
Delivery Girl: Killer Frost

I don't own DC

Time. 11:00 PM. Place. Gotham City (Superbabes)

*Ring! Ring!* click.

"Hello Superbabes. We now Deliver."

"…I'd like to order two Killer Frost Desserts for delivery please."

"That's two frozen fruit yogurt parfaits."

"Yes please."

"Anything else?"

"Yeah. Delivered by Killer Frost. Please."

"Large orders do not change the fact that we expect her back around 60 minutes or the police will be informed. You will be charged on completion of delivery..."

"...But it's not that large…"

"…Group orders do not change the fact that we expect her back around 60 minutes."

"Ah. That makes more sense.

Meanwhile, Moments later.

"Frost. Order up." Orders noted as 'Killer Frost' got up from the couch.

She was tall and leggy. She had short, dyed icy blue hair, icy blue lips, blue eyes and a body of a swimsuit model. Appropriate, considering she was essentially wearing a backless one-piece swimsuit: it stretched over her moderate breasts and had a string tie on the back of her neck beneath her hair... She had long shapely legs that the suit showed off efficiently, and a round apple bottom that said suit threatened to ride up and turn into a thong. She also wore fur-trimmed boots and elbow-length fur-trimmed gloves, both a matching blue to her costume. And icy blue stockings that went all the way up her legs to the middle of her thighs.

She tugged absently at her costume, making sure it wasn't riding up or falling down before smiling at Orders, taking the delivery as she glanced at the address. Whistling softly, "Ooh. Gotham Heights? That's the rich boy district…" she grinned at Orders, who rolled her eyes in response. "I don't suppose Bruce Wayne has a thing for scantily clad supervillains?"

"He's not Bruce Wayne." Orders noted. "…and there's two of them." She added as Killer Frost frowned, turning and walking causally out, carrying the Wayne Enterprises transport thermos.

"Oh goodie…" she mumbled knowing what more than one delivery client meant, "And I was feeling pretty darn stiff already."

Gotham Heights is right next to Crest Hill which is where Gotham's number one family, The Waynes, call home. So while not quite richest of the rich There were a few more mansions owned by less wealthy families in Gotham Heights, or in some cases used to be owned by wealthy families. But there were smaller homes on the outskirts, closer to the city lines. And one of them was her destination.

It was STILL much bigger than her apartment. She approached the gate, glancing around for an entrance or a guard when she found an intercom built into the stone wall. She pushed it and it buzzed. "Hello?" came a rather mild reply. Female.

"I have a Delivery." She purred

Time 11:20 PM, Plac-

Wait. Wait. She's not at the Front door yet. Give her a moment.

"A deliver-" came a curious reply than 'Kya!' there was some sound on the com, she glanced curiously at it before a rather excited Male voice replied.

"Come on IN." he noted cheerily. The gate slid open to allow her access and she walked the small ornate path to the front door. She smiled and knocked. "Superbabes." She whispered.

Okay now.

Time, 11:21 PM. Place, Gotham (Gotham Heights)

The door soon opened and a rather attractive maid now faced her. She had auburn hair and a curvy but somewhat chubby body underneath her 'french maid' uniform, and obvious large breasts that stretched out her apron. She glared at 'Killer Frost' and opened her mouth. "Take off your boots." She said, 'Killer Frost went to obey but.

"Let her in Alexa." Came an eager reply from inside. "Half the fun is the costume." Killer Frost smiled at the maid as she stepped aside, letting her pass into an elaborate entrance hall. "In here." Came the voice to her left so she turned and entered a vast room. Its walls were adorned with shelves of books, an inactive fireplace, an old grandfather clock. And in the center of the room was a couch a pair of recliners, and two twin men eagerly watching her body. They had black hair, brown eyes, and similar shirts and pants on…

She held up the Wayne Enterprises Thermoses.

"Superbabes: Special Delivery Service." She repeated the slogan in full. Smiling prettily as the two black haired youths got off the couch and chair, they were sitting in and approached her, gazing at her body up and down as they swirled around her like sharks. Each taking a thermos and handing them to 'Alexa' as she glanced at them curiously.

"Handle those for her Alexa." One said sweetly. Alexa looked somewhat irritated as 'Killer Frost' just smirked at her. she 'hmph'ed softly to herself, turned and shut the doors.

"I'm going to need those back." 'Killer Frost' said as she felt a pair of eager hands on her ass cheeks. Twin number Two was getting frisky. "Don't tear the costume." She teased, shaking her hips slowly as his hands explored her thighs and sides. Twin Number One's hands found their way onto her tits, she moaned softly, wiggling her body as one arm wrapped around the back of Two's head and the other around One's letting their hands explore her body.

"Ever been with two guys before?" Twin One grinned at her as she licked her lips.

"Do you want me to answer honestly?" she cooed as their hands sunk into her flesh. "Ooh…"

"Well after tonight the answer's going to be 'yes'." Twin Two grinned playfully as they guided her to the furniture.

"…I've been with lots of guys at once." She replied honestly. "Aah…" she sighed as their fingers began to probe her holes through her suit.

"That's hot." Twin Two grinned.

"How many at once?" asked One.

"…Four." She said fidgeting as their eager bodies pressed to hers, pinning her between them.

"That's hot." Twin One replied.

"And Good. Because we're not waiting for our turns." Twin Two growled eagerly, nibbling her ear as one groped her chest.

Of course, she neglected to mention that her maximum moresome was mostly head and hands. But two guys shouldn't be hard. Jackie does shit like that all the time.

Twin Two gave her ass one last squeeze, and Twin One gave her chest the same treatment before both dropped onto the couch, gazing eagerly at her as she fidgeted, more than a little warmed up. "Why don't you give us a little tease." One grinned at her as she recovered herself a little.

"…Leave the gloves and boots on." Two replied, taking her hand and pulling her in between them. They groaned eagerly as her hips began to sway, her boots planted firmly on the carpet as her body wobbled and wormed, her hands sliding up and down herself, touching and caressing as she cupped her big chest.

"MMm…" she moaned, licking her icy blue lips as she rolled her hips, rocking them back and forth as she bent her knees a little. Thrusting her crotch towards them and grinding as her hands slid behind her neck, undoing the clasp that held her suit in place as it fell forward from her wiggling body, freeing her breasts.

"Oh hoo…" Twin Two grinned, eagerly leaning forward as the suit easily fell away, dropping to the floor around her ankles as she swayed and swirled. Her ass cheeks wobbling and bouncing in a playful 'twerk'. She didn't have a Pawg booty, but it was still a pleasing sight to watch her shake it. Her hands resting on her cheeks she spread herself, wiggling her exposed lower body before letting go and letting her ass cheeks wobble back into position.

She bent forward and- "Ooh." Both twins took a fistful of her ass cheeks, she pushed it back into their groping grips as she glanced over her smooth shoulders and smirked. "Like what you see?" she glanced down as they began to push their pants down one-handed… and her blue eyes widened "…Oh…"

Thick, long, girths of cocks were freed from their bindings, at least nine inches in length as they both pulled her closer. She stood up, swaying her ass towards them before reaching around and rubbing their tips with her hands.

"Dibs on her ass." Twin Two declared.

"What? No! You got ass first last time!" One growled glaring at him.

"New girl fresh start!" Two noted smugly as One growled.

"Rock, Paper, Scissor!" One declared.

"No Batman!" the other replied, both making fists.

"Boys!" 'Killer Frost' declared, turning around and glaring at them as the flinched under her glare. "Nobody is getting any ass until you're properly lubed!" she glanced at them both, before kneeling down between them. Her silky gloved hands wrapping around their throbbing lengths. Both sighed simultaneously as she glanced at their thick meats. She simultaneously stroked them, glancing between them as she quickly came to a decision, and opened her mouth over One's tip.

"Oooh." One sighed grinning smugly at his brother as he glowered at him.

"MMph! Mmr! Uymmm!!" she moaned, slobbering and drooling over his length to lube it as best she could, she wasn't even really trying to suck him off. Just give him a bit of a spit shine. Her saliva sliding down his length as she slobbered quickly. "Ah…" she pulled off, spitting on his tip, and stroking it into his skin before she turned her attention to Two.

"Oh yeah." He grinned as his hand rested on her head as it glided up and down as best she could. With was admittedly pretty damn good… she gave 'Killer' head. "Oh… oohh…" he oozed pre-cum onto her tongue, she flinched at the taste but kept slobbering and stroking.

"MMn mmph! Mw-ah!!" she pulled away, spat on his tip. Wrapped her lips around him and stroked wildly, slurping loudly as he pulsated in her stroking hand. "MMmmmm!!" she suddenly pulled off with a loud pop. Turning her attention back to One.

"Ooh shit that's so goooood." He groaned as her lips twisted and turned up and down his cock. She smirked around his length as she bobbed her head… then popped off of him too. Their cocks were streaked with icy blue lipstick, and she gave both heads a kiss in turn before standing up.

"…Alright. NOW you can decide." She slid a wet gloved hand over her shaven pussy, spreading her lower lips and smirking as she rubbed herself slowly. A long dribble of arousal splashing onto what is probably a very expensive carpet.

They glanced at each other, grinned, and both shook their fists. "Yes!" One grinned as his brother threw 'rock' and he threw paper. Standing up, his cock wagged eagerly as I got behind her, she smirked, feeling his hands rub her arms then push her forward. She crawled over a rather surly looking Two.

"Don't worry baby…" she cooed silkily, "I'll let you have a turn… if you can last." He smirked at her, their hands now rubbing her body as she felt his cock twitch against her wet pussy. "MMmn…" she whimpered hesitantly as One pushed her down on it, Two pulling her. "Ah… ahhh… you're so big…" she moaned as he stretched her, his cock sliding deep into her tight tunnel as she felt One spread her ass cheeks. "Ah. Wait. Go slow-oooh." She shuddered as his cock pushed her anal rim open, his tip plugging up into her as she trembled at the feeling of being double stuffed.

"Nothing like a fresh… ass…" hissed One greedily, pushing his length deep up her ass as her body trembled, her hands hooking onto the back of the couch as Two groped her chest, suckling on a hardened nipple like a baby as One wiggled his hips, smacking his cock against her anal walls as she gasped.

Then they were both balls deep inside her. Said balls quaking eagerly against her flesh as she clenched around them. Breathing heavily and erotically as they pulsated inside her… she was pretty sure they could FEEL each other through her inner walls.

Then the fun began. One pulled out of her ass. "Ahh…" she gasped, only feeling his tip inside her before he pushed it back in. Deep and quick. "Gaaah!" she gasped, head rolling back as simultaneously, Two pulled out of her pussy. "MMmn!!" she trembled as, once again, she was pierced deep and quick. Two pounding back up into her as One pulled out. "Ah God!" she hissed, teeth clenching as both of their hands gripped her waist…

And then she was USED.

"Ah! Ugh! Ahhmm!! MMN! Oh! OH! OH! AH! HA!! AHHHHHH!!" back and forth, up and down, utterly in sync, the twin youths railed away at her body, pumping and pounding into her soft tight flesh as her ass wobbled and her pussy clenched. She was flying in their hands, her body moving easily between them as their surprisingly hard muscles jerked her around with their plunging cocks and pumping hips. "Fuck me! Fuck me!!" she shrieked greedily as her switches were flipped. Her holes spasming around them as the powerful orgasms rippled through her one after the other.

"It's so hot when they want it!" One declared, falling onto her back and pinning her tightly between them as she shuddered and moaned.

"Ahhhhhh God…" she squealed as her leg muscles clenched. Their cocks slamming deep into her and pulsating.

"Ooh Baby…" Two grinned pleasurably as his cock throbbed inside her tight lower lips. "Get ready because I want that ass next…"

"Haa.. ahh?" she moaned as they wiggled their hips against her, "Ooh…"

They both pulled out, and simultaneously SLAMMED back in.

"Ahhh!! ARGH!! GOD!!" WHAM WHAM WHAM. Her legs shot out and she fell limp onto Two. Her hands clawing the couch cushions as they used her regardless. Her holes clenching and spasming as climax after climax rippled through her unrestrained, sending her mind soaring in pleasure as she whimpered.

"Gonna! CUM!" One declared, ramming deep for emphasis as she gasped.

"Same!" hissed Two, hilting into her as she screamed her pleasure.

"YES!!" they hissed together as 'Killer Frost' writhed between them, pinned firmly in place as she thrashed dangerously in orgasm. Thick semen rushed up into both holes, warming her insides as she gasped and shuddered, twitching with each simultaneous shot. They both pulsed three times, each with a thick rope.

"Oh God. Oh God so much CUM…" she moaned between them, shaking and clenching as they ground slowly. "W-wait I'm sensitive…"

They sighed, laughing slightly as one pulled out of her gaping ass, "S-shit…" she hissed, shaking as Two rolled her over onto her back on the couch. She gasped as she splayed out, her holes leaking erotically with their cum as she trembled. "Ooh… fuck…" she spread her pussy, trembling slightly as she moaned. "Look at all the cum…" she whined sympathetically, "You two made such a mess-" but Two and One grabbed her leg, and lifted her back onto Two, "Ah!" she shuddered, feeling their hands caress and squeeze her body as her hips were lifted up. And Two plugged her ass. "Ahh… Boys!"

"All the way down…" Two groaned, pulling her trembling ass onto his length and shaking her hips. "That's it…"

"Ahh… Haa…" she moaned, grinning slightly as she was filled up with thick cock once more.

"Don't waste a drop." One replied, spreading her legs wide as her pussy clenched in anticipation. "Oooh… that's a tight little hole…" he praised, "Tighter than your ass…"

"MMMN! Haa…" she shuddered as inch by inch he hilted into her well-stretched pussy.

"I don't know… her ass is pretty tight." Two teased as he wiggled his hips beneath her, her own hips swaying as they scrapped her insides with their identical cocks once more. "Alexa got loose after we double-teamed her…" he grinned teasingly as 'Killer Frost' twitched around them.

"That's because she doesn't like it when we take her at the same time…" One replied, wiggling his own hips now as she trembled and gasped in pleasure. Both of them were just doing whatever they wanted. "This one obviously LIKES being tag teamed."

GONG!! GONG!! GONG!! After a few more Gongs, the time will be 12:00.

"Haa.. aahhh!!" she shook, eyes rolling up into her icy blue hair. Fingers and toes curling as she sucked in air through her clenched teeth. "Ngh!!"

"Already cumming baby we haven't even-" One began but she lashed out, gripping his hair, "Ah! Damn that-

"SHUT UP AND FUCK ME." She growled like the psycho she was playing. Glaring crazily into his eyes as immediately they pushed deep, pulled out, and repeated. "Oh! FUCK! YES!!" her body rocked back and forth, up and down, side to side, meeting their thrusts and grinding as their cocks stroked deep and tight.

"Fuck me… ah! AH! Come on! Use me!" Two wrapped his arms around her middle, pulling her down as One pushed on her chest, once again pinning AND using her as their cocks plunged wildly into her spasming holes. Cum from their previous burst oozed out of her body as their lengths pushed and pulled. "Ooohwaaah! I'm gonna Cum!!" she whined, hooking her hands on the back of the couch and shaking, eyes rolling, "OOoh!! GOD!!"

"OH SHIT!" the boys howled together, getting deep into her and roaring together as their screams intermingled.

"AHHHRGH!!" they collapsed onto her taut, shaking body as she shuddered.

"MMn! Umm HMm…" she sighed, going limp between them. Her legs gently rubbing against theirs as they breathed heavily.

"OOoh… that was fucking. GREAT." One declared. "I haven't cum like that in WEEKS."

"Sounds like… a personal problem…" moaned 'Killer Frost' smirking playfully as Two groped her chest. "Mmmn…"

"Well… we get off on DP." Two whispered in her ear as she twitched around them. "And our… usual partner was feeling uninterested."

Slowly they pulled from her. Her holes clinging to them in farewell as she slipped off two onto the floor. "Ooh…" she stumbled slightly, reaching down for her suit.

"Hey come on… we still got time." One noted as she glanced at the nearby grandfather clock. 12:10

"Can you guys get off in five minutes?" she noted, knees buckling slightly as both stood up.

"One of us can." One said, holding out a fist to two as he grinned confidently. One. Two. Three.

"Yeah!" Two declared as she got on her knees, gazing up at his approaching cock.

One scowled and shrugged. "Fine. I'll just play with Alexa." He then reached into his pants and after scrapping out a few hundred dollars, he dropped it into a neat stack onto the couch as 'Killer Frost's mouth opened and slid around Two's length.

"Oooh." Two groaned as she slobbered up and down his length, an eye on the clock as his hand rested in her hair. His cock pulsated between her red lips; her icy blue lipstick long smeared away.

"Glurp! Gulp! SLURP!!" a trail of saliva dripped from her lips and his cock as her head bobbed rapidly up and down his length.

"Ughhh…" he groaned, head rolling back. "I'm going to cum in your mouth…" he declared as his cock throbbed warningly. She sighed slightly but pulled her lips to his tip and rapidly stroked his slicked shaft. "Ahhh…"

"MMMn!" she moaned as his salty seed flooded into her mouth. She flinched at the taste.

"Ahhh yeah…" he slipped from her lips, "Let me see." She glanced up and opened wide, the wad of cum still on her tongue as she wiggled it, a small trail flicked from the tip of her tongue before she slid it back in.

GULP! "MMm…" she shook her head slightly; she didn't really like swallowing. But she smiled prettily at him and opened her mouth. "Ah…"

"Ooh baby…" he laughed, his cock dangling limp between his legs as she retrieved her suit and he grabbed his pants. Retrieving his identical wallet and taking out hundreds like it was just something rich people do. "Hey uh…" he placed a few hundreds on the neat stack before holding it out to her as she easily re-dressed. "…Don't suppose you'd be open to a little…" he hesitated, trying to find the right words. "Private delivery? Of the clock?" he then absently took another couple hundreds from his wallet.

She eyed it for a minute, then smiled seductively. "I charge for more than the 'deliveries'." She said confidently. He waved the hand around with an equally confident smirk.

"I HAVE more." He replied.

She shrugged to herself, taking the money. "Got a pen?" after leaving him her private number. She then added flatly. "Only on weekends, and only on my time." She folded the little scrap paper and handed it back to him. "Enjoy your meal."

"MMn. Already did." He replied, giving her ass one more playful squeeze as she strutted out. He dropped back onto the couch and sighed.

She was halfway to the door, when she remembered the Wayne Enterprises Thermoses, and doubled back, glancing around she quickly decided to follow the sounds of-

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Young! Master! Ooh!! YES"

She pushed the door open, Alexa jumped in shock. She wasn't naked, but she WAS being railed from behind by one of her employers. "Oh my god!" she gasped, only for him to cover her mouth and keep pumping her. "MMnph!!" she moaned and shuddered, his hips slamming against her big ass from behind as he pinned her to the table he was pounding her over… her pussy drooling arousal onto the tiled floor as she feebly slapped the back of his hands.

"Don't mind me." Killer Frost noted lazily, more than used to this sort of thing as Alexa apparently had an orgasm. "Ah… here we go." She grabbed the empty thermoses and waved them at the two pounding away. "Thank you. Order again."

"Ooh! YEAH!!"

"MPMH!!" Alexa trembled as One filled her with cum, it dribbled down her stiffened stocking legs as her heeled feet scrapped on the tiles. As if trying to escape his relentless insemination.

"AHhh…" he dropped onto her back, "You're the BEST Alexa." She moaned erotically her eyes hazy as 'Killer Frost' left. Smirking quietly to herself. Men. They'll tell you whatever you wanted to hear.

Time 12:45 AM, Place. Gotham (Superbabes)

"Hey Elsa." Jackie declared, slurping a vanilla shake as Ask Dr. Harley sent a manic depressive into a pond of water.

"That's not my name Jackie." 'Elsa' replied casually as Sierra adjusted her breasts in her suit, strutting out of the changing room and smiling at the blue-haired beauty.

"Don't mind her Leslie. She just had a day. My boyfriend kept her up with all his noise…" Leslie raised a blue-tinged eyebrow at Sierra who grinned. "…Well… he kept me up too, but I passed out after a while." She smirked smugly, "Speaking of." She took one of Leslie's thermos, "Orders, I'm making a delivery…" she sing-songed towards the door.

"I'm not paying you for a booty call." Orders replied flatly.

"I'll charge him!" she said, winking at Leslie as she rolled her eyes and approached Orders.

"Here." She said, handing her the stack of bills. Orders glanced it and scoped them into a drawer. "…Do I have to give you some of my 'tip'?"

Orders shook her head, "No. If he gave you a tip that's all yours…" Leslie smiled broadly. "…Ignore the puns. 'Elsa'." Leslie rolled her eyes again. Strutting away…

"You have one oral gangbang on Halloween as her and they never let you live it down." She whispered to herself, sitting next to Jackie and watching the manic depressive win the free therapy session… She was a little surprised that Orders found out about that, but in all turned out all right…

Regardless of the nickname.


For the record, this Killer Frost design was the one from Assault on Arkham, much (ironically) hotter than the JLU version... And yes. 'Leslie' was almost 'Elsa' but I felt that was too on the nose... I'll keep my fantasies for the prettiest Disney Princess out of my Superbabes.

And YES. Sierra(Powergirl) has a complicated relationship with her chapter's Delivery client. Don't kink shame him.

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