
Chapter Eleven - the plan is ruined

Catherine made every effort to act as though she was unaware that William would be arriving there right away. She took care to conceal the fact that she was extremely terrified and worried about William's response to her behavior. She needed to think of a lie quickly.

"I live here." She spoke in a shaky voice.

"So, Catherine, you did not think it was necessary to let me know before you came here?" William came up to Catherine, raising one eyebrow in question. He squinted at her, feeling insulted that she could have at least asked for his permission before doing what she wanted to do without it.

"Did anybody see you on your way here?" William asked in a whisper.

Catherine grew confused by his question, "I don't understand, what are you talking about?"

"I mean paparazzi people Catherine!" His eyes grew wide as he spoke to her. "They are the people you should always be looking out for before you think of playing those stupid games you always do."

"William, my parents house is still my house you know that?"

William grabbed Catherine's hand and squeezed it gently as he spoke through his gritted teeth, "I get that Catherine, but it doesn't change the fact that you you live with me now. Therefore, you will always let me know where you're going before you leave from now henceforth! Do you hea--".

Before William could finish his speech, he was interrupted by Catherine's father who yelled their names from the entrance.

"Catherine? William? What are you two doing over there? Come on inside!" Mr. McKellen gestured. He turned around and opened the door slightly and yelled to his wife, "Honey! Catherine and William are here." With a grin on his face, he was too happy to notice Catherine and William were quarreling over something.

"You better behave!" William whispered to Catherine and then plastered a fake smile on his face he adjusted his suit and pulled her to the house thereby putting up a font.

"The latest love birds in town." Charlotte, Catherine's mother hailed as she poured in a glass of wine for them.

"Mom..." Catherine muttered.

"I was expecting you a bit later William, but it's fine you're here now."

"Daddy!" Catherine yelled, drawing all attention to herself. Charlotte paused and glared at Catherine for screaming so loudly. "What's the matter Cathy?" She asked in shock.

"Err, mom. It's nothing... I just think I feel a bit sick." Catherine didn't want William to have a hick of her plan to convince her dad not to sign those documents. "Mommy, please I need to you to help me check this weird bump on my--"

"Ah ah ah, Catherine dear, don't worry honey, I'll come with you. After all we do need to give your father and your husband some privacy to discuss work." Charlotte said as she turned to William and Micheal with a smile on her face.

"Thank you honey." Micheal said, nodding his head and grinning.

Immediately Catherine and her mother got to the hallway, Catherine pulled her mother into the bathroom shut the door tight and locked it from behind.."

"Catherine, what is wrong with?!" Charlotte yelled with her hand on her waist.

"Mom, shhh!" Catherine gestured. "Lower your voice."

Michelle sighed and rolled her eyes at Catherine, what is the matter with you honey?" Charlotte asked again, worriedly.

"Mom, first of all, so me a favour by stopping dad from signing those documents, now." Catherine said in a firm tone.

"Catherine dear, why would I do that? Also won't you show me where the bump is?"

"Mom, this is not about the bumps. It's about the fucking document daddy is about to sign. Mommy if he does, we'll be risking our assets."

"Baby, what are you talking about? Or have you forgotten the reason you're married to William in the first place?"

"Mom, I know but you don't understand. Please just trust me on this. Please I'll explain later, just stop him, Like right now."

Charlotte turned around, "I guess we'll have to confirm from William if --"

"Mom that's a horrible idea, just stop daddy first, please.! I'll explain everything to you later I promise." Catherine said as she pulled he rmother back and shut the door, sounding tensed and very worried.

Charlotte was very confused at Catherine's behavior, infact she didn't understand why Catherine was acting the way she was.

"Mom please there's no time." Catherine pleaded.

"Okay okay, but their better be a reasonable explanation for this, young lady." Charlotte said, while pointing at Catherine. She exited the bathroom and made her way to the living room. Luckily, William and Mr Mckellen were still talking abd catching up with work activities.

"Yeah, so father..." William cleared his throat. "Have you signed the paperwork?" He continued.

"Oh, not yet. But I will definitely --"

"He will definitely do that later." Charlotte interupted, gaining William and her husband's gaze."

"Okay that's fine. It's just that we need it later, I mean the paperwork, it's long overdue now." William said, trying to encourage Mr Mckellen to sign the paperwork.

"Sorry William, we didn't realize it's long overdue, but we'll definitely get back to you on it, okay?" Charlotte said while rubbing her husband's back and smiling awkwardly at him, to prevent him from countering her words.

William sighed, he was very disappointed by the news he just got, but he refused to show that to his supposed in-laws. He brushed his hand over his face and shot a fake smile at them so it wouldn't be obvious that he was very upset with the new development. "Where's... My wife?" He asked.

"Oh... Catherine?!" Charlotte turned to the staircase and yelled Catherine's name. Immediately Catherine came running down the stairs, with a straight face, "I'm here." Her eyes darting around the room, trying to read the facial expressions of everyone in the room.

She wasn't sure if her mother did what she pleaded with her to do but she hoped that was the reason the room was awkwardly silent. William slowly got up while adjusting his suit, "we'll have to take our leave now, sadly." He said as he turned his gaze to Catherine.

"Yeah... Yeah." Catherine's voice broke as she spoke. "Mommy, daddy, we'll have to go now, but we'll come back maybe. . . Some other time? To see you guys."

"Okay then," McKellen responded as he stood up, Charlotte gripped onto his arm as they walked Catherine and William back to their car.

Catherine didn't want to ride in the same car as William. But unfortunately, it was impossible for her to get a ride especially since her parents stood at the door, waiting and watching them get into their car to leave.

As William opened the door for Catherine, he watched her get into the car with a straight face, he was very angry at that moment, but he tried so hard not to cause a scene by suppressing his feelings. From the look on his face, Catherine saw that he was very bittered and angry.

Her heart raced as she got into the car and sat right next to him because she was afraid of what he would say or do. The driver revved the car engine and after saying their goodbyes, they drove off leaving McKellen and his wife wondering what just happened.

"What was the meaning of that? I mean what you did concerning signing the documents?!" McKellen asked his wife furiously.

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