
Chapter 40: A new addition to the team

Dr. Sato emerged from the makeshift lab, his brow furrowed in deep contemplation. The fluorescent lights of the hospital corridor cast harsh shadows across his face, accentuating the lines of worry etched there. As he stepped into the hallway, he nearly collided with Dr. Yuki, who had been anxiously pacing outside.

The collision startled them both, causing Dr. Sato to drop the stack of papers he'd been clutching. As they both bent to retrieve the scattered documents, their eyes met, and a silent understanding passed between them.

"So," Dr. Yuki began, her voice barely above a whisper, "how was his presentation?" 

Dr. Sato straightened up, his expression morphing from thoughtful to determined. He ran a hand through his salt-and-pepper hair, taking a deep breath before speaking. "Dr. Yuki," he began, his voice laced with urgency, "Ryu's presentation was... eye-opening. The potential for this synthetic antibiotic is simply astounding. We need to move forward, and fast."

Dr. Yuki's eyes widened with surprise, a glimmer of hope sparking in their depths. "Indeed," she agreed cautiously, her fingers nervously twisting the hem of her lab coat. "But the resources required..."

Dr. Sato held up a hand, silencing her. The gesture was firm but not unkind, reminiscent of a conductor halting an orchestra. "Consider those resources secured. I'm authorising the relocation of this entire operation to a proper lab facility. State-of-the-art equipment. You'll have everything at your disposal to push this research to its limits."

Relief flooded Dr. Yuki's features, her shoulders visibly relaxing. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Dr. Sato, that's phenomenal news!" Her voice trailed off, then dropped to a hushed tone. "But there's something else. Ryu's condition... it's not showing any signs of improvement."

Dr. Sato's expression turned grim, the lines on his face deepening like furrows in a drought-stricken field. He knew the clock was ticking. "I know, I saw him now. He looks pale and is pushing himself too hard. That is why I have another proposition."

Dr. Yuki blinked, taken aback. "Another proposition?"

"Yes," Dr. Sato continued, his voice firm. He glanced around the corridor, ensuring they were alone, before leaning in closer. "I want my daughter, Hana, to join your team."

Dr. Yuki's eyebrows shot up, her surprise evident. "Your daughter? But, Dr. Sato, this research involves highly hazardous materials. It wouldn't be safe for—"

"Exactly," Dr. Sato interjected, his voice firm. His eyes blazed with a mixture of parental concern and professional determination. "I believe Ryu's unwavering dedication and passion for this project would be the perfect influence on Hana. She needs—well, frankly, she needs a good role model. Plus, an extra pair of hands couldn't hurt. It'd save you some valuable time."

Dr. Yuki weighed his words, her mind racing through the potential benefits and risks. While the thought of an inexperienced student joining their critical research was daunting, she understood Dr. Sato's desperation. Time was a luxury they simply didn't have.

After what seemed like an eternity but was merely a few seconds, Dr. Yuki nodded slowly. "Very well, Dr. Sato," she conceded. "Perhaps an additional mind contributing could be beneficial. We'll do our utmost to ensure Hana's safety while maximising her contribution."

With a curt nod of thanks, Dr. Sato hurried off, his footsteps echoing in the empty corridor. Dr. Yuki took a deep breath, bracing herself for the challenges ahead. She smoothed down her lab coat, a habitual gesture that helped centre her thoughts. Pushing open the lab door, she found Ryu hunched over a microscope, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"Ryu," she began, her voice gentle but firm. The young man looked up, his eyes red-rimmed from fatigue. "There are two things you need to know. First, we're moving to a brand-new, state-of-the-art lab. This makeshift operation has served its purpose, but we need a proper environment for this crucial research."

Hope flickered in Ryu's eyes, like a candle flame struggling against a draft. "A real lab? That's fantastic news, Mother Yuki!"

"There's more," she continued, her tone carefully measured. "We'll also have a new team member joining us."

Ryu's head shot up, alarm replacing the brief moment of joy. "A new member? We never discussed this. We can't risk any leaks about our findings."

"That won't be a concern," Dr. Yuki assured him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Besides, you could really use the extra help."

Ryu hesitated, clearly apprehensive. "But…"

"It's not negotiable," Dr. Yuki interrupted gently. "Dr. Sato referred her."

Ryu's shoulders slumped in resignation. Knowing better than to argue with Dr. Sato's decisions, he conceded. "Okay, then, if that's the case, we'll welcome the new member. We need all the support we can get. Let's get back to work."

The tension in the makeshift lab was momentarily broken, replaced by a flicker of hope for the future. Little did Ryu know, that hopeful flicker was about to be replaced by something entirely different when he met his new teammate.

Just then, the rumble of Ryu's stomach broke the tense silence in the makeshift lab. The sound was loud enough to startle both of them, prompting a sheepish grin from Ryu. Glancing at the clock, he realised it was well past lunchtime. "Mr. Isao," he said, "how about we grab some food before we continue?"

Isao, ever the meticulous researcher, hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement. His eyes never left the petri dish he was examining. "Just one more experiment, Ryu. We're so close to isolating the strain."

Ryu chuckled, a sound tinged with exhaustion. "OK, then lunch after that."

A few tense minutes passed, filled with the soft clink of glassware and the hum of lab equipment. Finally, they set down their tools, a sense of accomplishment washing over them. "Think Dr. Yuki will be happy with today's progress?" Ryu asked, wiping sweat from his brow.

"Definitely," Isao replied, his usual calm demeanour tinged with a hint of optimism. He carefully removed his gloves, disposing of them in the biohazard bin. "We're making significant strides, Ryu. This might just be the breakthrough we've been waiting for."

They locked the makeshift lab and headed out, the sterile smell of disinfectant giving way to the bustling atmosphere of the hospital. Lunch was a quiet affair, fuelled by nervous energy and a fervent hope for a positive outcome. As they walked back, Ryu couldn't help but think about Dr. Yuki's words from earlier: "We might be getting some extra help soon." He wondered who it could be—another researcher, perhaps?

The afternoon sun cast long shadows across the hospital grounds as they made their way back to the lab. The tranquility of the moment was about to be shattered.

As they rounded the corner towards the makeshift lab, both Ryu and Isao froze. The scene before them was one of utter chaos. The normally sterile space was a whirlwind of activity. Lab technicians, lacking the proper biohazard gear like gloves and masks, were haphazardly packing away petri dishes and vials. Amidst the chaos stood a young woman, her eyes wide with confusion that mirrored Ryu's own. She clutched a half-unpacked box in her arms.

"What in the world..." Ryu sputtered, his voice laced with a mixture of bewilderment and simmering anger. His heart raced as he took in the sight of biohazardous materials being handled so carelessly. Biohazardous materials weren't exactly child's play, and this careless handling sent a jolt of unease through him.

Before anyone could answer, the young woman spoke up, her voice a touch too chipper under the circumstances. She bounced on her toes, her ponytail swinging with the movement. "Hi there! Dr. Yuki told me you guys were moving things, and I wanted to help!" Her enthusiasm seemed misplaced amidst the jumbled lab equipment.

Isao blinked, momentarily speechless. Ryu, however, wasn't in a patient mood. His illness, coupled with the stress of their research, had worn him thin. The sight before him was the final straw.

"Help?" he snapped, his voice rising with each word. "This isn't some kindergarten project, lady! These are biohazards, and you can't just walk in here and start moving things around without proper equipment, training, or permission!"

The young woman's smile faltered, replaced by a wounded look. Her lower lip trembled, and she clutched the box closer to her chest. Her eyes welled up, threatening to spill over with tears. This wasn't the reaction Ryu had expected. A pang of guilt pricked at his conscience, but it was quickly overshadowed by the gravity of the situation.

Just then, Dr. Yuki entered the lab, her brow furrowed in concern. She took in the scene before her, her eyes darting from the scattered equipment to Ryu's flushed face and the young woman's trembling form. The scene before her unfolded in an instant. She took in the scattered equipment and the tense standoff between Ryu and the young woman, her lips pursed in a thin line.

"Is there a problem here?" she asked, her voice calm but firm.

Ryu, his anger subsiding slightly, gestured towards the young woman and the displaced lab materials. His hands shook slightly, whether from anger or exhaustion; it was hard to tell. "Mother Yuki, who is this? And what exactly is she doing here?"

Dr. Yuki sighed, a hint of exasperation creeping into her voice. She pinched the bridge of her nose, a gesture that spoke volumes about her own stress levels. "This," she said, gesturing towards the young woman, "is Hana—Dr. Sato's daughter; she is a trainee here in the hospital. And as for what she's doing here, well, she's our newest team member."

Ryu and Isao's eyes widened. The realisation hit Ryu like a bucket of ice water. The wide-eyed girl he just scolded, the one who seemed more suited to cheering at a football game than working in a biohazard lab, was the big boss's daughter. The implications of his outburst began to sink in, and Ryu felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead.

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