
Delivery Girl: White Rabbit Order #4

I don't own DC

"And with that, ladies and gentlemen, the incursion is defeated, and you've defended the town from the assaulting horde." Mike I declared with finality. Freya, Izzy, Leslie, Mike II and James sat around the elaborately designed model village they could fit together like a puzzle for multiple different scenarios... they also, coincidentally used it for the popular miniature tabletop wargame: Battleaxe.

"Sweet." Mike II declared happily as Leslie scooped up her dice into a little felt bag she bought in this very games shop.

"About time. I thought that orc general would never die." She added as Izzy and Freya nodded in agreement. Leslie checked her watch as James checked out Leslie.

"What did we get?" Izzy asked grinning greedily as Mike I looked over his notes behind his DM screen.

"Oh gold, weapons, love of the masses, and the usual EXP all around." He smiled, "8000 each. He said as they all scribbled on their character sheets. "Extra 1000 to Leslie for making that completely ridiculous, lucky ass, ruined at least another hour of campaign gameplay, arrow shot…" he noted, "How the hell did you roll all your spot checks and 3 straight critical hits?"

Leslie just shrugged, "They don't call me Leslie the Hunter for nothing." She smirked, then frowned checking her watch again before getting to her feet. "Freya we got to go or Orders will paddle us for being late.…" James and Mike II stared at them very confused… and yet intrigued at the statement.

"You call yourself that because 'Hunter' is your last name." Izzy declared as Freya stood up as well. "ANd the boys like looking at you too much to say otherwise." Leslie flipped her playfully off, "Have fun tonight girls." She waved as both of them grumbled. They had to work a late shift tonight, Izzy however had the night off today and tomorrow.

Mike II and James watched them go almost forlornly as Mike I shook his head, embarrassed for the both of them. He folded his notes into his DM screen and stretched. "Ngh… well good game guys, level yourselves up before we come back for another game, say Wednesday…" Mike II and James began packing up their things with James finishing first and getting to his feet.

"Do you think Terry will show up next time?" he asked, "He's missed the last two games."

Mike who knew for a fact what happened to Terry, answered the question. "He says he hurt himself and it's hard to walk." Izzy snorted with laughter but suppressed it with a cough as Mike I slowly sighed through his nose. "He says he'll be fine for the next one…" he then glared at Izzy as the two guys headed out the door. "Mike, tell Kyle 8 to head home and make sure you lock up properly." Mike II wiggled the keys to the shop to show he heard the instructions. Before Mike audibly sighed. "…Seriously Izzy?"

"I'm sorry. I'm in a good mood." She replied grinning, "There's just something satisfying…" she stretched her arms above her head, her breasts wobbling in her loose T-shirt. "MN! About not working the Valentine's shift… it's a MAD HOUSE." she added, "It got so bad one time, that the entire floor was practically empty for almost an hour. Guys had to go to the Kitchen directly to get their orders until the girls started to come back…"

Mike just rolled his eyes, closing them briefly before rubbing his eyelids and sighing to himself. "…You coming upstairs today?" he asked sleepily.

He lived over his games and comics shop in an apartment. The building itself had four floors, a basement where he set up a gaming man cave which he tended to rent out when he himself wasn't using it, the shop on the street level, his apartment above that, and finally storage on the top floor like an attic. There was also a freight elevator for easier access throughout. All in all, it was a geek's dream home… How did Mike own such a place? He literally won the Gotham lottery and spend 90% of his winnings setting everything up and investing.

He had to cash the winning ticket and spend it quickly after all, who knows which Gotham supervillian would try to stab, poison, bite, shoot or beat it out of him.

"Hmmmn…" Izzy seemed to think about it, before grinning at him. "Oh… I don't know Mike, what would your girlfriend think about you spending valentine's day with me?" she teased as he sighed, shaking his head.

"…I don't know Izzy… what would she think? It's not exactly a normal relationship." He added casually.

"Well, Valentine's Day IS the lover's holiday. She said as she began following him out and into the shop before waiting at the freight elevator, apparently, she was going up with him to his apartment. "Not to mention your birthday." She added lazily. "ARE you two doing anything special?"

"Not that I'm aware of." he said as he got into the freight elevator with her, heading up into his apartment. "I got the new Five Nights at Froggys: Security Violation on my Gamestation." He added, only halfheartedly contributing to the conversation as Izzy cooed excitedly.

"Oh, that's the one with the thic blonde security guard and sexy wolf?" she said.

"That's the one…" he eyed her. "Why is that what comes to your mind first?" he mumbled as she shrugged, the elevator opening in his apartment as they walked out. She just shrugged.

"No idea…" she replied, "…Must be the Superbabe in me." They both flopped simultaneously onto his couch facing his big-screen TV as she frowned seriously at him. "…Are you really not doing anything for your birthday? ESPECIALLY nothing with your girlfriend? On VALENTINE'S DAY!?" she poked her husky friend in the stomach. "It's not just for YOU, you know it's also for HER even if it is also your birthday."

Mike sighed, picking up his controller from the table as he booted up his Gamestation. "…You're not going to let this go, are you?"

"I'm telling you." She said, poking him again in the stomach, "That she'll want to spend Valentine's day with you." She smiled confidently as he sighed.

"…She's never actually said she's my girlfriend you know…" he mumbled rather dejectedly, tossing her his controller before getting up from his couch with a subtle groan, "…She's just a friend that hangs out with me…"

"Often alone…" she teased, watching him reach for his phone. "With no one around to hear you two try to imitate her movies IN HER OFF TIME…" she grinned as he blushed slightly, staring at his phone. "And she comes over to game with us and comes to your apartment, and you spent Christmas with her…" she winked, "Yeah. She's TOTALLY not your girlfriend…" she teased sarcastically as Mike pouted, but began dialing slowly. "I'll take a Raven Meal." she added as Mike grumbled and finished dialing.

Time: 8:07 PM. Place: Gotham (Mike's Apartment)

Brrrrrr. Brrrrrr. Brrrrrr. CLICK

"Superbabes. We Deliver. No."

"Can I-Wait no?"


"What do you mean No?"

"No you can't order a White Rabbit risotto and a Raven Meal."

"You're a restaurant that delivers food. How can you just say no to my order?"

"Because Joy is going to get off shift in about 52 minutes. You'll get your food then."


Mike stared at the phone, jaw hanging open slightly as Izzy stared at him from the couch. "…Your boss just hung up on me." He said in surprise as Izzy gave him a curious look. "Also… how the HELL did she know what I was going to order?" and after a moment of thought, "WHO I was going to order?" he added a little pink in the cheeks

"Mmnnn." Izzy pursed her lips, not explaining to Mike that Orders was Clairvoyant. Orders only really said that to the girls, and they collectively knew better than to go and blab that everywhere. She then frowned thoughtfully as he hung up the phone back on its hook. "Hold on. MY boss is passing up an opportunity to make money? What did she say exactly?"

Mike walked back over to the couch. "…She said that 'Joy is going to get off shift in about 52 minutes. You'll get your food then." He said word for word… "If she's getting off shift, why would I order the food?"

Izzy just smiled and set her timer to ring in 52 minutes. "Because my Boss is being nice." She replied, starting a new game, "She likes to act like a hard ass but we all know she's a sweet-"


The word 'BOSS' appeared on her phone as it buzzed. "-heart." She mumbled, and answered. "…Yes Orders?"

"How does she do that?" Mike mumbled nervously, watching Izzy speak on her phone.

"The food is coming out of your paycheck." Orders declared, "You should really synchronize up your plans next time Isabella... White Rabbit was going over there anyway." she then promptly hung up.

"Seriously HOW does she do that, is she psychic?" Mike declared, not paying attention to the game as he was promptly killed by an oddly sexy wolf animatronic. "Oh… damn."

"Don't worry about it." Izzy replied, a little miffed that she was paying for a meal that was already coming but… hey, she was a big girl. "You died. My turn!" she then childishly yanked the controller from Mike's hands.

Almost one hour later.

"WHY is that robot wolf lady so sexy?" Mike mumbled confused as Izzy shrugged, "She's like… absurdly likable and relatable for a mechanical animatronic made of nightmares."

"No idea. I thought the sexy blonde security guard would get all the attention, but I've worked with Katie long enough to understand that it's not that surprising." She replied, sighing as she was caught by an angry crocodile man making them both jump in their seats, she provided a little extra jiggle before handing Mike the controller. "Son-of-a… Your turn."

"I'm getting kinda hungry. Want me to try ordering again?" asked Mike, "Or maybe just some pizza? Lorenzo's has never denied my call."

"Nah… your birthday present should be showing up any time now." Her phone beeped noisily as she jumped slightly in surprise, quickly passing the game. "Woo… that got me." She turned off her timer. "…Anytime NOW." She corrected, "…Now let my heart slow down a little and we'll keep going."

"Izzy." He sighed, "…You said birthday present." Mike noted suspiciously.

"What? You were going to order her anyway." she replied cheerfully as Mike crossed his arms across his chest imposingly.

"Because maybe I wanted to see her for my birthday." He admitted weakly, "But this was not going to be a repeat of last time with me getting lucky in my bedroom while you were out here."

"Oh. No. it totally is. Give it time." She replied casually, he rolled his eyes as she smiled and turned her body to look at him over the back of the couch. "…Of course I could also leave while she's giving you her present… or instead of me being out here I can crash in your room."

"Izzy why would you crash in my room?" he asked indignantly as she shrugged.

"…I don't know. Having sex on a couch is rather enticing, especially if you end up cuddling after. Joy's a cuddler, you know that." she said knowingly.

"I… I do know that-" he admitted before adding quickly. "HOW do you know that?"

She studied Mike with an adorable scrunched-up look on her face as she debated breaking the news to him. "…Yeeeeeah." She cleared her throat as a look of realization crossed his face. "…I mean you know what I do, you know?" she added with a shrug as Mike rubbed his eyes.

"…You've had sex with my girlfriend?"

"I thought you said she's not your girlfriend?"

"IZZY." He said as Izzy shrugged.

"…To be fair Mike, I've technically had threesomes with most of the Superbabes staff, it's a thing called the 2 for 1-"

"No. that's…": he interrupted "No. I don't want to know." he sighed resignedly waving his hands as she chuckled nervously. "In a way I do." He admitted, he'd never sleep with his best friend but even he had to admit she was fucking hot, regardless he collected himself "But NO." she shrugged.

"Suit yourself…" she frowned, leaning back against the couch. "…Jenny. Mel… Leslie…" noting quietly to herself who she actually had a threesome with. "…I guess Veronica, but nobody counts her she's slept with everybody."

"IZZY." He grumbled, raising his hands angrily. "I'm going to the bathroom. GET IT OUT OF YOUR SYSTEM." He declared as she giggled.

"Katie. Joy of course…none of the newer girls." she continued quietly as he slammed the bathroom door. "Oddly not Lucy but I've heard good things from Jae." She added casually to herself.

"You know. You weren't always like this!" Mike shouted as she heard a flush. "You're more sex crazed now than the kids that come into my shop trying to sneak out the hentai manga." He washed his hands in the sink.

"True. I was mousey. Shy. The 'geek girl with the big tits'…" she shrugged, using his own words against him with her breasts jiggling for unnecessary (but completely appropriate) emphasis. "…But Orders tells me that I always had a bit of a kinky side in me. She just brought it to the surface after she prettied me up and now…" she wiggled on the couch as Mike took the controller and started playing again. "Now I'm a sexy, mature woman-OH MY GOD!" she squealed in childish terror as they were jumped scared by an animatronic on the screen. "MOTHER FUCKER!" she cursed.

"Yeah, totally mature." He replied in a low monotone. She scowled at him and once again proved his point as she held up her middle finger against his cheek. "…REAL. Mature…" he repeated as she slapped away his hand and shoved the remote into his chest. "Ooof!"

"Shut up, your turn."

He barely respawned before there was a loud knock at the door. "Superbabes."

Time: 9:05 PM. Place: Gotham (Still Mike's Apartment)

"Special Delivery Service." Izzy and the voice outside declared as Mike elbowed her lightly in the side, and got off the couch while pausing the game.

"Must you?" he asked, heading towards his 'front door'. It was called the front door but it was around the side of his apartment on the second level.

"It is literally drilled into me." Izzy smiled, shrugging good-naturedly as the door opened revealing a beautiful and busty Japanese woman wearing a tight but comfortable T-shirt and skimpy mid-thigh shorts. She carried a pair of bags in both hands, one a big paper bag one might get at a clothing store, and the other a Superbabes brand bag with food for at least three.

"Hey Mike." White Rabbit let herself in. Kissing his cheek as he fidgeted with a stupid grin on his face. "Happy Birthday." She smiled, strutting right in and towards his kitchen table. "Izzy. Leslie's planning of doing something terrible to Barna the Barbarian for being so smug? I assume that's a DnD thing."

Izzy cringed at the statement. "…Ah… I guess she didn't appreciate my teasing?"

"Something like that." White Rabbit replied, "…And you're playing that freaky animatronic thing again." she mumbled coolly.

"This is a new one." Izzy grinned. The last time White Rabbit played a Five Nights at Froggy's game with them, she was creeped right the hell out.

"…Of course it is." She replied nervously before she smiled at Mike and put the food bag down, shaking the other slightly at him. "Here. I got you a birthday present… and I guess it's a Valentine's day one too." He coughed, taking the bag and looking inside.

"You didn't have to do that." he said.

"Of course, I did." She replied as he reached into the bag and pulled out a DVD. He eyed it for half a second and laughed. She grinned, "I noticed you didn't have that one in your 'collection'." She teased playfully.

"I wouldn't call it a collection." He said, "Just a couple of DVD's."

"I was also referring to the storage device where you have the rest of them." She said lazily as he froze, clearing his throat. "Oh like I see a dime of my overseas sales." She replied with sarcastic dismissal. "Honestly you're not doing much by downloading them illegally."

"Well… I… uh…" Mike froze, "…I'll go delete them..." he added quickly

"Well, you should. Why would you need all of those when you have the real deal? But I'm trying to be symbolic." She tapped the DVD. "Besides I had to call in a few favors for this one. Uncensored and on HD-Blueray?"

"Okay I got to know, what did you get?" asked Izzy, unable to take her curiosity anymore as she got off the couch. Yanking the DVD from Mike's hand. "…SJT-004 Slutty Big Tit Girls are Assaulted by Big Magnum Black Men. All Holes Filled to Capacity?" Izzy blinked at the cover and laughed. "Why do all JAV porn titles sound like a sex-themed newspaper headline?" she then pointed to the cover, showing a picture of an attractive Japanese woman in a schoolgirl outfit, however, it was notedly NOT White Rabbit. "That's not you." Izzy declared obviously as White Rabbit nodded.

"…No, it was one of my earlier movies, I had to share the spotlight with other girls in the studio. I wasn't popular enough."

"Ah… well hard to believe now." Izzy added as Mike put the DVD back into the bag.

"It was actually one of the reasons I didn't have it already, it only had the one scene of her." he stated as both girls grinned at him cheekily.

"Awwwwe. Isn't that cute?" Izzy teased as Mike flicked her forehead. "Ow!"

"Shut up Izzy."

"Yes, let's eat already." White Rabbit declared pulling out a neatly packaged Wonder Woman meal. "I am starving."

"…OR." Izzy smiled, "You two can go take this DVD and watch her scene in the privacy of your room." He said, taking out the DVD and wiggling it between her hands, "Huh?"

"WHY do you make ME having sex such a big deal?!" grumbled Mike getting his Risotto. "…Seriously Izzy." He mumbled, already sitting down and opening up the packaging next to White Rabbit as Izzy frowned and shrugged.

"Fine. I'll watch it myself. What's the Scene?"

"Izzy-" Mike warned.

"Scene 2. About 25 minutes in." White Rabbit replied casually as Mike groaned indignantly.

"Don't encourage her!" he mumbled only for White Rabbit to sit closely next to him, distracting him as Izzy changed the input on the TV, putting the DVD into the player as she sat back on the couch. Letting it quickly boot up to a picture of sexy Japanese girls in skimpy costumes including a very appropriately dressed White Rabbit.

"Ha! you're wearing a bunny girl costume!" teased Izzy as White Rabbit just distractedly nodded.

"Mmn-hmn." As she shared the risotto and her spoon with Mike. as Izzy found the scene and pressed play.

A sexy bunny girl with big tits wobbled into the room holding a serving tray in her hands both with two open beer bottles frosted over with ice. Her white corset pushed up her big wobbling breasts as her matching ears flopped to-and-fro on top of her dark haired head. A cute little bunny tail wiggled as she scampered into the room on high heels. Click-clack-click-clack

Off screen however, a pair of large burly black men walked towards her, both taking the bottles from the trey, surrounding her nervous body as she fidgeted between them. Glancing up at their towering forms… they were almost completely naked, except one wore a pair of sunglasses, the other wore a black surgical mask, and both wore matching tight trunks so that their obviously big cocks bulged warningly for the camera.

They chugged their beers as White Rabbit gazed at their bulges in 'awe'. Mask man suddenly yanked the trey from her hands as she gasped in surprise, he threw it aside as it clattered on the floor before taking her hand and pulling it to his cock. "MMN…"

"Hah…" she gasped erotically, wiggling her hips slowly as she took both hands and carefully fondled his girthy meat. Her mouth open wide as she moved her trembling hands to emphasize his size as Sunglasses suddenly gripped her face, shoving his beer bottle into her mouth as she moaned. "MMgh!"

His huge hand clapped hard onto her ass as he tilted her head back and made her drink. Before gripping the bottle itself and slowly moving it back and forth in her mouth. "Mmgn… mnn! Mmmn…" He grinned lecherously as he wantonly fondled White Rabbit's soft ass, Mask man tossing his bottle aside, taking one of her hands and shoving it directly into his tight pants. "Mmgn!"

"Stroke it. Stroke." He ordered her as her hand jerked across his cock, stretching his pants as Sunglasses had her feel up his cock with her other hand. "Let's see them titties." He hooked his hand into her top and yanked it down freeing her big tits for the camera as she moaned around the bottle.


"SHIT them big titties." Hissed Mask Man as Sunglasses pulled the bottle from her soft lips and tossed it away, squeezing her right breast, and wrapping his lips around it and slurped noisily and obviously.

"Haah! Ahh…" she squirmed as his tongue rolled around her nipple Mask man rubbing his thick fingers against her crotch as she wiggled under their toying. "Ha…aah…" Sunglass popped off her nipple and bounced her breasts on his hands before squeezing them firmly. "MMgnh"

He stood upright as she gasped, then they both took her by the shoulders and shoved her down to her knees, she gazed up at them nervously as they both pressed their bulges against her face, rubbing her against them before she bit her trembling bottom lip.

"You ever suck black dick before?" asked the Mask Man as conveniently placed Japanese subtitles appeared on the bottom of the screen. White Rabbit shook her head quickly as both men dropped their pants. A pair of thick girthy black dicks shot across her eyes and mouth. Resting like two dead snakes across her face.

"MMGNh!?" she went rigid as they laughed.

"You're gonna love it." Sunglasses declared as he slid his cock across her lips and pushed his tip against them. "Suck cock." he ordered firmly.

"Mmn-MMGNh!" she whimpered as her jaw stretched, Mask Man taking her hand to grab his girth, stroking himself with her grip as she began moving her hand and her head. Sunglasses holding the back of her skull and pulling her steadily deeper towards his balls as his cock slid into her gullet. "GUCK! GUCK!!"

"Haaa…" he sighed as she kissed the base with her eyes watering up at him before he finally released his grip on her head.

"BWaah! Hah… hah…" she panted breathlessly up at him before her head was suddenly jerked around. "Ah-MMNGH!"

"You have two dicks! Suck em both!"

"MMNGH! mMNGh!" she gobbled his down, jerking her head back and forth as her lips stretched on his big black dick.

"Yeah that's it… that's it." he breathed, reaching down to fondle her tits as she stroked Sunglasses cock. "Nasty girl. Suck. UGH!" she buried her face into his crotch, shaking slightly as her eyes watered. "That's the good shit…" he sighed as she continued moving her head.

"Haa…" she suddenly slid off to take a breath before her mouth was quickly occupied again. "MMngh!"

"Nasty bunny's suck dick-MNN-yeah…"

They alternated in and out of her mouth as she drooled around them both, saliva dripping off her tongue in between the twisting of her head. "MMgh! Mmngh! Mmnh! Ahh-mmngh! Mmn-mmn…" they both fondled her breasts as she wiggled her hips kneeling between them, their other hands on her head guiding her left and right, back and forth.

"That's enough." Sunglasses suddenly declared, pulling her hand away and grabbing under her arms, easily getting her to her heels as she stumbled towards the camera… it quickly cut to a shot from behind revealing a couch and plastic sheet on the floor.

Sunglasses lightly swatted her ass with his hand, rubbing her ass cheeks before grabbing her pantihose and yanking. RIPPP! "Ah!" she gasped as he continued to tear it from her legs as Mask Man yanked her costume. She feebly tried to push and slap away their stocky muscles but to no avail as she was stripped naked except for her ears and shoes. "AH-MMGH!" two thick fingers were shoved into her mouth, silencing her squeaks of disapproval. Sunglasses pushing them in and out as Mask man reached around her from behind to spread open her pussy. "MMgnh! MNn!"

She 'danced' in place as she was molested, their finger's churning in her body as her legs wobbled and her heels clattered on the plastic sheet on the floor before suddenly she was released from their tormenting teasing. "Haa-aha!" she was shoved onto the couch, Sunglasses taking her legs in hand by her ankles, spreading her apart. "Chotto matte…" she whined, pushing his chest as he rested her legs on his arms and hooked her breasts, "Wait!" she said in english as he shoved his cock into her. "AAAH!!"

Her tongue lolled from her mouth, her eyes crossed in pleasure and she twitched awkwardly as she delivered a sexy as hell ahegao face. "Ah! Ahh! Ooh! SUGOI!!" she squealed as Sunglass slammed his hips against her, "Ahh-aah-aah!"

"Ugh. NNGh! NNgh… Ugh shit…" crawling over her as he furiously thumped against her. "You like that? You like that, you slutty little bunny?"

"Chū dashi shimasu!" she squealed. "Ah-AH-AHGghh-aaaaah!!! SUGOI!!

"Watashi no dekachin ni naka-dashi!" Sunglass barked at her, slamming his hips against her as she squealed like a piglet, shaking on the couch as he abruptly yanked from her pussy.

"Haah! Ha-haaah…" she gasped, legs spread and shaking erotically as her big breasts jiggled and she kept the fucked silly look on her face. "Haaahaaaaah!" her moans undulating erotically as she twitched. Mask Man crawling over her now and lightly slapping her face.

"That's another addict down…" he pushed his tip against her quivering pussy as she feebly tried to fight him off but looked more than happy to take it. "Here you go it's your favorite…"

"Dikku! Dekachin!" She gasped as he thrust entirely inside her with one deep stroke. "AAH!"

"That's right. BIG! DICK!"

"DIKKU! DIKKU!!" she whimpered as he rammed into her harder than Sunglasses. "DIK-MMGH!"

"Here's your dick." Sunglasses grinned, kneeling next to her and shoving his cock into her open mouth. "Mmn! Yeah…" he pulled from her lips as her tongue flicked at his retreating tip. Mask Man buried himself into her, grinding deep into her body. He wrapped his arms under her body and hauled her easily up from the couch.

Deep in her body she gasped, hanging onto him as Sunglasses loomed up behind her, her eyes wide as she shook her head. "Bangō! Īe, arimasen." She clenched her teeth as Sunglass prodded her ass and slowly pushed up into her rear. "Itai!" she hissed, shaking as they began to grind slowly against her

"This tight little ass…" Sunglasses snarled, "Haa-haa…"

Slowly pushing in and out of her rear as her body trembled between them, she went limp, gazing up blankly at the ceiling as her eyes rolled up into her head and her tongue lolled, "Haa…haa… ah! Aaahh-Anata wa ōki sugimasu!" her voice echoed around them all as they bucked alternatingly against her as her legs flopped about until. "Haaaah!!"

"MMn!" Sunglasses pulled out of her ass, her hole gapping as Mask Man lifted her off his own cock and tossed her face down onto the couch. She feebly reached behind her, pulling her ass cheeks apart as Sunglasses mounted her quickly.

"AHhh! Ahh! Ahh… SUGOI-MMGNh!" Mask man shoved his thick black dick back between her lips as they pumped greedily into her body. "Mmgh! MNngh!" her ass cheeks rippled behind her as he buried her face into his crotch, "MMgngh!?" her eyes rolling as she shuddered wildly.

"Ugh! Ugh!!" Sunglasses buried himself into her body, his fingers sinking into her fleshy ass cheeks, "Ugh-ugh-ugh-ugh!!"

"MMGH! AAH-AH-AAAH-AAAAGH!!" squealed White Rabbit as Mask Man pulled from her lips, Sunglasses pounding her from behind as if he was trying to hammer a nail with his hips.

"On your knees! On your knees!" Sunglasses ripped out of her quivering rear as she slid off the couch, getting onto her knees.

Get them titties up." Mask Man declared as they surrounded her with their pulsating members dripping with saliva and pre-cum as she cupped her breasts with her hands, lifting them up as she opened her mouth. Eyes wide and tongue lolling out.

"OOOOH! FUCK! UGH!!" Sunglasses furiously stroked his big dick until a heavy load of cum burst across white Rabbit making her jump in surprise. "Oooh!" he howled like a wolf as he emptied what seemed to be a month's worth of semen onto her face, breasts and mouth as she flinched.

"UUGH!!" Mask Man took his turn as well, blasting a torrent of seed onto her face and tits, spraying the inside of her mouth as he slapped it on her gooey tongue. "Haaaa-aaah!" seemingly pulling another thick wad to blast onto her face again. Before letting his cock hang over her mouth and squeezing it from base to tip in one painfully firm stroke as a string of semen dripped into her open mouth. "Haah… let's go get another one… play with that shit." He ordered.

The camera focused on White Rabbit's cum covered face as she churned her tongue around her mouth, their loads mingling in her mouth as she moaned longingly… the camera soon fading to black and moving onto the next scene with a schoolgirl.

Time: 9:40 PM. Place: Gotham (Mike's apartment)

Izzy turned the movie off. "They didn't even do anything to your boobs!" she declared as Joy shrugged.

"What can I say? I wasn't as popular as I was when I retired." She picked up the DVD cover. "Look. See?" she tapped a collection of Kanji at the bottom of another collection of kanji. "Right here. Shiawase Toyoda: Bottom Billing. I wasn't even 'Joy Toy' yet."

"Well… when did you start getting so popular?" Izzy asked

"Mmmn… my first solo work I think. My producers wanted me to be cute and cuddly but I…" she frowned slightly, a look appearing on her face that told Izzy and Mike not to ask questions. "…But I wanted to be the nastiest, sluttiest thing in the business. I didn't even bother to change my name…" she said darkly. "I wanted them to KNOW."

Less darkly she added conversationally, "They didn't even want me to do half the stuff I did. I got yelled at, so I broke my contract and switched studios." She took a drink of rootbeer as Mike finished up her waffles. "One that would let me do what I wanted… only real problem was they stiffed me on royalties. But I was young and angry…"

"Now you're happy?" Mike asked curiously.

"Happier." She smiled absently, "…Done watching me get plowed?"

"Yeah I'm good." Izzy got up from the couch and joined them. "You brought my food?"

"Yeah but it's cold now." Joy replied, holding out her hand as Izzy looked at it and slapped it. Joy smiled, "Nuh-uh. Payment. Orders said it's on you."

"Oh come on…" Izzy moaned. "I thought she was taking it out of my paycheck?"

Mike pulled money from his wallet, "Here I was going to pay anyway, and I like it when Izzy owes me a favor…"

"That and you're rich." Izzy pouted.

"Only a little." Mike replied humbly.

"You could've shared." Izzy snapped as Mike shrugged.

"You told me NOT to by the lottery ticket and buy that Two-Piece manga chapter that just came out." Mike said, "You're lucky I pay your occasional bill."

"How RICH are you exactly?" Joy asked playfully as Mike shrugged humbly again..


"Don't tell my boss that or she'll start charging you more." Joy replied. She then clapped her hands. "So! Now that you've had dinner and presents it's time for cake."

Mike chuckled. Shaking his head. "I don't have cake. Does Superbabes deliver cake?"

"Yes. Technically. Honeycakes... And I'm sure Divya could whip something up if she was working." Joy replied, getting up and grabbing Mike's shirt and guiding him towards his bedroom. "…But I think I can give you something sweeter while Izzy eats…"

"Have fun Mike." Izzy replied as Mike was dragged into his bedroom.

"Hate you Izzy." He noted lazily as Joy shut the door with a seductive giggle.

"Pfft." Izzy mumbled, tearing into her Raven meal, "Get him his favorite pornstar as 'totally' his girlfriend not a CENT goes into my wallet." She smirked as the bedroom door rattled, then she had to admit she did mooch off him a lot. She spent more time in his apartment than she did hers, and she lived just down the street.

…Judging from the moans coming from Mike's room she briefly wondered if she should just turn off the gamestation and make herself scarce? She stopped eating for a minute, heading back over to the couch to switch it back to the Gamestation and quickly found herself a save point. Getting it done. And turning off the console before going back to her food. Curiously watching the door rattling rhythmically as she chewed, wondering how long she had to wait before this started to get weird.


I had every intention to post this ON Valentine's Day or at the very least late Sunday, but honestly not only is that just not how my brain works, but I also have no self-control. I've been meaning for a long time to put White Rabbit between a pair of BBCs. So instead of rehashing Mike plowing Joy on Valentine's day she got him a DVD with one of her very first JAV scenes. Best of both worlds!

Also, DM Mike is never having sex with Izzy. I'm not being sarcastic or planting foreshadowing. He is NOT. EVER. Going to have sex with Izzy. Period. Also Leslie Hunter… that's Killer Frost's name if that wasn't apparent.

Now to the Nikuya(Butchering) aka what I wrote in google translate to equal whatever they're saying.

Chū dashi shimasu! = I'm going to cum!

Watashi no dekachin ni naka-dashi! = Cum on my big dick!

Dikku! Dekachin! = Dick! big dick!

Bangō! Īe, arimasen. = No! No not there!

Anata wa ōki sugimasu = you're to big

Chapitre suivant