
Maid for this

I don't own Star Wars

I smiled manically to myself as I sat at the head of the table. This. All of it was now. Officially. MINE. My father was gone. I smirked as I viewed the dinning room. He had finally been arrested for his crimes… and if those crimes had something to do with me telling a certain watcher 8 that he has been delivering munitions to a hutt under the rader… why. It was only natural that I'd report such a thing…

I sighed fondly, licking my lips hungrily as I lifted the tiny dinner bell and rattled it. I licked my lips again as MY maid appeared, my beautiful blue twi'lek Sena. With a rather sorrowful look on her face, she brought me a tray of food, resting it on the table as I smiled at her.

"Don't look so down Sena. My father was an awful human and a foolish Imperial…" I gently stroked her arm, "And now that this is all mine…" I said, not necessarily referring to the house, "You will be set for life."

"Thank you… sir." She said, bowing slightly as her breasts bounced tantalizingly in her uniform. Before turning and walking out, her beautiful sexy ass bounced with the skirt. I licked my lips one last time and began to eat, I was suddenly ravenous…

And not necessarily for the food.

I devoured my meal, as usual Sena's cooking was as tasty as she was… however… I wasn't full. I rang the bell again and Sena walked meekly out, her head bowed slightly. "Yes sir?"

"I think I would like dessert now…" I said, eyeing Sena's cleavage as I smiled.

"Yes sir. What would you-" she yelped as I pulled her towards me, lying her roughly onto her back on the table. "Sir!?" I spread her legs, ripping away her black underwear as I began to lick her blue pussy, she quivered at my tongue.

"It's MASTER now I think… and I also think I'll have my sexy maid for dessert…" I hungrily buried my tongue into her, holding her in place as her hips shook and she cried out in pleasure. "Yum… tasty pussy… and look at all the syrup." I laughed as she quickly became wet under my playing. "All mine now. I don't have to share you with that fool old man… Tonight's the night Sena." I told her, gazing into her face as she nervously stared back, shivering as I groped her big full breasts. Eager to burst from her tight uniform top as my cock throbbed eagerly. "Tonight's the night." I repeated, grinning as I knelt down again. "I'm going to knock you up if it's the last thing I do…"

Her pussy trembled before my eyes, "You're so eager for it now…" I cooed, giving her pussy a long loving lick as her legs clenched. I held her hips down as she shook in my grip. "Its like it knows it won't have to resist that old wrinkled dick anymore…"

I slurped her pussy, sucking her tasty juices eagerly into my mouth as she trembled. "Get Ready my pretty little maid… I'm going to go all night inside you." I licked and shoved my fingers into her, moving them steadily in and out of her as she moaned, shaking on the table as she tried to resist cumming too early. "…I'm going to tie you down…" I laughed, as she twitched.

"Sir?" she asked, sounding nervous.

"Oh yeah…" I licked my lips at the thought, speeding up as her stomach clenched, her body unwilling to resist me further. "All night. All day. Right to my bed… legs spread for me as I ravage you…" I shoved more fingers into her as she cried out in pleasure: cumming lightly on my tongue "You don't have to resist me anymore… with my father gone your body can accept its proper mate…" Force I wanted to fuck her, my cock was throbbing to release inside her fertile body, forget tying her down I needed her now.

"Sir. Please I…" but I hungrily gobbled her pussy as she climaxed I grinned proudly.

"Forget the bed…" I said laughing as I licked her trembling pussy, "I'm going to take your body right here-"


I froze… that was the doorbell… someone was here. I growled and went back to my dessert, only for the bell to ring again.

"Young mas- Master I need to…" she began trying to sit up but I pushed her roughly back down, nibbling her labia as she whimpered, gently climaxing again.

"They'll go away…" I growled, slurping away at her. "Now be a good girl and get ready for me." I slipped my fingers inside her, lapping away as she moaned and whimpered, her skirt hiked up to her waist as I buried my head between her legs. I stared at her dripping pussy and smiled, "I'm so hard I'm going to knock you up tonight…" I chuckled, running my finger up and down her lips, "I'm going parade your pregnant body around my academy friends… so they know who you belong to."


I froze. That was the front door, I stood up and stared annoyed at the doorway that led to the hall. "Who could that possibly be!?" I hissed angrily, "I am in the middle of my meal!" Sena, however, scrambled off the table adjusting her skirt as I chased after her. "I am not done with you Sena!" I roared angrily.

However, as she reached the front door, she turned to look at me just as angrily and opened it. "Greetings…" smiled a chiss male in an imperial officer uniform. He was accompanied by a beautiful blonde woman, also in a uniform but apparently a size too small. He was also accompanied by half a dozen troopers. One larger than the rest in dark black armor as he invited himself in. Towering over me by at least a foot and a half. "I'm watcher 4." The Chiss introduced himself. "And this…" he said, gesturing to the large black armored trooper. "Is Destro: the man escorting you to prison!" he said cheerfully…


"Who do you think you are?!" the idiot shouted at me as Destro's firm grip held him back easily..

I rolled my eyes and looked at Destro. "Did he not hear me? I said I was Watcher 4."

The big dark trooper shrugged, he also had no sense of humor, or merely didn't understand it. When I arranged for his passing grade he wasn't really the brightest of students. "Perhaps he has trouble with his hearing?"

"Sir. Restrain him." Haley said firmly interrupting us, glaring at me while gesturing to the reason we were here.

"Right. Right. You heard her." I said to Destro as he easily dragged the screaming little man out of his former home. "Seize everything." I added to the rest of the troopers as they began raiding his former household, grabbing anything that looked remotely important or valuable. One grabbing Ms. Sena. "Oh. No. not her… she's fine." I added firmly as he saluted to Sena and moved on.

"Sir?" Sena asked, curiously adjusting her skirt nervously. "I don't understand."

"I've had my eye on him forever. And of course, once he turned in his father… why did I need him?" I replied with a shrug, "So…" I clapped my hands, "I am under the impression that you have finished dinner." I smiled disarmingly at her as she slowly nodded, "Excellent. I haven't eaten all day."

I took Haley and Ms. Sena into the kitchen as the crashing started to pick up and sat at the other end of the table. Patiently watching Ms. Sena with a smile on my face. Ms. Sena fidgeted nervously but turned into the kitchen as the former owner began to shriek obscenities so loud that I could hear it from here.

"Destro." I called into our ear communicators.

"Sir?" came Destro's echoing helmeted reply.

"Knock him out." I said exasperatedly, and the shrieking abruptly stopped as I smiled at Haley. "Come now Haley. Sit. Ms. Sena is an excellent cook."

"We're in the middle of a raid, Sir." She replied professionally, standing like she had a stick up her ass… which from experience I knew she didn't have. I shrugged as I chuckled at what we did last night as an example just as Ms. Sena returned with a tray of hot food and I began to eat. "Delicious." I praised.

"Sir I don't understand…" Sena began softly, I smiled encouragingly at her, gesturing for her to continue. "I thought I was supposed to spy on the young master and his father."

"And you did. Then of course he actually turned in his father so all of those lovely contacts dried up. I had to assign agents to them to keep the information flowing. But the one I was interested in was his Father who was leading me to… well, it's a bit above your paygrade." I chuckled, 'accidentally' almost letting something slip. "Well. Again, this is delicious!" I praised, pointing to the meal "Thank you for the meal Ms. Sena. Now there is only the matter of your payment and your return to the slums."

"W-what?" she asked nervously, as I watched her. "…I… don't you need me to… to spy on anyone else?"

I smiled at her, laying the groundwork as Haley looked away. "My dear Ms. Sena, you were in a very lucrative position and in a very convenient spot. And while I applaud your beauty, your subtly, and your obviously talented ability to keep secrets. The fact of the matter is I have no such field position to a woman like yourself." I gestured politely to her beautiful maid uniform clad body, "You were a maid, and then a spy. Now you are a maid again…"

"…Sir I need the money you pay me." She begged, her lekku and lower lip trembling slightly. "Please I… I won't be paid nearly enough in a regular maid's position."

"Well you are talented in multiple positions…" I said with an inward chuckle, "I'm sure you can find work in another house such as this." I took a quick look around, "…It is actually a very nice house."

"Sir. Please. Is there anything I can do?" she begged, gazing hopefully into my eyes as I smiled. I looked her body up and down… she stepped right into it. It would be an utter shame if a woman of her 'talents' simply went on to work for some lesser imperial noble. I handed her an envelope of credits, enough to last her and her poverty-stricken family to splurge on for two weeks.

"If you're serious Ms. Sena…" I said, gazing into her eyes as I pressed the envelope onto her generous chest. "Come back here in a week. Otherwise? It was a pleasure having you work beneath me." She took the credits, staring at them nervously and thoughtfully as she left the dining room, I sat down on the chair and leaned back, feet up on the table.

"Was that really necessary?" Haley asked firmly.

"My dear Haley I'd thought you'd appreciate having another woman around…" I eyed her teasingly as she blushed and looked away. But I sighed, "Regardless… that little bastard put a severe hole in my plans. Altora is no closer now than she was when I first started tracking his father. I sighed, "Well… at any rate… put a down payment on this place." I noted, "We have been looking for a bigger house after all."

A week later

Ms. Sena, minus her once constant maid uniform now dressed in casual pants and a delightfully tight shirt, stood outside my new home as I viewed her from the window. I smirked to myself as I stroked Haley's beautiful head. "She's here…" I stated calmly as Haley went lower and lower. Moaning softly as her tongue worked its experienced magic. "…Get dressed now. We don't want to chase her off…"

Haley slipped me out of her mouth stood up from between my legs and went to dress herself as I uncomfortably zipped up, I'm going to have to deal with that until relieved… preferably with our beautiful guest.

Ms. Sena knocked on the door and was startled to find the big trooper Destro. Fully armored with the exception of a comical red tie around his neck. "Come in." he said abruptly like a proper butler as Ms. Sena skipped quickly into the hallway. Now decorated with more tasteful décor, such as portraits of my own family: those took a while to get painted… she was led towards the living room where I sat in a comfy armchair watching her with a smile.

"Ms. Sena… I'm glad you decided to take the job."

"…The job? Sir?" she asked as I dismissed Destro, who bowed and left without another word.

"Yes. As MY maid…" I noted, pouring two glasses of very fine scotch. It seemed to fit the tone.

However, she frowned, "A… your maid? Sir?" she asked hesitantly. But I waved a hand as I sipped my drink.

"Well. Yes. But you'll be paid much more exuberantly." I added, "I can't justify your payments from the empire anymore, but I can pay you from my own accounts..." I smirked knowingly, "So… in other words Ms. Sena… you'll be doing the exact same thing you've been doing… the EXACT same."

The words sunk in and she flinched, her tight pants suddenly seemed much tighter, she was after all dressed in street clothes rather than her maid uniform. "…So, you… intend for me to…" she was hesitant in the wording, but I felt the need to speed this up.

"Spend a lot of time with your legs spread. Yes." I said flatly, she frowned and didn't meet my eyes, looking away shamefully. "You could always say no. Find a real maid job where your body wouldn't be the top reason you were hired." I said, "But I highly doubt you'll make the same amount as I would be paying you…" I noted and pulling a datapad with her contract out of my pocket I held it out to her. "Here. Take a look…"

She opened the contract, reading it as her eyes slowly widened. "…You…" she stared at me amazed, "…Are… are these numbers, right?"

"If I'm not mistaken you'll make in a month what you'd usually make in three." I noted draining my drink and pouring myself another. "…I calculate that your family could leave that little shack in… less than a year; 8 months is my current bet." I however waved my hand, "…But I'm a greedy man… keep reading." I noted, watching her as she did.

"…I'd have to stay as your maid for a minimum of five years…" she said, looking at him hesitantly. "…I'd be a… kept woman for five years?"

"Or your family gets shipped back to Ryloth." She looked at me horrified but I shrugged, "Seems fair to me." I added, as she read and re-read the contract. "Yes or no… Ms. Sena?"

She bit her lip, and stood up, walking over to my table and taking the second drink of scotch as I smiled, watching her chug it down before I handed her a pen and she signed the contract. She stood a little straighter, hands across her stomach, her arms pushing her chest together like a proper maid waiting for orders.

"Shall I begin immediately sir?"

"Well…" I smiled, gently caressing her soft wonderful ass through her pants as she stood stoically, perfectly. "I'd like you to be in uniform before you fully begin your 'duties' Ms. Sena. I believe you still have spares in your old room.

"Yes sir." She bowed professionally before abruptly heading towards her old room. I watched as her tight pants squeeze that perfect rear before my eyes as she vanished. I closed up the contract and grinned, I did love it when greed won the day… people were ready to give me what I wanted with just a few well-placed Zeros…

I mean… I suppose you might consider it a problem that money was no object for me. My father had literally hundreds of millions of credits stashed away from years of Imperial work, blackmail, skimming off Altora's ill-gotten gains… and of course rigging the gambling systems during his retirement… my great-great grandchildren would never have to worry about money. And that took care of a blinding weakness: bribes… granted I'd could be 'bribed' with a high-class woman like Ms. Sena or Haley, but they always offer money. And money was of no interest to me, I had enough of it…

Father used to have a saying when he was instructing me about imperial politics. A businessman, no matter how rich, will always want more money. But a real politician, wouldn't care. I never quite understood that until I myself became a Watcher… and just how many stupid people tried to bribe me. I refused to throw away all my hard work for a few measly credits… I loved the power it gave-

I blinked… I suddenly had an epiphany… taking my datapad I began to check something… yes. YES!!! I laughed, standing up. Slapping myself that I couldn't believe I had missed it! "Altora you clever bitch. What would casino barges need military grade ship parts for?" I laughed again, "Oh…" I smiled, "I need to call Tulba…" I stroked my chin, "…That old hag is a patient clever bitch."

"Sir?" Sena asked as she returned, dressed in her sexy maid uniform as I took her in my arms and began to dance.

"You! Ms. Sena!" I kissed her deeply on the lips, and she froze, "Are a muse!" I then lifted her in a bridal carry, and began carrying her toward my room. I had waited long enough.

"I'm a muse?"

"A muse…" I cooed, claiming her lips again as I kicked open my door and slammed her down on the bed immediately groping her body. "Tell me Ms. Sena, why do you do with military grade ship parts when you have no ship for them?"

"I-" she gasped as my fingers slipped under her bottoms, "I don't know sir."

"…You sell them-" I began to laugh again, "-To the competition." I pulled open her top, licking at her big beautiful breasts and her firm, wonderfully hard nipples "Or trade them, whatever. You get rid of them for what you actually want… and she is greedy but not for money! That clever old bitch, I know what she's doing!" I grinned again as Sena started to look at me concerned, regardless of her twitching pussy.

"…Sorry…" I smiled, "This tends to happen when you work hard on something for years. So. Don't worry you're beautiful-" I kissed her lekku, "Wonderful." I kissed her neck, "Head…" I kissed her and sped up my fingers as she writhed beneath me. She came, and I was static… feeling her body twitch and quiver around my fingers as I pinned her to the bed.

So… now that I've gotten on step closer to that bitch of a woman… time to focus on a more beautiful one. I nibbled on her left nipple as she gripped her right breast, wrapping her hand in my hair as she pulled me against her breast, feeling it mold around my face as I sucked and nibbled. Slipping her panties off as I tossed them aside as I changed my attention to her pussy, licking her gently as she shivered, her legs wrapping around my head, squeezing me tightly to her as she screamed an orgasm…

Her body went limp as I stood up, wiping my lips as I began to strip. My previous erection quickly returned as it viewed the blue woman before me. She stared at me for a moment, then slowly spread her legs, holding them up as her pussy quivered before my eyes. I groped her chest, staring into her eyes as I rubbed her womanhood with my eager cock, feeling her arousal against my length as she lubed it up. I grinned as I aimed my cock with her pussy and pushed to the root as she arched her back, squealing loudly as I nibbled her lekku.

I didn't wait. I couldn't. I immediately began pounding down into her, her legs quaking as her ass jiggled with each forceful thrust, feeling her tightening around me I drove on, squeezing her large breasts in my hands as my hips moved on.

"Sir! Ah! MMN!!" she moaned, writhing beneath me as she came, I bit down on her nipples, and she squirmed beneath me as her body react wildly to my consistent constant pounding. She couldn't take it anymore, her hands lashing out, slapping my chest as she silently screamed another orgasm. I lifted her from the bed, thrusting up into her as her body bounced on me, her teeth gnashing tightly together as she hissed another orgasm, legs wrapping around me as I grabbed her hips and pulled her down. She gasped, feeling my seed rush up into her body, "Its so hot…" she moaned orgasmically, twitching on my length as I grinned to myself… but then had a thought.

…Did I ever tell her I was part twi'lek? I couldn't remember… then I shrugged and lay her carefully back down on the bed, pulling out of her abruptly as her pussy leaked my fresh load off the side of my bed. I sighed contentedly, sitting next to her as her heavy breasts heaved up and down on her chest as she tried to catch her breath.

I lay down on my back next to her, feeling quite content with myself. I jumped up, looking down as I felt the familiar sensation of… yes, that's a twi'lek giving me a blowjob. Sena lips ran carefully up and down my length as I lied back and felt her work, her tongue carefully running along my length as she stroked me with her hands, and sucked my cockhead into her mouth, stroking and sucking carefully as I hardened back to readiness. I stroked her lekku as she shivered at my touch, gently pushing her down my cock for more, throbbing in her mouth as her tongue tried to pull out my cum.

Holding her firm, I thrust carefully into her mouth before I released. Her body shook in surprise as my seed filled her mouth. She pulled away, cheeks bulging as she covered her mouth and audibly gulped. I throbbed watching her throat bulge at the action. She moaned slightly, before shaking her head. Apparently, she didn't like the taste, but without encouragement, she began sucking again. I let her work for a moment until I was ready again, then I pulled her by her lekku away from my cock. "Thank you for your work Ms. Sena…" I praised, then pulled my com from the drawer by the bed. "Haley." I said flatly into it before grabbing a leaving Ms. Sena and pulling her onto my lap, grabbing her breasts from behind as I lifted her onto my cock, sliding deep inside her as I rode her up and down on my lap, squeezing her breasts as they bounced in my hands.

The door to my room opened as Haley entered, Sena tried to cover herself, but I restrained her, nibbling her lekku as Haley watched. "You know Haley, Sena…" I said softly, "…Come say hello Haley."

Haley frowned, but leaned forwards abruptly, eagerly and hungrily kissing Sena as she bounced on my lap. Undressing her own uniform as she pushed Sena and I onto the bed, pinning Sena between us as I thrust up into Sena. I reached into Haley's silky blonde hair, forcing her to continue kissing our new maid as I kept up the pace. Sena moaned into Haley's mouth as she shivered on my length, I bit into her lekku as she screamed, and I came… shoving my seed into her as Haley moaned into her mouth. I groped Haley's ass, slipping my fingers under her panties as I probed her pussy and ass. Looking into her eyes as Sena panted between us.

I pulled Haley off Sena, and gently pushed Sena on my opposite side as I crawled over Haley, rubbing my flaccid length between her legs as I tried to rile myself up for more, feeling her pussy trembling on my cock as I felt her pubic hair. Her body shook as I pierced her, pounding away before she even knew what was happening as I claimed her body once more. The bed shook as I pounded her body into it, Sena woke up watching in awe as I grunted and roared like a primal animal, her fingers absently rubbing her slippery womanhood as she continued to leak, twitching as her breasts bounced, feeling her orgasms run through her.

Haley screamed, tightening around me as I buried my length deep into her, my balls clenching as I shot my load into her, kissing her as she quivered, the orgasm dominating her body more than I had. I caught my breath, thrusting the last through drops into her. "Wonderful as always Haley…" I whispered in her ear, chuckling longingly as she twitched at my length. "Ready for more already…"

"…Fuck Orin…" she whispered back… exhaustedly, going limp on the bed as she breathed heavily. "Go fuck your new toy…" she spat, slapping me weakly on the face as I laughed, smiling at her.

"Are you jealous Haley?" She scowled but didn't answer, "Aw… Haley… you do love me." I cooed possessively, kissing her neck as I buried myself back into her again and again, "Don't be jealous Haley…" she pouted adorably, I turned her pouting face and kissed her pressed lips again. "I'll still have time for you." I began again, feeling her clench tightly around me as my cock pulled in and out of her. "OR maybe…" I teased, making her look at Sena. "…You're afraid she'll have my child before you?" I whispered softly in her ear as she wrapped her legs around me and pulled me tightly to her. I lifted her hips up, pounding down into her as she came, writhing beneath me as I pushed as deep as I could go and released. Sena, thoroughly watching me breed my long-term companion fingers thrusting in and out of her pussy, thrashed on the bed as she came, screaming an orgasm into a pillow.

I lifted Haley off the bed, grinning as I carried her to the bathroom. Pinning her against the door, "Ms Sena…" I noted carefully, feeling Haley eagerly shiver against my body, "If you won't be joining us… that'll be all."

Haley watched us for a moment as I tried to open the bathroom door, and Sena's uniform dropped to the floor. Walking naked towards us as she opened the door for us, and followed us into a lovely, long night…

Much later in the evening, I sat in my chair, two beautiful women sleeping naked and exhausted on my bed. Their tight loving holes and stomachs filled with my thick and plentiful seed. But I was distracted, for I had Tolara Kane on Holo-com and she was glaring at me coldly.

"…She's building a space station? That's what you've come up with?" she asked in disbelief.

"She's built a space station, she's had years at this point. Maybe more, something off the books from her time as Moff." I noted, "She got her contacts here to ship Tuuba parts for his barges. A few military-grade trinkets with it. Sold or traded them to Tulba, the republic, whoever will take it. It's why we haven't found her on any planet… she can't be building a ship, we would've found it; it would need to refuel, and resupply. But a station on or over some backwater world…" I smiled, "She wouldn't have to make landfall anywhere we could find her. She could send any unrelated ship to fetch what she needs."

"…Except now we still don't know where to find her." Tolara replied, "…It's a good theory watcher… but how is that going to help us?"

I leaned back in the chair, "…We could try marking all our tech." he mumbled, "But I'll just have to keep an ear to the ground and find somebody else dealing with her. We could've used these idiots." I gestured around the room, referring to the previous owners. "But more than likely she's figured out we've caught on…"

Tolara sighed rubbing her eyes. "…Come up with something. Let me know." I nodded and let her hang up on me. You do not hang up on Tolara Kane. I sighed, stood up and as I headed back to my bed and my women. I wondered briefly what Father would've done. Then seeing the beautiful naked women on my bed, I realized the rather crass discussion to that answer and crawled between them, pulling them to my body as they held me. My hands gently rubbed their stomachs, I grinned to myself as I closed my eyes, wondering.

Which one would be first tomorrow?

End of Chapter

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