
Delivery Girl: Catwoman II Order #2

I don't own DC


Catwoman's (II) big shapely backside sat on the edge of the table, she crossed her legs and held up her notepad. Smiling beautifully as she felt the gazes of her table's occupants on her majestic leather-wrapped booty, she listed off their order. "So that's two sets of Hawkgirl Hotwings, One Supergirl sandwich, One Starfire Stir-fry and one Catwoman meal for the handsome fellow who wants to get on my good side." She winked playfully at the young fella who grinned up at her face after a good minute of staring at her ass… coincidently one of her MANY 'good sides'. He giggled in a lovestruck idiot sort of way. "Purr-fect" she added rolling her r's. "I'll be right back with your drinks."

She smiled prettily and slipped off the edge of the table, slowly, letting her big, beautiful ass cheeks mold against the sturdy wood before she pushed away and strutted sexily towards the kitchen counter to drop off the order and went to retrieve their drinks.

"Hey." Stargirl tapped Catwoman on the shoulder, she turned to give the beautiful blonde bombshell bimbo her attention as she topped off an ice-cold glass of Dr. Popper. "Orders wants to see you." She said.

"Alright. Cover for me?"

"Oui." Smiled the pretty teen beautifully as she took the platter of drinks and went to cover Catwoman's tables as she strutted into the lounge.

"Yes, boss?"

"How do you feel about porn fans?" asked Orders thoughtfully as Catwoman shrugged.

"Mine? Most are surprisingly polite when I've met them at the Adult Video Conventions." She noted, "I've only been asked for quickies like 10% of the time, and half of that was them joking." She frowned thoughtfully, "…Pretty handsy though, why?"

"There's one in the restaurant." Orders noted as Catwoman smiled.

"Oh? Do you want me to give him some purr-fect service?"

Orders eyed her sourly as Giganta giggled by her place at the counter. "…I'm thinking about it. With Huntress and White Rabbit, I don't have to worry because they're wearing a mask, and most are looking at their tits. And Ice doesn't have that problem because generally most are distracted by both her AND Fire. You on the other hand are just exposed…"

Catwoman glanced down at her half-open catsuit and smiled, her big brown breasts threatening to push it open. "Not that exposed."

"Not the point."

"Wouldn't him recognizing me drum up business?"

"Not business I'd want." Orders noted as Catwoman looked confused Orders clarified. "HERE it's a skin restaurant. I don't need him preaching the word of 'Bonnie Brownie' when you're supposed to be Catwoman. If they're coming here for pornstars then they're coming for the wrong reasons…" she then rubbed her eyes, holding up her hand to stop Catwoman for making the obvious joke. "I heard it. Just don't. What I mean is, I want them coming here for the food and the girls. Not just the girls. I don't need people outside taking candid pictures of you and not paying for it..."

"Well… he might NOT recognize me."

"I've seen three scenarios where he does." Orders mumbled, "It's rather unpleasant."

"So what do you want me to do? Just hang out back here until he leaves? That doesn't seem fair." She put a hand sassily on her hip in protest. "I want to work too."

"I just wanted your opinion on your more obsessive fans, most are fairly polite enough to keep their mouths shut if they meet a pornstar on the street." Her purple eyes flashed, "Besides He'll be gone by the time you get back."

"What- oh right…" Catwoman replied as Orders reached for the phone, "What are the odds?"

Time: 7:43 PM. Place. Gotham (Superbabes)

*Ring! Ring!* click.

"Hello. Superbabes. We Deliver."

"…I'd like to order the huurgh! come on!… Damn ahem, Catwoman meal for delivery."

"…That's extra crispy chicken legs, an extra crispy flank of fried fish, and a basket of seasoned fries."


"Anything else?"

"Delivered by Catwoman. Please."

"Very well, we expect her back in 60 minutes or less or the police will be called. Please give me your name and address."


Orders hung up the phone and wrote on the receipt before tearing it off and handing it to Catwoman as she checked it. "Always check the rope." She noted as Catwoman looked up at her. "…Just sage advice." She added.

"Okay but what about the guy?"

"With any luck, he won't come back when you're around." Orders shrugged, "and if he ever gets clingy, we will do what we always do with clingy clients."

Catwoman smiled, "And that is?" the food slid out as GIganta ominously punched her fist into her hand, and ominously cracked her knuckles. "…Ah." She noted practically, "…Wish I had you around for my last convention Big Girl." She declared, sashaying that big, beautiful booty out the back. "You can be very purr-suasive"

"Ugh…" Orders sighed as she made her way to the company car, slipping right in before tearing off into the night.

The commercial section of the Gotham docks didn't have as many boats tonight, she parked the car in the nearby lot and checked the receipt for the 'address' which was really a pier number and a boat. But it was at least easy to spot. Berth number 3 – The Fisher King.

As ominous rain clouds loomed out at sea, she strutted down the wooden pier, glancing over the various boats until she found the third one. All the way at the end of it was a lone little boat. It looked like a modified fishing boat but smaller and with a wide cabin, but she walked down towards it. The Fisher King painted on the hull, it looked worn and chipped, On the stern of the ship were a pair of fairly expensive-looking fishing rods, with bells attached to them for some odd reason. They were secured in some sort of slot, their lures bobbing in the water…

She found the mooring line and the thick rope, and oddly enough she gave it a few kicks. Since nothing happened, she assumed that meant it was secure. She supposed it would be embarrassing to find herself halfway out to sea after her delivery. She glanced around for a sign of anyway, only noticing a small light from the cabin door porthole window. She stepped onto the boat, it wobbled from her sudden weight as she approached the cabin door and knocked loudly.


Time: 7:56 PM. Place Gotham Docks (The Fisher King)

"Special Delivery Service." She put a hand on her hip and smiled as the boat bobbed in the water, she heard the hull echoing as whoever was inside the cabin climbed some stairs and reached the door popping it open.

He was a big boy, but more in the gut than the body itself, he had a scruffy beard like he shaves it poorly when he remembers to. He was late forties, early fifties, with blonde hair and grey in his beard. He wore a flannel buttoned-up shirt like a lumberjack but swim shorts like he was prepared for a dive into the waters. "Come on in." he said, he had a hint of a Louisiana accent, but she certainly didn't know which one, plus it wasn't very strong.

She entered the boat cabin, at the far end was the helm a small private table, and kitchen. However, to her immediate right was a seat of steps leading beneath it. He took the food from her and put it down on the small table before gently moving her aside towards the steps. "Head on downstairs and get comfy…" he grinned, "I need to check my rods-oh…" he moaned as her hand gripped his cock through his shorts, he was a decent size.

"…I can do that for you…" she purred sensually, licking her lips as he groaned eagerly.

"I meant my ACTUAL rods… I'll be quick."

"I hope not too quick…" she cooed, letting go of his twitching cock and heading downstairs. Her big ass bouncing beautifully as she skipped down the steps.

It was a quiet little cabin, in the hull of the vessel, apparently it was much bigger on the inside. There was a small little bed, big enough for one, a tiny TV mounted to the ceiling in the corner, and a tiny door by the stairs, probably the bathroom. She briefly wondered if this place had a shower when she heard the brief tinkling of bells, then the echo of his footsteps above her.

She turned sultrily towards the steps, putting a hand on her zipper and smiling as it went lower and lower with each of his steps down the stairs. "Hey sailor…" she purred sultrily as he grinned at her, gazing at her smooth brown body as he flicked on the lights of his little cabin. "Feline lonely?" she cooed approaching him and pressing her big breasts to his buttoned flannel. She licked her lips and purred as his hands explored her waist. "MMmn… pet the kitty…" she cooed as his hands went lower, feeling her big supple ass cheeks.

"It's been a LONG voyage from Louisiana." He grinned.

"MMMn!" she purred, wiggling her booty-ful ass in his hands as she began to unbutton his flannel shirt.

"And I'm told Gotham has the best… company." He said as she pulled his shirt open, he wasn't the fittest guy in the world, but he might have been the hairiest, hairy chest and belly. It tickled her expose skin as she ground her sexy lithe frame against him. "And I wanted some before I keep heading north… I've been waiting over a week for this…"

"MMmn…" he pressed his lips to hers as she opened her mouth, "Mmngh…mmmn…" wrestling his tongue as she rubbed his exposed chest, feeling his throbbing length against her leather-covered crotch through his trunks, his hands squeezing into her ass as she purred. She pulled away smiling, licking his lips playfully before turning him around and pushing him towards the bed until he sat down.

"You can wait a little more…" she purred, sliding the zipper down completely, exposing her lacy black underwear. "This kitty is worth it…" she added, slapping her crotch playfully to emphasize which 'kitty' she was taking about. Before she slid her hands up and down her body, squeezing her breasts as her hips began to twist left, and right. Her hands sliding to her highs as she rocked her hips back and forth, bending her knees up and down as she clawed at her thighs, moaning erotically…

Her hands slid back up her body as her bellydancing display kept his full attention, his hand squeezing his hardening cock as she gyrated, twirled, popped her hips so hard her suit threatened to fly off. Her hands raised above her kitty-dressed head, twisting and flicking as she displayed her skills… then down her hands went to the insides of her suit and BOOM.

She yanked her suit open, her big beautiful breasts wobbling freely as she continued to twist her hips. His eyes following her tits as they jiggled subtly. She twirled on one foot, keeping the other raised in the air as she twisted on it, her ass shaking as the suit fell off her shoulders, resting around her waist before her other foot slammed down, then VOOMP… she presented that big brown ass to him as she wiggled it expertly, slipping subtly out of the suit as her pawsome ass cheeks clapped around her thong. And they kept clapping as she stood back up, seemingly rocking with the motion of the ocean as they bounced up, down, and around. Her hands slammed onto her ass cheeks like a thunderbolt, which was coincidental to the rain now pitter-pattering around the ship.

She pulled her long silky black hair over her shoulder, exposing her smooth back to him as she smiled at him. Her ass still dancing as he looked absolutely frustrated, squeezing his throbbing length through his shorts as she giggled sweetly. "…Alright, you've been furry patient with your kitty…" she purred. "…Come get me." She smacked her ass rapidly with her hands, bouncing it up and down as he got to his feet.

His pants hit the floor seconds before his hands cupped her big soft tits from behind, she purred as his beard tickled her shoulders, "Ha-ha!" she giggled writhing in his hands as she felt his big hard cock grinding against her ass cheeks. His hand sliding down to her panties, slipping beneath them and finger her wet pussy as she purred, licking her lips.

"I don't know which of us that slutty dance of yours excited more! You're so wet!" he hissed in her ear as she shuddered, shaking her hips as his fingers spread her gently.

"Meow…" she purred, "This kitty likes to be petted…" she licked his cheek. "She also likes lots of thick, warm, cream…" his cock throbbed with those words. She twirled around, feeling his cock trace pre-cum on her thigh as she pressed it to her stomach, and pushed him back onto the bed. "Kitty wants cream."

She bent over, her lips brushing the tip of his modestly sized cock. "Mmn…" her tongue slipped out, flicking on his tip as he fell back against the wall of the ship. Shaking in pleasure as his cock trembled excitedly. "It's so yummy." She mewed, holding it at the base as her tongue flicked rapidly at the tip. Over and over in the same spot, licking it like a popsicle before she slid her lips rapidly up and down the side of his shaft, "Mmgh-mmmn-aaahhh…" Bent at the waist her big brown ass wobbled enticingly behind her, her ass cheeks bouncing around her thong as she pressed her lips to his tip and slurped out his pre-cum. Letting it drool down his length as her tongue slipped around and around his glans.

"Haaa-mmn…" she wrapped her lips around his tip, brushing her dark hair out of her face as she winked at him with a pretty dark brown eye. Her left hand wrapped around the base of his cock, and her left slipped down her body and right into her panties, thoroughly fingering herself as arousal dribbled around her fingers and soaked into her underwear before dripping down her thicc thigh.

She slid halfway down his length, slowly as he shuddered. Mouth open wide he moaned quietly as she kissed her fist, then slid up and down… moving faster and faster, noisily sucking and slurping. "Mmgh! MMngh!! SLURP!! MMmngh… mMMngh…"

"Ahh… ah-it's cumming… don't waste it. Swallow every drop…" he sighed as his cock bulged in her hand and between her lips.

"MMmgh!" she let go of his cock and caressed his sack, holding halfway down his length as cum spurted quickly into her mouth in one solid burst. "Mmgh…" she hummed as he quickly emptied his load.

"Haa-aaaaaah…" he side, a final droplet oozing onto her tongue as his wad quickly vanished down her throat as she gulped. Then she took his entire length inside. He slipped into her throat as she sucked out a little more of his sea salty jizz. Licking it out of him with her tongue before sliding back to his tip…

"MMmn!!" she moaned delectably, her tongue swirling over his dribbling tip as she licked it clean then let him slide out of her mouth. She pressed her nose to his shaft and loudly inhale. "SNIFF! MMn… smells like good dick…" she flicked her tongue on his shaft before standing up… her hand still fingering her dripping pussy as she pulled out her hand… She slipped her thumbs into the sides of her underwear and slipped it down her thicc thighs, letting it hit the floor and displaying her fantastic milk chocolate body.

"Woo!" she suddenly clapped and began to jiggle her chest, shaking it quickly left and right as she slowly sambaed in place, turning until her big shapely ass faced him before bending forward, sliding her hands up her thighs to clap loudly on her big booty. SMACK! "Oooh!" and shut upright again. Grinning proudly as his cock twitched back to life. She pushed her ass against it, wiggling her rear left and right on it purring excitedly. "Who loves kitty?" she giggled as his hands began exploring her body again. "Now you just stay right there and let me feline you up a little… Oh!!"

His firm, calloused hands cupped her big tits and he was on his feet, pushing her to the opposite wall as she laughed. He turned her around, pressing her to the hull as the ship rocked at the sudden movement a soft 'bump' of it hitting the pier echoing around them. He spread her legs with his own and pressed his throbbing member to her warm, silky kitten maker. She gasped erotically, mewling as he took her wrists and pinned them to the hull above her kitty hooded head.

"No more teasing." He groaned as he pushed slowly into her body.

"Meeeow!" she cried erotically as his cock trembled in her silky folds. Her toes clawing the floor behind him as her body went limp on his cock, "Haa-aaah rooowl…" she purred gazing sensually at him as her hips wiggled.

"I'm going to pound you like I've been at sea for a year instead of just a week…" he groaned but shivered in excitement as his cock bulged eagerly for him to start moving.

"…I'm so fur-tunate…" she licked her lips, "…But purr-haps… you want to just start FUCKING me?" she growled. "Ah!! AHH!!" The boat rocked as he RAMMED his hips against her, thump thump. Her body slamming against the hull as it scrapped and bumped against the pier. "Oh shit! Oh! SHIT!" she gasped, her breasts jumping up and down on her chest as he pounded her against the wall.

"Ugh!! Ugh you are amazing!" he grunted as she trembled excitedly.

"Uughooooh!!" she writhed against the wall as his slapping hips echoed around the room. Her legs stretching out behind him as her toes curled, clawing at the floor like it was a scratching post, her hands twisting in his calloused hands as she clung to his rampaging cock.

Tingle tingle tingle!

He stopped pounding her pussy, burying his length into her and glancing up the stairs as he shuddered in pleasure. Shaking against his admittedly flabby body as his cock seemed to freeze inside her, stiffening like a rock. "Damn, my rods…" he began to pull out but her legs jumped from the floor and wrapped around his waist. "Hey!"

"I'm so close! Don't stop!" she whined, yowling like an alleycat. "Fuck me! Fuck me!!" seemingly encouraged and regardless trapped in her legs he pounded against her body as the bells on his fishing rods increasingly jingled. "Almost! There! Almost! Ugh! Ugh!! Gaaaagh!!"

"Auugh!! UGHH!!" he pounded into her as her pussy spasmed around his cock, her body shaking in orgasm as she bit her bottom lip, staring hungrily up at him as he closed his eyes, moaning as his out of shape body pressed her to the wall. "Haaaa…" the jingling bells stopped, and he groaned, her legs sliding down his body to support herself again. "Damn it… I've been waiting all day for a bit…"

"There are plenty of fish in the sea…" she grinned. Although admittedly not many in Gotham's waters. "You'll have plenty of time to catch em…" She pushed him away, gently as he slipped out of her. She smiled sensually at him as she rubbed herself and pulled away from the wall… She bent over the steps, blocking his way out as she planted her hands on them. Her body bent at the waist to make a perfect 90-degree angle and jutting out her massive milk chocolate ass, she wiggled it for him. "…But how often are you going to fuck Catwoman up the tail hole?" she asked. Spreading her ass cheek and letting her tight little rear hole wink at him as she made ass wobble.

She made a VALID point.

"Roowl…" she purred as he grinned broadly, he was admittedly a little annoyed but a big beautiful ass offering anal was a very good appeasement. She slipped her hand away letting her ass clap shut but wiggled her hips, getting it to jiggle before he grabbed her waist. "Meow…" she cooed feeling his cock slip between her cheeks and prod her ass. He'll slip right in, she's been DP'd many times before and he was all lubed up


And he just spat on his tip, it pressed against her hole as she shuddered, and wiggled. "Mmmngh… meow…" she purred slightly, "MeeeOW!!" she yowled erotically as he pushed into her ass. Just because it wasn't her first time didn't mean she couldn't sell it… or enjoy it. "Haa-aarh… Mmmn!! It feels PURR-fect in my tail hole!" she mewed sensually, rolling her R's as he adjusted his foot, pushed her forward before slamming her back. "Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!!"

He stood still behind her, jerking her body back and forth on his cock as his head rolled back. "Uh…oh god it's so tight!" he praised as she cooed. Pushing herself back on his cock, her big ass slapping against his waist, rippling majestically as she moaned.

"Ooh-uugh… your dick is so big in my tail hole!" she cooed, pouting adorably. "MMMhg!! Ah-ahh!! Oooh." She was pulled back against him, her body shaking erotically as she glanced at him he pulled her forward slowly, and slammed her back, thrusting his hips as her legs wobbled. "Oooh! That was a hard one!" she growled, "AH!... Ahh!... aagh! So hard… MMGH!" she moaned as he began to thrust against her now, the smacking of her ass echoing pleasantly.


"I love big dicks in my tail hole." She panted, gazing over her shoulder at him, slapping her ass back harder, and harder. "I love feeling all that hot, sticky cum inside me!" she panted, "Ahh-aahh…" she clawed the steps as she shivered. "You want to cum. You want to cum in my ass! NGH!!" he grabbed her hair and pulled; her head jerked back as her teeth clenched in pain but it did nothing to diminish her oncoming orgasm. "Cum! In my… fucking! HOLE!!" she shuddered as he fell onto her.


"NNgh!! Aargh!!" she gasped, shaking as she climaxed. Feeling his hot cum spray inside her. It was thick, but quick, a brief warmth flowed into her as he let go of her hair and caressed her tits. "Aah-haaaa…" he slipped out of her ass with a wet squelch, "MMmn…" she rolled slowly, lying on her arm as she raised on leg… then stretched it to the ceiling. Her toes could almost brush it, she slipped her other arm behind her back and under her leg, rubbing at her pussy as she smiled at him.

"How was that?" she purred, "Was it worth it?" he playfully clapped his hand on her ass as she let her leg drop, standing up on both feet as he took her hand, and led her up the steps. "Hey…" she smiled playfully as he tried to head out the back of the cabin. "The only rod you need to be concerned about is the one I'm playing with…" she mewed softly, getting a gentle fistful of his sack and cock as he opened the door.

There was now a tiny deck chair near the fishing rods, and naked he walked outside into the cold Gotham air, it had rained a little earlier and judging from the drizzle now splashing onto the deck it was about to again.

He sat on the deck chair, facing his rods as he put one foot up and pulled her in front of him. "Haa…" she sighed as she got to her knees, smiling up at him as she opened her mouth. Water drizzled onto her back in rapidly increasing droplets as her mouth opened wide and she wrapped her lips around his limp cock.


"MMmngh-mmmn…" she stroked him and slurped him, her hand gliding up and down his length with her head as she dribbled cum out of her ass and pussy onto the wet deck as water continued to increase. Her ass increasingly glistening in rainwater wobbled enticingly as she squatted on her heels, slipping her mouth off his length before taking his sack into her mouth, continuing to stroke him base to tip as she slurped around his nuts. "MMmn-mmmn!"

"Haa-aaahh…" he shuddered as the deck of the boat began to puddle, "NNgh!! MMGH!!" he suddenly jumped as if shocked, getting up as she pulled away, gazing up at him as he pushed her onto her ass.

"Ooh!" she gasped as he fell onto her, her legs spread wide as she slipped into a corner of the boat, "Ah!" she bumped her head gently, taking her hands and pushing on the edges to stop it from happening again as her toes hooked onto the railing. "Haa-Ahh…" she shuddered, shaking as water cascaded down…

At least it would be difficult for anyone to see them… not that there was anyone out there.

"Oooh-ooh! Yeah! Yeah! Uh-huh!!" she grunted as he thrust his hips onto her, the water on the deck making it extra slippery. "Ugh! Ugh Uh-huh!! Get deep as you can go!" her ass splashing in the tiny puddles as he pounded down onto her, thrusting her further into the corner as she pushed back. "Fuck me some more!" she growled hungrily her legs shaking as he sped up. She let go of the wall, "Ughh-ughh!!" shaking in climax as her body trembled and her leg muscled clenched. Actually lifting her lower body off the deck only to be pounded down as her hands reached around to his obviously hairy ass, pulling him deeper as the rain poured down. "Right there! Right there!" she cried out, as he lifted her up by her ass cheeks, holding her lower body in the air as he pushed into her. "Uh-HUH!!!" her tongue lolled as the boot sloshed in the waters from their fucking. Her body shaking wildly as if shocked, her eyes rolling…

"Aaagh!!" he pumped his hips a few more times but he was done, his head rolling back, his hairy body soaked as she gasped for breath, shaking from the cold and her orgasm as she finally let her legs close. She hit the deck with a soft splash, her ass cushioning her fall as she laughed.

"Oooooh… purr-fect…" she purred, sliding her hands over her wet body as he panted for breath, leaning on the side of the boat as if he was seasick as opposed to exhausted.

"…I am definitely stopping in Gotham on the way back…" he breathed heavily, but happily as the bell of his fishing rod tingled again. "Ha!" he grabbed it and began to real as she clapped encouragingly from the floor. "Almost… got it!" he yanked and out of the water and onto the deck flopped a fish.

She squealed with a laugh never really seeing a live fish before. He grabbed it by the tail, it wasn't very big and she had no idea what kind of fish it was but at least it wasn't smiling. Had to be careful about smiling fish in Gotham waters. He yanked it inside the cabin and apparently tossed it into a chilled cooler as she brushed her dark wet hair from her face. she sighed contentedly, getting to her feet as she walked into the cabin and swatted his hairy ass.

"Hey… does this tub have a shower?"

He cringed slightly, "…Sort off. But it's not really a recreational one…" he mumbled "…More like a hose for rinsing." she sighed. She might as well just shower back at the restaurant. She kissed his cheek and jiggled down the stairs again.

"Well, I'm soaking wet and I need a towel. Slipping my wet ass into leather is NOT a fun time."

"Towels are under the bed." He replied following her down as she retrieved a white towel from beneath his bed, then immediately began to shimmy and shake her ass in it, sliding it left to right as if polishing that milk chocolate booty, then covering her breasts and crotch, before getting to her hair. Knowing he was watching her she tossed the towel away playfully, like a queen, before reaching down to grab her suit, slipping in one leg, then the other, pulling it back up her body as it disappeared into the sexy black leather. She turned to face him as he watched her as if hypnotized, she licked her lips, slowly pulling the zipper back up her body as his cock seem to harden at the sight.

Taking her clothes off, putting them on, somehow she made both equally sexy…

"Alright… time's up, Kitten." She purred, holding out her hand. He blinked for a second before making his way to a small cabinet by the bed and opening it up. Revealing a few more fishing rods, and a small treasure chest. Although inside it were clothes and other sorts of essentials, he tossed up a few before finding a small wad of cash before taking a good amount. And handing them to her.

She fingers through it, smiled, and gave his forehead a kiss as she slipped the wad of cash into her suit and zipped up. "Bye kitten… you let me know when the tides bring you back." She purred, slipping sensually up the stairs as her ass swayed behind her. "I can always use another purr-fect evening…" and stepping off the boat, she left him wanting more.

Time: 8:59 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Feline fine Orders." Smiled Divya as she pulled the money from her suit and put it on the counter. Orders sighed, eyeing the beautiful former pornstar.

"I oddly didn't ask." She noted but took the money and sorted her cut. Divya walked past, strutting her way towards the showers to take a more thorough rinse.

"So my fan. Did he leave?"

"Yes. Not much trouble." Orders noted, the conversation was put on 'paws' as there was no point in talking over the roaring shower water. Once Divya came back, clean and pristine, did the conversation continue. "It's the weird ones we have to watch out for…"

Divya tossed her dark silky hair, frowning thoughtfully. "Why am I the only one to worry about? I get Laura and Joy they have masks, but Zoey should have problems…"

"Zoey was never as widespread as you. She was a talented girl but mostly mid-level." Orders noted as Divya raised an elegant eyebrow at her knowledge of pornstars. "Joy was big in Japan and she has fans but again: Mask. You however are and were popular, and you don't wear a mask… I suppose it's only a matter of time."

"…How do you know so much about Pornstars?" asked Divya with some concern

"Yaya." Ronnie-Bell supplied before trying to helpfully contribute. "…What if we get her some goggles or something? Or a mask like the old Catwoman costumes before she went heel again?"

"Because I like looking at her pretty face." Orders replied stone-faced as the two stared at her. "…It's exotic and one of her finest features." When they wouldn't stop looking at her awkwardly, she added snarling. "Minds out of the gutter. I know my pretty girls selling points…"

"…Well, that's flattering and weird." Divya smiled politely. "…I'd say goggles." She said, miming putting them on and off on her head, "That way you can warn me, and I can slip them on…"

Orders frowned. But that was a reasonable solution. "…I suppose that works, better than having my store swarmed by Bonnie Brownie fans." She jerked her thumb towards the floor as she pushed the pretty Catwoman her cut. "Speaking of fans, get out there and shake your tail."

"No need to be catty." She replied as Orders rubbed her purple eyes… at least Divya was worth the puns. The beautiful Catwoman retrieved a notepad and found a new table, approached, and sat that big, beautiful ass to mold on the edge, crossing her legs seductively as she smiled alluringly at them all. "How are you boys feline tonight?" she purred sensually. "Because I'm feeling PURR-fectly friendly…Let's start you off with some drinks."


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