
Chapter 2: King of Arts

Adzima pov

Falco is informing me about the first person we will recruit.

Falco:"The first person we will recruit is the King of Arts"

Adzima:"A King? Are you sure he can be trusted?"


Adzima:"Okay, where will we find him?"

The hologram then displays videos and images from Schilderijen.


Falco:"The Kingdom of Arts"

We then got back in the car and drove to the tunnel. Falco drove the car till we reached the tunnel's end, and we were already on a hill near a city after exiting the tunnel.We got out of the car and saw a city so absolutely stunning that I felt like I was inside a painting, no wonder it's known as The Kingdom of Arts. Falco gave me binoculars so I could see the palace in the middle of the city. However, as I glanced through the binoculars, I noticed that the city had become exceedingly chaotic. I then questioned Falco about this.

Adzima:"It seems like the locals have already been possessed, are you sure the king is still safe?"

Falco:"Look at the gate"

He pointed to the palace gate, which was still standing firmly. I also notice two graffiti golems standing on the right and left sides of the gate.

Falco:"The gate is still guarded by golems, thus there is still a chance that the king is safe"

Adzima:"Aren't those just graffiti?"

Falco:"The ability of the King of Arts is known as Living Painting, he can bring everything he draws to life"

Falco:"Hence, he was crowned king"

Adzima:"So, how do we get to the palace through all that chaos?"

Falco extended his hand towards me.

Falco:"Hold my hand"

I held his hand like he said, and our entire bodies suddenly turned invisible.

Adzima:".... How?"

Falco:"Cloaking device, I can't really see you, so please don't let go of my hand"

We then moved carefully to the gate, trying not to draw the attention of the locals. When we came in front of the gate, however, the golems guarding it noticed our presence and attacked us. We were able to avoid the golem's strike, but I accidentally let go of Falco's hand. So now not only the golems, but even the locals have spotted me. I then formed two water balls in both of my palms and fired them at the golems before they caught the attention of other local residents.


Falco tried to stop me as I was about to blast the golems, but I had already defeated them and transformed them back into ink. I could hear him sigh, and then I felt that he was holding my hand and making my body invisible again.


He didn't respond and simply led me through the gate. Fortunately, the locals were no longer paying attention to us.

Adzima:"What are the chances that the king is still safe?"

Falco:"I'm not sure, maybe around 60%"

Adzima:"60%? I honestly thought that our odds were higher"

Falco let go of my hand, and we both became visible once again. I could hear the ruckus outside from within the palace since it was so quiet inside. To be honest, this palace looked very beautiful, with unique and beautiful ornaments and carvings that decorated every corner of the palace. After walking around the palace, Falco came to a stop in front of a massive door and immediately opened it. The door leads to the throne room, where we see a throne leading to the window and the king seated on the throne staring out the window. Falco then tries to greet the king.

Falco:"It's an honour to meet you, your highness"

But instead of returning Falco's greeting, the king chased us away without even looking at us. Even so, I heard the king's voice filled with sorrow and regret.

King of Arts:"Go away!"

Falco:"But, your highness, this is serious, please at least hear what we have to say"

Falco tried to convince the king, but the king was uninterested in us.

King of Arts:"I don't want to and I don't care, so go away and don't bother me!"

King of Arts:"Or I have to make them force you to go"

He then brought to life drawing of lions from his book, and the lions began to intimidate us, but Falco persisted in reasoning with him.

Falco:"Would you just let everything fall apart?"

Falco:"Would you abandon your people just to suffer?"

Falco:"What kind of king are you if you refuse to accept responsibility?"

Despite Falco's repeated provocation, the king remained silent and did not respond.

Falco:"Answer me loser king!"

Those statements appeared to have gained a response from the king, as he promptly rose up from his throne and turned towards us.I was surprised when I saw the king's face because the King of Arts turned out to be Aditya, my junior high school classmate, and I noticed that Aditya was surprised when he saw me.

Adzima:"Aditya..... You are a king?"

Aditya:"Adzima.... You are Adzima.... Right?"

When Aditya approached me, I quickly lowered my head. After what I'd done, I couldn't see the faces of my classmates. Falco then made matters worse by leaving the room so Aditya and I could talk alone.

Falco:"I'll give you two a moment to talk, but hurry"

Aditya tried to talk to me again after noticing my reaction, but he avoided discussing "that" accident with me.

Aditya:"How are you?"

Adzima:"Considering that the world is in chaos and on the edge of destruction, I'm fine"

Aditya:"Who was that man in black? And how did you end up with him?"

Adzima:"He introduced himself as Falco. I don't know much about him yet, but he saved my life twice while we were in Italy, and I am confident that we can trust him"

Aditya:"Okay then, so what do the two of you need from me?"

Adzima:"As I said before, the world is on the edge of destruction, therefore, the two of us are assembling a team of people with extraordinary abilities to save it. Will you join us?"


Aditya then seemed to want to say something to me, but then we heard a tremendous noise outside, and Falco rushed back into the room, closing the door tightly and even holding it.

Falco:"I apologise if I interrupted your conversation"

Adzima:"What happened?"

Aditya:"Yeah, what was that noise?"

Falco:"The local residents managed to break into the palace"

Adzima & Aditya:"What?"

Aditya:"What happened to my golems?"

Aditya:"Speaking of that, how did you manage to enter the palace?"

Falco:"We defeated your golems"

Aditya:"I see, Those golems were created to prevent the locals from infiltrating the palace"

Falco:"I knew that, I'm sorry"

Adzima:"Why are you apologising when I was the one who defeated those golems?"

Falco:"Not now princess"

Not long after that, the locals found us and began hammering on the door that Falco was holding.

Aditya:"Damn, it seems we have no choice but to fight the locals"

Falco:"Can you?"

Aditya hesitantly shook his head.

Falco:"Then I have a better idea, we escape through the windows"

After hearing it, I became confused, while Aditya quickly enlarged his book and started drawing.

Aditya:"Got it"

Adzima:"Wait what? How do we escape through the windows?"

Falco then called me to assist him in holding the door.

Falco:"Princess help me hold this door"

The banging from the locals became progressively stronger, so I'm not sure how long this door will be able to withstand it. I then used my abilities to reinforce the door.It wasn't long before I began to feel the chill, and the door we were holding began to freeze. I then urged Aditya to finish the drawing as soon as possible.

Adzima:"Aditya, whatever you are doing, please do it faster, the Soul Devourers are coming"

Aditya:"Wait a moment"

The door soon became entirely frozen, but Aditya was able to finish his drawing.

Aditya:"Okay, done. Hop in, you two"

Aditya draws a large eagle, Falco assists me in getting on the eagle, and we flee through the windows just as the door gets smashed by the locals and the Soul Devourers, who rush into the throne room.When we fled, I couldn't balance my body on the eagle's back, so I staggered towards Falco, who was ready to support my body.

Falco:"Are you okay?"

Adzima:"Yes, thank you"

When we turned around, we saw that the Soul Devourers were still pursuing us. Falco then attempted to slow them down by firing his pistols at them. But we were taken aback when we saw the Soul Devourers, who had been hit by Falco's shots, suddenly burst into flames.

Falco:"So ordinary bullets work against them"

Falco then kept on shooting multiple Soul Devourers while holding my body so I wouldn't fall. I also assisted him by shooting some of my elemental power at the Soul Devourers, which proved to be rather effective. Aditya, who was in charge of controlling the eagle we were riding, then called us to ask questions.

Aditya:"Hey, where are we going now?"

Adzima:"Falco parks his car on the hill near the tunnel"


Aditya then lands his eagle and turns it back into a drawing. He then looked around his kingdom before getting into the car and following us back to the mansion. Aditya, like me, was surprised by the size of Falco's mansion.

Aditya:"Wow, this place is amazing"

Fadli:"Thank you your highness"

Aditya:"That's right, we haven't formally introduced ourselves"

Aditya then extended his hands towards Falco, who shook it.

Aditya:"You can call me Aditya"

Falco:"I'm Falco"

Adzima:"Okay, who's next?"

Aditya then sat on the sofa, looking exhausted.

Aditya:"I'm sorry, but can I rest for a moment? It was quite difficult for me to draw such a large eagle and bring it to life"

Falco:"You may rest as much as you like because princess and I are enough to recruit this one"Aditya:"Really? Thank you"

I then approached Falco, who was typing something.


Falco:"The next is...."

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