
Superbabes Shorts: Livewire

I don't own DC

"Haaa… HAAAAA…." She yawned and rolled over, the clinking of bottles jarring her a little as the sun beamed down onto her body. She had a bit of a hangover, she was invited to a party across the street. A rooftop party. The college kids thought her blue skin was 'pretty hot' or 'fucking cool'… and she may have sucked a guy off, and chased his cum down with several bottles of beer, and now she was paying for it with the scorching… hot… oh no.

She sat up, there were dozens of drunk, snoozing party goers around her and she glanced up at the mid-day sun. it wasn't the fact that she was hungover and half the day had gone by… it's that she was SLEEPING OUT IN THE SUN…

"No no no!" she hissed to herself, immediately checking her hands… she was wearing a sexy biker jacket, however that meant NOTHING to her unprotected arms as they now had a very healthy orange glow to them… they were bright orange. "FUCK!!" she roared, jostling several of the partiers awake.

…Livewire was a natural blue hue, thanks to her fucking jackass deadbeat of an alien father, however, if she spent too much time in the sun, meaning if she tanned or anything… she'd turned orange. THAT was her tan. She went from blue to orange… how does the color spectrum math for that even FUCKING work?!

"Shit shit SHIT!" she hissed angrily, kicking bottles over as she scrambled for a mirror, or another reflective surface, maybe it wouldn't be so bad? Maybe she could get a hat on or something and let her skin 'cool down'? Maybe she could- "AH FUCK!" she shouted angrily again at a particularly mirror shined platter…

"Shut up…" groaned a sassy bitch who was half a temper tantrum away from being thrown over the edge of the building. "People are trying to SLEEEEEP…" she whined.

Her entire face was orange, and a good part of her cleavage, any skin that was exposed was orange, including a couple of rings around her ankles for her open shoes... She moved her shirt aside slightly and, yep, under the clothes was her usual sexy ass blue… "Fucking, fuck!" she grumbled under her breath. "FUCK!"

"Shut up!" groaned some of the crowd as she snatched a hoodie, and a hat, sunglasses, and covered her arms as best she could. She might have stolen some clothes, but this was important. She NEEDED to get to her apartment and… and… crawl under a blanket for a day or so until she peeled. Hopefully.

"…Weren't you blue yesterday?" mumbled a guy by the door, looking drunkenly sleepy.

"Yeah. Da ba dee, da ba daa… I was fucking blue…" she spat sarcastically "Move gringo!" she grumbled, shoving past him as he laughed.

"Haha… I get it." he mumbled as the door shut.

She leaped quickly down the stairs, dodging prying eyes as she grumbled, she can't BELIEVE she passed out during a party! She can't believe that Gotham was fucking Sunny today! It's fucking GOTHAM! Gotham doesn't see the damn sun!

She made it out of the building to run across the street, jiggling and bouncing as she reached her own apartment building before scrambling up the stairs, reaching the third floor and-

"Lori?" she froze, Daphne and Leslie were standing outside her apartment. Green Lantern II and Killer Frost at Superbabes were patiently waiting outside her door... "Uh… you alright?..." asked Daphne curiously as Leslie sighed.

"…Do you need to hide a body?" she mumbled as Lori scoffed.

"Yeah… kinda, what are you two doing here?" completely forgetting that she was going to go shopping with the two today.

"We were going to go shopping remember? Daphne says you got excellent taste in leather?" she then tapped the beautiful black woman's elegant neck, "Something about picking out a comfortable collar? Now, what body?"

"Haaaa." Livewire sighed, taking off the hat and sunglasses to show her face as the Superbabes stared in surprise. "MY body… move." She elbowed a giggling Leslie aside as Daphne coughed, trying to suppress her own laugh.

"I didn't think you were serious about the orange thing!" she said as they followed her inside. Livewire may have mentioned to the beautiful BDSM fiend that her alien biology made her blue skin tanned orange with enough UV rays.

"Well. Lucky you, I WAS." Grumbled Livewire. "Look at me!" she yelled angrily, stripping casually in front of the girls until she was in a tight bra and panties… the girls BURST into laughter and giggles…

Orange and blue she looked like some sort of psychedelic modern art painting… "Oh my god…" Leslie laughed, almost in tears. "You look…"

"Fucking ridiculous. Thank you." Snarked Livewire angrily. "What the FUCK am I going to do?! I can't work like this! Do I LOOK like 'Livewire' right now?!"

"You look like we should mount you in an art gallery." Leslie replied as Daphne, not laughing as hard now elbowed the icy haired woman as she chuckled. "I can't help it, look at her! We should have Yaya take a picture and sell it. For posterity…"

"Fuck. OFF. Leslie!" snarled Livewire angrily, before cursing rapidly in Spanish so rapidly actual Spanish speakers would have difficulty catching what she said... but probably combinations of various words, particularly 'Fuck' 'Shit' and 'God Damn It! while stomping half-naked around her apartment as her still blue ass wobbled pleasantly behind her. "Uggh!! I'm going to be sidelined for at LEAST a few days, or a week!" she moaned. "I look fucking stupid!"

"Okay… take a deep breath, so you can't be Livewire…" Daphne said calmingly, eyeing the orange and blue woman over thoughtfully, "But… maybe you could be… Starfire? She's kinda orange in the right lighting."

"Do I look like Veronica? Do I ACT like Veronica?!" Livewire mumbled as Leslie rolled her blue eyes.

"Sometimes with enough Vodka."

"Fuck off Leslie." Leslie just shrugged; Livewire was one of those girls who CONSTANTLY referred to her as Elsa. Yeah, Elsa is a sexy power walking Dosney princess, so it was a compliment, but it's only funny at least once a week.

"Look…" Daphne continued, covering Leslie's mouth. "We… finish that." she said gesturing to the mottled orange and blue skin. "And you just play Starfire for a while… you can't just hide under your blankets all week…"

"What? Tan the whole way?" mumbled Livewire, holding out her half-blue and half-orange arm to gesture to her mottled Columbian girl body.

"Why not? Let's talk to Orders. I'm sure she'll understand… Orders can fix anything…"

…Once she was done LAUGHING… yeah. Orders fixed it. Although Lori as Starfire wasn't as successful as Lori as Livewire, it was better than being under her blankets… still, she'd rather not be Starfire again anytime soon.


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