunity has never come up." Catwoman replied cheerily, "Besides I thought all the ex-pornstars could hang out."

"And Maria." Smiled Ice as Fire rolled her green eyes and absently distracted Noir with a finger through the flour.

"Yes, and Maria." Catwoman smiled agreeably as Huntress, still dusting herself off, added humorously.

"Honestly It does feel a little weird now if we do things with you without her involved." She winked and sighed, "Okay this isn't working. I need a bath and a change of clothes."

"Help yourself!" smiled Ice happily. Fire stopped distracting Noir and gestured for Huntress to follow her to the bathroom.

"We have to go to the laundry room to wash your clothes, but I have some things you can borrow that will fit. And we might as well take care of that all at once so don't take too long in the shower."

"Hmmn…" Huntress mumbled affirmatively, stripping down casually and tossing her clothes into a nearby laundry basket with a 'poof' of flour shooting out of it. She then stepped carefully towards the bathroom, the hum of water soon echoing out of it.

"Maria, go get the vacuum so we can clean this up. Noir honey come here." Ice declared, taking Noir from the floured counter as she pitifully mewed in Ice's hands. "I know you don't like this." She said approaching the sink and grabbing a soft sponge, "But we have to." the smile did not help. It was still her usual pretty smile but it seemed more sadistic...

"Merow." Noir mewed pitifully at her sponge bath as Catwoman helped Fire clean up. Soon Fire was replaced by Huntress, and Ice was replaced by Fire. Whom all took showers in turn then Fire gathered up the dirty clothes into the basket. She was about to head to the laundry room but was distracted by the DING of the oven and Catwoman pulling the freshly baked cake from the oven, and resting it on the counter. Retrieving four bottles of chilled beer from the fridge. "Tada! One cake made by Sally Snowball. And friends." She said cheekily as they clinked their beer bottles together and all had a sip. "Phew."

"Smells good Querida." Purred Fire, taking a deeper sniff. "Mmn. Can't wait."

"We need to frost it first." Ice declared, Huntress however shivered.

"Ugh I wish you wouldn't say it like that. I just had flashbacks to the old job, and that time they 'frosted the cake' and made me eat it." she cringed, "Ugh. I wish Divya made that one."

"Chica why do you need to try and ruin cake for me?" Fire asked with a sassy but blank look on her face.

"We do in fact need to put 'icing on the cake'…" Catwoman smiled but Fire cringed, smiling nervously.

"Ay, that doesn't sound better, it makes it seem like we're going to have Querida sit in it." she joked but hugged Ice's waist, who almost spluttered her beer taking a sip of it, giggling sweetly.

"It wouldn't be the first time!" she laughed, "…Though the last time was on camera."

"UGH!" Huntress laughed, cringing as she put her bottle to her lips and drank deeply. "To ruining cakes! Thank's a lot Bongbros! Burn in legal hell." she declared as Huntress, Ice and Catwoman clinked their bottles and drank again.

"Haah." Sighed Catwoman, "So girls, anything new in your lives? Laura? Seen any handsome boxers?"

"Nope." Huntress replied honestly, "Haven't seen any handsome boxers." She noted as Catwoman frowned.

"Seriously? He hasn't called you?" she gestured to the shapely Huntress who would without question get numerous calls if her number was offered to other men.

"I don't even know if Rebecca gave her brother my number." Huntress shrugged calmly. "So, no."

Catwoman moved on. "Pfft. Zoey? Seeing anybody?"

"Nope." She smiled sweetly.

"Nope?" Huntress and Catwoman both stared at Fire, who coolly replied with a disappointed shrug.

"Nope." Rolling her green eyes as Catwoman frowned.

"…What about that Mikey guy?" Catwoman asked, even though she's heard of one half the building Supers and his not-so-secret crush on Zoey.

"What about him?" Ice asked hesitantly, looking confused and concerned as Fire just sighed and gave both Huntress and Catwoman a look that said, 'See what I'm dealing with here?'.

"Never mind it, Querida." Fire replied whimsically, "Seriously."

"Oh come on…" mumbled Catwoman, "Seriously?"

"Seriously." Fire repeated.

"Seriously!" Ice joined in with her usual cheer.

"STOOOP." Huntress ordered 'seriously'. "What the hell?" She finished her beer, tossing it into the recycling trash bucket under the sink.

"Come on. Nobody's seeing anyone?" Catwoman sighed, lazily, leaning against the fridge. "Aren't there any good-looking guys in this building?"

"Nobody single." Fire replied. "Well apart from the supers as far as I know. And there's a cute little college chica living on the fourth floor I had my eye on, but she's not interested in girls. There's also that pervy old man Burgles a floor above us. But he's way too grumpy for my tastes... probably racist."

"Uuuugh." Catwoman, who had stopped listening around 'fourth floor' groaned dejectedly.

"Chica we get enough of it at work, and you were all ex-pornstars why do you care?"

"Because I want to get LAID." Catwoman replied mockingly, "Laura and Zoey got into the business mostly for money and giggles-" Zoey smiled whimsically and gave a rather 'yeah it's true' shrug of affirmation. "I got into it because I like having sex and getting paid to do what I love.

"Okay…" mumbled Fire, chuckling into her beer as Catwoman inhaled through her nose.

"Uuugh My mama tried setting me up with 'a good man' again. What she doesn't get is I'm in Gotham, she's in India, and what I'd actually like in a man is a good hard FUCK." She drank her beer down as the girls giggled, she coughed slightly. "…But it's not like I can tell my Mama that."

"Didn't think you were looking." Huntress noted, walking over to sit on the couch as Catwoman groaned.

"I'm not! But if I'm going to date anyone, he's got to at least give a good dicking!" Fire and Ice laughed, "I want him to lay so much pipe this apartment building's plumbing would be jealous." Catwoman strutted 'seductively' across the room. "I'd be the cute little housewife, I'd cook and clean and then he'd take me into the bedroom and fuck me in the ass for a couple of hours…"

"Uh-huh." Mumbled Huntress with a roll of her eyes. "Well, Ms. Cook and Clean. Maybe you'd like to head downstairs and wash our clothes?" she relaxed on the couch, "Seeing as we're probably sleeping over at this rate. I've had way too many to drive and I don't feel like calling a cab.

"Sure. Invite yourselves to stay." Mumbled Fire sarcastically, however, Ice HAPPILY giggled and declared.


"Querida you are way too CUTE for your own good." Grumbled Fire with a soft fond smile and an elaborately sarcastic eye-roll, but she went to go grab sheets and pillows. In the process, released Noir the cat from her containment as she happily claimed Huntress's lap, briefly wrestling with her fingers as Huntress stroked her fur, then quickly surrendered to petting and cuddles.

"You know what? Fine. I think I will!" declared Catwoman proudly, "Hey Maria where's your laundry room?"

"Basement." Maria replied, "Take the elevator to the bottom floor." Catwoman, still in the flour-covered apron, a tight black T-shirt, and booty hugging short-shorts, carried the basket out of the room, and headed towards the elevator, pushing the button, and waiting… She blew powdery white flour from her nose and rode the elevator down to the basement…

She got out of the elevator into a little area with two doors, one said 'storage' and the other said 'Laundry room' both were closed. She frowned at the closed laundry room door, glaring irately as she grabbed the knob and jiggled it. it was locked. Why was it locked? She jiggled it again, raised her fist, and knocked loudly on it.


Time: 9:55 PM. Place: Mikey and Geoff's Apartment (Basement Laundry room.)

"Anyone in there?" she shouted, she waited for a second and rolled her eyes. Maybe she needed a key or something… "Ugh-I don't want to head back-"

CLICK. The door popped open, revealing a young man with dark hair and a punk-black T-shirt. "Hey. Sorry. Must have locked on accident." He mumbled thoughtfully looking at the door, the good-looking young man eyed her for a minute as she stared at him, her own eyes wide. "Hey… sorry." He stepped aside, grinning charmingly as Catwoman gave him a very… seductive smile, walking into the laundry room.

There were half a dozen washers and dryers each. A single type of machine taking up one side of the room with a set of tables in the middle. Catwoman's sexy Superbabe walk quickly became a seductive strut, there is a difference, once she spotted the good-looking young man who, judging by one of the running Machines, was doing laundry.

"Trying to keep the place to yourself huh?"

"Oh… no. I think the lock just sticks. I'll tell Geoff about it." he said, "…Hey. I'm Cale do you live here?" he asked as she blinked, then smiled at him… taking an inactive Landry machine, right by his, and tossing in her flour-covered clothes.

"Mmmn…" she said wistfully, "My girlfriends do. They live on the second floor."

"Ah…" he noted curiously, watching her bend over, stuffing the clothes into the laundry, and getting a GOOD look at her backside, because there was just so much of it, it was hard not to notice. "…Are you covered in flour?"

"Oh… yes I am." She smiled absently, looking down at herself. "Mmn… forgot about that…" she teased, then removed the apron, tossing it in. "I was helping them bake a cake and, well we had a little terror cause some trouble…" she eyed 'Cale' for a minute, then licked her lips… she had a beer, or two… and the door sticks… might as well play a little while she's waiting on the machine. "You don't mind do you?"

"Mind wha-" Cale's voice died in his throat as Catwoman removed her shirt, and wiggled her shorts down to the floor. Removing her phone from her pocket to place it on the washer and standing in her black underwear, as she tossed her clothes into the washer with the rest, then filled it with softener, and detergent. Humming to herself as she wiggled her behind, reaching around to 'adjust' her underwear on her thick brown cheeks. "…Wow you are… bold." He declared, clearing his throat and trying, but failing, to look anywhere else.

"So…" she cooed, turning on the laundry and looking over her shoulder at him, still wiggling her thick ass 'absently' "What floor do you live on?"

"Oh… well for right now the first floor." He said hesitantly. "My… usual place is getting fumigated, I had a fight with my sister, and Geoff's a buddy of mine from college so he's letting me crash here in an empty place for a week… it's actually a complicated but simple story…"

"Mmn. I'll bet." She purred softly, turning around… and sitting on the washing machine as it hummed beneath her, subtly making her body jiggle as she watched Cale watch her. A long, shapely, thick, chocolaty skinned leg rose up and crossed over the other as she leaned back on the washing Machine. "…I got time." She replied sensually.

Cale coughed, then laughed nervously, and ran a hand through his dark hair. "…Okay it's not really as complicated. Pretty much what I said it was… I didn't feel like spending my time in a fancy hotel with my controlling sister, so here I am…"

"Mmmn…" Catwoman purred on the washer, resting her hands all ladylike on her legs, using her upper arms to push her moderately big breasts together. Grinning like the Cheshire cat. "Oooh. I get it. you don't want to have a little time to yourself… all the things you can do, people you can meet?"

Or vice-versa.

"Like a woman who strips down right to her underwear in front of me?" he asked, unable to look away or hide his erection. "Unprompted?"

"Personally, I think that just means you lucked out. Cale." She added, licking her lips. "You caught me in a good mood, in a lockable room, and enough time on my hands for a washer and dryer… that's like…" she did the math in her head. "An hour? Little more than that?"

"…Hold on are you serious?" Cale replied suspiciously.

Catwoman absently looked at her phone, since it didn't vibrate with a potential warning call from Orders… she was going to take that as a good sign… and removed her bra. "mmn!" she purred softly, tossing it lazily away onto the tables in the middle of the machines, before slipping off the washer. "What do you think? How about I take care of that for you?" she cooed, gesturing to his impressive 8-inches of erect dick throbbing in his pants.

"…Is this a prank? Because it feels like I'm in a porno." Cale declared but didn't stop Catwoman from approaching him, resting her hands on the waistline of his pants and slipping her hands into them. Licking her lips.

"It's not a prank. You just caught this kitty in a frisky mood." She licked her lips, "Lucky you." He stared at her for a minute, and groaned uncomfortably… then his hands slapped onto her ass cheeks as she gasped. "Oh! That a boy! Play with dat ass…" she purred as his fingers sunk into her shapely cheeks. "MMn…" she pressed her body against him, before sliding down to the floor onto her knees, tugging at his pants. "Let's get this bad boy out… MMn…" his 8-inch cock throbbing towards her face as she quickly opened her mouth, wrapping her lips around him and immediately diving onto his cock. "Mmgh-mmgh…" pumping her face towards him again and again, going lower with each slippery stroke of her mouth until she hit the base. "MMn!"

Cale clenched his teeth and planted his feet, one hand lashing around the back of her head, the other slamming onto the table for balance as she held her face in his crotch, her tongue salivating over his member as it wildly slithered up and down his shaft inside her mouth. "Mmgh!" shaking her head into his crotch, gazing up at him, "GUCK…" her tongue slipped out from her bottom lip lapping at his sack before shooting back up and gasping. "Bwah… Ha-ha. Ahh…" she licked her lips, dripping slightly as she pulled down his pants.

"…You weren't hired by my sister, were you?"

"What?" she laughed surprised at the question. "No. I just feel like getting laid." She replied, before chuckling excitedly as he removed his shirt, revealing a gangly frame but there was some muscle. He was apparently working out.

"Just checking." He said, before putting his hand on the back of her head. She opened her mouth as he pulled her back onto his cock. "Uugh. Shit… I have to… check. Oh FUCK…" he growled as she noisily slurped. "She's has a… habit of 'surprising' me with… girls like you." He growled, slowly thrusting into her face. "Well… I wouldn't say habit." He grunted, standing still as she kept her head moving on his cock. Slurping sensually on his shaft. "But enough times for me to-"

"Haah. Cale." She groaned, slipping off his cock and licking his tip slowly, "…Just let me suck your dick alright? Life-story later… aah…" then right back down to the base of his cock she went. "Mmmgh!"

"Fair…" he groaned, "Oooh shit." Taking her head in both hands, guiding her up and down his cock as her saliva liberally off his exposed shaft before she inhaled it again. "NNgh…"

"MMN-MMN-MMN-MMN-bwaah!" she shot off his girth, wrapping her hand around his cock and rapidly stroking him, grinning serenely up at him. "Aren't you a lucky guy? You caught a girl when she was needing a good time…" she flicked her tongue on his tip, still rapidly stroking him as she slurped out his pre-cum. Wrapping her lips around him and noisily popping and slurping, gazing invitingly up at him all with her pretty (ex)pornstar smile.

…Normally Catwoman (II) is not so…Veronica-like in sluttery. But she was experiencing what Expert in said sluttery (Veronica) would call a 'Perfect Storm of Fuck'. A: She hadn't had any in a while. She was distinctly absent of Deliveries the last couple of shifts, it's rare but it happens. B: She's had a few, she used beer in the cake batter and drank the rest. C: She was bored. D: She wanted to destress and sex is how she normally goes about it E: She had an opportunity, so she took it. F: Cale was Cute. And G: We got all the way to F.

In other words. Right place + right time x (Perfect Storm of Fuck) = Lucky Cale.

"MWAH… ah…" she swirled her tongue around his tip, "Haah… are you satisfied with just getting sucked or do you want to treat a girl right?" she didn't let him answer the question quickly, deciding for him as she leaned over her washing machine. Pressing her breasts firmly on top of it she reached around, grabbing her ass cheeks firmly before shoving down her black underwear, exposing her tight little asshole. "Mmn!" she rested her hands onto the washer, shaking her ass behind her and letting her ass cheeks clap together. Trying to shake down her underwear with booty clapping alone.

A cute trick she mastered.

"Go on. Put it up my ass. My TIGHT little ass…" she hissed to the majestic CLAP-CLAP-CLAP of her ass cheeks. "You'll like it in there. Grab me and fuck me. Come on before I got out and shake my ass for some other lucky dick…"

Cale could not resist the call of sexy brown booty, strolling up behind her with his hard on as her ass cheeks clapped delightedly around him. "Mmmn!" she cooed, feeling his hands on her waistline as she shook her ass against his body, feeling his slippery, saliva-covered cock between her cheeks.

Get it in there raw. Get in in there rough. Pound that ass, I liked getting stuffed in the ass…" She liked getting stuffed just in general. "Like my big ass?" she hissed feeling his hands squeeze her jiggling ass cheeks together, grinding his cock between them before putting his tip against her asshole. "My big soft ass? Mmn? Aaaah... SHIT!… Oooh!"

She purred seductively, tightly gripping the washing machine as Cale pushed all the way into her body. "Ooh! OH! OH! SHIT… NGH! Nasty ass fucking…" she growled through her grinning teeth, "NNgh-ghn-nggh!" her thick thighs slamming again and again against the washing machine, his hands yanking her back by the waist. "Ha-haah-aah… all the boys love fucking my tail hole because I'm a nasty little kitty. Smack my-AAH!" she didn't even get to finish as his hand clapped loudly on her right ass cheek. "That a boy!-OH~! Shit! AH!"

His hand swatted her ass again, her ass cheeks rippling majestically as he rapidly slammed his hips against her. Her contented purring became more of a howling moan as his cock pulsated happily inside her. Getting balls deep into her as with each grunt and thrust he leaned further and further over her, reaching up to grab her shoulders.

"Shiit. Shit shit shit…" she hissed, eyes rolling, "Don't stop! Don't stop! Put that nut in my ass! Fuck me! Fuck me! FUCK! Meeeeee!"


"Oooooh!" her howl mingled with the ringing of the machine telling her that the session was done, her ass squeezing Cale as he kept ramming into her orgasm-clenching hole. Her rippling ass cheeks echoed around the laundry room as he pushed her down on top of the washer, and buried his length up her ass. She shuddered as he emptied his balls into her ass. "Oooh-oooh." She purred seductively, "Mmn… when was the last time you had those balls drained?" she moaned, feeling his plentiful hot load rush up into her. She stood up and against him, her ass cheeks twitching as she kept him securely up her ass.

"It has been… awhile." He mumbled, swinging his hand out and clapping them against her ass cheeks. "Feels like ages." He groaned.

"Feels like it!" she cooed, rubbing his thighs. "Mmn… get that dick out of me for a minute I got to take care of this."

"Oh… yeah me too." He mumbled. Catwoman trembled as he slid out of her rear, slowly. She bit her bottom lip, purring softly as he walked away toward another finished washer. She wiggled her body slightly, before kicking the laundry basket closer to the washer, opening it up, and clawing everything out. She picked up the basket and pushed the machine door shut with her hip. Her big ass wobbled as she walked around the tables to the dryers, picking one and tossing in the laundry.

She set it to dry as Cale was about to do the same, then she sat on one of the tables in the center of the machines. Spreading her legs over the edge of the table, rubbing herself as he turned on the dryer. He turned, his dick shooting upright as she smiled, leaning back and moaning as she rubbed herself more… oozing arousal as her mouth opened and released an encouraging moan.

"You know I'm told that people fold their clothes on those tables. He noted, running a hand over her thigh as she gyrated in place, rubbing her brown ass all over it. "Now you've gotten ass all over it."

"Ha-ha-ha… my ass and your cum sexy…" she slowly fell back on the table grabbing the edge on the other side and slapping her wet pussy. "Or did you forget how much cum you pumped into it? Now get this pussy…" she cooed, "Mmmn… all my holes need filling." She growled as he grabbed and rubbed her inner thighs, "Mmn!" sliding her fingers inside, spreading her lower lips. "Oooh get in there." She purred, "It's just as snug and warm…" she shuddered as he slipped his own fingers into her slit. "Oooh…" he rubbed her inner walls with his digits before pulling them covered in her arousal to his lips and absently licking them as she wiggled her lower body, lifting her legs and spreading them. "Ahh…ahah…"

She squirmed under his curious but stimulating prodding before he removed his fingers and applied his tongue. "Nngh!" she grinned as broadly as Ice, shaking as she pushed her hips up towards his face, her pussy fingering hand resting on the back of his head. "Oh-oh-oOOOOh you naughty boy! Ah-ahha…" he wrapped his arms over her legs, pinning her down as he continued to slide his tongue up into her warm pussy, it thrashed around against her inner walls as they quivered welcomingly. To be fair her insides expected dick… but her pussy was a good host.

His moans echoed up into that pussy, vibrating her spine and sending a distinctly pleasurable chill up into her brain as she writhed on the table, clawing at his hair as her other hand clung desperately to the edge above her head. "Oooh! O-OOOH! SHIT!" her eyes rolled as her entire body shuddered, "FUCK! Oh fuck!" she shoved at his head, reflexively trying to get him to stop as her orgasm almost painfully ripped through her. "Ooh-god!" But he held her firm, continuing to thrash his tongue inside her as she quickly experienced another. "OOOH SHIT!" she screamed, shaking as her toes curled and her legs swung around his back, smacking her heels into his spine as he cringed and pulled away, allowing her to jiggle majestically on her back for his viewing pleasure.

"Ffffffuuuuuck!" she hissed, twitching concernedly as Cale wiped his mouth with his arm, grabbed her thick thighs again and lifted them up so her feet were parallel with the ceiling and exposing her winking asshole, and sheathing his throbbing cock back into it. "Oooh SHIT… oh-ooh-oohmmn!" her legs hooked on his arms as they wrapped around her breasts, squeezing firmly as he jackhammered inside her hole once again. "Ooh!"

"Ha-haah…" Cale squeezed her big breasts as her back arched, pushing them towards his hands, eliciting moans out of her by squeezing them firmly before falling forward. Furiously thrusting into her as he let go of her breasts, grabbing the back of her head and pulling it forward until their foreheads touched. "I like this ass."

"You like that ass?" she grinned, panting into his face. "Yeah I like my ass too… fuck it." she hissed, her eyes rolling inches from his own. "Oooh fuck it. Fuck it fuck it…" she chanted encouragingly with his thrusting hips, both going faster and faster as her toes curled in the air, her hands reaching around him, pleadingly squealing. "Fuck it! fuck it!" he shot upright, grabbing tightly at her waist as she screamed her demands. "Fuck it! I'm cumming! Fuck it!!" her body thrashed wildly on the table. "OOoohGODS!" screaming her orgasm over the roar of the dryers.

"I'm cumming!" he declared, bucking his hips as she clawed the table.

"Cum in me baby! OOooh cum in me!" she declared as he did so, "I love feeling hot cum up my ass!..." she hissed, biting her bottom lip as he pressed her down, filling her ass again as she moaned. "mmmn…" she rubbed her quivering body, trembling in orgasm as her hands squeezed her soft breasts. Cale ripped his cock from her ass and gasped for breath as he collapsed against the dryer behind him. "MMmn!" going boneless, Catwoman's feet flopped to the floor quickly followed by the rest of her. crawling on the floor and raising her face up to brush her forehead against his limp dick.

Swinging her big brown ass behind her, she licked her lips, mewling hungrily. "Give me that nasty ass-dick…" She opened her mouth, "Ahh." And slid over his tip, and up his shaft, taking him into her throat as she rested her hands on his thighs, sitting on her knees and noisily slurping his filthy dick, his hands going from the dryer he had been using for balance to her head. Holding it tightly as she began sucking it firmly back to life. Her hips swiveled as she worked that beautiful face of hers up and down that cock, savoring it's taste as Cale groaned happily at her effort.

"You are really fucking good at this…" he groaned as she laughed on his dick.

"Hmm-hmm-hmm! Mmn-hmmn…" she moaned with a mouthful of cock, burying her face into his crotch and noisily slurping. "SLURP! SLURP mmn…ahh…" she popped off abruptly, stroking his cock with her hand as she licked it tentatively, "I'm really fucking good." She purred, "Because I LOVE fucking… I'm going to keep sucking this dick so you cum whenever you want honey." She moaned, firmly kissing his shaft before taking it back into her throat. "MMngh!" Shaking her big ass, twerking and popping her cheeks as she delved into his crotch again and again, his hand on the back of her head.

She gazed up at him, sucking, licking, moving her head back and forth and occasionally slurping, loudly, when she thought he wasn't paying enough attention… and for fun. "Mmhg-mmn…" his hand held her head tight, firmly pulling her down his shaft when she would up it. Drooling on his cock as the dryer rapidly sped up beside him. Her hands stroked his legs, clawing at his muscled thighs as she buried her face into his crotch and slipped out her tongue to lick his balls before getting a better taste, shooting off his cock quickly and inhaling his sack. Stroking his cock on her face as she salivated on them…


"Bwah…" she popped out from between his legs and blinked at her dryer. "…Mmn… clothes are done." She noted, before winking up at him and sliding over, opening the door, and… crawling halfway into the dryer…

Her big brown ass jutted out behind her as she began tossing out clothes into her basket. "That's pretty unsafe." Mumbled Cale sarcastically as she wiggled her backside.

"I won't be in here long." She replied, lying on the freshly hot clothes as Cale loomed behind her, "Oh!" grabbing and smacking her big ass before holding her waist and ramming his erection into her. "MMGhn-mmngh-AAAH!" her voice echoing in the dryer. "Oh-oH-oh-SHIT!"

"This is why I said it was unsafe." He replied, ramming into that wet pussy as it clung tightly to his plunging meat. "Getting me all hot and bothered and leaving me with a hard on!"

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" she laughed, gasping and shaking. "Oh! So! Sorry!" CLAP! "OOOH!" her voice echoed in the dryer as he spanked her. "Fuck me till you feel better! Fuck me! Ugh!" she was shoved further into the dryer and against the back of it, resting her hands on the tumbler edges for balance as she panted loudly, "Ha-haah… AH YES!"

He grabbed the top of the dryer, slamming his hips HARD against that big brown booty. "This feels too good!" he smacked her ass cheeks again as she cooed happily. "I'm cumming!"

"cum baby! Cum! Baby! Cum! Cuuuuming! FUUUUUCK!!" she was still cumming as he ripped out of her quivering pussy lips and rammed it up her ass, standing bowlegged behind her and thrusting into butt as she shuddered wildly in the dryer, collapsing on the hot warm clothes and cooing happily…

And uncomfortably… her stomach was on the curve of the dryer and biting into her belly. "Fuuuck." Cale declared happily as Catwoman squirmed, trapped in the dryer.

"…Cale baby help me out please." She purred meekly, "Mama can't feel her pussy…" she replied teasingly as Cale pulled out of her ass to an echoing hiss, "Fuuuuck me…" she whimpered as he reached in, grabbed her under her arms, and gentle tugged her out of the dryer as she sat on her knees. "Phew…" turned her head and was met with cock that she kissed, "Mwah!" And playfully brushed away so it swing in the nonexistent breeze. "That's good dick." she cooed, tossing the rest of her clothes into the basket and giggling as Cale leaned on the table. "MMn…" she picked up the basket walking around the laundry room, grabbed her underwear and put it back on.

"We're done, I need to get back to my girlfriends before they start to think I was kidnapped." She grinned, quite serious in her statement this was Gotham. She pulled her clothes from the basket and dressed up with Superbabe speed. She winked at Cale as his rigorous exercise caught up with him and he tried to ask questions as she made her way to the door. "It was fun! Bye-bye…" she cooed.

"Wait uh-whoa!" he hit the floor as she shut the door, heading back to the elevator.

Time: 10:34 PM. Place: Mikey and Geoff's building (Fire and Ice's apartment)

Catwoman returned to the apartment and knocked absently to be let in as the door swung open.

"Oh my god, Divya!" Zoey swung her arms around her, squeezing her tightly. "I thought you were kidnapped!"

"Noooo I was just doing laundry." Smiled Divya fondly, patting Zoey on the back, then the bubble butt. "Girl let go." She shuffled in to find the girls watching some foreign movie called Spicy Mustard. It had subtitles and it was in French… Maria eyed her curiously from the couch, Noir the kitten between her breasts… looking very smug-I mean snug-with her cute kitten face poking from Maria's brown sugar cleavage. "You could've texted me." She said, putting the laundry down and wiggling her phone.

"I did!" replied Zoey indignantly, still smiling but somewhat exasperatedly.

"Huh…" she mumbled, checking her phone. "Look at that it's on silent… annnd yeah. There you are Zoey." She smiled sheepishly, "Well I'm fine." she added before glaring at Laura. "Are you eating the cake before I could make the cream cheese frosting?"

Laura, who was in fact eating a large piece of it, blinked at her sheepishly with a hunk of it on a fork aimed to her open mouth. "…Yes." She said frankly as Divya rolled her eyes.

"The frosting's the best part!" declared Divya putting down the basking and metaphorically rolling up her sleeves heading back into the kitchen. "How much of it did you eat?!"

Meanwhile, a floor down and in the 'guest room' apartment.

Surfer sage Geoff sat on the couch with his feet up on the table as the front door opened to reveal Cale. "Dude what kept you?" he asked curiously, "You went to do laundry like… an hour ago. Did you get lost?"

"…Nope." Cale mumbled, "Got distracted." He limped sheepishly into the apartment, "What are you doing in here?" Geoff shrugged.

"Got bored. Wanted to make sure you were comfortable, dude…"

"Well thanks for letting me crash here…" he replied.

"Dude what are college buddies who run a building for, right? Though I don't know why you wanted to borrow one of my rooms when you could easily go to a hotel. Why are mad at your hot sister again? Did she sleep with another of your gold-digging girlfriends?"

"Not now Geoff, I'm really tired and kinda regretting a few life choices." He sighed, then after putting down his clothes he limped awkwardly to the couch, and sat down. "…So anything good on?"

"Naaah. Not really." Geoff replied.

"Don't suppose there is anything in the fridge?" he asked as Geoff shook his head.

"Room comes with furnishings not food." He replied but grinned, "BUUUuut I know a pretty good place."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, you're loaded you're buying dude. Let me give them a call" he got up and headed towards the phone as that little itch in the back of Cale's mind couldn't help himself.

"…Does this building have an attractive dark-skinned woman with ah… rather plentiful proportions?" Geoff blinked at him as he sighed reluctantly. "A big butt?"

"…Not that I know off. And not that I'd mind if we didn't…" then added, "We got a dudette on the second floor that qualifies to half of that description though. Why?"

"…No reason." Mumbled Cale, "…Saw her in the laundry room."

"Mmn…" Surfer Sage Geoff mumbled rather dismissively, he had stopped listening after 'no reason'. Just in time for someone on the other end of the phone call to answer-.

"Superbabes. We deliver."

"Yeah we'd like... Oh, uh hold on." He then turned to ask Cale, asking casually. "Dude, do you WANT a dark-skinned big booty girl?"

"What?" Cale replied confused, "No… I'm." he sighed tiredly, not really understanding and assuming Geoff was joking. "I'm all bootied out."

"Ah. Alright then. Burgers?"

"Burgers." Confirmed an all-bootied-out Cale

"2 Burgers please. Just the burgers."

"…I figured. Shame. They'll be right over, I know the place."

"Sweet." Geoff noted casually, hanging up. "Shame though, they definitely have what you were looking for." he noted to himself, far more accurately than intended. She just wasn't on shift tonight.


Do you all remember Cale? I remember(ed) Cale, from way back in that Catwoman and (B) Vixen 2 for 1. And this time around he got the best of both worlds! Catwoman with a big booty... speaking of I'm going to have to get into the right mindset as the next few girls are going to be as such, unless the whims of big titties take over. But that's going to have to wait I have other tasks to tend to before I come back to this.

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