
Delivery Girl: Zatanna Order #5

I don't own DC

"Hello Boys…" purred Zatanna as she loomed over a recently seated table of 3. Her hat set jauntily but sexily on her head as usual, her magical showgirl costume as usual squeezing all the right places and pushing those magnificent mams up for maximum appeal, framed by the black jacket as the fishnets emphasized her shapely legs. She struck a sensual, back breaking looking pose considering how heavy her breasts looked, and asked… in that sexy what that most Superbabes asked. "What can I do for you?"

Two of the men at the table were middle aged, maybe brothers, the third was an old man, very old… He grinned lecherously into her cleavage as she gave him her full attention. "If I was thirty years younger the things I'd do to you!" he grinned cheerily, clearly too old and uncaring of social mannerisms.

Luckily this was Superbabes…

"Well, you're not thirty years younger…" she teased playfully, "…But the things I'd do to YOU now would be far more… inviting…" she cooed soothingly, swinging her big breasts over to his wrinkly face, inches from his lips as he seemed to lean in to suck on them. "But I'm not on the menu…" she cooed, standing upright and holding her order notepad. "So boys… what can I get for you?" she took there orders, smiling politely as she turned to walk away, just barely avoiding a pinching hand from the old man as she scampered towards the kitchen counter slapping down the order before quickly heading towards the lounge as Batgirl took over.

"I'm not going to have a creepy old man tonight, am I?" Zatanna asked Orders as she went to sit on the couch.

"…You're going to have to be more specific." Orders noted sarcastically, tapping a sudoku puzzle with her pen.

"I don't know call it a hunch." Zatanna declared, flopping down onto the couch. Her big breasts jiggling pleasantly as Supergirl (I) sat on the other couch, looking the very picture of a psychologist… except dressed as Supergirl.

"A hunch huh? Could it be that you have misgivings about older men?" she asked as Zatanna eyed her curiously.

"…No? I just don't feel like being pawed at by an 80-year-old man…" Zatanna replied with a laugh. "What are you even doing?"

"She's trying to work on a new thesis. Turns out she can only do so many on our resident Cum Addict before she gets bored…" declared Red Lantern, bent over shooting pool, her big shapely ass in the air behind her...

"Besides, the one out there is only 78…" Orders noted, "And if you keep shoving your breasts in his face he'll stuff a cool fifty in there…"

"…Okay that IS tempting…" mumbled Zatanna, as Supergirl got off the couch and started chatting with an increasingly annoyed looking Red Lantern. "…I guess I should've seen this coming covering for Bessie." The resident and official 'Biggest' girl, Mighty Endowed aka Bessie had taken the day off today… and Zatanna had big tits for sure but of the top three it's Mighty, Raven, and Power Girl… everyone else pretty much ties for forth or lower…

…It is the most common Superpower.

"Elizabeth is playing arm candy for one of her regulars Mr. James Hex…" Orders glanced up at Zatanna, "You start bringing in rich cowboys and we'll talk.'

"…That sounds more like a Tina thing than a 'me' thing… I can get you nerds?" Zatanna replied confidently, crossing her fishnet leggings as Orders's purple eyes flickered and she rubbed her forehead.

"You certainly can…"

"…Did I jinx it?" Zatanna asked curiously as Orders reached for the phone.

Time: 8:34 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

*Ring! Ring!* click.

"Superbabes. We now Deliver."

"…Okay?! Okay uh. The… uh.... Um"

"Take your time. Breathe. Use your words. None of the girls you're looking at now are working tonight…"

"What? Huh but the site says-"

"Refresh the page."

"....oh… wait, how did you know I was looking at the website?"

"Don't ask silly questions. The Zatanna meal is what you want."

"Wait the Zatanna meal oooooh… this one? This one. Okay… that then."

"How many?"

"Oh… three?"

"…That's three Zesty Ziti Lasagna with a side of Zucchini noodles..."


"Anything else?"

"Yeah. Delivered by Zatanna. Oh… we also got this card-"

"Then you'll get a discount. However, we expect her back around 60 minutes or less, or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery, now please give me your name and address."


"Does it really count if you're the one who gets them to order me?" Zatanna asked teasingly as she approached the counter. Orders tore off the receipt holding it out to her as soon enough the food slid across the counter. Zatanna took the receipt from Orders's hand, reading it over.

"I didn't do anything except save myself 5 minutes…" Orders replied casually, "…They're not old men." She added a little sarcastically as Zatanna rolled her eyes.

"No. Just more of them…" she picked up the food.

"MMnh…" Orders grunted, "…And that would normally be an issue if they were coming at you all at once… let's just say that if Elizabeth had been in tonight they would've asked for her long before I suggested it…" Orders then picked up the nearby phone again as it rang, Zatanna walking out of back into the parking lot, frowning thoughtfully as she got into the car and adjusted the seat… jiggling noticeably as she glanced down at her girls.

"…Ooooooh. I get it now." She said smiling before double checking the address and driving off into Gotham.

She couldn't remember the last time she was in Robinson Paaark. Wait… yes, she could. Two weeks ago on Saturday when she went LARPing with Mike and that dwarf tried hitting on her… not a short person, a guy LARPing as a dwarf… to be honest the scrawny elf guy in glasses had a better shot…

She pulled up to the RV parking lot near the park. Absently wondering when the next LARP event was, since the previous one was cancelled on account of a slight case of Black Mask shootout. She parked and got out of the car… hesitating briefly as she checked the receipt. There was a small collection of Recreational Vehicles varieties… however…

The long trailer attached to the Traverse truck was the one she was looking for. She absently stuffed the receipt into the food bag and strutted across the parking lot. The chilly Gotham air getting to her legs, "Stupid fishnets…" she mumbled. "It's almost of Summer but feels like the dead of winter!" It didn't help that she was dressed like a magical showgirl.

*WOLF WHISTLE!* she glanced at a nearby RV, a far more modern one that she was heading too. The husky man watching her strut eagerly as she winked at him but kept going towards the trailer.

"Yeah yeah enjoy…" she smirked, swaying her hips elaborately until she reached the door of the trailer, shadows flickering in the lit windows as she approached… apparently those inside heard her coming. She gave them a moment to prepare themselves before raising her fist to knock loudly on the door.


Time: 9:01 PM. Place: Robinson Park (RV lot.)

"Special Delivery Service." She declared with a pretty smile, waiting as she heard them inside… but they were having… difficulty, opening the door. "Boooys." She cooed, "I'm not going anywhere…" the door finally unlatched, but when it didn't open she just helped herself. "Woop." She pushed right in almost knocking over one of them. "Oh…"

She glanced down at the scrawny asian kid before her, neat clothing, button up shirt. Glasses… "..Uh huh…" she grinned down at him before letting her gaze wander around the surprisingly spacious trailer. It looked like your standard rental, it had everything a road trip needs. One big bed, a couch, a small kitchen a table…

And a trio of nerds…

She posed briefly in the doorway after shutting the door. One white nerd with dark hair, one black nerd with distinct Steven Urkel vibes, and the previously noted scrawny asian nerd on the floor… all of them in glasses. "Hello boys…" she put the food down on the nearby kitchen table before reaching down to help the asian nerd to his feet, smiling prettily as she adjusted his somewhat askew glasses. "Soooo… are we ready to have a good time?" she asked playfully, already removing her jacket…

They stared, happily, at her big beautiful breasts…

"YES." Grinned 'Steven' giddily… but they all just seemed to be eating her as eye candy rather than… any other sort of eating. Staring at her notedly as she rested her hands on her hips, before reaching up to her suit buttons, popping open the button closest to her bowtie...

Normally she left a few unbuttoned at work… easier to stick dollar bills into her cleavage that way. But when she went out on deliveries she tended to button back up… just for the full costume experience.

"…So do we know how this works?" she asked playfully, running her tongue over her lips as she popped another button coyly, before shaking her chest just a little… the suit was tight on her body so it only got a little jiggle. But it was still distracting…

"…Bradley got this card in Coast City…" said 'Steven' said, gesturing to the white nerd as he cleared his throat, reached into his shorts pocket and produced a Superbabes business card…

"Some guy in a Hawaiian shirt and Sunglasses was passing them out all over the place…" he noted as the Asian kid seemed drawn to her cleavage, getting closer and closer to her breasts as she gazed playfully at him. Unbuttoned another button… the snatched the card from 'Bradley' with one hand, and wrapped her hand around the back of Asian nerd's head, and SHOVED him between her breasts…

"MMNGH!!.... mmmmn…" he briefly struggled, then clearly wondered why… going limp in her cleavage like it was chloroform. Standing still as a statue as she read the card and absently rubbed the back of his head.

Steven and Bradley just staring at him. "…Lucky…" mumbled Bradley as she fiddled the card in her dexterous fingers then smiled at them, stroking Asian Nerd's hair fondly as she slipped it into the brim of her tophat.

"Well this just means you get a discount…" she smiled prettily, before unbuttoning another button. "…But do you KNOW how this works?" she asked sweetly, "Ooop. Better let him breathe!" she teased, yanking Asian Nerd from her chest…

"Bwaah! That was amazing!" he grinned, and before his fellow nerds could stop him he was reaching out, and took two amazing fistfuls of her big breasts.

Bradley and Steven hissed nervously, but Zatanna cooed as Asian Nerd continued to playfully fondle her chest as she opened up her top, and threw it down onto the floor. Leaving her in her fishnets, black bloomers, boots, bowtie, and of course the hat… the hat was most important.

Buuuut the boys didn't care because big beautiful breasts… Zatanna rested her hands on Asian Nerd's shoulders as he squeezed her girls, then buried his face into them again as she bit her bottom lip and moaned excitedly. "Ooooh… easy now they're not stress balls… ah!"

Bradly was now getting in on the game, managing to expose her left nipple from Asian Nerd's hand. "Larry don't hog her!" he grunted…

…She did not expect his name to be Larry… it was probably Lawrence or something. "Mmn!" and now she was nursing a pair of horny teenagers. "Ahh… boys…" she sighed with an eye roll as they licked, squeezed and sucked a tit each. "Nngh… I only got two of them boys… play nice…" she laughed as Steven, unable to find a big tit to squeeze settled for her shapely rear. "Ooh! Okay… Ahh…"

Surrounded on all sides and thoroughly fondled and squeezed, she could only tolerate it for so long. They were just 'touching' her… it was maddening. She could believe she got a bunch of 'nursers':guys that only wanted to touch… normally it's fine for just one guy who only wanted some company, maybe a handy, it was another thing entirely to just stand their and get fondled by curious boys!

She wasn't Jessica or Ola, and CERTAINLY not Veronica but she wanted to at LEAST have some fun!

"Alright!" she declared after at least 7 minutes of fondling. "That's enough of that…" she declared, she gently slapped away Steven, Larry and Bradley. "Alright boys clearly you're not ready…" she rested her hands on her hips. "…Okay…" she then grabbed her head, "Eenie meanie minee…" she closed her eyes and tossed her hat up into the air…

"What?" Steven mumbled.

"Moe…" she smirked.

"I'm Steven…" he laughed adjusting her hat on his head.

She paused for a second, "…Huh… appropriate." She smiled, then grabbed Steven by the Shirt. "Come here…" she pushed past Bradly and Larry, guiding Steven to the lone bed in the back of the trailer just past the tiny bathroom. Swaying her hips in that sexy walk the Superbabes as a whole were known for as she threw Steven on the bed.

"Whoa!" he laughed amazed, flopping onto the bed as she loomed over him, grabbing at his shorts. "…Whoa…"

"Since you boys seem so eager to rub and squeeze…" she teased, licking her lips as she reclaimed her hat, tapping it onto her head. As she yanked down his shorts and underwear. "There we are…" she grinned, wiggling her rear behind her for the two watching, hoping they would at least get some ideas… she wrapped her hand around Steven's length, giving it a brief stroke… it wasn't much to right home about but it was enough to work with.

"Alright first… I get you… good… and… hard…" she cooed slowly, stroking up and down his cock in her soft hand, "Goood… now we apply lubrication… Pitoo!" she spat on his cock, rubbing her saliva on his shaft as he went limp on the bed. "Hmmn. Not enough." She teased, before extending her tongue, "Haaah-aaaaah…" she sighed, breathing heavily on his girth as she slid her tongue slowly on his throbbing shaft. From the base to his tip, flicking her tongue at the end. "There were go!" she teased…

Then stood up, she planted her hands on either side of his waist, wiggling her chest as her breasts lightly slapped against his rigid dick. "Hee hee hee…" she grinned, "Ahh…" she glanced down curiously as her breasts swung back and forth on his twitching dick… before she pushed her arms together. "There were are…"

And pressed his cock between them.

This was, pun intended, when the magic happened. She slowly rocked herself back, and forth, sliding her squeezing breasts against his cock as she moaned sensually. Tossing her dark hair from her face as she pushed her tits firmly together with her upper arms.

"Ahaa… aah…" She wasn't Mighty Endowed or anything but she was proud of her big bouncy boobs… plus they looked GREAT in costume, and not just the Zatanna one.

"Oh… my… god…" groaned Steven, clenching his teeth tightly as he began thrusting his hips up as she wiggled her chest again.

"MMngn that's it… enjoy!" she purred knowingly. Before REALLY starting…

After a few more teasing moments, sliding up and down his lap until his thighs had a mirror shine. She knelt on the floor… her heavy breasts rested on him, his cock twitching free of her cleavage as she wrapped her hands around her breasts, covering her nipples, before tugging them UP.


And Down…

"Oooh my god…" Steven praised as Zatanna grinned. Up. Down. Up. Down…

It didn't matter if her breasts weren't as big as Bessie's, all cocks were the same once it got a pair of tits around them. "Haha… aah… aah… ah… you just let it… MMN!" she squeezed her tits particularly hard, seeing him oozing pre-cum…

It was then she remembered that she had two other dicks to get off at LEAST once… and most didn't like messes… with her tits still jumping up and down his girth she extended her tongue, "Laaah…" running it around and around his tip, licking up his salty pre-cum until it wasn't pre-cum.

"MNGGH!!" he groaned, shaking wildly on the bed like somebody tried to jumpstart him with a car battery. She wrapped her lips just on the tip of his cock…

"MMNh!!?" she squeaked as a veritable bucket full splashed the back of her throat. "Mmng!?" she rolled her eyes up into her head as she quickly gulped only for another load to blast at her uvula. "Gulp!... GULP! Ahh!" she yanked her head back. "Cough! Woo…" she smirked as Steven seemed… catatonic…

"Well alright then…" she declared, pulling her breasts off his cock. She leaned back, resting her hands on the floor behind her, and let her head rolled back so she was looking at Larry and Bradly upside down. The top hat slipped off her hand landing perfectly between her high-heel booted feet. She shimmied her chest again, letting her breasts bounce about on her chest as she gave them a pretty smile…

She looked like a stripper but she was a Superbabe… she was never that good at dancing anyway, but when you had big tits that didn't matter.

She covered her breasts with one arm, grabbed at her hat and pulled herself forward before twirling on her knees and spinning around. She landed right on Bradley, pushing her tits against his lap as she reached up for his pants. "Alright…" she tapped the hat back on. "let's do you next…" she fiddled with his jeans before yanking them free. Sliding them down over her nipples as she kept her breasts firmly against his thighs. "…Ah!" she smiled charmingly up at him as she felt a familiar wiggling between her girls pressed tightly against him. "There he is…"

She stuck her tongue out playfully, wiggling her chest again as she felt him throb between them… she rubbed her chest, and by proxy her nipples, up and down his lap… and her nipples were hard enough to cut into his skin… metaphorically.

She wrapped her arms around him, grabbing themselves on his mid back and pulling him forward, he groaned happily as her breasts bulged against him as he thrust back and forth. Slowly at first, her breasts seemingly expanding and deflating like balloons as he pumped back and forth against her…

She gazed up at him under the brim of her hat, smiling sensually as she squeezed her tits together against with her upper arms. Tit-fucking was an art form at Superbabes… and she was a master at it… okay maybe not a master. If Power Girl and Mighty Endowed were Level 20 in tit fucking, she was at LEAST a 15.

Soft, big, pliable but firm, and warm… it was as if her breasts were grown just for the job of it. Plus all the guys just had so much damn FUN playing with them! It was hard to argue.

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"Haah… aah… mmn!..." she moaned softly, feeling him wiggle between her tits as he gasped happily for breath, leaning heavily on her shoulders to keep himself standing upright as he began to thrust harder and harder against her. At first she was guiding him forward, now she didn't have to. Pulling her hands away and pushing against the sides of her tits for a tight titty hug as he moaned.

"Haa-aaah! Aaah!" his fingers bit into her shoulders, "Ugh ugh ugh uuuggh!!"

"Ooh!" she let go of her chest, letting his bulging cock slip free to point eagerly at her face. Trembling and ready to fire as pre-cum leaked onto the top of her bouncy breasts.


She opened her mouth quickly, milliseconds before wrapping her lips around his tip as he shot into her mouth. "Ah! MMngh! MMngh!" she bobbed her head quickly up and down a third of his cock, he shuddered exhaustedly, shaking as what felt like a week… then a MONTH of back up jizz shot into her mouth. She groaned exasperatedly, then kept gulping… starting to wonder if maybe Jackie was a better choice for these guys…

"Mmmn…" she hummed, finding that Bradley's load was at least a little… sweeter? She wasn't a cum connoisseur like Jackie, she wouldn't be able to tell one load from another but Bradley's was more tolerable. "Mmn-hmmn!" she squeezed at her nipples, slowly twisting her head up and down his shaft-Pop! "Mnwah?" she found herself sucking briefly on air, opening her eyes just in time to see Bradley fall backward onto the floor of the trailer… good thing it was carpeted it would have at least broken his fall… a little.

"…Oh… whoops?" she smiled sheepishly, still holding her breasts in her hands as if trying to maintain some modesty, but she was also trying not to laugh as she saw Bradley twitching with a big smile on his face… Steven also hadn't moved from his tit-fucking session… "I guess that just leaves-Oh…" she blinked as a nice Raven Approved cock pressed against her cheek… "Larry…" she teased. "You've been keeping secrets…" she opened her mouth, and wrapped her lips around his bulbous tip. "Mmngh!"

Slowly turning her body as she jerked her head up and down. "Mmgh… mmn-hmmn!" getting lower, and lower… leaving a trail of saliva and smeared red lipstick on his shaft.

Larry might have taken the initiative, buuut he was now just standing there like a statue… apparently unable to think or move other than stare at the big titty sexy brunette in a top hat and fishnets slowly give him had as she bounced his hanging ballsack on her breasts… slowly…

Boing Boing…

"Mmgn! Mmgnh! Mmn-hmnmmn." Up. Down. Up Down. Her eyes looking up at him but her hat tended to block her vision alternatingly. Her hands squeezing, lift, and pressing her tits together as she continued to salivate over his cock… prepping him for his turn between her tits… "MMn mmN-mwaaah!" she pulled away from his cock, tilting her head back as she let her tongue hang out beneath his tip, bouncing it playfully on her tongue before she lifted her breasts around him. "MMn!"

Squeezing and slurping… tits around the shaft and lips around the tip. The A+ of tittyfucking… "Mmn! Mmn! Mmn!" slowly she suckled his tip like a pacifier, squeezing his shaft with his girls as he trembled…And trembled… and he seemed to be… vibrating… "…Mmghn?" she hesitated, looking up at him as he stared down at her…

His face was kinda red, his fists were clenched at his side, and his cock was positively throbbing… "MMGN!!" he whined as his cock trembled between her tits.

"Uh… Larry? You okay the-aaah!" he tackled her… to the floor, "AH-HEY! WAIT!" she squeaked as he lunged onto her right tit. "Oh shit-OH FUCK! Wait a sec-oooooohndd!" she moaned as he noisily sucked on her. His cock rubbing against her black bloomers as he ended up rolling off her. "HAaa-aah? AH!" she gasped as she felt him poking at her ass cheek as he rolled her onto her side and lying behind her, already thrusting against her thigh and now against her crotch. "NGh! AH-hEY! OOooh!" he raised one of her legs up, hooking the back of her knee on his arm as he raised it to her shoulder. "AH?!"

His hand clutched to her left tit as he continued sucking awkwardly on her right… RIP!

"AH?! You did not tear my fish-neeet-ssssssshiiiit!" she whined as he did. INDEED. Tear her fishnets… yanking a big hole in them as he tugged aside her bloomers, pushing his raven approved girth against her pussy and RAMMING it into her.

"Aha-haa-haa! Ahah! Aah! Shi-iIIT did! I! tease you?! To mUCH!? OH! FUCK!!"

The guy was like a rabbit in heat, hawked up on aphrodisiacs… and then shown a female after two weeks of abstinence.

"AHHA-aah! Aah! nNGH!!" she squealed on the floor, mouth open and clawing helplessly at the carpet and his head as he glued his face and hand to her tits, hugging her tightly. "AHag-aah! Shi-iit-iiiTTT!!" she whined, squeezing his cock as she climaxed, "Haaagh!!"

She thrashed in orgasm, rolling onto her belly but Larry didn't stop. Just going with her and lying on top of her pounding at her from behind like a horny dog. "Haagh-aagh! AAGH! NHG! nGHhgaaaah!"

Her ass rose up behind her but she kept her upper body firmly on the floor, on top of his hands as he continued to squeeze them. She felt a slight damp spot on her back, Larry was drooling, his eyes in a dreamy daze as he continued to pound harder, and harder and harder!

"MMNNGHaaaaaaaah!!" she shuddered, screaming her orgasm as her eyes rolled up into her head.


Larry slammed into her, then yanked out… she felt a hot stickly load on her pussy, her thigh… then several ropes on her bottoms and her back and hair… he COATED her… didn't these guys masturbate?


Larry hit the ground… and Zatanna clawed herself upright… shaking arousingly as the leaned against the wall. Her legs trembled as she moaned, letting the last few moments of internal pleasure rush through her as she refocused her eyes and brushed her black sweaty hair from her face… then frowned. "…Damn it I got cum in my hair-SHIT…" she cursed, glancing over her shoulder and moaning slightly… the muscles spasms haven't worn off yet.

She jiggled and wobbled to the bathroom looking in the mirror and turning around. "Ah Crap…" she hissed irately as the cum stains on her black briefs. "…Dang it!" she sighed blushing. "Stupid… horny… pent up nerds…" she turned on the water of the shower. "And their dumb… hard fucking!" she didn't even bother to undress completely, just yanking off the bowtie and kicking off her boots… before double checking the left one and groaning… that one had cum on it too.

"Dang it…" she grumbled, getting into the tight oddly cone shaped shower stall and turning the water an. "Cold! COLD! This is a cone of cold!" she declared, bracing herself and shaking wildly under the chilled liquid, "This was a mistake!" eventually the water warmed… enough… and she tried rinsing and washing herself, her boot, and her cum stained black briefs… to mixed results…

"Haaah…" she sighed, dumping the excess boot water out of her left boot before tossing it out of the shower. She turned off the water, taking her black hair in both hands and squeezing out the excess before getting out…

In the end she was presentable… or at least she could get to the car in the dark without anyone thinking she was assaulted… well, assaulted with malicious intent… the nerds, especially Larry, couldn't help themselves.

She dried off with one of the towels before getting out of the bathroom all together, slipping her foot back into her left boot and regretting it instantly before grabbing her top and putting it on. Then her top hat, tapping it onto her head before she expertly reapplied the bowtie…

And the boys hadn't moved at all. "Guys? GUYS!" she frowned at their lack of response, despite her own sense of weird pride in her work she can't just hang out waiting for them to wake up… she glanced around, found a dash board clock, and checked it… there time was just about up. She frowned and took a seat on the couch… then frowned… bouncing on the couch again, letting her big titties jump with her, before she stood back up and opened it.

"Oh Sweet…" she replied rather giddily, grabbing at the new edition of Dungeon and Dragons manual stuffed into the couch, it was apparently also a drawer of some kind, and it wasn't shut properly when she sat down… there was quite a collection of DND gear in there… she just sat back down, crossed her legs, and opened it up… having herself a nice little read until the boys, or at least one of them… woke back up.

"…MMmngh…" And after about 8 minutes Bradley was the winner. Opening his eyes he gazed up at Zatanna's sultry fishnet wrapped legs, before sitting up completely as she turned the page of the manual.

"Mother fucking Mike II I knew he was lying about his Barbarian's skills." She declared coolly as Bradley's eyes widened and his mouth opened…


"Right here! Look! Totems! He was TOTALLY using it wrong!" she noted nerdishly… that's right. Nerdishly… She then blinked at him, "…Sorry. One of my Group's Barbarians is apparently cheating."

"…YOU play DnD?" he gazed at her amazed, like he's never seen an super-hot woman ever say that to him before.

"Just because I'm hot doesn't mean I don't have hobbies…" she said, seductively… before putting her boot on his chest and closing the book. Resting it almost reverently on the couch. "Check out Mike's Comic Stop in Gotham. Great gaming zone." She added.

You're welcome Mike I.

"Now there is the matter of my delivery payment." She smiled playfully, "And remember that discount?" she noted, raising a finger as he nodded almost devotedly towards her legs. "Well Larry over there tore my fishnets…" she said, gesturing to said fishnets, "And that's not coming out of MY paycheck thank you… so your 10% is now 5%..."

"R-Right…" she just smiled as Bradley got to his feet, before toing Larry. "Larry get up man!" he said as Larry grunted, shooting up like the Gravedigger after a powerbomb…

They scrambled about the trailer as she watched, looking pretty damn smug. Behold! The power of sexy gamer girls! Eventually… they gathered their money and handed it off to her as she took off her hat, dropped it all in, and put it back on her head… tightly…

…She did this once before and the wind blew it RIGHT off on the way back to the car… Orders was PISSED. "Alright boys…" she smiled, getting up. "Order again." she added before absently taking the business card from her hat rim, and putting it back into Bradley's hand. Patting his check. "Mike's Comic Stop." She winked, before sashaying to the door and heading out…

Their eyes glued to her ass cheeks… two of them now regretting not doing more… but at least they still had a discount option… perhaps before they road trip back out of Gotham they'd order the sultry. Sensual. Mature-

"Cold cold COLD how is it worse!?" Zatanna hissed, softly far away from the trailer and practically goosestepping back to the car.

Time: 10:17 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Izzy, warmer after the car ride back, walked into the back of Superbabes as Jae-Hwa lied on the couch with Kathy doing her 'shrink' thing.

"Honestly after you spend a few HOURS with Veronica… it doesn't get any better. I don't know how Alice does it…" Jae-Hwa said, sending a thousand yard stare towards the ceiling as Kathy made notes. "The things we did…"

Izzy pointed at that, opened her mouth to say something… then shook her head deciding against it, speaking of head. She leaned forward and pulled off her hat, briefly bending down to grab the crumpled hundred that fluttered out. Grinning she approached Orders's counter. "I can't believe you sent me. They tore my costume!"

Orders glared at her briefly, frowning. "…Did you charge them?"


"Then what does it matter?" she replied, taking the hat, "Go change." She said, gesturing to the locker rooms. "…And save those fishnets for Alice she likes them torn…" that got Izzy to hesitate, but she shrugged it off. Quick changing into her spare costume and coming right back out to find Orders with a neatly sorted pile of money made up from those crumpled bills.

"Thank you Jae-Hwa I think that will be enough." Kathy noted in her best psychiatrist voice… even if it looked like Jae-Hwa was having flashbacks. "…I don't know if it's good enough for my thesis but it might be something to work on."

Izzy approached the couch to take her post-delivery break, lightly petting Jae-Hwa's thick thigh as the thicc Korean girl sat up. She sat down, "My turn?"

"…Sure." Kathy replied, opening up her notebook to a new page as Izzy chuckled and lied down. "So…" Kathy examined her for a moment, then smiled, "Tell me, how did you get into DnD?"

Izzy frowned, thinking about it for a moment. "…I wasn't a 'pretty girl' in middle-school. I got teased a lot…" she stared into the ceiling so much Orders started to ponder if she should put some artwork up there or something… for moral. "…My friend Mike got into it first, he played in a club group formed by our math teacher. One day Mike rolled me a elven druid, convinced me to play. And I was hooked."

"So… did you liked the idea of being someone else?" Izzy blinked at her, but Kathy waved it off"…I'm just theorizing."

Izzy shrugged, "…Maybe." She then grinned, "…I mean. It's my job now." She lied back down. "Turns out I'm pretty good at it." and grinned broadly as Orders purple eyes flashed knowingly, and a smirk appeared on her normally stern lips… going back to her crosswords.


Fun fact: the old guy, in the beginning, was going to BE Izzy's math teacher... but I changed my mind. Too 'icky'... I didn't want her 'happy memory' to be ruined by lechery... maybe some other time to some other girl.

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