
Delivery Girl: Miss Martian

I don't own DC but I do hate myself

It was a long day at Superbabes. All Orders wanted to do was go home, and go to bed… Ronnie-Bell stopped her bike out front of Orders's Apartment as she thanked the big girl, and walked inside and up the stairs to the top floor. She took her keys from her purse and unlocked her door before reaching for the doorknob…

But her purple eyes flickered, and she quickly snapped her hand back, hesitating as her eyes narrowed at her door as if she saw something through it with X-ray vision… not X-ray vision of course. And she did see something through it. She sighed through her nose and opened the door walking inside.

"Please don't scream." Said the otherworldly voice. It was like someone was playing an untuned but still melodious harp. "Please?"

To the owner of the voice's astonishment Orders just shut the door behind her and put her purse down on the table, seemingly ignoring the voice as she sat down in her soft armchair and stared at it. "What do you want?" she asked flatly as the voice, the creature before her, blinked curiously at her.

"I… what?" it said as Orders stared at it.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT? You're being very rude just showing up in my home. I'm tired. It's been a long day. And you're not Batman. So I'm not in the mood for whatever this is. So what is it?"

"You…" the thing hesitated. "You're not scared of me?"

"Why would I be scared of you? I've seen worse…" Orders replied frankly, "You're not Veronica on a Saturday night with no deliveries, you are not a dimension-hopping eldritch horror, and you're not a fucking psychotic murder clown." She squirmed, unable to help herself at the thought of said murder clown. "If you don't get to the point, I'm going to make a call and you can deal with the results of that."

"I…" it hesitated, shaking slightly. "I… need. A job… I need to hide." Orders leaned slowly on one arm, crossing her legs as she stared at it uncomfortably… it's been a long time since anyone stared at it for a long time without recoiling in shock or horror. Orders was uncomfortably unflinchingly.

"…So you come to me?" replied Orders lazily, "…Do you have any idea what my girls do?" she paused, "I'm seriously asking this because I am legitimately unsure if you are aware."

"Yes. I have been watching…" it added as Orders understood already all of what that sentence entailed when it said that.

"And you're okay with that?" Orders asked. "At the very least, flaunting your body for money? At the 'worse', Being rented out and FUCKED." The thing flinched at the word as it snapped out from Orders's mouth like a whipcrack. "What are your qualifications?" she asked frankly as the creature wiggled. "Do you have experience in being sexy?"

"…Yes." Replied the thing that certainly didn't look like it meant what it said. "…I have experience… but it has been some time… apparently."

"Prove it." Orders replied as the creature bit its bottom 'lip'(?) and shivered slightly. Before taking its somewhat gnarled fingers as it became increasingly less gnarled up to its hood and throwing it away. Orders raised a curious eyebrow as with the flash of the hood was a beautiful blonde girl, somewhere between Brielle and Sierra… so she was VERY beautiful. "I said sexy. Not pretty…' Orders demanded.

The pretty blonde face contorted, but she reached for the rest of the robe and threw it open displaying the shapely body beneath. The dirty mismatched rags that constituted 'clothes' barely contained the Lindsey-shaped bimbo form beneath the raggedy coat… "Hmph… are you just going to stand there?" The woman fidgeted before it began to move its hips. Making her body jiggle and bounce as Orders watched it for a moment as she raised her hand, "That's enough." She stared at the woman before her, "…How long can you hold that form?"

"Indefinitely." Replied the creature. "It's like breathing for me." It then changed its shape again, this time to an attractive black woman with long green hair. Now changing colors slowly like someone was adjusting the television on a B-movie. "Or a…? It's like a switch I can turn on and off." she then turned her skin tone from an ebony brown, to a sickly green, to Grey Ghost grey....

"Stop. Go back one…"

"What?" it replied surprised as Orders got up.

"Go back one. That color before…."

The thing hesitated as Orders studied her, getting nervous flashbacks but Orders rolled her hand. "Well? Do you want the job or not? Why do you even need a job like mine if you could do this?"

"…I need bread… I mean money, to stay hidden." It replied as her skin turned back to green. "I'm tired of living in alleyways and sewers: the turtles are nice guys but I can't keep imposing on their territory… moving constantly all over the city in fear…"

"…Turn your hair red." Orders replied, clearly listening but either not caring or deciding that it was unimportant. Maybe both to her. She then threw the cloak off the woman, revealing her entirely as the woman kept talking

"All sorts of girls work for you. Girls who shouldn't be able to just walk around in the open without someone asking questions… it's perfect for me."

"Curvier." Orders ordered as the woman's body before her purple eyes shifted and squeezed. Her hips bulged, her waist shrank, her breasts engorged out so that the ragged shirt almost slipped over them. "Stop… so you want to work for me as a delivery girl?" Orders paused, "Though I suppose it's not the same thing as your time in the labs…"

"I… how did you know that?" she asked as Orders hands shot forward and squeezed. "Mmgnh!"

Orders's eyes flashed up, gazing at the woman as she went stiff. "…Softer." She demanded as her hands sunk into the woman's breasts as she fidgeted, whimpering cutely as Orders nodded, letting go. "You'll learn." Orders replied, walking around her as her head followed her. "Face forward." Her head snapped to the opposite wall as Orders inspected her.


"MNGH!" the woman shuddered in shock as Orders' hand smacked her behind.

"More jiggle. So out of all the things you could have done. Could do… you want to work for me as a Delivery Girl… that is insane. Why don't you get a job as a spy? Or I don't know go bolder. Be a Superhero we have plenty of shapeshifters."

"…I'm not a fighter. I'm not very clever… I don't want to be famous." She paused, "…I don't want to be what the scientists wanted me to be. I just want to be left alone by bad people and lead a calm life."

"Getting fucked?" replied Orders.

"…It's all I knew before I… woke up." She replied rather shyly.

Orders whapped her hand on the creatures behind again as it wobbled like Lori's ass in a strip club to a good beat. "…Good." She replied before walking around again, staring at the creature. "Shorten yourself a little." She shrunk. "That's too short… " she rose back up. There you go… turn your hair redder." It shifted, "Darker. Good… fuller lips… Brown eyes."

"Doesn't she have red eyes?" She started frankly, realizing at that moment what form Orders was having her take, as Orders stared her into silence before completely ignoring her statement.

"The trick to being perfect is imperfection." Orders replied studying her, "…People will ask questions if my 'Miss Martian' is too accurate instead of surprisingly accurate. Where on earth." She said coolly as the woman flinched, "Did I ever find another green girl with red hair?" she said, letting the question linger. "And other such niceties…"

Orders studied her, sitting down on the chair… she sighed slowly. Not looking away as she crossed her legs letting her foot bounce slowly. Seemingly thinking. "I'm a harsh taskmaster." She declared, "What I say goes. You ALWAYS stay just like this. Do you understand me? No growing bigger or shrinking down. Just like this at ALL times." the woman rapidly nodded her head. "…Why did you really come to me?"

"...…You take care of your girls." the green-skinned, red-headed, brown doe-eyed woman replied, nervously rubbing her arms as she added, sadly. "And they all seem happier for it… They're Friends… I'd like some friends. I'd like to be happy. It's been a long time since I've had anything like that…"

"Do you want to have sex?" Orders replied firmly as the woman froze. "Yes. Or no? Because that is an important question for this job."

The woman hesitated, before firmly replying. "…Yes."

"You're hired. What's your name 'Miss Martian'?" she hesitated…

"…I… don't really have one." she whispered nervously as Orders frowned.

"…A minor problem, but an easily fixable one."

Two weeks later.

"Hey, take these to table four for me." Declared Harley Quinn smiling as Miss Martian snapped the food tray from Harley Quinn's hand, grinning broadly as she danced through the crowded Superbabes.

"Got it!" she said cheerily, "Oh!" she absently twisted her slender hips. The blue skirt, seemingly too short, waved abruptly as she glared at the handsy guy. "You got to pay for that. Daddy-O" she teased sweetly as she kicked up her blue boots.

Her white T-shirt hugged her curvaceous body and her moderately big soft breasts, a large red X enhancing her shapely body as her little blue caped waved behind her with her shortened red hair. "Here you go!" she cheerily smiled, putting the food on table four. "Woop!" she danced daintily like a fairy away from their hands. New girls were popular…

"She's doing well." Giganta noted, watching. "Not bad for her first in costume night."

"Mmngh…" Orders replied, not even paying attention as Miss Martian earned her first few tips. Stuffed into the thigh band under her skirt. "Where's Catwoman? She's late."

"SORRY!" Catwoman (I) literally slid into the lounge, jogging into the locker room. "Sorry, my damn car stalled I needed to wait for a tow."

"Hurry up." Orders replied casually, glancing on the floor. "…It's getting pretty hectic out there, go grab her she needs to take her photo.

"Oh give her a few more moments the New Girls are always the most popular." Orders scowled at Giganta. "Alright… I'll get her." she said after a minute before wading through the crowd. Catwoman darted out of the locker room as Orders placed the camera on the counter.

"Sorry. Sorry…" she repeated smiling. "Alright let's get Candy's picture."

"That's not her name." Orders replied as Giganta guided Miss Martian and her many tips into the lounge as the crowd really got riled up. Killer Frost and Red Lantern had to head onto the floor as a distraction.

"But she's so sweet. And her normal name is SO boring it makes her sound like a missing person." Catwoman replied before shooting Miss Martian an apologetic glance. "No offense."

"None taken." Replied Miss Martian as she spied the camera nervously, taking a breath.

Orders eyed her. "…How do you feel?"

"Oh…" Miss Martian jumped, "Um… keen. Not a lot of people want to take my picture." She replied sheepishly as Orders shrugged.

"Get used to it, Candy." Catwoman replied.

"MISS. MARTIAN." Orders replied.

"Boss lighten up." She then took Miss Martian by the arm and guided her towards the couch. "Come here let's get you pretty. Just act naturally you'll be fine."

"…Right-O." breathed Miss Martian before striking a pin-up pose that made Catwoman giggle sweetly. Her hands behind her head and popping a hip and a knee.

"Okay. WAY to 50's you need to relax a little." Catwoman pulled her hands done, putting them on her knees and bending her over… emphasizing her bust, waist, and hip, the cape was tossed aside to get a full view of her body from the right angle as Catwoman pulled back. "Just like that, pout, smile, neutral expression? Great!"

Clickity-click-click went the camera shutter. "Okay." Declared Catwoman as Miss Martian wobbled awkwardly upright. "She's all good…" Orders took the camera from her, plugging it into the computer. Doing all sorts of things that Miss Martian didn't really understand. She was still having trouble accepting the fact that they made computers so small nowadays. Apart from the ones her friend Donny has made, most computers she remembered were about the size of a wall...

"So now we have sexy green girls in older and younger styles." Smirked Catwoman as Miss Martian fidgeted. Catwoman WAS right in that regard but she was probably wrong in who was younger and who was older even if she currently looked like the teen hero version of Miss Martian. Officially it's been a LONG time since she was a 'teenager'. "Not that Jessica's old in any sense…So are you going to tell us why you have green skin yet?" Catwoman asked, knocking Miss Martian out of her train of thought.

And after a moment of getting that train back on track, she managed a feeble. "…Radiation?" she smiled nervously as Orders just sighed.

"Who cares? She's here now, she's posted, and she's not setting off any Geiger counters..."

"We have a Geiger counter?" Catwoman asked quietly, more to herself than anyone.

But Orders ignored her regardless as she finished up on the website, 'Miss Martian' was now on the delivery girls' page. "Besides, apparently anyone can have green skin these days. Maybe she's part alien. She had some sort of disease and was given a risky cure. Regular Mutation? Scientific experimentation? As long as she does her job…" Orders's purple eyes leveled knowingly at a fidgeting Miss Martian. "It doesn't matter to me."

It was almost kind the way she said it…

"…I don't know, if I had to pick one I think I like the radiation excuse." Catwoman replied jokingly before turning Miss Martian playfully towards the floor, "Makes her sound more superhero-y. Now come on let's get out there. Sounds like a rowdy tipping night!" However even with the return of the new girl the crowd only got 'worse' from an owner's point of view.

"I'm going to have to hurt some people tonight aren't I, Hon?" she asked keeping an eye on affairs as Miss Martian hopped to-and-from tables. Her leg bands were soon stuffed with tips. "…Man I hate to see how it'll be once she gets called out."

"It won't be so bad…" Orders sighed, her eyes Flashing. "…God Damn it." and she reached for the phone.

Time: 8:22 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we deliver."

"Hey. I'd like to order the… the… uh… um."

"Miss Martian Mizithra Macaroni"

"I guess that sounds good… sure. Bit of a mouthful though. Bet you can't say it three times fast!"

"I'm not dignifying that. Anything else?"

"Is that Miss Martian related to your Poison Ivy where did you even find a-"

"VERY WELL. We expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."


"Miss Martian." Orders declared, glancing out on the floor to the laughter of men and Superbabes. "You got one."

"Oh!" Miss Martian skipped quickly back into the lounge as Orders slapped Giganta on the rear. The big woman lumbered through the doorway to calm the crowd down as Miss Martian rubbed her own rear… it got pinched a few times. "The other girls deal with this all that time? That really razzes my berries."

Orders stared at her, her eyes flashing before she shook her head. "Don't… say things like that too often it'll show your age…" she said as Miss Martian blinked at her and cleared her throat.

"…Sorry Orders." She said, standing attentively before her boss.

"Don't apologize to me. " Orders said. "Every now and then is fine. Just maybe keep it to once or twice a day… You'll need to work on that. Listen to the girls talk, try to match it." she said as the food slid out and she handed her the receipt. "We'll work on it."

"Right-O." Miss Martian picked up the food, reading the receipt. And she hesitated. "…Um. Orders?"


"How am I supposed to get here? I don't have a driver's license." Orders stared at her, opened her mouth, then closed it quickly.

"…Huh." She snatched the receipt back, examining it curiously as she scowled. "…I suppose you wouldn't. How did I miss that?" she added, "Okay… I'll have to help you fix that later. But first…" she closed her eyes for a moment, seemingly thinking. "…Hold on a moment." she reached for the phone.

One moment later. Approximately 5.7 minutes.

"Ma chère!" Cajun Jim quickly rushed into the back of Superbabes, his driver the pretty Dreadlock girl followed nervously behind him rather like a busy, exasperated secretary, brushing down her neat gangster-themed clothing and quickly stood to attention like a proper soldier. "I came as SOON as I heard you call!" and judging from how quickly he was breathing he certainly did. Orders called, he answered… it was hard to see who the criminal boss was. "What do you need me to do? Has someone offended you again? Consider it-NGH!" Orders grabbed his fancy silk tie and dragged him closer as he squirmed under her purple-eyed gaze.

"Shush." She ordered as Cajun Jim cleared his throat becoming as silent as the grave he wanted to stay out of. "I need you to give this girl a ride…" she gestured to Miss Martian, looking very confused.

"…D-done Ma chère." He feebly replied as she let him go. "And… where will I-we be taking her?" he asked curiously as Orders snapped the receipt back once more from Miss Martian's fingers and gave it to him.

"Just this once." She declared, "You were the closest." She replied as Cajun Jim checked it, sighed, and handed it off to the Dreadlock girl. "Have her back in an hour." Orders added dismissively

"Qu'elle revienne dans une heure." He said to the dreadlock girl as she quickly nodded. "Je vais retourner au bureau."

"Oui Monsiuer." She saluted, reading the receipt thoroughly before gesturing to Miss Martian to follow her. Miss Martian nervously glanced at Orders who tilted her head towards the woman and by proxy the back door. Clearly telling her to go.

"You're already late." She reminded her as Miss Martian nodded and skipped after the Dreadlock girl. The woman held the back door of Cajun Jim's car open, Miss Martian slipped into the back and after a moment was nondescriptly driven off into Gotham.

…She's never been in the suburbs before… or at least that she could remember. At the very least she hasn't been in GOTHAM's suburbs before. The sewers around here weren't very hospitable. The dreadlock girl pulled the car to a stop… Miss Martian blinking outside the window at the quaint little home…

She had vague memories of being in a house like this. But oddly they were black and white.

"Je t'attendrai ici." The dreadlock girl said as Miss Martian stared at her curiously. The dreadlock girl sighed exasperatedly, "…I… wait. For you…" she said slowly in strongly french accented broken english.

"Oh. Right-O." she said before getting out of the car as the Dreadlock girl relaxed in the seat. Miss Martian took a deep breath through her nose as she walked towards the front door. She stared at it as if expecting it to abruptly open before reaching out and tapping her knuckles on it. Remembering to say what Orders taught her to say.


Time: 8:44 PM. Place: Gotham Suburbs (Quaint little house)

"Special… delivery service." She said, feeling rather silly in this form, and the costume… but that was just nerves, she's spent years living in the surprisingly spacious sewers with the crocodiles and the mutant turtles… she was just nervous… apart from transforming having sex was all she KNEW what to do.

She knew certain things, certain places. She could do basic math… but of the few memories that she had before waking up from deep freeze was transforming herself to the tastes of those assigned to study her… one after the other they took turns teaching her perversions and lechery… then they were eventually fired and she was literally put on ice.

The thing about that however was she didn't really care… it was just something she ended up enjoying anyway. Stockholm syndrome at its finest maybe… when she woke up and escaped into the sewers she still came to the surface sometimes… making herself pretty and earning herself some quick cash for something other than old food she scrounged from dumpsters.

…It's only been two weeks working for Orders and everything was SIGNIFICANTLY better.

She raised her fist again to knock, anything to stop thinking about things and get everything rolling when the door opened. "Hey. Hi. Sorry… was uh… wow…" he was taller than her, but she was currently 'teen miss martian' sized so most people were. Dark hair, nice skin, pretty eyes… for a first delivery it could've been worse…

Some of the men she's slept with before certainly were. But she did what she had to do… now she could do what she wanted to do.

"Hey daddy-o." she said cheerfully, immediately putting a smile on her pretty face as he stared at her, chuckling.

"Daddy-o?" he asked.

"MMn-hmmn." She smiled prettily, and slid into the neat apartment, noticing immediately an entire bookshelf filled with old DVDs, a gigantic TV she's only seen in the windows of shops, and a surround sound system mounted around the living room like a mini-theater. She reached up for the mantle of her blue cape and unhooked it, letting it drift away from her shoulder to the floor as she walked towards the dining room table and put the food down.

"Okay…" he replied, gazing at her green ass cheeks peeking out from the blue skirt, the thong she wore beneath it riding high as he cleared his throat. "…You're just green all over. Is that paint or-" she glanced sweetly over her shoulder.

"It's not paint…" she declared, turning around and clutching the hem of her skirt with both hands and lifting it up to reveal her skimpy thong. "…Are you fired up yet?" She certainly was… she wanted to get RIGHT to it… her body felt stiff and cramped, and not just because she's been in this form longer than even her original one…

Two straight weeks BEING 'Miss Martian'… barely breaking a sweat… didn't mean she wasn't far more aroused than she should be. She saw the way he was looking at her, he was trying small talk because he was nervous but she could see that bulge… she KNEW what they both wanted right now.

He wanted to have sex with a pretty, unique girl… she wanted to do her job and get off doing it… in other words, she'd rather be a nasty girl on the surface than a literal dirty girl in the sewers. She just needed to get both of them in the right mindset…

She dropped her skirt and approached him, memorizing the way the Superbabes walked with grace and sexiness that was out of this world she mastered it perfectly, pushing her body against his. Feeling his erection through his shorts, it bulged eagerly against her crotch as she pushed him and pressed his back firmly on the wall. "Mmn…" she squatted down onto her heels, the skirt riding up and revealing a good deal of her lower body as she hooked her fingers into his shorts and pulled them down.

His cock jumped against her face, but she remained on task, grinning up at him before opening her mouth and letting her tongue run tentatively against his cock, from base to tip… he showered before she got here, how nice of him. She could still smell the soap… "haaah…mmmmn."

"…Best decision ever…" he gasped softly, his hands lashing to her head as she engulfed his cock in her lips. Slurping up and down his shaft. "Haah… ah…"

"Mmgnh! Mmn!" she turned her head to the left. "Mmn! Mmn! Mmn!" sliding him down her throat as it tightened, literally, around his cock as he shuddered, her face diving into his crotch as she took all of him. Seemingly becoming a perfect fit for his size… "Mmmngh…"

She salivated over his cock as he pushed and pulled her head, fast, then slow, then fast again as he twitched inside her mouth. Her throat seemed to shrink around him, as her brown eyes gazed up at him. "MMn! Mmn! Mmn! Mmn!" he hand sliding into her panties, rubbing at herself as she continued giving him head.

…She knew what she was doing, she was surprisingly good at it. Shaping herself into the ideal woman of many men had some less then savory benefits but benefits they were. "MMmngh!"

"Haa-haaa!" he spasmed suddenly, shaking as he banged against the wall and held her head to the base of his cock. "Haaah-ooh my god…"

"Mmmn-waah." She popped off his cock before resting her face on his thigh, breathing heavily as she wiggled her lower body. Her crotch moistening slowly as she rubbed at his legs, letting his cock rest on her face. "Haah…" She grabbed his length with her gloved hand and slowly stroked on it.

"You are… really eager." he mumbled as she just smiled shyly up at him.

"…It's been a while for me." She mumbled standing up, her big soft breasts sliding up his chest as she continued to stroke him, nibbling softly on her soft, pouty, dick-sucking lips. "Haah…" she breathed softly as she stroked him slowly with her silky blue gloves. "oh…" she fidgeted as his hands squeezed at her rear, lifting the skirt up higher to expose her green bubble booty, his hands clapping onto it before she stopped stroking him off.

She stepped away, grabbing at her shirt and yanking it off her body as her big green breasts wobbled distractingly. She tossed it away, gasping softly as she ran her hands back down her breasts briefly bouncing them in her hands before sliding lower and pushing her skirt to the floor. Standing only in her thong, gloves, boots and thigh bands.

"Ahh!" she gasped as she was rushed against the back of the couch, "Mmn-mmn!" she shuddered, eyes rolling as his fingers rubbed at her pussy, her legs spreading as her hands rested on the back of the couch for balance, rolling her hips forward onto his hands as he fingered her. "Haah-aaah…" she thrust her hips towards his hand over and over as she threw her head back, "Haa. AH. AH. AHH!" she shuddered, shaking her whole body as she came. "mmnnnm! MMN! AHHH-Ah!"

While she was distracted from climaxing he ambushed her with a sneak attack by stuffing his cock into her pussy before she could (not) say a word otherwise. "Haaah! Ah! Aah! Ahahh! AHhhh-hah!" she gasped loudly, her head flopping aback and forth as she stood on her tiptoes, hanging over the couch as she clung to it. "Haah! Ahh!" her right leg rose up as he pinned his hips to her, as ass wobbling as it banged over and over against the couch with his thrusts, her breasts jumping up and down on her chest as he hugged her hips.

Her insides squeezed around him, a perfect fit for his cock… as if she was born that way. Or shaped that way. Benefits of a shapeshifter. "Haah! Ahh! Oh!" she suddenly flopped over the back of the couch, her shoulders landing onto the cushions as he followed her. More out of eagerness than sanity planting his hands on her arms and his shins on the couch as he pounded away in a delicate but desperate balancing act.

"Be! Care! ful!" she managed to squeak out, "Hah-aah! Ha ha ha!" She can't remember the last time she had this much fun. "Haaha!!" she pushed her hips up against him as he pounded awkwardly down into her. "Haa-aah! AH!"

"Ugh! Oh yeah! Here I cum! Here it cums!"

"Haah-aaah!" sweating, panting, grunting and pumping she thrust her hip up into him… a little too hard.

"Haah?!" he slipped free of her body with the bucking of her hips. "Hah?"

"Oooooh." She moaned as he did a flip, spraying her green stomach and face with his load as he fell over her and onto his back on the floor. She shot up, and squirmed slightly as her sensitive body disapproved, flopping back down onto it and glancing up at him. "…Are you… alright?"

"…Yep." He lied, "I'm good… that was my fault." He squeaked as she shifted on the couch, her head hanging over the end as she cupped her green breasts, watching him for a minute before opening her mouth, wide and inviting. He took several pained breaths, slowly pushing himself back up from the floor before turning around, getting on all fours as he crawled up and back onto the couch… he planted his hands around her waist, and his cock against her lips as she suckled it gently.

"Mmn mnmn…" she closed her eyes as he began to slowly thrust into her face, her legs hanging over the couch now as she lay still. "Guck… mmghnmn!" moaning as he hilted his shaft into her throat. "MMgnh-uck! Guck!"

His slow steady thrusting continued for what felt like hours. Her tongue flopped messily about in her mouth over, under and around his shaft as he delved in and out of her throat, saliva and mucus scraped out of her mouth as he pulled it loosely from her lips. "MGnh… uck… SLURP!" she wiggled her head wildly as he happily groaned, his back pain forgotten as he cupped at her big green breasts, squeezing them as he planted his sack on her nose.

…Cum burst directly into her throat.

"NMMMGn!" she squirmed erotically as she felt his balls quivering against her face as he continued to pump more into her body. She was glad he made a 'direct deposit' she never really liked the taste of semen and she wanted to make a good impression, the risk of her throwing it back up would be bad. "Hwaaah!" she gasped as he pulled his girth from her lips, giving her mouth a final farewell as he squirted a dollop on her lips… she puckered them slightly and blew it playfully from her mouth. "mmn…"

He stared down at her, gasping for breath and groaning somewhat in pain. "Okay…" he mumbled sheepishly, "I… need a breather." He said, "And some painkillers." He backed away as she flipped herself onto her feet, throwing her legs from the back of the couch, over her head and planting them onto the floor before standing up, throwing her hair out of her face as she panted her hands on the couch and pushed herself upright.

"Are you sure?" she asked innocently, she could go for another round…

"The spirit is willing, but the fall hurt a lot more than it looked… I'm just lucky I missed the table." He added sheepishly as she grabbed his hand.

"…Well I'm feeling raunchy so why don't we relax?" she took him by the hand and lead him into his own house, spotting a bathroom with a glass shower. She slipped out of her boots and gloves, leaving a trail behind her as he pushed him against the wall away from the showerhead…

She absently reached for the shower handle and turned it. "Oooh!" she shuddered as she was immediately sprayed with ice-cold water, quickly lashing out to turn on the heat. Soaking her red hair as she pushed her bubbly green ass cheeks against his erection.

Her bubbly green backside wobbled and clapped lightly together around his cock as the water glistened on her skin, giving it a very otherworldly shine to it as she leaned forward, planting her hands on the opposite wall and 'twerking'. Adjusting bubbliness as necessary as she wiggled, ground, and clapped against his twitching length. He seemed content with just watching…

But then he was suddenly inside her… if he had been paying attention he might have seen her silky wet pussy actually GRAB at his cock and pull it inside her. But it happened so fast and he was so distracted by jiggling ass clapping that he didn't even notice. Only feeling the good stuff.

"Haah… ah…" he grabbed at her waist as she carefully pushed back against him, her wet ass cheeks clapping loudly against him as she bounced back and forth, grabbing onto the shower knobs for support, which made the water fluctuate wildly with temperature as she twisted them randomly. She didn't care.

"Haah! Aah!" he cries pleasure echoing around the bathroom and its acoustic design. All bathrooms were like that… even the sewers. "Aah! Aah! Aah… are you… relaxed yet? Daddy-O?" she moaned erotically as his cock wiggled inside her perfect-fitting pussy…

He felt every inch, his entire cock was literally massaged by her insides and the viewing pleasure of her rippling ass cheeks was a death sentence for long-lasting fucking. Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap. "Haah… AH!" he pushed. She was flung against the opposite wall, shaking erotically as her nipples flicked across the tile groves as she was pushed upright against it. "

"Haah! Aaah! Aah! Aahh!!" sliding up and down as he buried himself into her again and again, "Nngh! MMngh!" biting down on her bottom lip as she gazed wide-eyed at the ceiling above. "Mmgn-MMGNN! Aaaah!!"

Pounded hard against the wall, her eyes flickered into different colors before instinctively returning back to brown as he came HARD on his cock. He buried himself into her body as she squeezed him for every drop. Drained by her perfectly shaped pussy as it quivered around him… he slipped free of her, slowly… cum and arousal leaking from her crotch as her body wiggled. Her orgasms spasmed through her as he got two fistfuls of her ass cheeks. Squeezing her playfully…

"That was… way better than I expected… I just got ONE question…" he groaned.

"…I think I need to go soon I don't want to keep my ride waiting. So no, I can't stay longer." She teased.

"That wasn't my question. My question was why are you green?" he asked surprised, "I really thought it was paint."

"Oh… radiation?" she replied sheepishly.

"Uh… okay?" he replied giving her rear a light pat before stepping away and rinsing himself off in the shower and getting out, leaving her alone to properly bathe in nice hot water. She finished in record time, turning the water off as she 'felt' her eye color shift back to brown, she's going to need to practice NOT transforming when she climaxes so hard…

She opened the door to the shower and jumped finding him there holding a stack of cash. It was the most she's ever earned. She shot the shower door as he approached her handing her the money as his cock wobbled towards her crotch. "…I still got a little time left." He said, pushing it inside her. "I checked…"

"Haaah! I just! Ah! Hah! I just showered!" she laughed, "Ooh! Ooh!" she was pressed against the wall of the shower, her legs open and lifted from the floor. He pounded into her as her body spasmed appreciatively in response… it was quick, it had to be. He pounded greedily at her body, making her feel euphoric, shooting his hot seed into her thirsty insides as she milked him again… She took 'total muscle control' to a new level…

"Mmn…" he put her down, resting against her body as her soft wet breasts bulged against his chest, his hands squeezing at her green ass cheeks as they twitched in his hands. "Ahh!" she gasped as he suddenly slammed into her as if to give his load one last shot of getting as deep as possible before pulling from her seductively shaking body.

"OOoooh… that… I'm definitely getting that again." he declared happily, then stared at her grinning face as she wobbled from the wall, kneeling down quickly to grab at her various pieces of clothing… leaving a trail was sexy but cleanup seemed excessive now.

The thigh bands were snapped back on, she hopped into her boots rather adorably in his opinion, and she pulled on one glove then the other. Up went her underwear, and skirt, then she tugged on her X-T-shirt. "Soooo…" he began as she blinked at him, "…I'm…Ben, by the way. Ben Chapman."

"Nice to meet you." She replied casually, blinking at him as he sighed.

"…This is so weird." He added sheepishly.

"…Not really? You've already ordered me, and we had sex…" then added more to be kind than anything. "Great sex."

"Oh yeah. Great." He said as she just smiled, back before she was a Superbabe it was 'wham, bam, I'm paying you to leave. This guy seemed to want her to stay… it was refreshing, and kind of heartwarming… To her at any rate. Some of the other girls might think it was A: Creepy, or B: the guy was trying to hook up when they were off the clock for a 'free meal'.

"I'll… see you around?" he noted as she blinked at him, smiled, and strutted to the front door with a wave as she picked up her cape and swung it over her back

"Order again Daddy-o." she replied as he blinked at her, still not entirely sure if she was trying a 'thing' or if that's how she really talked.

Her money in her thigh band she walked back to the car, the Dreadlock girl snoozing quietly in the front seat as she knocked.

She jumped awake and brandished a sharp serrated knife, it was very ritualistic looking "Reculez les enfoirés!" upon seeing a rather startled Miss Martian however she cleared her throat and re-sheathed it… somewhere. "Oh, c'est toi. Excusez-moi."

"Right-O…" Miss Martian noted as the dreadlock girl unlocked the car, and she got in. Being driven back to Superbabes.

Time: 9:56 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

She got out of the car and with barely so much as an 'Au revoir' the Dreadlock girl speed off. Miss Martian watched her go curiously before turning around and walking into the back of Superbabes-

"CONGRATULATIONS!" cheered the girls as Ronnie-Bell and Daphne on a stool held the 'Happy First Time' Banner over an annoyed-looking Orders' desk. Miss Martian jumped in surprise but stared at it in wonder as she approached.

"…This might be the happiest day of my life." She whispered as the girls, not realizing she was serious chuckled and giggled, patting her shoulders and rear as they went back to work. Ronnie-Bell rolling up the banner.

"No troubles 'Jane'?" Orders asked as 'Jane Smith' shook her head.

"No troubles ma'am…" she gasped slightly before she remembered that not all the money-strapped to her thigh belonged to her, and she put it on the counter. Orders sorted it casually… then glanced up at her.

"Good. I need to see you in my office for a moment to discuss your temporary living arrangements." She got up, curling her finger at 'Jane' as both entered her office and shut the door. "Alright." Orders began, opening her top right-hand desk drawer and retrieving a manilla envelope. "Cajun Jim got you an identity and I got you a Social security." She put it on the table. As Jane opened it up, examining the contents, a Gotham State ID card, identification, even a birth certificate…

"…How?" she blinked at Orders surprised as the purple-eyed woman narrowed her eyes at her.

"I'm Orders. I can do things like that…" she absently shuffled around at her desk. "Harmless Blackmail mostly, and I'm really good at bluffing. Don't cry." Jane sniffed away her oncoming tears and resolved herself as Orders stared at her. "…I'm basically hiring you into prostitution." Whispered Orders kindly, "You shouldn't be 'happy' about that." Jane smiled as Orders rolled her eyes. "I'll find you an apartment nearby so you can walk to work. We need to get you driving soon, I can't keep using Cajun Jim as a personal Taxi. It's bad for morale…" his criminal gang's morale, of course, she thought using him as a taxi was hilarious. She was laughing on the inside. "Until then just keep living above the shop." She pointed up then at her. "Do not drop your form."

"Yes ma'am." Replied Jane understandingly… above ground, in public… she was Jane Smith. 'Candy' Jane Smith. An unlucky girl with green skin. She needed to maintain that at all times, who knows who could see her.

"Good, now get out there and get to work." Orders replied crisply.

Jane returned to the door, opening it as Yaya walked out of the Superbabes' personal bathroom. "Hey Candy." She said as Jane smiled.

"It's 'Jane' Yaya…" she replied as Yaya grinned. "Jane Smith." at least it was supposed to be 'Jane'. But the girls have taken to calling her 'Candy' because-

"But you're so sweet. Candy Jane Smith." She then winked, wrapping an arm around 'Candy's' soft waist. "It'll catch on."

"It will not." Replied Candy walking with Yaya onto the floor as she happily got back to work.


Nightwolfsith if you read this. I want you to know that this is your fault and I blame you. Now everyone glare at them, or… thank them I guess.

I didn't want to do Miss Martian but… fuck it. I ranted at Nightwolfsith in the comments, then I sat down, and thought about it. Now we have 39 girls and I hate myself for it…

Yes. According to my canon, the Turtles are regulars in the universe: deal.

Side note Ben Chapman was the actor who played the creature from the black lagoon. On land anyway.

Her name, Candy Jane = Candy Cane. I liked how it sounded. I wanted her to have a 'Jane doe' name but that was too obvious, so this works out for me. Also if it wasn't obvious she speaks in 1950s slang... for very important reasons.

Now for the cajun butchering (aka french

Qu'elle revienne dans une heure = Have her back in an hour

Je vais retourner au bureau = I'll walk back to the office

Je t'attendrai ici = I'll wait for you here.

Reculez les enfoirés! = Back off motherfuckers!

Oh, c'est toi = oh, it's you.

Chapitre suivant