
Air's First MMA Bout

After Great Yamazaki and his crew hastily fled the studio, Watashi and the others stayed behind to clean up the mess.

In the end, they hadn't been able to sell any of their Chronic Healing Potions. Worse still, they had to use several Acute Potions just to manage the situation.

At least seeing Yamazaki's pale, trembling figure as he scurried away gave them a slight sense of satisfaction.

"Man, seeing Great Yamazaki looking so pathetic was strangely satisfying."

"Hopefully, this will make him think twice. In our world, he would've been turned into a criminal slave by now. But things seem pretty lenient around here."

"Our country used to boast about its low crime rates, but this whole ordeal has shaken my confidence in that."

Though Yamazaki left without a scratch on the outside, he had been thoroughly humiliated and beaten several times. By the end, just the sight of Air had him quaking in his boots, so there was little chance of retaliation.

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