
Superbabes Mini-Series: Road Trip Prolouge

I don't own DC

Time: 8:00 AM. Place: Gotham RV rentals.

"ROAD TRIP!!" Cheered Veronica as she bounced around the massive limousine that Orders had 'borrowed'. From a guy who knew a rich guy… Orders, Laura, Grace, Veronica, Brielle and Melissa were all dressed casually, their costumes stored in their luggage that was shipped to their rental RV…

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Orders wants to get the word out, and she started by redesigning the website to start taking paid subscriptions… which sounds sketchy. But trust me. The idea is SOUND because of the 'benefits' she intends to apply. For instance, a little movie she needs to make…

Veronica dressed in a half-shirt exposing her toned tanned stomach, and tight shorts squeezing every inch of her swaying hips grinned sweetly at her boss as she rolled her purple eyes. Why couldn't she sit still like the rest of the girls? Granted Melissa and Grace were sipping champagne from the built-in Wayne Enterprise fridge… and Laura seemed to be snoozing…

"We're here." Orders said thankfully before Veronica started talking again. The limousine that Orders had 'borrowed' pulled up to the rental service… a massive RV was waiting for them with a handsome tanned-skin man who immediately grinned stupidly at his luck while the beautiful women getting out of the car, and giggling excitedly led by Veronica. Smiled at him, took the keys, and stormed onto it.

Before Grace could amuse herself with exploring their… well, not exactly cross country, more like half-county, vehicle. Orders stopped her, and promptly handed her a little plastic Jar

"What's this?" Grace asked holding the little plastic jar curiously to eye level. It SEEMED to be filled with oil and what appeared to be a small, stationary droplet of blood about the size and perfectly spherical shape of a marble.

"THAT is my… solution. It's how you're going to safely do your jobs on this thing." Orders said, as Grace looked at it. skeptically "When you find someone and want to 'start' what you girls do best. Hold it near them and give it a shake. If it stays in the center like it is now. Then they are safe. If it starts shimmying around like a twitching paranoiac, get whoever it is off the RV." She frowned thoughtfully, "Or… you know get rid of them, in general, I don't know what you girls are going to do all week."

"This STILL seems a little excessive," Grace said smiling, slipping the jar into her jeans pocket. "You're giving us an all-expenses-paid trip to Fawcett City?"

"It's a work vacation. And it's pretty much paid advertising." Orders noted, "I've already talked to the other girls, but YOU are in charge… good luck with that." she added notedly as the other four girls began to pile back into the huge RV. "And…" she added handing her a couple of high-quality Wayne enterprise cameras. "Make sure you get it all on recording for the website…"

Grace chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief. "…Still."

"Look this is gonna be great for business." Orders said, adjusting her suit. "Just be yourselves, be careful and I'll see you all in a week or so."

She scratched her pretty head. "Well… if you're sure…" Grace said blowing Order's a kiss. "See you when we get back." Orders waved before getting back the Limo she borrowed. She knew a guy… who knew a rich guy, and the first guy owed her a favor… or several.

Grace got into the RV as Laura and the girls stored their various suitcases. There was a kitchen, and a bathroom, a small table that folded up into a couch, and couch in front of that… and a bedroom with surprising space, as well as two beds lying parallel on each wall. It was definitely a high-end RV… considering what they were potentially going to do in it (not to mention WHO they were going to do in it) Orders apparently spared no expense.

"Hmm… with the couches… it looks like we're going to have to share one…" Veronica smiled serenely at the beds as Grace bopped her in the head playfully.

"Okay girls. Listen up… Orders says I'm in charge on this little trip…" getting all their attention Grace held up the cameras. "And she wants us to record it…"

"Dibs!" Melissa shouted, a completely different visual appearance without her Harley Quinn make-up. With a pixie cut of blonde hair and a few earrings. One would hardly know she DID dress up like her. "I'm great with cameras."

"So am I." Laura and Veronica said together, smiling at the joke as Grace coughed, trying to suppress a laugh.

"Yeah, for performing, but we need to SELL this… first off we got to introduce ourselves and who we play and OH! An introduction!" she grinned at them. "We got to get the guys to want to subscribe to the site after all. Let's do a trailer!"

"We can discuss that on the road." Grace said, "Get everything stored." She pointed to the TV "Turn that on and let's get going!" taking the keys and heading to the driver's seat.

One brief discussion and an hour on the road to Ivy Town later…

…The camera flickered to reveal… Harley Quinn. "Hiya BOYS and GIRLS!" grinned 'Harley' dressed in her make-up and jesters cap, with the exception of a tight Red T-Shirt and short shorts it was like seeing 'Harley'. "How are ya doing!? If you are watching this that means you're thinking of subscribing to our site! Mwah!" she puckered her lips in a playful air-kiss to the camera. Behind her the road stretched ahead as the RV moved forwards. "Thanks! But the good stuff comes if you're a member." She turned, standing beside the beautiful 'Wonder Woman' wearing the tiara but wearing a jacket, tight black shirt with DC/AC on it, and tight jeans. Grace winked to the camera as she drove on.

"This is my girl Wonder Woman." She's here to make sure we don't get too CRAZY…" she grinned, rolling her eyes manically "…We're gonna get crazy anyway. Promise…" she walked backward through the RV. Gazing sultrily into the camera "And she's gonna join in too…" she added with a husky growl, "And this is Stargirl!" Brielle, currently stretching to put back her suitcase, wore tight knee-length shorts that displayed her big wobbly booty as she pushed it into the storage above the right side couch seat.

Harly ran a hand over Stargirl's round behind. "Ooh!" Brielle gasped adorably, winking under her mask to the camera, "She's here for… reasons." She then patted said reason, well one of the reasons. Brielle had two equally good ones on her front… Harley patted it again, harder, making it wobble for the camera as she walked on by to find Laura smiling as she prepared sandwiches in the homey little kitchen.

"And here's Huntress…" Laura blew a kiss by puckering her lips but remained focused on the food. "She's here because she REALLY knows what she's doing…" Harley said suggestively while she walked backward again, whispering conspiratorially, "She's also wearing the mask because people would DEFINITELY recognize her without it…" she purred seductively, reaching the bedroom.

"And this is-WHOA!" she pointed the camera up, giving a brief view of a VERY naked Starfire's tanned ass. As if they caught her in the middle of changing. "We AGREED not to do this!" Melissa hissed as Veronica cooed.

"Well if they weren't going to subscribe to the site, they will now!"

"Towel! Put it on! That's what we agreed to!" she hissed, "Grace!" she shouted up the RV

"Put it on Veronica!" Grace shouted back. Knowing EXACTLY why Melissa was shouting. She didn't even have to ask.

"Uggh! Hmph!" after a second, the camera aimed back at them. Starfire's body wrapped in a very suggestive towel as 'Harley' winked to the camera, Starfire wrapping an arm around Harley's waist as they stood side by side. Smiling into the camera.

"Well boys… if you want to see more with a LOT less…" she said playfully, as Starfire tugged the top of her towel lightly, more than ready to pull it away. The camera loves her after all. "Subscribe to the site… and we'll see you soon…"

Then together. "MWAh!" they kissed the camera… Veronica gave it some tongue.

"Okay! We're good. Ivy Town here we come!" Melissa grinned, looking into the camera as she wiped off Veronica's slobber with her shirt, giving a brief shot of her underboobs. "Hey uh… someone's going to edit this stuff right?"

"I think Sierra's boyfriend was volunteered," Brielle said, but she didn't sound sure.

"Tom? That guy's a sweetheart." Grace replied fondly. "Anyway. Ivy town in 3 hours, girls." Harley pulled the camera up as Grace winked at them as she pulled the RV to a red light… and a flyby from Hawkman fighting a supervillain apparently... "They won't know what hit em…" Much like Sportsmaster

"OOH!" they all flinched as Hawkman sent Sportsmaster flying off the highway.

End of Prologue

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