"What do you mean I should go back to the world I come from?" Ave questioned as she walked forward and stood before the mare, who looked bored and uninterested in talking to her again after the words she spoke.
She would be more than happy to go back to her own world and body if she knew how to, but she didn't, which was why she sought answers to many questions, and from the looks of things, it seemed this mare might be able to help her.
"Why did you say such words?" Ave asked again when the mare didn't reply and was now staring at her boredly. Ave gritted her teeth impatiently as she knew with this mare's attitude, they could never get along. She wouldn't even be standing here if she didn't need the arrogant—
"I can hear you, Rosette. The more you act like a person that doesn't belong here, the more I will treat you like that."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: