
Superbabes Shorts: Wonder Woman II

I don't own DC

"FASCINATING." cooed Wonder Woman(II), reading popular human literature. "…This woman got everything wrong about Wizards." She said as Demona in her base form replied dismissively.

"Yes, she did."

"This gobbledygook about magic words and goblins running banks and potion making! How WRONG could she be?"

"Very." Demona replied casually, turning the page of her own literature… some cheesy romantic muck Brielle loaned her that she wasn't remotely interested in but couldn't put down. "Though I heard the author sold her firstborn to a Sloth demon for the idea."

Wonder Woman, continuing to read the novel laughed openly. "This is hilarious!" she laughed. "Have you ever read such nonsense?! Merlin himself would light her on fire for this drivel!"

"She sold her firstborn to a SLOTH DEMON, what do you expect?" Demona repeated disdainfully. "…MUST you be here?" Wonder Woman floated in the air on a cloud of sparkling smoke, leaning back and continuing to read the wizard novel.

"Our master wanted you to keep an eye on me. She seems to believe that I'll cause all sorts of havoc and chaos if she's not around to keep track of me. She wants me to live here." She said as Demona sighed audibly, they were currently in the 'Superbabes House' in her room. "It's like she doesn't trust me."

"Weren't you imprisoned since antiquity?" Demona noted, finally looking up from her novel.

"YES, but that's hardly my fault. The Lord of all Djinn didn't like me… experimenting." She cooed coyly.

"…Considering he has a thousand wives he's probably not one to judge." Demona snarked but it made Wonder Woman laugh.

"Not the current one his grandfather… he only had a hundred wives." She then floated towards Demona on her sparkling cloud to whisper conspiratorially, "He didn't like how he wasn't enough for me." She suddenly twirled, her eyes still in the silly children's book about wizards. "The great Sultan of the Djinn! Brought to exhaustion by a woman who wasn't even his wife! A concubine!"

"Still a princess." Demona replied lazily.

"Still a princess…" replied Wonder Woman, her large breasts wobbling in her T-shirt as she stretched, "MMNN! Still, I'd rather this than stuffed into a bottle under the City of Brass for all time."

"I'd rather be fleecing mortals of their money than being whored out by a glorified Brothel madam." Demona growled as Wonder Woman's beautiful golden brown face hung upside down off her sparkling cloud of smoke and Demona looked up into her almond eyes. "WHAT?"

"Mortals are so fascinating though. How can you not enjoy yourself?"

"I am a demon of GREED." Sneered Demona, "Not of lust! I want to make MONEY!"

"You are though." Wonder Woman replied, "The mortals throw their money at you! You exotic creature you…" Demona looked to be on the urge of trying to light Wonder Woman on fire with her gaze.

"I am not a harlot!"

"Embrace your freedom!" declared Wonder Woman spinning happily on her cloud, returning her gaze to her book. "Our master doesn't ask for much, just our bodies! And we can have as much fun as we like otherwise… my fellow Jinn can only DREAM of such freedom!" Demona raised an eyebrow up at her. "Orders asks for nothing more of us than our time and our bodies, to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh for monetary gain, and in return, we can do whatever we wish! As long as we don't cause havoc amongst our fellow sisters of the bedsheets." She smiled beautifully at Demona, rolling over on her cloud, her large wobbling buttocks in the air and jiggling pleasantly as she smiled. "Time of which we have innumerable. And our bodies which we can control with a THOUGHT!"

Suddenly her golden brown Arabian skin changed to the hue of the Mediterranean Sea, of the sun at dawn, of the full moon on a clear desert night. Her body grew, her ears elongated, her almond eyes glowed with a powerful golden light and her teeth became as reflective as mirrors… Beautiful in that eldritch horror way that Demona so often flaunted in her normal form.

"Turn it off." She ordered and with an eyeblink and just a wink, Wonder Woman returned to normal resting on her cloud.

"So what's the problem? It's not like our master degrades us on purpose… this is just our job." Demona scowled, shook her pretty red-haired blue blue-skinned head, and went back to the cheesy romance book that the buxom French bimbo gave her. "You might as well enjoy it more. The spark of mortal life is over in an eyeblink." She declared, "Might as well have fun with them while we can…" She read the book again and snorted with laughter as she continued to read about the adventures of a boy wizard. "They're foolish, greedy, and lustful…" Her head slipped over the end of her cloud to look at Demona upside down, smiling beautifully as Demona glared suspiciously at her. "…Just think, once we are free of her employment, what a Genie and a Demon of Greed can do together."

Demona quietly placed her bookmark on her current page and closed the book before glancing at the smiling, beautiful Arabian Djinn, her big wobbling breasts stretching out the neckline of her shirt allowing Demona to gaze deeply into her cleavage. "…Are you suggesting a partnership? Arwa al-Aza?"

"I'm suggesting you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar." Arwa declared playfully.

"Also SHIT. But I don't want to touch it." Arwa frowned, as there was a knock at the door. Instantly Demona transformed into her work form, her white feathery wings stretching as she almost stood up, but Arwa suddenly fell through her sparkling cloud cushion hitting the floor hard stopped her.

"Ouch!" robbing her big backside as it cushioned the blow. "Cursed wish." Arwa mumbled as Demona stood up and walked to the door, opening it to reveal Helen.

"Hey Dee, Arwa, we're getting lunch you two want in?"

"Fantastic!" Arwa replied cheerily, the pain of her backside from her suddenly canceled magic was gone once the promise of food was offered. "I was starting to get hungry!"

"…You in Dee? We were thinking Pizza." asked Helen as Dee sighed, then shrugged as Arwa smirked at her.

"…Might as well." She declared as she and Arwa followed Helen downstairs to talk about lunch. One thing to love about her sudden freedom was the numerous foods the mortals had created… 'Pizza' was as amazing as it sounded.


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