
Delivery Girl: Circe Order #3

I don't own DC

"Is this really necessary?" asked Circe wiggling slightly as Wonder Woman finished tying Circe's arms behind her back with 'the golden lasso'. "Kinda snug."

"That's the point" smiled Wonder Woman kindly. "This is just another one of those things Orders would like us to be prepared for."

"Getting tied up?" Circe replied, struggling against the knot.

"It's happened more than once." Wonder Woman replied, knowing from experience. "You never know if a guy decides to be creepy and tie you up in his basement to make you his little sex slave… or turn you into hotdogs…" she added thoughtfully as if wondering herself if anyone did that.

"Uh doesn't Orders use her… powers…" she struggled slightly, her breasts bulging as she thrust them forward, trying to escape Wonder Woman's knot. "NGH! Dang it! Doesn't she use her powers for that sole purpose? To make sure we don't end up tied in a basement somewhere?"

"You never know…" Wonder Woman replied cryptically. "There's a lot of us she has to cover and if things get too much for her she starts mixing things up." she hesitated for a second, then just smiled, "It usually works out fine..."

"It takes a lot for that though." Power Girl declared as she snapped on her costume. "Like a LOT… but yeah it never hurts to practice just in case… you might be on a catered party with Veronica or something."

Wonder Woman rolled her pretty brown eyes, "Does every horror story we have need to begin and end with Veronica? If we keep this up it's going to be a stereotype."

Power Girl laughed and walked out of the lockers, "You say that. But it doesn't make it any less true…"

"Ah-Hey? Still tied up." Circe mumbled as Wonder Woman returned her attention to the pretty teal-eyed, purple-haired girl as she jiggled and bounced, trying to escape.

"Sorry, Sweetie but that's kind of your fault." Wonder Woman replied kindly but… with the air of a torturer.

"Ugh. This is… stupid!" groaned Circe, still struggling. "I'm never going to let someone tie me up!"

"Think of it as on the job training." Wonder Woman replied. "You never know. It's just another thing you have to do to keep this job. Work out, dance, yoga, martial arts…" she tapped her fingers listing them off.

"Ugh!" Circe suddenly felt her hand slip and- "Yes!" the rope dropped away as Wonder Woman grabbed it from the floor and expertly rolled it up. "Finally!" she replied rubbing her wrists, "Dang I think I got rope burn…"

"We got some lotion for that if it bothers you." Wonder Woman replied as they walked out, "But we better get back to work…"

Orders walked it and slipped off a casual. "Good work." To them before sitting at her counter, taking a deep cleansing breath and sighing to herself as Wonder Woman and Circe walked onto the floor. She turned to her computer, adjusting the website and officially starting deliveries for the night.

Soon enough Circe circled out with Huntress and she deposited a fistful of tips on the counter for Orders to slip into her locker. "Do you put all the girls through escapism training? She asked jokingly as Orders shrugged.

"It never hurts…" Orders added, "You probably don't have to worry about it but there are a lot of weirdos in Gotham. Weirdos and the ones that get attached." She casually read a magazine as Circe rubbed her wrists, "Get some lotion for that." she said, dropping a bottle of Aloe as Circe eyed it surprised.

"Huh…" she squeezed some out, rubbing her wrists. "…You just have this?"

"It's usually for carpet burns…" Orders replied as Circe laughed at the implication. "Take a break and cover Table Two. The guy has a thing for unnatural colored hair…" Circe smiled and turned towards the couch as Orders eyes flickered. "…Or not."

Circe paused just long enough for Orders to reach for the phone.

Time: 8:34 PMPlace: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes. We Deliver."

"Oh-hey-uh-um… the… ugh… damn it."


"The...Circe meal… yeah, the Circe Meal please."

"One greek Gyro with Garlic Fries, anything else?"

"Ahem. Delivered by Circe, please."

"We expect her back in 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged on the completion of the delivery, name and address please."


"Circe, you got one." Orders ripped the receipt off for her, as the purpled-haired woman took it and eyed it with a knowing smile.

"Is he going to tie me up?"

"You laugh, but this IS Gotham." Orders said, eyeing her skeptically, "You cannot seriously tell me it's not a good idea to know how to escape a few knots."

Power Girl, a Gotham native and positively STUFFED with tips in her tits added her two cents. "She's got a point." And began stacking her pile just as the food soon slid out.

Circe… conceded the point. "Eh. Alright…" she then grabbed the Superbabes brand bag and carried it out towards her quaint but efficient little moped, let her pillowy ass drop onto the less than pillowy moped seat, and sped off into Gotham.

It must mean something for Gotham if more and more 'deliveries' end up going into the suburbs. Circe, let the Gotham night wind and 'speed' of her moped making her purple hair wave behind her as she eyed the receipt in her fist, revved the engine before hopping the curb towards a two-story home… she rolled up the small path from the sidewalk, through the grass, then up to the front of the house. She smiled, her purple lipstick lips stretching prettily as she grabbed the back. Straight her windswept hair a little and approached the front door.

The windows were dark, but there WAS light in the house. She double-checked the receipt, shrugged, then raised her fist to knock loudly, "Superbabes."

Time: 8:54 PM: Place: Gotham Suburbs (Dark two-story house.)

"Special Delivery-" the door popped open. "Service." She finished glancing over the young man…

Mousy, dark-haired, a bit shifty-eyed but he looked like your average 19-year-old. Maybe a little younger… but not by much: Orders had standards after all. "Holy shit you're real!" he said grinning as she raised an elegant eyebrow and smiled.

"…So I'm told." She replied playfully and pushed her breasts together subtly with her upper arms. They were real of course, she didn't have the money to make them their current size… well, she didn't before she started working at Superbabes but neither here nor there.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her into the darkened house, but she could still see everything clearly thanks to ambient lighting from a few electronics. Then his hand immediately went to her ass and began feeling her up. "And I can do whatever I want with you?"

"…Within reason." She replied sensually, her own hand reaching for his ass as she dropped the food on an armchair in the living room. Clearly, his interest wasn't culinary. "Do you have some ideas?" she asked playfully as he guided her down a dark house to the only lit room. His obviously…

"I want to do EVERYTHING!" he declared happily as she was turned to him and the top of her dress was tugged down over her tits.

"MMN…" she moaned, biting her bottom lip as he got right to playing with her tits. "Ooooh… you're an eager boy…" she cooed, glancing around his room. Standard teen fare, posters of hot women and cars, a desk with a computer screen a laptop open to a paused video of porn…

That last one was unexpected but not entirely out of place at the moment…

"Ahh…" she gasped as he eagerly and firmly squeezed her tits, sucking in her nipples and roughly playing with her body. Clearly, he never had a woman before but at least he wasn't hurting her. "Ahh… oooh slow down I'm not going anywhere…"

"I want to do everything…" he replied, letting go of her tits to squeeze her ass cheeks as she wiggled enticingly. Clumsily lifting her one-piece dress before sliding a hand down her front and fiddling with her body, finding her pussy and spreading her as he tugged furiously at her clothes…

"Ah-ha… stop already!" she laughed, shoving him onto the bed. The laptop bounced as she stood in front of him, smirking seductively in a way only an older woman (slightly older, she was still in college) could at a young man she was about to fuck. "If you can't take my clothes off nicely…" she declared as the bulge in his shorts wobbled and throbbed to escape. "Then I'll do it myself…"

She licked her soft lips sensuously, before pushing the green dress lower and lower down her body until she was bent in half, taking the opportunity to remove her underwear as well, leaving her clothes and shoes in a crumpled heap at her feet before stepping out and leaning over him, hooking her skilled fingers at his pants and tugging them down as he grinned excitedly like an idiot.

His eager, average-sized, cock wobbled from his pants as she panted heavily against it. Her breath brushing against his skin as her tongue danced from her lips but didn't touch him, "If you want to do 'everything'… I guess you want me to suck your dick?"

"YES." He hissed through his teeth grabbing her hair and tugging her face to it, her lips brushed in butterfly kisses against his shaft leaving purple lip prints before he tugged her to his tip. "Open your mouth." He breathed desperately, his cock throbbing as she opened wide.

"Ah-mMGH! MMNGH…" he pulled her deep, until he was in her mouth as her tongue danced and her throat massaged what it could. "MMGph! MMGnh! Blmgh!" he pumped his hips sloppily against her face as she buried his cock in her mouth over and over, gazing at him as her eyes watered.

"Suck it. Suck it… suck it like a whore! NNGh… feels so fucking good!" he gasped, drunk on lust as he pumped his virgin dick into her mouth, fucking her face wildly as she slurped and twisted her head in his grip.

"MGH! mMNGH! mMGH! MMN…" she adjusted quickly to his pace, squatting on the edge of the bed as she buried her head into his crotch. She was always pretty good at head, she wasn't Huntress but still…

"Ahh-aahh-aahh!!" he bucked against her face before shooting upright, holding her head and pulling her off. "Open your mouth." He gasped as she opened wide, smiling as she struck out her tongue, letting it rest under his bulging cock as he stroked himself. "You're so hot! I'm going to cum in your mouth…"

"Yeah?" she moaned, her tongue wagging. "You're going to cum in my mouth?


"Yeah, cum in my mouth… Ahhh…" the sound echoed off his tip as he sucked in air and roared like a pornstar.

"UGhhh! Aaagh yeah! Ugh!! Get it in your mouth!"

"Ahh…AHhh…" she moaned, feeling some on her cheek but most spraying on the roof of her mouth, pooling in her cheeks as she sloshed it with her tongue before scrapping his missed shot into her mouth, sucking it off her finger as he sighed, leaning back to watch her as she opened. "Ahh…" letting her tongue churn openly. "Should I swallow it?" she gargled as his cock twitched.

"Yeah. That's so hot…"

"MMnnh…" he grinned as she closed her mouth and gulped it down. "Ahh…" she smiled and winked at him with her tongue out before licking his limp length and giggling up at him.

"Haaa…" he sighed as she rested on his leg, waiting for him either to get hard or give her more orders. Clearly, he wanted to act out his porn fantasies, and it was her job to give him that if he wanted. "I want more…" he groaned with a laugh as she licked his length again, "MMng…" he rolled slightly, turning his laptop to him, then pressing play.

"Aah-Aah fuck me…" moaned the girl on the screen, some skinny blonde girl getting pounded in the ass in a full nelson grip… nobody from Superbabes at least... she's heard stories. "Fuck my dirty little asspipe!" she whined as she watched another man walk into frame. "Cock. More fucking Cock." she growled as he promptly stuffed his pornstar meat into her and she screamed orgasmically.

His cock twitched on her tongue as it throbbed to life, and he paused it on a shot of her from below, both men balls deep inside her as he grabbed Circe by the arms. "Get on top of me." He grinned as she crawled up, over his body… and shut the laptop. "Hey…"

"Why use porn when you have the real thing?" she grinned proudly as she felt his cock throb between her ass cheeks as she sat on his lap. "I thought you wanted to fuck me?" she said enticingly feeling his cock wiggle excitedly as he grinned grabbing her waspy waist. "Let's get that dick in me…" she cooed lifting herself with her legs as he pulled his length into her. "Ahh-yeah…" she wiggled her hips quickly, laughing as he began tugging and pawing at her waist as she began to bounce on his lap.

"Ah-ah-ha-haah I love this dick…" she moaned arousingly, feeling his cock bulge against her insides as he pumped his hips up into her. "Oh yeah! Fuck me!" clutching to her bouncing breasts as she panted erotically, moaning up a storm as her head rolled on her neck elaborately.

She had to admit she was having fun… not just because of the sex but the whole 'playing to the porn fantasy' thing. He seemed to be enjoying himself at least-


"Aaah!" she jolted back to reality as a hard sting throbbed on her ass cheek as he smacked it. "Haa-ey…" she hissed as he pumped wilder, harder.

"Faster. Go faster!" he groaned as he smacked her ass again.

"NNGh!" she clenched her teeth, leaning over and pressing her hands on either side of his head to brace herself, before dropping her tits onto his face and working her hips overtime, rapidly bouncing them up and down as she worked her lower body hard. Vixen would be proud at how hard she bounced that ass. "Come on, cum for me… ah-ah-ah-ahha…" she rolled her head on her neck, slapping her hips down on him as he moaned into her cleavage… she gasped as her body trembled, a tiny orgasm surged through her making her body spasm. "Haa-aah-ah?" she jumped slightly as he pushed her off him, his cock slipped free of her pussy. "What? Ugh… of course…" she sighed, chuckling under her breath as he pushed his cock up between her ass cheeks and started cumming.

"UUgh-uuhg…" he groaned, shaking as his cum spurted into the air as he stroked himself, she pouted, feeling his cum land on her ass cheeks, feeling his tip ooze onto them. He looked pretty happy with himself… then again he was face first between a great set of breasts and he just blew his load on her Mediterranean olive skin ass…

"You made such a mess…" she smiled playfully, but inwardly was a little annoyed. At least it wasn't her sheets he was staining… "My ass is all sticky now…" he however seemed more focused on her tits, pressing on the side of them and pushed them around his face. She gyrated and wiggled her body slowly as he slowly motorboated her breasts. His cock sticky and limp, wiggled eventually on her thigh, trying to get erect again.

"MMn-aah…" he finally pulled his face from her tits, "suck my dick some more…"

She rolled her teal eyes, but she wiggled off of him, before crawling around on the bed, making sure she showed off her sticky ass cheeks before lowering her head over his cock, letting her tongue dance on his shaft as it began to twitch up, then caught his tip between her lips. "Mmmgnh…"

"Ooho yes!" he hissed, brushing her hair out of her face as she winked at him. "Suck on it. Suck on it like a fucking whore…" he hissed eagerly. His hips bucking towards her face as she slid sloppily up and down, "You like it don't you?"

"MMn-hmmn…" she nodded on his dick, opening her mouth wide and letting her tongue slid out, flapping against his shaft as she drooled down his length. "MMng-ah…"

"Yeah. You're really good as sucking dick…" he groaned, holding her hair in his hand, guiding her faster up and down his cock as she spluttered and drooled. "You want that nut don't you?" he panted, writhing under her bobbing head as she moaned.

"MMN-hMMn…" her eyes twinkling prettily as she twisted her head sliding her lips up and down regardless of his tight grip in her purple hair.

"Tell me you want that fucking nut…" he groaned, his toes curling as she popped off his cock, licking his tip salaciously.

"I want your fucking nut…" she moaned with a cock-hardening purr. "MMgph…" then had her mouth stuffed with his dick again. "MMgn-hgmn-hgmn-hgmmn…" rapidly bobbing on his length as he released a happy roar of approval.

"Aaaaghh!!" he jerked her head off so quickly she felt like she got whiplash,

"AH!? Ahh…" she gasped at first but sighed as she closed her eyes and felt his cum on her cheeks, lips and nose. "Haaa…"

"UUugh take all my cum! Take it all on your pretty face!"

Her tongue salivated around his tip, moaning whorishly as she finally opened her eyes. Holding his limp dick as her tongue wiggled and danced on him, moaning sensually as he sighed, closing his eyes and relaxing to her ministrations.

His cock in both her hands and her face sprayed with cum she tentatively and tantalizingly licked, stroked, massaged and slurped his cock. Practically worshiping it as her tongue salivated longingly against his skin, she gazed at his relaxed face enticingly as she pressed her lips over and over his increasingly purple cock as her lipstick smeared on it…

So she was partly disappointed that he didn't get hard again despite her Grade A cock worshipping skills. Her sexy face, her pouty lips, her talented tongue… if he didn't get hard again with her head in his crotch that was HIS fault. Besides she was extra sticky so she was going to call it…

She let his meat flop from her hands and shot up onto her knees, pushing out her breasts. "Whooo…" she smiled, then eyed his still form. "…Are you dead?" she asked playfully, knowing he was still breathing… shit she hoped he was-yeah he's breathing. She sighed and slipped off the bed… she strutted silently through the house, turning on a few lights until she found a bathroom, removing her remaining accessories before stepping into a tub and pulling the flowery shower curtain closed.

She turned the cross-handle knobs as water poured from the faucet, then immediately popped the tap and regretted it as the shower hissed and sprayed cold water right into her face. "BUuuur!!" she shuddered slightly but toughed it out as she sprayed off the cum on her face…

As she was enjoying herself, she slipped into a habit that most people honestly had. Singing in the shower… "You make me feel so young. You make me feel so Spring has sprung. And every time I see you girl, I'm such a happy individual…" unfortunately that was all that was in her head so she hummed the rest of song, or what she thought was the song, tossing in a few. "Da-da-daaa make me feel so young…" before she felt content with her facial cleaning then turned to hose off her olive-skinned ass.

She brushed wet purple hair from her face and leaned over pushing her ass out as she pressed to the wall, and sighed slightly… before raising her right leg and pressing it to the inside wall… taking her fingers, and furiously finger fucking herself. She hadn't been expecting a love god or anything, but she was hoping for more than one tiny orgasm…

"Haa-ahh…" her pussy squelching erotically as she jammed her finger in over and over, then another, and another… her body shaking as she drooled arousal down her inner thigh, dripping into the water as the spray of the shower polished her ass. "Haa-haa-nngh…" clenching her teeth, her eyes rolling up into her head as her surprisingly flexible body contorted and clenched, her toes curling on the bottom of the tub and the wall. "Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuuuu-fft!" she hissed softly and pushed into her slit as the pitter-pattering of her squirt sprayed into the water. "Haaaaa…"

Her tongue lolled and dripped a rope of saliva, her eyes crossed and rolled into her head as she made a sexy as hell 'ahegao' face… then laughed to herself, shaking in pleasure as she pulled out her wet hand and flecked her labia lubrication down the inner plastic shower curtain as she continued to clean herself... Shame nobody was around to see that… they would have pinned her down and plowed her from that look.

Some handsome, bronzed-skinned Hercules, built like an Olympic athlete and with the mind of a Harvard scholar… or more likely a Gotham University graduate… she'd settle. She chuckled to herself as she turned off the water, and polished her body off with the towel. Sliding it like a belly dancer sash across her body as she snapped it accurately around the towel rod then promptly strutted back into the bedroom that smelled of cum and young man B.O.

She reapplied her accessories and grabbed her clothes, slipping them on easily and straightening them out as she picked up her underwear, spun it on her finger thoughtfully and smirked, stretching it on her finger and shooting it accurately at his face.

"Huh! What!?" he sat up with underwear across his eyes as he yanked them off. she winked at his shocked face.

"Time to pay for the delivery." She smiled.

"Wha? Has it been an hour already?" he blinked sleepily as he shook his leg.

"Yeah baby." she held out her hand palm up, "Now come on I got to go." She said as he shifted off the bed and cringed, glancing at the wet spot on his sheets as he hissed.

"Damn now I got to do laundry…" she chuckled to herself.

"Well somebody wanted to cum ALL over me…" she cooed as his cock, dangling between his legs, wiggled. "Leaves a bit of a mess." She added in a sensual whisper. Before lightly slapping/brushing her fingers across his cock, "Come on. Seriously." He eyed her for a second then waddled away from her before moving to his desk, pulling open a few drawers before retrieving a fistful of cash.

He shuffled some… then all of it in his hand as she smiled, taking the majority and slipping it into her boot, winking up at him and standing upright, "Alright then." She pinched his cheek and winked, "Order again." she added sweetly as he watched her ass walk out the door.

"My names spencer." He said as she reached the door, she waved playfully.

"Enjoy your meal Spencer." She replied before taking a breath and heading to her moped. "Nice kid for a porn addict." She noted with a chuckle to herself, putting her plush ass on the not-so-plush leather and buzzing back into Gotham.

Time: 10:14 PM. "Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Phoebe walked into the back of Superbabes rubbing her glorious greek glutes as she frowned. She was going to have to replace that moped seat pretty soon or it was going to flatten her bubbly backside flat. She lifted her leg, pulled the money from her boot and put it on the counter as Orders put down her magazine and began to sort it. "He didn't tie me up." She said smugly as Orders eyes flicked up from the money and shook her head.

"Seriously, keep being snarky and I'm loaning you to Daphne's BDSM club of her choosing, she knows some good ones…"

"I believe it." Phoebe replied stretching as a cheer rose from the floor. "What's going on?"

"Oh, nothing important…" Orders noted smirking as Phoebe poked her head through the doorway to find some middle-aged man with a gut and his arms bound behind his back, along with Grace, standing casually with her arms bound as well as the men on the floor cheered for him.

Most of the girls watched dismissively as Phoebe turned her head back to Orders as she casually pushed Phoebe's cut towards the far side of the counter. "I may have mentioned in passing that if anyone could escape their bindings before Grace could take her home for the night…" she said casually. "…Although I may have phrased it a little differently… also they have to pay an entrance fee.

The big gut man flopped onto the floor exhaustedly as Grace casually slipped free of her bindings and swirled the rope around her head, hooting as she shimmied and danced in victory. The crowd still got a show and there were a few more takers. "Clever you boss." She chuckled.

"I thought so… you're doing it next week."

"…Say what now?"

Orders gave her a rather devious look, her purple eyes flashing. "…Better practice…" she said with a knowing purr as Phoebe made a mental note to practice OFF hours with Grace. Orders was only sort of kidding. Again, it never hurt to learn a new skill and Grace's knot tying was once again coming into its own…

She rolled her purple eyes knowingly as Grace lecherously eyed a young man being peer-pressured into happily trying his luck. Which since the Superbabes knew better… might be exceptionally lucky in more ways than one tonight…

"…Take your break quickly…" Orders noted almost lazily as Phoebe, "Cause you're going to have to cover Grace when she 'loses."

"She's actually going to lose this time?" Phoebe asked, more than happy to work some more. Orders eyed Phoebe for a second, then shook her head. Phoebe's new: She'll tell her about Grace's appetites later…

Some of THOSE 'horror stories' were just as meme-worthy as Veronica's.


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