
Delivery Girl: The Mighty Endowed Order #2

I don't own DC

The Mighty Endowed stormed into Superbabes as Power Girl and Batgirl excited the locker rooms. "Whoa. Mighty, where's the fire?" Power Girl asked as Mighty tossed her things furiously into her locker before retrieving her suit. Orders eyes flicking as she chewed on the end of her pen.

"…The Owner of the Cattle Call has been harassing me to come back…" Her voice echoing from the locker room as she changed. "He said business hasn't been the same since I left…"

"Hmmm." Orders noted dismissively. Power Girl leaned nearby against the wall, watching her 'titty rival' dress as Batgirl held her hand out over Orders' counter, a milkshake soon sliding out as she put the straw between her lips and slurped noisily, heading over to the couch.

"I imagine…" Power Girl grinned knowingly, "I used to work in sales? And by that I mean I worked a counter. I wasn't allowed to advance ANYWHERE because guys would buy things just to have a look at my tits…" she grinned at Orders, "After I started working here, my old bosses begged me to come back too… apparently, my girls were responsible for a 50% increase in sales!" she looked at and fondled her breasts gently as Mighty tossed her strawberry blonde hair from her face, her tight suit squeezing her heavy breasts in place as she scowled.

"Yes, but I bet YOUR bosses didn't sexually harass you…" she scowled.

"You got me there…" Power Girl replied, "Why didn't you just report him?"

Mighty frowned, rubbing her arms. "…I needed the work…" she said sadly. "…If I was only going to be hired for my breasts, I might as well have the option for tips."

"You could've been a stripper…" Batgirl noted lazily as Mighty blushed and sighed with a soft smile.

"…I can't dance." She admitted reluctantly.

"Oooh, talk to Vixen… one of the Vixens, both of them stripped for a while!" Power Girl replied cheerfully as Poison Ivy came off the floor, her cleavage stuffed with tips, "That's my cue. Oh! You could ask Stargirl too!" Power Girl added as Poison Ivy sat at the poker table currently used for counting her tip money, and Power Girl cheerfully bounced to the front.

Mighty rolled her eyes, "She said as if I wanted to start stripping." She noted sadly as Orders continued to chew her pen in thought.

"It would improve your flexibility… and you'd be getting paid." Orders noted. Mighty just sighed, approaching the poker table to sit at the chairs. "…Is he offering you anything?"

Mighty blinked, "What?"

"The Cattle Call's owner… is he offering you anything?"

Mighty frowned. "…A raise… a better uniform, better hours." She scowled, "…Seems to think I want to be ogled and harassed by that jackass manager, who happens to be a relative of his I'll add…"

"Sounds like a good deal though." Poison Ivy replied as Mighty shook her head.

"No. That place was awful, if it wasn't upper management being terrible, it was the girls. Unlike here, I don't have any friends there…" Poison Ivy smiled seductively at her.

"Ah… We like you too sweetie." She said playfully pinching her cheek gently as Mighty just smiled gratefully. "But…isn't doing this a little more… risqué? Compared to there?"

Mighty fidgeted, "Well… Orders said that she'd never make me do something I don't want to do, or put me in any danger…" she scowled, "I never felt safe at the Cattle Call, and… I have fun here, I have a choice. I don't have to worry about being jumped from behind and forced down…"

"Well… Not unless Starfire is working…" Killer Frost declared, she had just entered from the back door and was heading to the locker room. As Mighty and Poison Ivy laughed cheerfully." Orders however frowned, tilted her head slightly as if listening to something… then her eye twitched, as the phone rang… she frowned. Shook her head and reached for it…"

Time: 9:15 PM. Place. Gotham (Superbabes)

Ring-Ring *click.

"Hello, Superbabes. We Deliver."

"…I'd would like to order the Mighty Meal. Please.."

"…Four grilled, seasoned chicken breasts with home fries and a drink of your choice."

"…Yes Please. Ma'am."

"…Anything else?"

"…Yes. delivered by the Mighty Endowed. Please."

"…Very well. We expect her back around 60 minutes or the police will be informed. You will be charged on completion of delivery, name, address and choice of drink please."

Meanwhile, Moments later.

"Mighty. You have one…" Orders noted as Mighty sighed, more out of relief than reluctance. Getting to her high-heeled feet as she walked towards the counter. "Get your mind off things." She said lazily as the food soon slid out. Mighty nodded, took the food from the counter, and narrowly dodging a recently dressed Killer Frost she headed to the car and drove off into the Gotham night.

…Gotham Heights… some of the girls told stories… Furries, weird rituals, sexy twins… she drove slowly, glancing at the mansions and addresses, off in the distance the silhouette of Wayne Manor. The home of Gotham's Number One son could be made out over the looming storm clouds… Very spooky… She always thought Bruce Wayne was handsome, but she always imagined a man who lived in a building like that was some sort of Vampire… who'd turn into a giant bat and stalking women like her to suck her blood… and make her suck a few things.

…As she found the address, a very plain looking Victorian manor, there were so many in Gotham Heights. She smiled to herself, the girls and their debauchery were rubbing off on her… She wasn't too interested in sex before she was hired at Superbabes: she liked it she just wasn't interested. Her breasts especially were more hindrances than boons. The cause for many of her relationships starting and ending, she was originally going to get them reduced, which is what led to her being financially trapped at the Cattle Call in the first place…

But now that she wasn't going to, she now had quite a bit of her previous savings stashed away, and she was significantly healthier: mentally and physically… it was odd how 'getting laid' improved her life.

She pulled up to the mansion, putting the car into park just behind a very elaborate limo. She pondered it for a minute before getting out, grabbing the food, and approaching the front door. Taking hold of the elaborate door knocking, some sort of gargoyle head with a ring in its mouth, she pulled it back and knocked twice.


It echoed into the manor.


Time: 9:34 PM. Place. Gotham Heights (Plain looking Victorian Manor)

"Special Delivery Service." She said, prominently pushing out her girls as she stood to attention, they were her main draw after all… best to let the client get a good look.

But the door opened slowly, a towering man stood before her. He had bulging muscles and a stern look on his dark face, with black braided hair and strong cheekbones… he could've been Native American, or part Native American at least… she stared at his handsome features as he bowed his head to her in greeting, before standing aside, gesturing with an immaculately gloved hand for her to enter.

"Hello…" she noted as he nodded again politely as she stepped in… there were several bits of Old west paraphernalia littering the room, not on display, but tucked away into careful piles… Including, oddly enough, a confederate uniform placed on a mannequin in a glass case… it looked dusty and poorly maintained, but intact…

The butler, as that must have been who he was, gestured to the stairs, showing off several portraits as he took her food, and began to approach them. A little unnerved at his silence she followed him up the stairs, glancing at the portraits…

The last one at the very top was a man with a heavily disfigured face, wearing what she could only assume was the confederate uniform currently in the glass case downstairs. She blinked at his face but followed the butler as he led her into the main bedroom. Gesturing her in an 'after you' bow, as she walked through.

It was large and luxuriously furnished, she glanced at the large bed big enough to hold at least four people the size of the butler. "Ah… Finally…" she blinked at a corner of the room, there was a fireplace, with a pair of revolvers and a Winchester rifle mounted on a plaque above it… There was a large velvet chair but beside it was a man sitting in a very expensive mechanical wheelchair in a luxurious red robe and smoking a cigar.

He was OLD. Very old… if she had to guess? 70 or 80… he looked thin but not ghoulish. His hair was long, straight and silver, and clearly cleaned regularly… He must have been very handsome in his youth. He eyed her appreciatively as she smiled politely, and beautifully. Approaching him as her breasts bounced gently in her suit, she strutted across the floor, every step deliberately arousing as he puffed his cigar, smiling at her approvingly.

"You… are a real beauty." He said, there was a distinct southern drawl to his voice, she smiled sweetly at him.

"Thank you…" she purred as he grinned, he curled a finger at her as she stood beside the chair, his hand rubbed her mid-back as he gazed up at her. Her chest comically blocked his face from her sight…

"MMmn…" he sighed, rubbing her back as she heard the hiss of him snuffing his cigar in a nearby ashtray. Before his gnarled hand reached for, and gently squeezed her right tit.

"MMmn…" she moaned playfully at his touch, pushing her boob against his hand as she leaned forward so he could look at her face as she licked her lips. "Like?" she purred.

"Love…" he replied with a confident smile as he gently squeezed her ass. "…Why don't you get out of those clothes for me?" she stood upright then, slowly her zipper went down as he stared at her. Her big soft breasts pushed free as he shifted slightly on his chair, she slipped out of her boots, bouncing and skipping in place as she pulled her suit apart, down over her shoulders… then fidgeted in place as she shimmied the tight bodysuit to the floor.

Standing completely naked she smiled prettily, her huge breasts heaving as she breathed. She cupped her heavy breasts, lifting them as she fondled them gently as he watched. "Come here beautiful." He said as she approached him, leaning over as he opened his mouth and wrapped his lips around her nipple.

"Oooh…" she moaned as he gently licked and sucked on her nipple… normally men just went to town on her sensitive breasts, and they were hit or miss… it was a nice change of pace. He clung to her tit with both hands as he gently squeezed, as if trying to milk her… Okay, not that much of a change of pace. She put her hands on the arms of the wheelchair as he enjoyed salivating over her nipples… she briefly let her mind wander… then glanced over her shoulder, presenting her ass to the butler who was standing by the door, completely silent. "Is… he just going to watch?" she mumbled as the old man chuckled around her nipple.

"…Not exactly." He noted, before switching to her other tit as she cooed. "MMMn…"

"Ah… there's… no milk in there…" she grinned as he gently squeezed her tit. "MMmn…" he hand reached down between his legs, into his robe to feel… a very flaccid cock… "…Oh…"

"…Not a lot of milk in there." He noted playfully, giving both of her breasts a squeeze as she cooed pityingly.

"Then… what am I here for?" she asked shyly before jumping in surprise as the butler stood beside her… completely naked and holding a silver platter with a glass of water, and a blue pill. "…Oh…" she noted with a smile as the old man took the pill and drank the water and gestured to her as the butler easily lifted her off her feet. "Ah-ha!!" she laughed as he princess carried her to the bed.

"Lets have Koda warm you up a little." The old man said, rolling his chair closer to the bed as she was laid down on her back, her legs spread for him as the butler, Koda, lied beside her, his average-sized length was already hard, but his firm and powerful fingers pushed against her pussy as he held her upright. She turned a little red in the face as she moaned, Koda's fingers furiously and skillfully churning inside her pussy as she spread her legs wide for the older man…

Koda shifted behind her, her knees bent up as she lied back against the powerful butler's other hand, his fingers thrusting in and out as she moaned and panted erotically. His other arm, thick like a tree trunk, wrapped around her shoulders, holding her in place as her breasts wobbled tantalizingly from his constant fingering.

…Some combination of Koda's fingering, the older man's stare, and the fact that she was displayed like fine art… sent a flurry of pleasure surging through her body as she writhed, her legs thrashing out as she rolled her hips against Koda's fingers, writhing and gyrating as she rocked her body.

"Ahh… Ahh…" her big heavy breasts heaving as she panted, shaking against Koda's firm muscles knowing full well that even if she wanted too she wouldn't be able to break his grip, and would just be forced to climax on his fingers… and somehow that just made her climax more intense. "HAaa! AAAAH!!!" her hips thrust against the air but Koda held her firm, pinning her to the bed as her legs lashed about, "Ah-HA-AHHHHHHH…" she shuddered, her huge soft breasts shaking under Koda's iron-hard arm hold her in place as his Iron hard cock throbbed against her mid-back.

Sweaty and out of breath she shivered, "Oooooh…" her hands slowly ran over her breasts as she squeezed them for the old man who smiled at her aroused writhing as her body shivered. "He's… very good…" she moaned as Koda's fingers began to worm inside her again, "Ahh… NNngh…" Koda pulled her head back so her body was further pushed out, displayed, for the older man who placidly watched her enjoy his work.

"Ahh! Ahh…NNGH!!" she thrashed, gasping in pleasure as Koda held her firm, "Ooh… nngh! Ahh!! Nnngh!!" she slapped his arm but he kept going, his chiseled face buried in her hair as she shuddered in pleasure. "Stop-stop-stooOOOOP!!" she thrashed about as her climax hit her like a truck, "Ahh! GOD!! NNGH-AHHH!!!" her mouth opened wide as her body went limp, staring at the ceiling with her mouth open and tongue lolling as her eyes rolled in her sockets. But Koda stilled kept fingering her, her hips lifting off the bed and shaking left and right as if trying to dislodge his talented digits as he rubbed her now soaked inner walls…

"Haa… haaa…" she shivered, her breathing ragged as she bit her bottom lip, "…That… oooh… I came so hard…" she whimpered, laughing slightly as she squirmed in Koda's embrace. Her pussy thoroughly lubricated with her arousal as she stained the sheets. "Oh god not again…" she whimpered, teeth clenched and grinning madly as her big breasts wobbled with her constant shaking and spasming muscles.

"Spread her open…" the old man said plainly as she whimpered, giving a brief moment of relief as Koda's fingers stretched her pussy open, her natural excretions oozing around his fingers as her hot, pink insides shivered enticingly. "Very beautiful…" he declared, staring deep inside her as her red face burned with embarrassment, flattery, and the sheer fact that her pleasure was overwhelming her…

…She'd never admit it out loud… but deep down, THIS is why she was a Superbabe. She had NEVER felt this good before…

"Ahh! AHH!! AHHH!!" she was lifted in the air, she was flying. Her lower body was up in the air, Koda still vigorously fingering her as her legs trembled, shook, her hips wagging side to side as she shrieked and went limp… dropping abruptly back to the bed, her body shaking like 1000 volts of electricity pumped through her. "Uggh! Uh-huuuuh…" her mouth opened in a silent scream as her eyes rolled up into her head. "Uuuuh…." She shivered as she fully fell onto the bed, her arms and legs coiling in the sheets like blind serpents, "Haaaa…" her hands twisting and clutching tightly to the blankets as she tried to diminish the surging pleasure rampaging through her body, her breasts wobbling on her chest left and right as Koda and the old man watched her… enjoyed her.

…God she was so HOT… and I mean that in multiple ways. Her obvious sexual attractiveness aside, her face was red and flushed, and she was blearily blinking around the room… noticing for the first time that the ceiling was painted with thousands of tiny stars… like the night sky. Watery eyed… her multiple orgasms finally calmed down, and she sat up…

The old man relaxed in his chair, as she smiled… he smiled back… then a nice, hard, cock, shot slowly up from his robe… "…You look ready for me daddy…" she cooed, a little drunk on her lust as she crawled over to him like a cat, her heavy breasts swaying beneath her, her nipples brushing against the sheets.

"James." He said plainly, she just smiled. "James Hex."

"I'll call you whatever you like…" she stood up on her knees, before slipping her legs off the bed, sitting on the edge in front of him and spreading herself, her arousal sliding down her legs like a waterfall. "MMMn…" her head rolled on her shoulders, "…Want to come get me? Or should I come get you?"

He just smiled, leaning back in his chair and curled a finger at her. "I'm afraid you're going to have to come get me…"

She slipped easily off the bed standing before him. She spread her legs and sat on his lap… the chair was surprisingly sturdy, and there was enough room on it for her knees as she wiggled her hips. Her breasts in his face, the way all men like, and her hands gripping the back of the chair as she steadied herself… his hands gently caressed the sides of her tits, pushing them around his head as she moaned softly, feeling his hard assisted erection rub against her wet pussy lips… her arousal easily lubing him right up as he pulsed against her warmth.

"Eeh!" she gasped suddenly, feeling Koda's powerful hands on her waist, she trembled, "Go… go easy on me big guy…" she cooed, her ass wagging. But surprisingly, the big butler lifted her up slightly, then guided her over James's cock. The older man sighed as Koda slowly lowered her. "Ah… ahhhhh…" she shuddered, as hot throbbing cock slipped right inside. "Oooh…" she trembled, James' face buried between her tits as she leaned forward… expecting Koda to make a big entrance… but the butler sat on the bed, and carefully watched as she felt James' hands on her hips.

"I might have a cock as hard as a six-iron but I'm still an old man… don't ride to hard." He grinned as she slowly began to rise up. And down… he sighed, her breasts around his face as she bounced gently on his lap. "Oooh… that's… the spot…" his hands were constantly moving over her hopping body, over the curve of her ass, up her back, around her breasts as she wiggled her chest, lightly slapping his face between them as she giggled.

"Ah. Ah… ah… ooh… you feel really good inside me…" she cooed excitedly as her pussy spasmed around his elderly cock. "MMmn… MMMn!" she leaned back, her breasts bouncing before his eyes as she held onto the back of his chair with one hand, and the other on the armrest as he caressed her ass. "Ahh… AH… oooh…" she sat on his lap, rolling her hips as he groaned, his cock grinding inside her as she swiveled her hips.

She said she didn't know how to dance but those hips didn't lie. She grabbed the armrests and leaned back, pushing her tits together with her forearms as she gyrated, "NNgh… MMMn!!" her body worming on his lap, like a bellydancer as she rolled her head on her neck. "Haa!" she gasped as his hands lashed to her breasts and pulled her back, she smothered him as she leaned against the chair, her body pumping wildly as his cock bulged inside her, more than ready to burst as she panted.

"Come on beautiful I'm close." He groaned as she cooed erotically.

"Haa.. ahh… haa… give it… to… me! I'll…AH! Take it! I'll take it all!! HAaa!!!" she gasped, as he grabbed her hips and pulled her down. "Haaaa!" she sighed, shaking and cooing enticingly as she clung to the back of the chair. James's face buried in her tits as her pussy felt the sudden hot rush of his cum inside her. "Haaa…" she breathed in his ear, a hand gently brushing his silky silver hair as he caressed her ass. His balls quivering against her as it shot another hot rope of seed inside. "MMMn…" she pulled away, letting him breathe as he panted, a little blearily as she leaned forward and gently slapped him with her tits. "Hee-hee…"

"MMMn… been awhile since I've felt that good…" he grinned smugly as she licked her lips.

"Me too…" and you know what? She meant it. "Ooh…" he began suckling on her nipples again as she pushed them into his mouth, letting him play with her breasts as much as he wanted as he slurped on them. His cock, still buried inside her, softened as she wiggled her hips gently, letting him focus on her tits like so many guys before him. "MMmn…mmmn." She cooed as he 'nursed'… then popped off her breasts, giving them a firm squeeze.

"…I suppose it's only fair that Koda have his fun." James said as he nodded to the butler, then with a surprised yelp and a wet pop, she was easily lifted off of James's length. Half-laughing, Half Shrieking she was carried back onto the bed. The powerful butler setting her down on her knees, facing James… before she was promptly pushed forward.

"Oof!" she grunted, her breasts squishing against the mattress pleasantly to the eyes as she lied as still as a board. The towering butler looming over behind her as she shuddered nervously as she stared at an attentive James. "…Oh… Ha." She gasped, as Koda fell onto her, gently, pinning her beneath his powerful body as he wrapped an arm around her neck and pulled her back. "Nngh!" she clenched as James eagerly watched her breasts trembled as she was lifted up for a better view of her cleavage. "Haa-AHHHH… NNGH!!"

Hard native American butler cock slipped easily into her warm, wet pussy. "HAAAAA…" Koda grunted softly as he put his whole weight onto her. As if pushing a 'turn off' button inside her as he fully planted his length. "AHH-ha…AHHHH… God…" she hissed, shaking as her mind shut down her body's functions, focusing solely on the rock-hard cock inside her. Her hands clung to the edge of the bed facing James as Koda pulled back, "Haaaa…" and then DEEP into her once more. "Ooh! Ugh! OOH! UGH!! OH!!!" her body jumped and jiggled on the bed as Koda pounded her rhythmically. His hips smacking loudly on her tight ass as it clenched together, her muscles spasming as her already tense body responded eagerly to more hard fucking.

"Haa! AH! Don't… STOP!! UGH! Deeper! Harder! Pound me!! NNGH!!!" she clenched her teeth but soon they stretched wide open as her body shivered under Koda's relentless slamming, the bed rocking as he bounced off her body only to dive easily back in and repeat. "AHHHHHGHH!! I'm Going to cum! I'm cumming! Oh god I'm cumming!!" she lashed to Koda's arm, clawing at the iron-hard muscles as she drooled onto it, "HAaaagh!!! NNNGH!! mMMMMGNh!!" she was cumming but her mind-blowing shaking orgasm was disguised by Koda NOT STOPPING. Railing into her body like no tomorrow as she went limp, her hands slipping from his arm to dangle over the bed as her body sighed and she went limp.

Koda's other hand slipped beneath her, wrapping around her stomach and firmly pulling her back to slam against him. "Ugh… UGH!!" she grunted blearily, feeling his cock bulge inside her, shaking… trembling. She sensed his imminent release but her brain refused to respond appropriately. "Nnngh…" she shivered as Koda slammed deep… and promptly pulled out, letting go of her head as she hung over the edge of the bed… feeling a hot load splash across her ass and back as Koda spurted all over her. "Nnghmmmn…" she slowly pushed herself up, then glanced at James's erection, twitching slowly back to life as she licked her lips, his cock twitched again in approval.

"Wow… another one already?" she asked, slipping nervously from the bed, and kneeling before him. Smiling prettily as she cupped her breasts in both hands. "…I'll take care of it."

"I imagine you will…" he smiled and relaxed as her big, soft breasts wrapped completely around his cock, engulfing it in soft, warm tit-flesh as she soon began her galactic class tit-job. No one would last long between her breasts. Young or old.

She started slowly, with a soft squeeze, a gentle lift… James fidgeted on the chair. "Just relax James…" she cooed as his cock twitched somewhere between her huge tits. "Hmm-hmm… ahhh…" she opened her mouth, letting her tongue hang out as she drooled between her cleavage, lubing herself as she gazed intently at his pleasured face. His eyes closed and sighing softly as she squeezed, lifted, dropped. His cock pulsating eagerly between her breast.

"…Ugh…" he grunted, pushing his hips as best he could to me her heavily dropping breasts. "Oh-oooh…" she rested her tits on his lap, slowly wrapping her arms around them in a tight titty hug, squeezing tightly before she went into the home stretch, smiling beautifully she went up, and down, up and down… faster and faster. "Haa…ahhh…" his mouth opened wide as he clawed the arm rests his cock squeezed in her warm embrace as she slapped her tits rapidly on his legs. "Darlin, gonna!"

"Let. It. All. OUT." She slammed her tits down, and stared at him as a rope of semen escaped from her cleavage, up in the air to splat on her cheek then dangle onto her breasts… a small pool of thick white cream pooled between her cleavage as she let go of her hug, cupping her nipples and alternatingly lifting one up and down, rubbing his cock as he spurted out the last drops, holding him between her breasts until she was sure he was good and empty.

"….MMMM!!" James groaned eagerly, smiling at her as she smiled prettily back. "That… was the best I've had in a LONG time beautiful…" he said, he then jerked his thumb towards a door off to the side. "…But as much as I'd like you to walk around with my milk all over you… I'm thinkin its best you go clean up." She stood up, and rubbing his semen into her skin as he watched she made her way to the obvious bathroom.

It was as luxurious as the bedroom and clearly designed for James' handicap. She hopped into the wide shower and quickly rinsed her sweaty, sticky body… it soothed and cooled her down, her long strawberry blonde hair clinging flatly to her as she stepped out dripping with water and dried herself up… she hung up the towel and strode naked into the bedroom to find James alone with his robe still open, sitting near the fire by her clothes. He smiled at her, curling his finger as she giggled, slowly approaching him and bending over, letting her breasts bounce as he took her, and pulled her onto his lap.

"OOoh!" she grinned happily, wrapping her arms around his head as her legs dangled over the arm of his chair, his flaccid cock against her ass. "Sorry Handsome, but your time is up…" he rubbed her leg as she giggled, his other hand rubbing her mid-back.

"Well you can't leave until I pay you…" he grinned playfully as she gave his cheek a kiss. "So let me have a little more petting fun with you…"

"MMMn… I spoil you…" she giggled, letting him caress her all over as soon enough a very clothed Koda returned, back in his uniform he approached Mighty, holding out a stack of fresh bills. "Oh-oooh!" she giggled as James suckled on her neck, giggling like a schoolgirl as he slipped his hand between her legs, "Ooh-nngh… sorry baby…" she slipped off his chair, her tits and ass wiggling as she retrieved her clothes. "Time is UP. You want to play with me some more you're just going to have to order me again…"

"Count on it darlin…" he declared firmly as she froze, then smiled at him over her shoulder as she zipped up her suit.

"Looking forward to it…" she purred and took the money from Koda.

"Let me see you out." James said like the southern gentlemen he was.

"Oh… Such a gentleman…" she giggled as Koda pushed James's chair beside her. As they exited the room and reached the stairs, which she now realized had a handicap assist on it, she hesitated at the portrait of the disfigured man. "…No offense James but… that's a pretty gruesome portrait."

"Well, my Gran-daddy was a pretty gruesome man." He replied, "…Jonah Hex however was a fearsome bounty hunter. And I've made my fortune on his legacy…" he then waved a hand to the junk on the first floor. "In fact, I'm donating many of my family heirlooms to one of the Wayne Foundation's Museums. Hell my granddaughter don't want em and I ain't gonna live forever."

She eyed the grey confederate uniform in the case as Koda carried James down beside her. "…Might want to send that through the cleaners."

James smirked as Koda easily carried him to the door. "Well, it's all going to the Wayne Manor first." He pouted, "…No idea why. Something about asking a real expert on its authenticity… no idea who though, far as I know, those in my family are the only ones who know any extensive history about the real Jonah Hex. He waved a dismissive hand. "But enough about my history… let's focus on your future." She smiled as she stepped outside the door. "I'll see you soon darlin."

"Bye-bye Jimmy…" she said with a cutesy wave and a sensual caress of her breasts as James Hex frowned… Koda coughed, grinning broadly as she skipped herself to the car. Not noticing James slap his silently giggling butler's shoulder with the back of his hand.

Time: 10:43 PM. Place. Gotham (Superbabes)

"OOOh…" Elizabeth 'Bessie' walked into Superbabes in a significantly better mood than over an hour ago. "Wow… I can't tell you girls how much I NEEDED that!" The other girls giggled as she approached the counter, giving her money to Orders as Orders separated her cut. "…Oh… there's a lot here."

"Well, he overpaid…" Orders' eyes flashed as Bessie smiled, "Looks like somebody has a regular…"

"OOooooh!" teased a few girls as Sierra smiled.

"Hey lucky you girl!" Sierra sighed happily, "…Regulars are the best…" Jackie rolled her eyes and slurped her shake. "Well as long as they don't get clingy…"

Bessie was about to join them at the poker table when she paused, glanced into the locker room and strutted in, she heard a little buzzing and, sure enough. "UGH!" she growled, checking then silencing her phone. "Speaking of clingy… I need to change my number, my old fucking boss keeps calling me!... there goes my mood…"

Orders watched her for a minute, then tilted her head towards the couch. "…Have a break Bessie. It'll all work itself out… or you can ask Sierra's boyfriend to spruce up your phone."

"Oh! Right, Tom can totally do that!" Sierra grinned proudly, "Want me to call him? Ask me to call him."

"DON'T…" Orders noted plainly as Sierra pouted, "I don't need her distracted by booty calls."

"Boooo…" Sierra sighed as Bessie grinned… she loved working here.

Later, but not by much.

In the early morning, around 4:30 or 5… not to long after the last girls went home. Orders sat at her desk in her office, and rubbed her forehead, and sighed as she stretched back in her chair before getting to her feet and heading to the back door. She opened it glaring at the man before her, he had a large stomach, and was balding, although you couldn't tell underneath his ten-gallon cowboy hat. He flinched then glared at her, lowering his hand as he was about to knock. This was the Owner of the Cattle Call… the man bothering Bessie.

"I wanted to talk to… Bessie… but I'll settle for YOU."

"Neat." She replied flatly, staring unnervingly at him.

He fidgeted, trying to keep his stern gaze but unable to keep it up under Orders' unnatural purple eyes, he cleared his throat and adjusted his finely made suit before growled. "You sniped my girl." He said with a distinct Texas drawl under his breath.

"I did no such thing." She replied plainly, her unnerving gaze unwavering as he fidgeted. "I gave a trapped girl a way out, and she took it." he pointed a finger at her, opening his mouth as she grabbed it firmly, her eyes flickering… she promptly let go and smiled serenely at him… it was scary.

He flinched, clenched his teeth, and continued. "I want my 'Biggest' draw to come back."

"Oh yeah, I'm sure that'll work out." She said sarcastically, and with a very uninterested look in her purple eyes. "Why talk to me?" she asked, knowing the answer.

"You convince her to come back, and I don't tell the cops what your girls really do here…" he said with a proud smile as Orders' purple eyes widened, then narrowed.

"…Oh…?" his smile nervously vanished, as she cleared her throat. "…Jessie Mae Armstrong." His face suddenly fell in horror. She smiled. "Oh yes… lovely girl… I wonder what would happen if I told your wife about your weekly 'exercises' at her house… in her bedroom." The look of horror on her face. "Oooh… what would her HUSBAND say… such a scandal."

"Are you… blackmailing me?!" he hissed as she laughed.

"No. Dumbass I'm telling you to leave." She casually straightened his tie as she kept smiling unnervingly. "You don't fuck with my girls…" she said, tightening it firmly as he choked. "You will stop bothering her or I'll ruin every second of your life." She said coldly. "And you will NEVER darken my place of business again…" she leaned forward, glaring deep into his soul as her purple eyes flashed. "You don't bother me… I won't bother you." She shoved him away, turned, and locked her back door, closing up for now as she left him standing horrified in the parking lot.

"Enjoy your mistress… watch out for the other men she's cheating on you with…" she noted, casually heading home. "…And watch out for disfigured, displaced cowboys…" she said, with almost a curious air as she left a very confused man in her parking lot.

End of Chapter

Okay. Banshee's next, a lot of Jonah Hex references in this… I don't know what it is, maybe my love of western mythos but I've always liked him… thought I'd give him a bit of a shout-out with his descendent getting some… and his mute manservant but semantics.

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