
Premium Content: Prologue

I forgot to do the Mini-Series Premium Content. So that's my bad. In my defense Webnovel did not want to work with me today, dropping $

I don't own DC

Hello everyone. Meet Pip if you haven't already…

The average-looking young man in sunglasses, mousey brown hair and a flowery Hawaiian shirt, dropped into his barebones apartment chair as he took a breath and sighed, holding onto a diet Dr. Popper in one hand as he sighed into the other on his face.


He didn't answer. He had a long, LONG day… you see Pip was a porn director, and while most of you might think that's a good time his days are filled with Divas, male and female: who 'won't do this', 'won't do that', 'this isn't in my contract', 'I didn't agree to this' and the ever-popular but very annoying. 'I don't want to wear a condom'.

Pip sighed, ignoring the knocks at his door. He had to deal with ALL of that and his asshole producers who don't understand that filming porn is not the same as having sex. It NEVER goes perfectly all at once… guys have to hold off masturbating for a few days, sometimes they pop earlier than they need, or his personal 'favorite' the girl who agrees to show up doesn't because he has to film most if not all of his scenes in a cheap Old Gotham studio apartment and sexy girls may not want to risk being mugged or worse.


Despite all of this, Pip remained unfailingly polite.

"Please, whatever this is about, can it wait for tomorrow?" he asked, keeping a civil tone in his head as the knocking repeated itself. "…Who is it?"

"Superbabes." Came the cool reply from the door. "Open the door Pippen."

"I didn't order Superbabes." The door swung open anyway as Orders, the purple-eyed boss of Superbabes invited herself right in followed by a TOWERING red-headed woman, Giganta, who dwarfed both of them standing over 7 feet tall. She was dressed like a sexy biker chick, and a young but attractive punk Korean woman with piercings, slipping what looked like a lockpick into her pocket. She was behind Giganta but Pip didn't notice that. It was hard to notice anything behind the giant woman "Wh-what? Is this about Veronica's late checks?! I swear they're in the mail!"

"This isn't about the checks you owe me. It's about making more of them."


"Grab him, Ronnie-Bell." Orders ordered as Ronnie-Bell smiled charmingly at him and winked. He blushed as the beautiful, but very big, redhead hefted him easily from his chair and onto her powerful shoulder.

"H-Hey! What is this about?!"

"I need a porn director." Orders replied, taking him by surprise as she walked around behind Ronnie-Bell to speak to him directly. "You're the only one I like." She added sternly like she knew multiple porn directors. She did but they were assholes. "I also need a collection of clean cocks and you know your way around the male actors."

"…You could try to phrase that better." He mumbled sheepishly.

"But I'm not going too." Orders replied firmly. "Jae-Hwa, go start the van." Jae-Hwa the pierced punk girl sarcastically saluted and turned on her sneakers, showing off her THICC jeans-covered ass, headed out of his apartment. "Now let's go make some movies." Orders replied simply as Pip surrendered to his fate…

"…Can I at least walk to the van?"

"No. Now shut up and enjoy being carried by a giant woman, if it becomes a fetish we can film that too." Orders replied as Pip sighed sadly on a chuckling Ronnie-Bell.

"…Yes ma'am." He mumbled forlornly, being carried out of his building and tossed into the back of an unmarked 'catering van' and driving off to who knows where… That's not ominous at all...


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