
Delivery Girl: White Rabbit Order #5

I don't own DC

Izzy skipped up the steps to Mike's apartment, humming to herself as she swung a bag with a 2-liter bottle of root beer in it ready for a night of gaming and pizza when she let herself right in. She had a spare key… "Hey, Mike." She declared, then paused, suddenly grinning at Mike who was dressed in an actual suit.

Black tie, black jacket, and pressed pants, even dress shoes. Not only that but he shaved, or at least trimmed his beard. He washed and combed his hair, even what remained of his gamer beard seemed slicker and cleaner. And somehow the suit managed to shave off a few pounds because you could hardly notice his husky gut. "Look at you! Well don't you look dapper!" she cheered, whistling impressively as she shut the door behind her. "What's up are we not gaming today?"

"…I have a date." He said hesitantly with a rather nervous smile. "A dinner date. A real one." he added, trying to tie his tie in the mounted mirror, and failing. "With Joy."

Izzy's eyed widened, and she grinned. "Oh-ho-ho… finally wore her down did you?" she was speaking metaphorically of course. Mike only had to ask White Rabbit for a date to get her to go. It's not like she was stringing him along.

"I reserved a table at a real nice and expensive sushi restaurant. Kyodai's?" Izzy whistled, "Joy's got the night off, so I'm going to go and have a good time with a girl I want to say is my girlfriend."

"And eat sushi."

"Yes, and eat sushi." Replied Mike grumbling again as he messed up tying his tie. "…I really hope I don't fuck it up."

"Oh, come on Mike you won't fuck it up." Izzy noted knowingly, putting down the 2-liter bottle of root beer and approaching him, playfully slapping away his hands before helping him with his tie. "You've had dinner with Joy plenty of times."

"Deliveries don't count. She was literally being paid to have sex and eat with me. This is the first time I'm paying for dinner where she won't be obligated to have sex with me after because of some weird freaky job thing-URP!" he squirmed as Izzy perfectly tied his tie. Being Zatanna gave her plenty of opportunities to learn how.

"She shows up at your house, sometimes uninvited, she hangs out, she participates in your hobbies and occasionally has sex with you off the clock. That's kind of a relationship right there, Mike." He nodded reluctantly.

"Still… just once you know. A nice normal couple thing to do. Have dinner at a place that serves food and not boobs." Izzy rolled her eyes.

"So Kyodai's, how much did it cost you?" she asked curiously.

"No idea, but it took me two months to get a reservation there so it better be good." Mike replied, "Or at the very least I hope Joy likes it… how 'Japanese' is she?"

"…Fairly." Smiled Izzy, trying not to laugh. "To be fair she can hide it really well, you could never tell she was born and raised in Japan. I've never been to her place, but Yaya tells me it's very 'homey'. Like a tokyo apartment."

"Ah…" Mike cleared his throat. "I've never been to her place either." He added, "…That's a sign, right?"

"OR she likes it better here. I can relate, it's better than my apartment." She dropped onto his couch, her shapely backside resting comfortably in her usual spot on the couch as she put her feet up onto the coffee table. Stretching her arms across the back of the couch and pushed out her big geek girl breasts as she relaxed… hoping Mike would do the same only to see him stressing again in the mirror. "Relax, okay? She already likes you."

"Uh huh. Because the supremely hot, Japanese, and still popular ex-jav star is totally impressed with the geeky overweight guy who has his own comics and games shop." He mumbled nervously.

"UGH…" Izzy groaned exasperatedly, removing herself from her comfort zone and approaching him before rapidly slapping him across his bearded face twice.


"Get out of your own head! This is prom all over again! Relax would you?! Repeat after me! I am having a date with my hot girlfriend!"

"She's never said-"

"SAY IT!" Izzy declared as she raised her hand again warningly and Mike flinched.

"I am having a date with my hot girlfriend!" he squeaked raising his hands to defend his face as necessary, but Izzy nodded in approval.

"Alright. Good. The first step is confidence." Izzy declared, "The second step is don't be an asshole, you got that covered. Third step is to pay for dinner."

"I'm already doing that… actually I'm always doing that."

"Don't skip a step Mike. You got this. Now, are you picking her up?"

"Uh. Yeah. Actually, I'm going to meet her at Superbabes and take her to dinner." He checked his clock. "And I got to go right now…" he declared heading for the door.

"Cool I'll just hang out here." She replied, grabbing a cup of ice and the rootbeer 2-liter, heading back to the couch as he hesitated at the door to stare at her indignantly. "What?"

"…What if I bring her back to… you know?" he said, giving a little 'nudge-nudge' to the bedroom.

"…It won't be the first time." Replied Izzy dismissively, opening the rootbeer bottle. "See you later! Have fun…"

Mike didn't have a fancy car, he had a working one which in his opinion was better. It was clean, shiny, and a smooth dark blue. It got him where he needed to be, it was reliable. He slowly passed the front of Superbabes. Seeing Power Girl, Vixen (a Vixen he didn't know which one), Freya in her Yellow Lantern Costume, a 'metal' chick (Platinum), Giganta, and many others serving, flirting, and catering to the many people inside as he drove past, turning into the parking lot and leaving the engine on, he waited in a parking stall.

"It's going to be fine. It's going to be great-No. Good, I'll settle for good." He checked himself in the mirror again watching the back door. A very 'Blessed' Stargirl walked out the back carrying a superbabes brand bag of food. Spying him in the car she gave him a friendly wave and a pretty smile. He managed to wave back, watching her bounce towards one of the parked cars. She got in and drove away as Mike refocused on the task at hand.

"Brace yourself." He told himself. "Because she's going to come out of there looking GORGEOUS. Not sexy… well YES, sexy. But dressed to look nice rather than sexy… so just… focus." He mumbled as a beautiful white-haired woman stepped out of the back of Superbabes.

She was wearing a strapless black dress with a skirt that went down to her knees, and simple, matching high heels. Her purse over her right shoulder she waved with her left hand to Mike in the car as he waved back. She was wearing noticeable makeup; red lipstick, matching eyeshadow, a bit of blush… it oddly reminded him of a geisha-like look. Her white hair was neatly styled and combed, letting everyone get a good look at her beautiful face, those who weren't looking at her big breasts and cleavage both enhanced by the black dress as she strutted easily towards his car. Waving off Freya who was apparently also leaving for the night, swinging a leg over her Daisy Yellow bike, and speeding off.

"…I'm fucked." He mumbled defeatedly, smiling at her as she opened the passenger's side door, and slipped right in before immediately leaning towards him and kissing him on the cheek as MANY of the other girls stood in the doorway. Playfully teasing her as she waved to them.

"Go before they decide to come out and drag me back in." she said with a smile as the other girls giggled and laughed. One of them, Silver Banshee gave them a middle-finger salute in farewell as Mike slowly drove out of the lot, and off into Gotham.

"You look amazing." He declared in awe, trying not to take his eyes off the road to look at her as she smiled appreciatively.

"So do you!" she praised sweetly. "It's so odd seeing you in something that isn't a big shirt, shorts and sandals. You clean up good Mike."

"I mean you always look good." He added quickly, "But you know you're usually in costume or something casual, totally different." She chuckled, patting his shoulder.

"RELAX Mike… it's just a date." She smiled, "Where are we going anyway?"

"That sushi place. Kyodai's." he said. White Rabbit's pretty blue eyes widened curiously.

"Oh, that place near the shores of Upper-East Gotham? I've heard good things. Japanese trained chef, high-quality ingredients."

"It's not too much?" he asked curiously as she just shrugged.

"Sounds good to me." She replied sweetly. "I'd love some sushi. We actually don't have any on the menu right now."

"I find that hard to believe. I've seen the menu." Replied Mike with a cheeky smile as White Rabbit chuckled.

"Well, we have Colcannon, Blood Sausage, and Pizza all on one menu, raw fish seems so out of place." She said sarcastically, checking her face in the mirror. "…I am regretting letting Ashley do my face." she noted, "…I look like a modernized Geisha."

"I think you look good." He said quickly as she smiled, but didn't look at him, just checking out her face and brushing her white hair out of her blue eyes.

"Mmn… I guess, maybe I just have a hard time believing Ashley could do any makeup that isn't a skull." She said, "Or maybe I'm just nervous that we're having our first dinner date." She teased playfully as Mike smiled nervously again. "I heard Kyodai's is expensive."

"Well, I'm good for it. Just don't tell your boss." He noted as she laughed melodiously. Izzy told him to keep his 'financial security' under wraps when it came to the Superbabes boss. "I would've been fine if we got pizza but I figured I'd better flex my wallet a little this time." White Rabbit laughed. "If you want some music you can pick a station…" he gestured to the car radio, "Should be there in 10 to 15…"

White Rabbit smirked, before tapping the radio buttons until finding classic rock… and together they bobbed their heads to the music, Mike drumming the wheel to the drum solos as they drove through Gotham.

10 to 15 minutes later. Mike parked his car on the street, the very Japanese restaurant Kyodai's sign flicked in the Gotham evening as White Rabbit laughed melodiously. Getting out of the car.

"Honestly with the amount of Anime you watch, I'm surprised you don't have a mixtape of J-rock in your car." Mike got out of the car and shut the door, smiling nervously as she walked around the car and took his arm in hers as he escorted her to the front door of the restaurant.

"…I thought it might be a bit much, so I left it at home." he joked as she laughed again. Scoring all the date points tonight… The approached the front door, a few people were outside waiting for a table however Mike had a reservation that he made long in advance for tonight. So trying not to be smug or haughty at the looks he was getting. Said looks were either evil at his skipping of the line, or the fact that he had a gorgeous, shapely, voluptuous white-haired woman on his arm… Both options might get him shanked by a lesser man in Gotham.

"Irasshaimase." Declared several of the servers and the chefs at the counter. All except one with a cleanly shaven goatee as he put all of his spectacular blade focus on preparing sushi for the rest of the guests, since he looked the nicest and the most skilled he must have been the head chef. Mere seconds after he finished he gave out a sincere but delayed-

"Irasshaimase." Before immediately moving on to making a new plate.

He approached the elegantly dressed Japanese hostess as she smiled at them both. "Table for two?" she asked.

"I have a reservation." Mike declared, clearing his throat. "Michael Conroy?"

"Yes!" she smiled politely, "I have you right here." She added before taking menus, "Please follow me." She said, leading them into the restaurant. The place wasn't huge like Superbabes, there was a long counter where chefs and other kitchen staffs prepared food for the solo eaters. Which arguably meant they got to eat it fresh, then there were private tatami mat rooms with low tables and cushions, and on the far end of the restaurant was a bigger room with a long table, currently occupied by many Japanese business types, clearly enjoying their meal.

"Oh… you used your full name. Real fancy." Smiled White Rabbit playfully as 'Michael' cleared his throat.

"Well… it has more of a punch than 'Mike' Conroy. When you're eating out at a fancy…" he stopped as he saw the look on her face. She froze standing just outside the booth and gazing at the large table with businessmen and women… "…Are you okay?"

White Rabbit deeply frowned with a furiously furrowed brow. She clenched her fists at her sides so hard they were shaking and suddenly turned, walking quickly out of the restaurant as Mike froze… glancing between the equally confused hostess and his date. Before quickly running after her.

Thankfully he didn't have to run far, she had stopped once she walked out of the restaurant. "Hey what's wrong? You look like you've seen ghost." He paused, quickly glancing around as if expecting one. "Which you might have… because this is Gotham." He added hesitantly. Gentleman Ghost has been seen in the city recently.

White Rabbit took a deep breath. "…I saw my parents." Mike blinked at her, "They are apparently in Gotham City, and having dinner in this restaurant. Tonight…" she said coolly. Mike blinked at her, she didn't look him in the eyes but she wasn't crying. Or having a fit… she took another breath. "…I'm sorry. Give me a minute and we'll go back in and eat." She smiled briefly, as Mike sighed… slipped his hands into his pockets… and pulled out his keys, handing them to her. She blinked at him confused.

"…Go in the car we'll go home, well to my place…" he added as she looked apologetic at his gesture.

"What? No. We waited 2 months for this dinner."

"Eh, we can do it again later. I'll go in and cancel. I'll be right back, see you in the car… don't drive off angry without me." He added before slipping back into the restaurant as White Rabbit held his keys, before walking to the car, ignoring the few jackasses who thought that she was standing her date up because she didn't like him. Said 'Jackass' who couldn't read the mood was going to have trouble eating sushi with a sore jaw.

Her 'not liking' her date is definitely not what was going on.

It's been years since she even spoke to her parents, and the last time it happened there were a lot of angry words, followed by a stint of sexual depravity of such scale that the Japanese censorship laws would've had to make a real full-size mosaic to hide her when she walked down the street. She had no desire to ever see them again so randomly meeting them in a fancy Sushi restaurant while she was trying to have a dinner date was not something she was prepared for.

She waited in the car for barely 4 minutes as Mike jogged back toward the car, slipping right into the driver's seat as she gazed at him with big puppy dog eyes, sincerely sorry for her outburst. "I'm sorry."

He shook his head. "Don't be." He said quickly, "I may not know much but the basics about your family trouble, but if you want to leave, I'm going to help you." He said committedly before retrieving his keys and slipping them into the car.

"Did they at least refund your reservation?" she asked with a sheepish smile.

"N-no..." Mike replied hesitatingly. "No, they did not…That chef dude is really intimidating." He mumbled, already pulling out of the lot. "It's fine. I didn't feel like Sushi anyway. How about Pizza? I like pizza." White Rabbit laughed melodiously. Kyodai's not even in their rearview mirror, now.

"That's fine with me." Before adding sultrily, "I'd rather get straight to the after-dinner show anyway…" she whispered in is ear as he nervously chuckled.

"I really did want to just have dinner with you." He noted as she blinked at him surprised.

"We have dinner all the time."

"Yeah. With Izzy or the guys, or the girls… or whoever. I just wanted a dinner date with you and me. Normal boyfriend-girlfriend stuff." Her eyes widened at that, leaning back in her seat as she watched him for a minute. Her big breasts seemed to be bigger and more inviting now as she pushed them out to watch the lights of Gotham pass by.

"Oh... then I guess you're a little disappointed huh?"

He shrugged. "…Pizza dinner is okay to." he replied, drumming the wheel as he turned on the radio to her apparently favorite classic rock station before bobbing his head to the rhythm. White Rabbit eyed him, Mike was always a 'go with the flow' sort of fellow. He only really had confrontation when he had to, but when he needed to put his foot down, he did it well. She on the other hand should've just buckled down and had dinner with him at the expensive sushi restaurant and said 'fuck off' to her parents if they had seen/recognized her.

Next time, if it happens again: they're not going to ruin her date. And she will violently make sure of it. Until then she'll just have to make it up to him.

"So." Mike declared, as they arrived at his shop/home. "…Alphonso's? Pizza Hat?" he asked as he parked his car. She got out, making her way up the steps to his second-floor apartment as he followed curiously. "Mama Janes?"

"…How about Superbabes." He paused, standing on the second step from the top as she turned, raising an eyebrow at him. His face was level with her big breasts as he took a restrained breath.

"Come on. Really?" he mumbled suspiciously.

"The Platinum Pizza isn't that bad." She replied sweetly as Mike fiddled with his keys, stopped letting himself get distracted by her magnificent chest, and managed to put the keys in the lock.

"Yeah. But I'm just afraid you're going to bring another girl over and I don't really want that-"

"You guys are back early…" Izzy declared from the couch, absently playing on the Gamestation. First Fantasy 8 actually.

"…They lost our reservation." Mike said quickly as Izzy blinked at him surprised before giving White Rabbit a look as Mike walked further into his apartment, heading to his phone to call takeout as White Rabbit shook her head sadly.

…Izzy was oddly an expert in subtleties when it came to her friends and she got the message. She will thoroughly ask for details later. "Oh. That sucks…" she said, apologetically. "So… what's the dinner plans?"

"Pizza." Mike replied as Izzy nodded slowly.

"Right… Pizza. From?"

"…Superbabes." White Rabbit declared as she took the phone from Mike. "Go and play with Izzy." She smiled as Mike watched her suspiciously.

"Seriously, I don't-"

"Want a delivery. I know. Don't worry… I want you all to myself tonight." Smiled White Rabbit sultrily, seductively playing with his tie. "…But Izzy can be in the background for a little bit."

"Just let me get to a save point." She declared affectionately, as the brooding protagonist delivered a series of slashes to a tyrannosaurus. "And I'll go hang out with Freya for a little bit when she's done racing." Mike chose not to question that, so he sat with Izzy as she spammed another limit break.

White Rabbit, However, called Superbabes.

Time: 9:26 PM. Place: Gotham (Mike's Apartment.)

Boooop. Boooop-Click

"I take it dinner didn't work out?"

"Orders, could you not right now?"

"Too soon then. Don't worry I'll fix it. I fix everything."

"I'd appreciate it. We would like-"

"Don't worry about it. Platinum's heading to that area I'll have her stop by your place first."

"Do you already know what I'm ordering then?"

"I would know what you were going to order, but I also know what you're going to get. You can pay/thank me later. With the money you were planning to give to that restaurant. Luke! I got a special order!"


White Rabbit stared at the phone; Orders was cryptic as always. And thinking about it she probably somehow planned this. But she shook her head, and hung the phone up. "Alright. Food's on it's way." She declared, before sitting on the couch next to Mike as Izzy continued to play the game until a 'save point'.

And since Platinum wasn't here yet she spent the rest of that time playing a very addicting in-game card game.

"There! There put it there! YES!" cheered White Rabbit to Mike and Izzy as they turned the entire board blue and claimed all the cards. "WOOO!!" Then… they heard the familiar knock.


Time: 9:50 PM. Place: They haven't gone anywhere.

"Special Delivery Service." Mike tried to get up but White Rabbit shoved him back into his seat as she got up instead already heading to the door. She opened it. "Hey, Darcy."

Platinum stood at the front door as Mike stared at her in a new light, never realizing that Darcy was the 'metal' woman he saw earlier that night. It was almost like night and day. "Hello White Rabbit." Replied Platinum stiffly, before handing her a large pizza-like platter, and a small brown bag stamped with a sexy Power Girl on it. "Mother says enjoy your evening."

White Rabbit however stared at the platter confused, it wasn't a pizza box. "This isn't a pizza."

"It is not. Mr. Ryback is an Itamae of Sushi." Replied Platinum, easing into Japanese perfectly. It would make sense as she was essentially rebuilt by a Japanese genius. "Enjoy your evening White Rabbit."

"You can-" began White Rabbit watching Platinum 'clunk' down the stairs back to the company car and her supposed actual delivery. "Just call me by my name off the clock you know." she said sweetly, but rolled her eyes, "Thank you!" she added quickly before walking back into the apartment as Mike got up to help her with the platter.

"What is this?" he asked as White Rabbit shut the door.

"…I'm pretty sure it's-wow." She gazed at the marbled platter of rice and fish. Nigiri, Sashimi, Maki, Temaki… it looked like a hodgepodge of what they WOULD have ordered if they stayed at Kyodai. "…I don't go in the kitchen a lot but it's hard to believe we had this in it." she replied as Izzy saved and turned off the console, also gazing at the world-class display of sushi.

It looked fresh, delicious, and ready for consummation. That was her cue to leave.

"Well… you guys enjoy your date night." She said, "I'm going-" she began texting on her phone. "-to see if Freya wants someone cheering in her illegal racing corner." She said, already texting the off-duty Yellow Lantern. Before she glanced at the brown bag, and smiled. "…Might want to check the bag 'White Rabbit'." She added as Mike went to get plates and chopsticks.

Of course, he had chopsticks, his 'girlfriend' is Japanese and he's a weeb. But White Rabbit managed to pry her hungry gaze from the platter to glance down into the bag and blushed, spying her costume recently laundered and ready for a post-date night party… Izzy winked at her, and out the door she went.

Mike returned with plates, placing them on opposite sides of the table and handing her a pair of chopsticks as she kicked the bag under her chair. Sitting down on it as he did the same. "itadakimasu." He said, pulling apart his chopsticks as she groaned, but smiled.

"You are such a weeb. Itadakimasu" she replied, snapping her chopsticks.

"I am not a weeb… I'm like half a weeb." He admitted as she laughed, and they ate. Talked, chatted, and laughed until the platter was empty and their stomachs were settling just as Mike was finishing up a pre-Superbabes Izzy Story.

"So there she was in front of the whole school, chainmail shirt and metal shop-made ax on her shoulder. And you know what she does?"

"Something that's going to make her hate me when I retell this story?" White Rabbit replied, watching Mike embellish and express his tale: Putting his DM skills to work.

"She raised the ax and cuts the retirement cake in half. Mrs. Shaw never laughed so hard." White Rabbit giggled and laughed at the story as Mike got up, taking the plates and clearing the table White Rabbit watched him for a moment, taking the bag with her costume, before standing up.

"I'm going to use the bathroom real quick. I'll be right back."

"Cool… uh." He paused, "Oh… uh." She stopped, just as she turned the corner, hiding the bag as she was about to turn into the bathroom. "Do you… want to hang out here or would you like me to take you home?" he asked as she just smiled seductively and slipped into the bathroom without giving him an answer.

"…Ah." He mumbled, gazing at empty space. Before cleaning off the plates and getting them into his dishwasher. "Don't answer that's cool." He mumbled dejectedly as he went to wipe down the table and take care of the platter, wondering if it was disposable or if he was supposed to return it. But then he saw it was recyclable, so hey good for Superbabes going green.

He found little else to do, everything was cleaned up and put into their respective places. He drummed on his legs and began taking off his suit and tie, hanging both of them up on a coat hanger before moving to his couch. Sat down and stared blankly at the TV. Maybe they could watch a movie? Or… maybe play a game. But he couldn't think of one off the top of his head that she might like, the games she played with him and Izzy were ones that they themselves, the longtime gamers, liked to play.

"What kind of guy plays a videogame after his date?" he mumbled to himself as he heard the bathroom door open and White Rabbit's heels tapping on his floor as he turned to talk to her only to pause wide-eyed as he realized she was in costume.

"Wh-When did you get that?" he asked as she just smiled, fluffing up her ears, then her white corset emphasizing her impressive breasts as she slowly strutted around the couch. Running her hand along the back as she kept her blue eyes locked on Mike's face. Her long legs in their white boots carried her until she stood in front of him… raising her arms in the air as she stretched, she shimmied slowly from side to side. Smiling prettily at him.

"Darcy brought it for me… I bet she knew I wanted to show you my appreciation." She cooed as Mike seemed torn between his desire to have sex with a beautiful former Jav-starlet, and the fact that she didn't have to.

"Well you don't have to-oooh…" he groaned slightly as she slid onto his lap, straddling him as she pushed her breasts into his face, wrapped her arms around his head and pulled him abruptly into her cleavage. "Mmn…" she tossed her pink masked face as she kept him tight in her cleavage… Pillowy soft and sweet-smelling.

"But I WANT to…" she declared, before taking his face in her hands and pulling him out. Gazing into his eyes. "I REALLY like you Mike… a lot." she declared seriously as he blinked at her. She smiled, kissed his forehead, and shoved him back into his chest as his hands suddenly seemed magnetized to her ass, she moaned under his wiggling fingers. "Now. Are you ready to do some vigorous-" she gyrated noticeably on his lap. "-after dinner exercise with your favorite rabbit?... or should I just help myself? Oooh…"

His intent aside… how could anyone say no to her?

She hissed through her teeth as her husky boytoy squeezed her soft ass, burying his face into her breasts as his beard tickled her. She resisted the urge to giggle and managed to moan erotically as he fondled her ass cheeks around the increasing thong-looking bottoms of her White Rabbit costume. "Haah…" she pushed him back against the couch before she slid off his legs onto the floor quickly. Biting her bottom lip as she kept her focus on his growing erection, helping him out of his pants quickly.

Pulling them down to his ankles and practically tearing away at his boxers she quickly grabbed at his erection a little harder than he expected, however before he could be bothered to complain she kissed it and made it better.

"Mmn-mwah! Ahh…" she pressed her lips tightly to his tip, before swirling her tongue skillfully around the glans as if preparing his cocks decent into her throat-and there it goes. "Mmmn!" She buried her face onto his cock, bashing her forehead so hard against his gut she almost knocked the wind out of him, but sucked out his soul instead. "Mmn! Mmn! MMN!!"

Years of JAV cock-sucking experience went into that blowjob, and Laura and Jackie can sit high on their well-earned cock-sucking laurels, but you (arguably) won't beat a Japanese pornstar when it comes to skilled head.

She buried his back onto his cock, gazing up at him as her floppy ears slapped against his stomach. "Mmmn!" she moaned lovingly on his shaft before sliding back to his tip. "Bwaah…" she panted on his slippery cock, breathing heavily on it as her tongue danced around his glans again. "Sugoi." She purred as his cock quivered excitedly, she giggled. "Aaah…" and down she went again. "Mmnh! MMn! MMn!!"

"Ahh-UGH…" his cock trembled on her tongue, poking at the back of her throat as she buried her face into his crotch. "Uaaah…"

"Mmmn…" she just kept sucking, draining his balls as her head moved up and down on it. "MMnn…" gulping his cum quickly as she continued to give him head until he went limp between her lips. But she kept sucking… twisting her head slowly up and down until he was hard again. "Mmmn." She slurped loudly, before quickly popping off his cock. "Mmn…" she licked her lips, and stood up…

She slipped her thumbs into the waistline of her tight pink bottoms, stretching it out before bending over, "Ahh…" exposing her lower body as she pulled her legs out of them letting them drop to the floor as she tossed out her white hair behind her. She wiggled her upper and lower body, bouncing her breasts and shaking her ass as she watched his eyes follow her big breasts before he stood up. He pressed his cock to her dripping pussy as she cooed at the feeling of his tip spreading her folds before he easily threw her onto the couch. "Ah!-Ha-ha!" she laughed as he spread her legs, hooking one long booted food over the back of the couch and letting the other slip onto the floor before he loomed over her. "Oh yes, take me!" she breathed as his heavy bodyweight pressed onto her. "Oh! GOD…" she gasped, shaking as his cock pierced into her body as she was pinned beneath him.

"Aaah! You sexy beast…" he sighed as she cooed 'helplessly' beneath him and his husky weight.

"Come get me. Ravage me… OH-Take me! Just take me! Fuck me!" she pleaded as he pounded down against her, "Ugh! Uaaha-yeah! YES!! OOOH SU-GOI!!" she cooed, feeling him speed up, thrusting into her harder, faster… her Japanese filling him with lustful energy that he put into his cock and by proxy slammed it into her. "OH! God! OH! GOD…" she gasped through her teeth as she was 'forced' to lay back on the couch and take his heavy dicking. "NNGH!!"

"Haah-AAH!" grunting heavily in her ear as she tightened up beneath him, shaking as his relentless thrusting sent her over the edge.

"Oooh Sugoi! Hai! Senpai! goshujin sama!" she was just screaming stereotypical Japanese sex words now, but they had the same effect. "OH! Oh! oHH! SUGOI!!!" wildly thrashing beneath him as her eyes rolled. "Cum! Cum! CUM already! Aaah! Aaah! YES!!!"

Mike dropped onto her and put a load inside her. Thick cum fueled by weeb energy rushed into her body as she squirmed 'helplessly' beneath his weight. "Oh my god, oh my god…" she sighed, letting the orgasm rip through her as he emptied his own inside her. Grinding and squeezing her soft sexy body as she rubbed his back with trembling arms, her legs twitching on the back of the couch and floor as he pressed his hips to her waist and kept his cock firmly planted inside her.

"Mmn-hmmn…" she groaned happily, writhing up against his husky body as she licked his neck affectionately, his head was planted beside her on the arm of the couch she was using as a pillow… "Wow…" she breathed as he laughed nervously "You really had that in you huh?" she cooed, her hands rubbing up and down his back.

Mike slowly pulled his hands from beneath her trembling body before placing them on the couch and pushing himself off of her as she wiggled adorably beneath him like a submissive pet. He heaved a sigh of relief as she sat upright, shaking her chest before they both slipped off the couch. She stood up, stretching her body as she sashayed around the couch, only to feel his arms around her and his hands on her tits as she giggled madly… he fondled her body, guiding her towards the table before gently laying her on it with her ass pushed out behind her.

"AH! Ha! Aah!" he planted his hands on her shoulders, her breasts pinned to the table and bulging as he continued to pump hard into her from behind. "Ugh! Aah! Ah… Ah! Yes! Oh YES!! MORE!"

He dropped onto her as she grunted, his hips bucking mechanically against her as the table scraped the floor. She grabbed the left and right sides holding on to it tightly, "AH-aha-aah-aah!"

"I'm cumming!"

"Yes! Inside me! Cum inside me, YES!!" she gasped as they roared together, shaking in orgasm as he put his full weight onto her body and kept thrusting his hips until he was empty, going still as she continued to tremble.

"…Fuck…" she eventually gasped happily rubbing his arms as she wiggled her rear against him. "…Alright. Sit down."

"What?" she easily pushed off the table, until they were standing upright, and she 'bumped' him out of her so he fell onto the chair behind him. His cock stood rigidly as she removed her corset, freeing her big breasts as she cupped them and turned around.

"Mmmn." A thick gooey string of spit slipped from her lips as she drooled onto her cleavage, rubbing it around until it was nice and slick before she dropped to her knees. Smiling whimsically at him as her bunny ears flopped up and down as she squeezed her tits around him. "Ah… haaah…" she breathed sensually, gazing into his eyes as she continued to 'hop' up and down on him, squeezing and rubbing her soft tits around his cock as it poked between them.

Her tongue lolled from her mouth as she bounced her tits up and down, faster and faster, drool slipping down from her lips in between her cleavage. "Cum all over my face…" she breathed, "And my tits… cum whenever you want." She panted, squeezing them up and down as she licked her lips sensually. "Just cum using…" she squeezed them tightly together, "My big, fucking… TITS…" she hissed, before closing her eyes and feeling his hot load spray her face, chin, mask, and chest with a hot sticky load of cum. "MMN!!"

"Haaaah… aah…" Mike hissed, grabbing her shoulders as she slowed down her constant titfucking, squeezing out the last drops as he sighed… glancing down at her as she wiggled her tits around his cock, smiling prettily back with a masked face covered in cum as her tongue slipped out to clean her lips.

"Haah…" she breathed, slowly standing up before reaching for her mask, and removing it. "Wooo…" she shook out her hair, her face was sweaty but better than being sticky. "…That was good." She praised as Mike's hand reached around, squeezing her backside as she laughed sweetly. "…Shower?"

"Yep… before I stain my best and only suit." He said, standing up and undressing as together they both hopped into the shower to clean up. He stripped down as she tossed the mask into the sink and finally managed to get out of her long boots as he quickly joined her in the shower. She laughed, rubbing her body against his as he began pouring soap onto their bodies. She quickly washed her face, humming softly as she pushed her ass against him, pinning him playfully to the wall as she shook out her white hair.

"You should get a tub." She said, "Or a Japanese bath." She replied as he laughed.

"Why? A shower works perfectly fine."

"Well yes, but if you had a Japanese bath we can do soapland play." Mike snorted with laughter as she grinned, turning around with a freshly washed face and putting her big breasts against his chest.

"Look I'm like half-weeb." He said, "I don't need to spend my lottery money doing a complete overhaul of my bathroom for sex play." He said as she giggled, playing with his gamer beard. "…I'd do a lot of things for you, but not that."

Paint all the right shoulders of his Warmechs pink because she asked? Yes. Talk in a high-pitched embarrassing voice every time a halfling was on the board? Yes. Abandon his very expensive reservation at a high-profile sushi restaurant because she was having a very bad moment? Gladly.

"Oh?..." she teased, then smiled seductively at him. "…Would you shave your beard for me?" he looked at her aghast as she laughed again.

"You big hairy bear." She said, combing her fingers through it as she rinsed herself off. "I'll get out first." She declared, grabbing her towel. Wrapping it around her waist before walking out. Mike watched her, and her ass, go out the door curiously. Wondered briefly if she had another change of clothes he wasn't aware off.

White Rabbit wiggled out of the bathroom, dripping lightly as she walked right into Mike's room and opened his shirt drawer, not even hesitating to grab a particularly big shirt. It was a LIPS band shirt. She dried off, dropped the towel and threw it on like a dress. If she raised her arms up high she'd be showing off, but it will do for a sleepover.

Speaking of.

"We're back!" White Rabbit jumped as the front door to the apartment opened. "Hey Mike! Mind if Freya bunks here for the night?"

"Yes. Yes, he does." Declared White Rabbit sternly as she walked out of his bedroom. "Izzy come on!" she declared indignantly as she and the black and yellow bike suit Freya had the audacity to look apologetic. "…Did you at least win your race?"

"…No. The cops showed up and chased after us… which leads me to my, 'Can I lie low here?' Question."

"Yeah fine." Mike shouted from the cracked bathroom door, steam hissing out. "Just hide your bike in the garage and grab a sheet and pillow from the closet."

Izzy elbowed Freya who went to do just that, although not before Izzy mumbled softly. "Mike has a garage?" she then eyed a less than amused White Rabbit over, "…So how'd it go, Joy?" she asked as Joy rolled her eyes.

"…Well it would've been better if you didn't show back up." She replied, "…But I had a thoroughly satisfying evening." She said primly as Izzy giggled.

"Well that's good he was really nervous." Izzy whispered as Joy just shrugged.

"…He shouldn't be. I'm already having sex with him in my off time, it's not like I do that with everyone." She rolled her blue eyes before both girls chuckled. Mike finally turned off the shower.

"You could try actually calling him your boyfriend he's pretty uptight on that." Izzy replied, but Joy just smiled whimsically.

"Oh I'll do it don't you worry. I already got it down in my head." She said as the door opened to reveal Mike in dirty shorts…

And a cleanshaven face.

"GASP!" Izzy declared, actually saying 'gasp' as Joy blushed, gazing at Mike's smoothly shaven chin.

"Mike!" she laughed as he shrugged.

"I don't want to talk about it." he noted, "It's too soon." He said sadly, already heading to his room to change as Joy wiggled subtly, clearing her throat.

"…As soon as we're alone, I'm mounting him and calling him my boyfriend all night." She whispered to Izzy, putting a finger to her lips as the sound of Gotham Police sirens echoed passed the building.


I tried so hard to get this up yesterday but I kept getting sidetracked.

SO! Kyodai is a reference. And Micheal Conroy is of course a reference to the greatest voice of batman ever, Kevin "&$%#ing" Conroy.

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