
The end of the war

The end was near. Hasyn knew that it was.

For unknown reasons, but probably because their individual hunger for mortal life energies knew no bounds, the C'tan ultimately began to fight amongst themselves for both sport and out of spite. Among the Aeldari, an ancient myth holds that their Laughing God tricked the C'tan known as "the Outsider" into turning on its brothers and beginning their long war for ascendancy.

However, the truth of the matter was different. It was neither Cegorach also known as the "Laughing God," the "Great Harlequin," the "Great Fool" or the "First Fool," the Aeldari god of creativity, artists, deception and trickery who tricked the Outsider nor was it the insane hunger of the C'tan themselves, that spiked the end of the War in Heaven. 

It was none other than Hasyn himself, who was responsible for the start of the end of the war. So the C'tan started to turn on one another and consume each other, in the hopes for greater power and even grander satisfaction. 

In the course of the C'tan's struggle against one another, whole planets were razed, stars were extinguished and entire solar systems were devoured by unleashed black holes. Supernovas were unleashed, destroying multiple solar systems. New cities were built by the efforts of millions and then smashed down once more. As the "red harvests" of the C'tan and their Necron servants grew thin, C'tan eventually devoured C'tan, until only a few were left in the universe and they competed amongst themselves for a long age. 

While all other Dynasties suffered from the infighting of the C'tan and the war that was still continuing on the side, the Prakasri Dynasty was the only one actually growing in size and manpower. That was due to a new change of order, Hasyn decided upon. After his battle on the Fortress World against the Old One, C'tan Nyadra'zatha AKA The Burning One, rewarded me for my 'loyalty' with the position of Phaeron of the Prakasri Dynasty. After that, I started to implement the changes I had in mind. 

I asked Nyadra'zatha for more Necrodermis, which I was granted without batting an eye. I was given so much Necrodermis, to create multiple armies. He wasn't even asked what he planned to do with it, Nyadra'zatha didn't care. Hasyn's plan was simple. He started by creating as many Necron Immortal bodies out of Necrodermis as he had Necron Warriors. Then, he transferred all his Necron Warriors into the Necrodermis of the newly created Necron Immortals. 

To keep the skills of the Necron Immortals intact, he created a program for the Necron Warriors to go through, where they were trained and their processing speeds upgraded. The Necron Warriors underwent extensive training to earn their rank of Immortals. The training was intense and the loyalty of each Necron Warrior was tested to the extreme. Over time, they turned into full Necron Immortals and were even slightly above the original ones, leading Hasyn to introduce training to the Immortals as well. 

After all that, he was left with tons of Necrodermis still and empty husks of Necrodermis Warriors. This was perfect in his opinion as that was exactly what he wanted. Hasyn had been working on a new program, the Necron Warrior Program. Ever since he was a Necron Lord, Hasyn has been gathering intelligence and knowledge about anything he could. He studied the Necron Warriors and decided that it was better for him to create a complex program, that simulated the Necron Warriors, than using the others. He wanted to preserve the legacy of the Necrontyr, so he programmed Necron Warriors as the basic infantry instead of real ones. 

The idea was frowned upon by ... everyone who knew about it. But Hasyn didn't care in the slightest. He started to go through with it and used the Necron Warriors as a shock troop. They were now truly expendable but worked better together than before. The teamwork skill rose to unimaginable degrees and made it neigh impossible for anyone to outperform or use special tactics against Hasyn and his armies. 


So while the other Necron Dynasties were growing thin as they had to deal with the war against the Old Ones and their allies and their fighting Masters, Hasyn and his Prakasri Dynasty were growing strong and were winning battle after battle. 

Hasyn the Relentless was a famous name and one that instilled fear into the hearts of those who had any. Even the other Necron Dynasties were growing weary of the skill and pace at which Hasyn led his Dynasty. The Silent King Szarekh was also growing weary of the power Hasyn wielded. However, he didn't have the time to do anything about it, as the C'tan were a real problem. 

Eventually, even the Old Ones, who their patience and unstoppable will had once defined, became desperate in the face of the Necron assault. They used their great scientific skills to genetically engineer intelligent beings with an even stronger psychic link to the Warp, hoping to create servants with the capability of channelling psychic power to defend themselves. The Aeldari were already a great success and the Krorks were useful too, but it just wasn't enough it would seem. The Necrons were marching forward. 

Terran millennia passed as the Old Ones' creations and experiments finally bore fruit even as the C'tan and their Necron servants continued to extinguish life across the galaxy.


Millennia passed this way. The War in Heaven waged across the galaxy. Nothing was spared, not the Immaterium and certainly not the material realm. 

The Old Ones' psychically-empowered servant species spread across the galaxy, battling the advanced Necron technology with the psychic power of their Warp-spawned "magic." It seemed like the Old Ones' tactic was working. Facing this new onslaught, the C'tan's empire was shattered, as the psychic forces of the Immaterium were anathema to soulless entities whose existence was wholly contained within purely physical patterns of electromagnetic force. For all the destruction they could unleash, they were unable to stop the Old Ones and the younger races' relentless advance across the stars.

The remaining C'tan, unified by this great threat for the first time in millions of Terran years, sought a way to defeat the soul-fuelled energies of the younger species. They initiated a great warding, a plan to forever defeat the psychic sorceries of the Old Ones by sealing off the material universe from the Warp, a plan whose first fruits could once be found on the Fortress World of Troudasha in the form of the great pylons that littered the surface of that world in intricate networks and create the area of space-time stability when Hasyn and his forces fought and defeated an Old One and all his forces. 

With their god-like powers, it was only a matter of time until the C'tan succeeded. But before their great work was complete, the seeds of destruction the Old Ones had planted millennia before brought about an unforeseen cataclysm. The growing pains and collective psychic flaws of the younger species threw the untapped, psychically reactive energies of the Immaterium into disorder.

War, pain and destruction were mirrored in the bottomless depth of the Sea of Souls that was the Warp. The maelstrom of souls unleashed into the Immaterium by the carnage of the War in Heaven coalesced in the previously formless energies of the Warp. Older entities that had existed within the Immaterium transformed into terrifying psychic predators, tearing at the souls of vulnerable psykers as their own environment was torn apart and reforged into the Realm of Chaos.

A new age had arrived. 

The denizens of the Warp, stirred into a frenzy by the conflict in the Materium, crowded at the cracks between the Immaterium and the material universe, seeking new ways to enter the physical realm. The Old Ones brought forth new genetically engineered warrior species to defend their last strongholds, but it was already too late. The Old Ones' intergalactic Webway network was breached by the Immaterium and lost to them, several of their Warp Gates were destroyed by their own hands to prevent the entities of the Warp from spreading to uncorrupted worlds and the Old Ones' greatest works and places of power were overrun by the horrors their own creations had unleashed.

The most terrifying of these horrors were the Enslavers, Warp entities whose ability to dominate the minds of the younger species and create their own portals into the material realm using mutated, possessed psykers brought them forth in ever greater numbers. For the Old Ones, this was the final disaster as the Enslavers took control of their servants. The Pandora's Box unleashed by the creation of the younger species finally scattered the last of the Old Ones and broke their power over the galaxy once and for all. Life had stood at the edge of an apocalypse during the War in Heaven between the Old Ones and the C'tan. Now as the Enslavers breached the Immaterium in epidemic proportions, the survivors looked doomed.

Ultimately, tormented by the implacable onset of the C'tan and the calamitous Warp-spawned perils they had themselves mistakenly unleashed, the Old Ones were defeated, scattered and finally destroyed. 


"Are you certain, my Lord?" my Nemesor Nakhmos asks me. 

I have told him about my plans and what I am about to do. He is not happy about it and wishes to accompany me and protect me as is his duty. But I told him not to. This is something I have to do on my own, something I want to do on my own. I have waited far too long for this moment. 

"I am certain," I reply and then address all of my forces. 

"The war against the Old Ones is won. But our war against those who are just as responsible for our current state is not over yet. We are still slaves to the C'tan and are forced to do their bidding, while they feed their own greed and never-ending hunger.

No more.

For today, is the day, I will personally uncrown the kings who sit on the top and pull these so-called gods to the ground. I will show them the mistake they made in fooling the Necrontyr and the horrors they unleashed that day. I will kill them all eventually, but I will start ... with the Nightbringer."

The Burning One had been consumed by the C'tan with the name of the Outsider already. No one, but one being knew where the Outsider was. Without the Outsider, there were only a few C'tan remaining and right now, the Silent King Szarekh is preparing for something. 

Throughout the final stages of the War in Heaven, Szarekh bided his time, waiting for the moment in which the C'tan would prove most vulnerable.

Though the entire Necron species was now his to command, the Silent King could not hope to oppose the C'tan at the height of their power, and even if he did and met with success, the Necrons would then have to finish the War in Heaven against the Old Ones and their increasingly potent allied species alone. No, the Old Ones had to be completely and utterly defeated before the C'tan could be brought to account for the horror they had wrought among the Necrontyr.

Hasyn has gotten free from Szarekh's control a long time ago. He was not going to follow the Silent King's command or anyone's for that matter any longer. He had his own fight right now. 


Hasyn's capsule fell to the ground. He stepped outside and looked at the landscape that would soon be but rubble and full of destruction. The planet would be destroyed most likely. His trap was ready. The entire planet was one big trap and as soon as the C'tan arrived... he would be trapped here and the fight could begin. 

The call was made and the C'tan finally arrived. A shudder went through reality as a tear appeared in front of Hasyn and from it ... the Nightbringer appeared. Hasyn would no longer be able to teleport on the planet because the C'tan's presence destabilises gravitational forces, disrupting engines, teleport beams and warp jumps. But that mattered little. 

"Ahh, Hasyn the Relentless. I was not expecting you to contact me. Are you intere-"


Hasyn didn't let the Nightbringer finish talking and started his trap. Several chains appear from the ground and shoot towards the C'tan. The destabilised gravitational and spacial forces are pierced by the chains and they impale the Nightbringer.


The Nightbringer roars and thrashes around in his anger, but Hasyn has prepared for this and his appearance changes. His Necrodermis transforms into the battle mode he has long prepared. The augmentations done by his nanomachines he has limitless of, appear and paint the picture of a native American going to war. Hasyn has prepared for this moment for a long time. It was time to end this.



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