
Delivery Girl: Stargirl Order #4

I don't own DC

Orders held her head in her hand as what could only be described as 'Indescribable Rap' echoed out of Superbabes as cheering and whistling echoed out of the main floor into the lounge as Big Barda eyed her boss with a mixture of pity and amusement.

"Doing good boss?"

"I keep telling myself the money will be worth it." Orders hissed to herself as she rubbed her temples. "It'll be worth it. It'll be worth it…"

Superbabes had been reserved 20-25 rowdy guys, now enjoying a mellowed down collection of stripteasing/gogo dancing girls they get to touch for the right price. And the most bootylicious of Superbabes were entertaining…

Batgirl, (B) Vixen, Livewire, Stargirl, Catwoman (II), Hawkgirl, Green Lantern (II), Red Lantern, Batwoman, among others, were working the floor all at once and shaking their asses like they were in the music video for this very rap song known specifically for its gratuitous use of ass. Hawkgirl was up on one of the table and twerking her ass right in the face of a lucky dumbass as bills rained like a torrential storm.

"It'll be worth it. It'll be worth it…" Orders kept repeating, the steady drumbeat of ass shaking music echoing in her head over the lyrics, which were incomprehensible… the current featured rapper had a very strong accent. So strong that it was probably the accent of an accent…

The party was getting out of control.

Vixen was being ground between a pair of men and working it proper, gyrating her hips as Livewire, Stargirl and Green Lantern lined up against the wall and just let their ass cheeks wiggle and jiggle. Catwoman and Batwoman were actually trying to waitress with what few other girls were working the floor. Huntress and Volcanna for the record. But even their (comparative) lack of ass did not save their plump cheeks from clapping, pinching or the odd grope and jiggle.

But the men got away with it simply because they PAID enough to… but even Orders' greed had limits… granted that was JUST below a certain colored lantern… but limits she had. "NNNgh…" she groaned, closing her eyes as Big Barda did one thing that almost never happens…

She shut the door… wait there's a DOOR?!

"Haaa…" Orders sighed reluctantly but with significant relief; the beat deadened by the solid sliding door built into the doorframe between the floor and the lounge. She tapped the counter with her finger. "…Is it too late to say no to reserving my restaurant for this music convention?" she asked as Big Barda sighed.

"They've already paid the deposit and the girls are raking it in, what more do you want?" Big Barda smiled knowingly, "…If I didn't think you need someone to help keep you sane I'd be shaking my ass too." Orders sighed again, waving a hand towards the door.

"…Might as well. I need you focused on them in case they get rowdy… er." She added sourly. "Can't do your job if you can't see."

"Can't I just have you tell me who to beat up?" Big Barda smiled, "Hello? Clairvoyant?" she added as Orders groaned.

"It HURTS…" she noted sternly, "Go on."

The music burst suddenly into the lounge as the door slid open and Stargirl slipped in and shut it behind her, leaning her supple young body against the wall as she sighed in relief. "Sacrebleu…" she sighed exhaustedly, strutting from the door and removing several crisp bills from various spots on her body. Slapping them onto the counter in a messy but consistent pile. "It is getting pretty wild out there Orders…" Stargirl cooed in her melodious French accent.

"Did you hide the tequila from Hawkgirl like I told you?"

"Oh… Oui." She replied sweetly but still somewhat confused.

"Then it can't get worse." Orders noted practically as she eyed the collection of tips Stargirl and her store-bought breasts raked in. "We'll just have to deal with it for now at least they're not getting too rowdy and the girls seem to be enjoying themselves…"

"Still…" Stargirl mumbled, spying nervously through the doorway as Livewire twerked her big blue booty right in a man's face like a stripper. "…Are you sure you don't want to call Ronnie-Bell?"

"She's busy." Orders noted, "Don't worry I have a backup plan…"

"I hope it's not Ashley…" Big Barda noted hesitantly, "She's liable to wreck the place…"

"....I have other plans…" Orders mumbled, as her eyes flashed. "…I better make a call." She growled, rubbing her forehead as the steady beats only made the throbbing worse… and if it was possible her headache became more intolerable as her eyes flashed again. "NNNgh… ugh!" she stopped her hand inches from the phone, waited for a half-second, then picked it up as it rang.

Time: 9:23 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we deliver."

"Hello… hmmn… the White Rabbit Rissoto. Please."

"One white Rabbit Rissoto, anything else?"

"Yes… how shall I put this?... Delivered by your youngest delivery girl, Please."

"That's not usually how this works."

"I will pay double."

"Okay then. We expert her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged on completion of delivery. Name and address please."

Pendant ce temps... That's Meanwhile in French

Orders wrote on the receipt as Stargirl's blue eyes followed the piece of paper as Orders held it out to her. "They're paying you double, I hope you don't mind dirty old men…"

"Not really…" Stargirl replied, taking the receipt as Catwoman and Vixen wildly made out with plenty of thick ass groping for the viewing pleasure of 100 bucks to the cheers of the crowd drowning them out. "They always tipped the most when I danced on stage…" she added practically as Orders growled.

"Would you go pry them apart?!" she hissed as the noise reached a new crescendo of annoyance. "At least until my head stops throbbing?" she added in a hiss, retrieving her Batman doctor prescribed pain pills. She saved them for the really bad headaches.

"I got it…" Big Barda replied confidently approaching Catwoman and Vixen as Stargirl's food slid out.

"And you go… be sexy…" Orders mumbled, "I don't have anything clever to say right now, my head hurts."

"…Dirty old man?" Stargirl asked again as Orders rolled her purple eyes.

"Yes. Shouldn't give you too much trouble…" Orders rubbed her temples, "Have fun? Uuugh I hate just NOISE…" Stargirl grabbed the food and headed out, "I don't mind music I just hate NOISE…" Stargirl strutted towards the company car, sliding that ex-stripper booty into the drivers seat and checking the address before speeding off into Gotham.

Sometimes it comes down to either tips or deliveries and dealing with one dirty old man would probably be better than having her rear smacked over and over for chump change and stripper bills. Her derriar was clapped so hard and so often in that party she would not be surprised to find permanent handprints on it… good thing there was quite a lot of it…

And considering she was being paid double to be pawed over by a dirty old man it was probably worth it. She never got that kind of money entertaining older men back when she was a stripper, and she had to touch them just as much, if not now more intimately…

Gotham Heights never looked so inviting, especially since it was usually so ominous with its Victorian mansions and gargoyles sometimes private securities and the occasional depraved sexual families… but that might be just her experiences.

She drove deep into the heights towards the more luxurious establishments, where simple gates and hedge fences gave way to guardhouses. She pulled up next to one, the older man, mid-early forties but fit and dress in a private security uniform leaned over in his both. And after examining her masked face immediately dropped to her big, bulging, fake tits.

She ignored the drifting gaze as she often did and smiled prettily, prettily enough to melt the coldest of hearts as his stern looked softened. "Bonjour." She greeted sweetly, as he cleared his throat with a soft growl. "I have a delivery!"

He sniffed, "…You look like uh… Stargirl." He said, searching from the name. "…And you're speaking French?"

"Oui." She replied with a shrug, making her big tits jiggle subtly with the movement. "I get that all the time."

"…Weird." He noted, holding out a sign in sheet on a clipboard. "Alright. Sign right there, next to 'delivery'. She flourished 'Stargirl' quickly on the sheet. As directed by Orders: always sign as the moniker. He took it back, and the gate to the fence opened up, "Head right on in."

She smiled, then puttered right in up the driveway passing a couple other guards on a bored looking patrol path before parking right up front and getting out of the car. Abruptly catching their attention as all her noticeable bits jiggled and wobbled enticingly with each step up the steps until she reached the large manor doors to the equally large manor.

She eyed the large solid doors, raised her hand to it and knocked as HARD as she could. "Superbabes."

Time: 9:55 PM. Place: Gotham Heights (Large, fancy, guarded Manor)

"Special Delivery Service." She waited, glancing up at the door until eventually the door creaked open, then popped open revealing another middle-aged man dressed in a distinctly butler uniform.

"Miss. Please." He stepped aside, gesturing her inside as she walked right in. Smiling politely at him and viewing the works of art, vases, lush carpeting, and flooring. Standard rich household. "Follow me."

"Oui." She smiled, following the butler up the stairs.

With his back ramrod straight he practically marched up the stairs, "May I take your bag?" he asked as she reached the top with him, she handed him the bag of food which he promptly sniffed. "Fantastic." He replied, before leading her towards a nearby door and opening it. "After you. You are expected."

She blinked at him, but he wasn't exactly a 'dirty old man' so she knew she wasn't here for him. But she promptly entered through the doorway as he shut it behind her. She glanced around the large room and chuckled at the many… MANY… works of art depicting naked women… It was mostly tasteful nudity: however when there is quite a deal of it littering the walls it's not longer tasteful…

She briefly viewed the picture of a lounging black woman with a large 70's afro, before being distracted by another picture… of two women standing side by side with their large bountiful rears facing her… it was a blown-up, professional, photograph and she recognized those backsides as that of Red Lantern and (B) Vixen… but she chose not to think about it too hard.

"Bonjouur?" she cooed, glancing around at the large bed and… yes… it was indeed a massive waterbed. "I didn't know they still made these!" she giggled, glancing in a walk-in closet, finding nothing of relevance, and continuing to look around until finally she noticed the hum of water through old pipes and discovered the obvious bathroom. "Bonjour?" she repeated, opening the door to the elaborate bathroom. A large glass shower with inside seating, a polished marble sink, and finally a small pool-sized hot tub.

"MMn?" an old man relaxed in the large bubbling hot tub, he could have been late sixties… his head was bald but he still had hair on the side of his head. His skin was wrinkly, and his arms were thin, but he wasn't hideous or disgusting… just elderly. "Ah!" he grinned at her, and got up letting the water drip off. He was just a little taller than her, with thin arms and a round belly… and an above average sized cock dangling under it. "I forgot he ordered me a woman…" he climbed out of the tub, the tiled floor was covered with thick absorbent bath rugs. He dripped everywhere as he walked towards he naked. "Hello." He purred with a raspy voice.

"Bonjour." She repeated again, pushing her chest out as she held her hands behind her back and presented herself to him adorably. Gasping softly as he wasted no time in reaching out to feel her big tits as she moaned in a soft whisper.

"MMg!" he squeezed her tits through her top, "Nice work…" he admired, "Good. Firm… BIG…" he pulled his hand from her right tit before sliding it down her stomach and behind to grab her behind. "Ooooh that's natural…" he praised. "NICE… toned…" he licked his lips as he played with her roughly, but eagerly. His cock throbbing eagerly and slowly up. "YES… smooth skin, pretty hair, soft lips… I love pretty young whores like you…"

"Haa… ahh…" she panted erotically as his hand went from her ass to her stomach and slid down her front into her pants, "Ahh…" slipping beneath her underwear and feeling his boney but skilled fingers inside her.

"Give us a kiss…"

"Ah?" she barely had time to react before he was engulfing her mouth with his own and sloppily tongue her. "MMgh!? MMngh!" she rubbed at his leathery chest as he quickly slurped on her lips, like he never actually kissed a woman before…

A terrible kisser but great with his hands apparently. Her body hit the wall between a pair of waist level towel rods bolted securely to the wall. Apparently to function as handrails. Her hands lashed to them, as she jerked and shuddered feeling his prodding fingers inside her. They barely moved as she tugged on them.

"Open your mouth." He snarled hungrily as she opened to let him have more, his tongue slovenly roaming in her mouth.

"Ah! MMgh!! mnNaaah…" he devoured her spit but his seemed to flick and ooze all over her face, drooling from her mouth onto her protruding tits rubbing against his chest.

"MMGH-maanh-aah!" he pulled away, stroking himself with his pussy fingering hand as he swatted her big tits.

"Ooh!" she gasped at the suddenly slap.

"Strip." He declared, "Take your clothes off…" he stroked himself eagerly as she hooked her fingers under her shirt, and off it came freeing her huge wobbling breasts. "YES." He grinned as her firm fake tits stood erect before him as she bent over, hands on her pants and pushing them down…

Mask, thong, and boots. She stood before him trapped between the sturdy handrails/towel rods.

"MMgh!" her mouth was covered again as his tongue slammed into her mouth, "MMGh-mwah! Ooh…" she cooed as he pulled away, roughly turning her body as he held her neck with one hand and-SMACK! "OH!" she jumped as his hand swatted loudly on her ass. "Ooh… OUI…" she cooed, SMACK! "Ooh!"

He licked her cheek firmly and slowly, leaving a trail of saliva on her skin as he squeezed her ass cheek. He didn't 'HIT' her ass, like many men did when they spanked her. He 'swatted' her ass, making a lot of noise and movement… it was all in the technique and he was VERY good with technique… surprisingly so.

"Fine young whore like you…" SWAT "You like it don't you?" SWAT!

"O-Oui…" she moaned as his hand started tugging her underwear. "D-Don't tear them…" she whined as he pulled then down and SWAT! "Ooh!" before jerking them down to her thighs.

"Take them off…" he growled, his cock rubbing against her thigh. "Yes. Slowly…"

She put a hand on the towel rod for balance, and one handed she took off her underwear, slipping off one leg then the other as his hand swatted her jiggling ass and he grabbed her hips. "Ah! Oooh…" she was guided around, feeling his cock between her ass cheeks before she was shoved forward, "Ha!"

Her hands hooked on the towel rod, gripping it tight as she presented her ass out to him and wiggling her rear left and right. His cock rested between her writhing ass cheeks as they rubbed him, pointing his dick left and right as they swayed and his cock throbbed. SWAT!

"MMNh!" he slapped her ass before gripping her thin waist. "Aah!!" she gasped as she took his 8 inches of rock hard old man dick balls deep in one thrust.

"MMMN that's good whore…" he laughed, head rolling back as he caressed her sides. "Come on slut, I'm an old man." SWAT!

"Ah!" she trembled erotically, but frowned. He was smacking her ass more than a room full of drunken partiers… SWAT! "Ah!"

"Come on! Move that ass… making an old man do all the work…" he teased as she began to bounce back and forth, pulling herself forward with the bar and slamming back against him. "Yes… ah… yes…" he held her but he let her work her own pace, rocking back and forth steadily as she moaned under her breath, head hanging between her arms as her fake tits swayed almost hitting her chin.

"MMN! That's a good girl…" he praised as she moaned louder on instinct… "MMmn… just like that…" he growled before-SMACK!

"Uh!" her head jumped up as he ground his hips against her.

"If I smack your ass… go faster…" he ordered them, SMACK!

"Ah!" she rammed back against him, "Ah-ah-ah-ah!" chanting her increased speed with gasping breaths as he pumped towards her. "Ugh! AH!" his cock hitting her just right. Her body shaking erotically as he clenched his teeth.

"NNgh… tight! Getting tight little girl!" he pushed forward as she gasps got louder and louder matching his thrusts. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

"Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! OOH! OUI!!" speeding up as fast as she could before her head jerked back and she hissed in pain as he yanked her silky blond hair HARD. "Aaaagh!!" her hands lost their grip on the rod as his other hand gripped her neck tightly and yanked her with surprising strength upright. "Ugh! Ahh!" she climaxed hard on his cock, her body shaking as he held her up by her hair and neck, feeling her insides cling to him.

"Uugh-uhgh-aaahhh…" she gasped, tongue lolling out as she rode her orgasm, SMACK! "NGh!" he let go of her neck to smack her ass and suddenly she was tossed forward off his cock with a wet squelch… she dropped to her knees, hands hooking just in time on the rod to stop herself from falling forward and banging her pretty masked head on it.

"In my experience not a lot of whores get off like that…" he grinned, stroking himself before he grabbed her hair and yanked her back to her feet.

"NNGh! Nnmmn…" she felt his cock push against her slit. "Nngh-mmn!" she trembled as she held the bar tightly. "…I am…" she shuddered then smiled prettily. "…Special."

"MMMn-aahhh…" he licked her face degradingly as she smiled. "Ahh… that a girl.


"Ahh…" she began moving again as he groaned.

"Make me cum… make me cum with this fat whore ass…" SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! His hand ryhtmically raining blows on her until he stopped, his hand shaking… then the rest of him. "Ugh! Ughh!" he shoved her forward, "UGH!!"

Standing at a 90-degree angle, her legs spread and red ass cheeks shaking she twerked and subtly wiggled her ass behind her as he aimed his cock… and coated her cheeks. "Mmmn…" she moaned softly, taking the money shot as he roared his release. Stroking himself wildly as he sprayed most of it between her ass or on her right cheek.

"Haaa…" SWAT! He clapped a hand on her left cheek as it jiggled and she kept it going, subtly wiggling left and right as her ass cheeks wobbled. "That felt good." He declared, grabbing her hair and yanking her abruptly upright.

"NGH!" her tits were groped with his other hand as he sloppily kissed her again.

"Mmngh-aah…" he pushed her towards the still bubbling hot tub. "Get in… let's get you ready for more…" she reached the sides and promptly removed her boots before lifting in one leg and the other as he stood on the outside, stroking his limp dick as he watched her slowly sink to her knees, her big tits floating on the surface as he too got into the tub, and stood in front of her, cock perfectly leveled for sucking…

She opened her mouth and he unceremoniously pushed the tip of his flaccid length between her soft suckling lips. "Mmmngh…" she gazed up at him with his hand on her head. "MMgh… mmngh… mmn-hmmn…" this time she went at is pace as he took her hair in hand and guided her up and down, slowly thrusting his hips to meet her face as she kissed the base of his cock, her nose burying into his oddly scented pubes, but that might be the tub itself…

"AH… ahh…" he held her face into his crotch as she kept eye contact, her blue eyes wide as he adjusted himself. Stepping forward and squeezing her huge tits between his legs before he rapidly jerked her head back and forth.

"MMG! MMNhg! MMGh! MMGNh!! MMgng-aah!" Cock slapped against her face as he popped her off and let her rest against his balls, her tongue slobbering over the wrinkly dangling sack as he ground against her face.

"Ahh…" he sighed, feeling her tentative testicular talents as he rolled his head back on his neck, petting her head. "When I fucked my grandson's gold digger girlfriend… she couldn't suck cock nearly as well as you…" he praised.

She just smiled, that's honestly all Superbabes were supposed to do when they hear wild shit like that. "Ooh!" she gasped as he lifted her up, water cascading down her body before she was thrown over the side of the tub. "AH!" well, half of her, her tits hug over as her stomach lied on the rim.

"Course…" he said, grabbing her hair again and yanking her head painfully back as she clenched her teeth and took it. "I was a little rough with her…

"Aaah! OUI!!!" she squealed arousingly as he slapped his hips against her ass, thrusting wildly into her tight soaked pussy as he panted.

"Ugh! Ugh ah… this slit is too good! To pass up!" he growled, "NGh!!" her thick thighs hit the wet insides of the tub as her tits slapped against the dry outsides, bucking back and forth as he plunged into her.

"Ahh!!! Ahh! Ahh… OUI!! You are so ROUGH!" she whined, half-desperate to get him off so he'd stop yanking her hair and half-self-indulgent hoping to get off just one more- "OUUUUI!!" she clawed the tub as she came… good for her.

"Aaagh!!" he suddenly went as silent as he was balls deep his cum bursting inside her as she shuddered. "…Haaa…" he released a heavy sigh, shaking against her tight taut body as he sprayed into her young womb… SWAT. SWAT. His hand desperate for something to do as he emptied his balls swatted her ass cheeks to no response as her head dangled from her hair and her body went limp.

"Haaaa…" she gasped as he pulled out abruptly, his cock dangling and dripping as her pussy oozed his cum, it blended into the bubbles of the churning waters.

"Haa-haa…" he rubbed her ass cheek before grabbing her arm, "I LOVE fucking you…" he hissed, "You're like a literal Barbie doll!"

"Ahh…" she moaned as he groped her tits from behind… left her wet leg out before they got out of the tub together. He pushed her along, they didn't even bother to dry off as she was guided out and towards the waterbed.

He crawled awkwardly on the bed before flopping onto his back, holding his cock and gazing at her as she soon crawled after him, the bed shifting beneath her with her weight as she dropped between his spread legs licking him sensually. He put his hand on her head, stroking himself slowly as her tongue danced down his wrinkly meat to his sack once more. Slurping his nuts into her mouth as her ass was raised in the air, "MMgh…"

"Ugh… Ugh get on it!" he hissed, as she popped off.

"Pardon?" she asked sweetly.

"Get on it!" he moaned…

"…Do you want me to suck it?" she asked someone what confused. 'Get on it' could mean more head or-

"SIT ON MY COCK." he said clearly as she crawled over him, her tits catching his dick between them before she sat up on his lap. Her breasts wobbling as she raised her hips up, and dropped that pussy on it like the beat back at the restaurant.

"Oh! Mon! DIEU!" she cooed, slapping her hips down on his lap as he groaned. The waterbed wobbling and churning like ocean waves, seemingly pushing him up to meet her dropping hips as she gyrated and wiggled, hands on the back of her head as her big fake breasts bounced tantalizingly up and down. "Oooh-ooh-oooh-OUI!" he grabbed her hips, yanking her down as the 'waves' of the bed increased. "Ahh-Aah! D-Don't hurt yourself!" she half-teased him… only making him harder.

"Come on girlie break a hip!" he replied, "Ahh! Agh! Fuck come on!!"

He would not be the first dirty old man she injured unintentionally…

She bit her lips, pressed her hands on his chest and wormed hard against him, mouth opening as she released the mating call of the slutty ex-stripper. "Ahhahaaa-aagh! MMMNGH!!!"

Her body slammed down and the orgasm spasmed through her, only for her to fall back. "Ah!" there was a wet smack as she hit the bed, sending out a waving ripple from her body as he sat up, and fell foreward, "UGH!!"

He jacked hammered into her, "Ah-aha-ha-aah-aaggh!! I want! To! cum! In! YOOOU!!!"

He froze, hips planted in her shaking, squeezing pussy as she milked him dry. He himself up in his struggles to get deeper as he sprayed his load into her once more. Her legs stretched out and curled on the sheets as he gasped for breath and fell forward, "Aah…arrrgh…" she cooed softly, letting him use her big tits as firm pillows as she breathed heavily, his head rising up and down with them as he twitched jerkily.

"…I haven't cum that hard since I fucked those schoolgirl strippers…"

…Schoolgirls who were strippers or Strippers dressed as schoolgirls? A question she really didn't want an answer too but as long as he was satisfied, she was content. Oh and she get paid, but customer satisfaction was very important…

He shuddered faintly, opening his mouth to suckle on her tits as she cooed, rubbing his bald head as he stayed almost perfectly still. "Want more?" she purred in her exotic accent as she felt a little wiggle.

"Y-Yes…" he hissed painfully, but she blinked…

"Are you alright?" she asked kindly.

"…I might have… thrown out my back…" he whimpered, sucking hard on her tits to distract himself. "NGh! D-don't move…"

"B-But You can't just suck on my tétons all night!" she gasped, "And you need a doctor!"

"I just need my butler…" he grumbled. "D-Don't move…" he repeated as she tried to.

"We need to GET him!" she repeated. "Merde… okay." She held him tightly. "…Hold on.

"Mgh!? Wait wait! MMMMNGH!!" she rolled him onto his back as he clenched up, his lips around her tit and muffled by plump its weight. "MMgh-AAAHG!" he cried out as she flexibly flipped forward, off his body with gymnastic grace. Dripping fluids as she dashed to the door and cried out for help.

It was barely three minutes before the butler, calm as could be and casually eating the risotto, sighed as he made his entrance. He put the bowl and utensils down, approaching the old man. "Sir. Hold still."

"MMgh-hmmn…" he whimpered as the butler put his hands on him. Crack. Pop. "Haaaaaa…" he sighed on the bed as the butler/chiropractor dusted his gloved hands. "Get… get that girl back here I want more." He replied.

"Terribly sorry sir, but I believe you are out of time." He said poshly tapping his watch. "Ms. May I ask you to collect your things?" he asked professionally as he helped the old man but he was cranky.

"I don't need help!"

"You threw out your back sir, it's time to rest. I'll fetch you a maid in the morning…"

"…The one who used to be a pornstar?"

"Of course sir."

Stargirl, about two paydays away from asking Orders to take Gotham Heights off her delivery options (she didn't know if that was a thing. But it wouldn't hurt to ask) went back into the majestic bathroom and after a quick hop into the shower, she dried off and retrieved her clothes.

She had just hopped into her boots while heading out the door when she bumped into the butler. "Ah!" she yelped in surprised… he had moved so quietly and quietly it was startling. He smiled, held a gloved finger to his lips, then used that same finger to get her to follow him.

The old man snored loudly as he shut the bedroom door behind him. "Excellent work. He sleeps like a baby after a damn good shag." He sniffed, "Follow me…" he lead her across the hall towards a door with a keylock. "Ah… face away from me for a moment would you?" she turned around almost reflexively. "…Nice." He said softly, as she grinned. He punched in the four-digit code and the door popped open with a heavy screech. The hinges needed to be oiled. He stepped right in, and after a moment. "Do you accept gold?"

"…Pardon?!" she jumped in surprised

"Nobody accepts gold." He sighed, walking out with a stack of bills. "Here you are. Thank you for your service. The risotto was delicious." He added. "Ah. That risotto. "I'll trust you to see yourself out." He said, hurrying quickly back to the bedroom after he shut the 'vault' door.

"Order again!" she shouted quickly, before running her fingers over the stack and whistling sharply to herself as she skipped down the stairs and back outside to the car as all the guards watched her eagerly and sighed reluctantly as she drove back to the front gate.

"Alright. Sign here." The gate guard replied as she signed the sheet again. "Took you awhile to deliver…" he said suspiciously as she smiled.

"We also entertain!" she said quickly.

"Oh yeah?" he asked, leaning against the guard post. "…You do parties? The firm I work for is looking for a good place."

"Just call Superbabes and make arrangements." She said kindly as he opened the gate. "Au revoir!" she replied, driving out. Secretly hoping that they'd call, Orders always liked it when the girls brought in business.

He watched her drive away and chuckled to himself and was already imagining her big, fake tits… "Girl is hot as hell but it's so WEIRD to hear that French accent with that costume…"

Time: 11:04 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

While Brielle was hoping for future in restaurant parties (all the fun stuff without getting naked) Orders was trying desperately to get rid of the one they still had. "NNGh…" she growled to herself as Rebecca stood by inside the restaurant, getting a bicep felt up by an Amazonian-loving rapper. Brielle walked inside and slapped the stack on the table as Orders eyed it greedily but took a breath. "UUuugh…"

"…Orders are you alright?" she asked kindly

"I'm getting increasingly irritated…" she reached for her phone and her eyes flickered. "Finally." She hissed as the roar of a powerful car engine reved into the parking lot. She got to her feet as a looming presence casually slipped through the back door Brielle blinked at him, a little awed.

Orders marched through the main door with a pleasant grin on her face and right to the jukebox/karaoke machine currently being used by Lori to sing some 90's pop song while a roadie playfully dry humped her thick blue leg.

The looming presence, the powerfully built and incredibly dangerous Superbabes Chef of The Martha's Heart cruise liner stood beside Orders as the rowdy boys and playful girls paused. Well, most of them.

"Gentlemen! May I have you atten-VIXEN ENOUGH!" Orders growled as Tasha was 'Mid-twerk'. Bent over with her hands on her ankles, her ass cheeks seemingly froze perfectly around a lucky man's face as he blinked at Orders attentively between them. "Ahem." The purple-eyed Orders smiled and gestured to the towering muscular man beside her. "Now. Gentlemen. THIS is Luke Ryback." She gestured to the towering and imposing Luke who greeted them all with a-


"Mr. Ryback was kind enough to volunteer and assist me in telling you all that your reservation has, as of right now, run out. Now. You can keep partying, just not here… and NO-" she turned to one who had opened his mouth, "You can NOT take Hawkgirl with you!" Rosa blew the rather lovestruck rapper a kiss before waving teasingly and heading into the lounge. "Now. Please pay your tab, and promptly exit in an orderly fashioned out the front… if you have any problems with that you may take it up with Mr. Ryback."

Luke promptly and LOUDLY cracked his knuckles.

There were no issues.

Eventually, Orders sat at her counter as Brielle watched the towering Luke walk out the back door with a "HMPH" and the roar of a sportscar.

She sighed contentedly, "Ahhhhh…" she sighed in relief. "SILENCE…" she took a breath. "Okay." She then sorted the money, significantly clearer in the head. "How was your delivery?"

"Fine." Brielle replied as the girls marched in an orderly fashion into the locker rooms. They need to clean up the restaurant. Wash off the musk and sweat, store their tips. It was a GOOD haul.

"Hey?! Where'd did everybody go?!" replied a man shimmying out of the bathroom and struggling with his pants.

"Take care of that…" Orders glared at Rebecca.

"Yeah yeah…" she replied sheepishly, "…I told you I'd be shaking my ass…" she added reluctantly before turning back onto the floor.

"Orders." Brielle noted tentatively, "…How would you feel about another party?" she asked as Orders' eyes flickered. "Because there was a security guard who said-"

"Give it a week or so…" she replied, very over the throbbing noise headaches for now. She needed time to recover. "You take your break. And the REST of you…" she turned sternly to the collective girls waiting to shower. "Mops. Brooms. Rags. And somebody plug that jukebox back in, I liked that song Lori was singing. I want us taking in walk-ins in thirty minutes or less!" she added, "And Vixen." Tasha stopped, "You're cleaning up Veronica's stall don't think I don't know what you did in there…"

Tasha sighed, licked her lips and shrugged. "…Can't blame a girl…" she winked at a grinning Brielle, "…They paid me double…"


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