
Chapter 44: USJ Part 4

[Third Person's PoV]

The second Nomu was just as large and muscular as the one Tony faced, except this one had a long tail with fingers like razor-sharp claws.

It got on all fours and, as it opened its mouth, let out a sonic roar that ripped through the ground as it made its way towards Melissa.

Melissa used her thrusters to push herself out of the way of the sonic blast before flying towards the Nomu that was now charging at her, its tongue and tail swinging wildly.

It slashed its claws towards her, but she blocked it with her forearm before uppercutting the Nomu into the air, thrusters on her elbows adding to her power.

Melissa then flew up, following the Nomu, but it flipped forward, joining its hands together. As Melissa appeared before it, it hammered her down.

Melissa plunged rapidly towards the ground, creating a large impact and a dust cloud. 

When the dust cleared, Melissa was seen on one knee, looking up at the Nomu as it appeared to be taking a large breath, ready to unleash another sonic scream.

Melissa's thrusters blasted her right through the sonic roar. Seeing Melissa wasn't really affected by it, the Nomu swung its long tail towards her, trying to swat her down once more.

But Melissa simply held out her hands and caught the tail. She used her foot thrusters to stabilize herself and the thrusters on her elbows to rapidly spin around.

The Nomu tried to break free by wildly swinging its tail, but Melissa's grip was too strong. It tried to swing towards Melissa, but her spinning was too fast for it to properly move.

Melissa then released it, throwing it towards the ground. As it fell, its back started turning red due to its falling speed. Its figure ripped through the ground, creating a miniature earthquake around the area.

She dropped from the skies and landed on top of the Nomu in the middle of the crater, causing it to puke out purple blood. She used her elbow thrusters to send multiple punches towards the Nomu's face.

At the same time, Tony had just sent another Nomu flying off with his chest repulsors, creating a giant hole on the side of the USJ.

Tomura, who was rushing towards Aizawa, froze as he stared at Tony and Melissa. Although Tomura was quiet, it was all due to the anger he was feeling.

He decided to switch targets, running towards Melissa and holding his hand out towards her back. Before he could reach her, a green light flashed in the corner of his eye as Midoriya came flying through and punched Tomura in the face, sending him flying back.

Tomura went flying back as Midoriya came to a halt behind Melissa. He got into a fighting position with green arcs of energy flashing off of him.

"If you want to get through her, you're going to have to go through me," Midoriya said seriously.

Tomura held his chin with four fingers in pain while he grew annoyed. "Cheaters! You are all cheaters! You shouldn't have been able to take down the Nomus. They were all designed to take down All Might, not be beaten by cheaters with level 100 armor," he whined as he stood up.

Kurogiri stood in front of the hero Thirteen, with Uraraka, Iida, and Shoji scattered around him.

"Don't stand too close!" Thirteen ordered as he opened a cap around his finger and started pulling in the mist Kurogiri was releasing.

From behind Thirteen, Kurogiri's mist started to appear with a powerful suction, mostly from Thirteen's own quirk.

"Thirteen!" Uraraka called out with worry.

Iida immediately activated his leg engine and rushed towards Thirteen, taking him away before his own quirk could fully affect him.

"Thank you, young hero," Thirteen said as Iida slid to a stop and put Thirteen down.

Uraraka was on Shoji's arm, having made herself light. Shoji then swung his tentacle arm, which sent Uraraka flying. Uraraka reached out and grabbed Kurogiri's neck brace with both her hands, making him zero gravity.

Uraraka then flung him towards the sky, away from them.

As Kurogiri was in the air, he was able to see the entire USJ fully. He saw how all the teachers and students were working together to defeat the villains, how Tony and Melissa each took out the Nomus, and how Midoriya rushed in and punched Tomura off.

Kurogiri sighed. "All Might hasn't even arrived, and most of our forces are done for. I guess it's time to abort. Let's get the young master."

Just as Tomura stood up, black mist began to appear behind him.

Tony calmly walked next to Midoriya and held out his hand. The part connecting his forearm to his elbow disconnected, and his arm armor went flying towards Tomura.

Tomura dodged, but the hand simply turned and grabbed Tomura's shirt, causing him to scoff. "You shouldn't grow too confident in that tin can."

Tomura put both hands on the armor that was holding him and waited. Kurogiri stepped out of the mist and was surprised to see that the suit wasn't disintegrating.

Tomura quickly turned towards Aizawa, but he wasn't paying much attention to them, mostly securing all the knocked-out villains.

They then turned towards Tony, who chuckled. "You shouldn't grow confident in the thing you call a quirk," Tony said, putting his hand forth and calling his armor back.

As the Armor flew back towards Tony Kurogiri started creating multiple portals with his mist all around them making it difficult for the piece of Armor to fly back towards Tony. 

Kurogiri grabbed the flying Tomura and ripped off the piece of clothing that Tony's armor was gripping. The armor piece, no longer bothered by Kurogiri, swiftly flew back to Tony's arm, seamlessly reattaching itself. Tony clicked his tongue in annoyance but remained focused.

Melissa appeared after knocking the Nomu out and started shooting repulsors from her hands. However, Kurogiri's purple mist portals intercepted her attacks, redirecting the energy blasts to random locations.

Tony joined the fray, firing his own repulsors. Some of the redirected blasts nearly hit them, but Tony and Melissa managed to dodge, their reflexes honed to perfection. They flew around Kurogiri, trying to find a blind spot, but Kurogiri had learned from past encounters and guarded his neck brace diligently.

Tony and Melissa became blurs of purple and silver as they flew at Kurogiri from different angles. Kurogiri, however, was like a conductor orchestrating a symphony of chaos with his portals. Every time Tony or Melissa entered a portal, they were ejected from another, often disoriented and off-balance.

Midoriya, not one to be left out, tried to jump Kurogiri, his One For All-enhanced speed turning him into a green blur. Yet, Kurogiri was too careful, his misty portals redirecting Midoriya's every move. No matter how much he pushed his limits, he couldn't get close.

Present Mic and Aizawa joined the battle. Present Mic unleashed his devastating sonic attacks, but Kurogiri's portals redirected the sound waves harmlessly into the distance. Aizawa's Erasure quirk was ineffective, as he couldn't get a clear line of sight on Kurogiri's true eyes.

Tony and Melissa regrouped mid-air, exchanging quick glances and formulating a plan. Tony sent a coded message to Melissa via their HUDs, and they split off, attacking Kurogiri from opposite sides in a coordinated assault. Their movements were precise and synchronized, making it harder for Kurogiri to predict their actions.

Kurogiri continued to manipulate his portals, but the sheer speed and unpredictability of Tony and Melissa's attacks began to strain his abilities. They pressed their advantage, forcing Kurogiri to split his attention between the two of them.

Midoriya saw an opening. With a burst of speed, he launched himself at Kurogiri, who was momentarily distracted. Present Mic amplified Midoriya's war cry with his own voice, adding to the confusion. Aizawa, seizing the moment, used his capture weapon to try and entangle Kurogiri.

Kurogiri, sensing the imminent danger, created a massive portal to escape. But Tony and Melissa were ready. They unleashed a barrage of repulsors, targeting the edges of the portal, destabilizing it. Kurogiri struggled to maintain control, his form flickering between solidity and mist.

Kurogiri, sensing the imminent danger, created a massive wave of black mist that surged outward, pushing everyone away with a powerful force. Tony, Melissa, Midoriya, Present Mic, and Aizawa were all sent flying, struggling to regain their footing. 

Tony's armor absorbed much of the impact, and he quickly stabilized himself mid-air. Melissa did the same, using her repulsors to counterbalance. Midoriya hit the ground rolling, immediately springing back to his feet. Present Mic and Aizawa landed with practiced agility, but the sheer force of the mist had created a significant distance between them and Kurogiri.

Kurogiri's form flickered, the strain of maintaining such a large-scale defense evident. Yet, he managed to keep the black mist swirling around him, forming a protective barrier. 

"He's getting away!" Midoriya shouted, already sprinting forward, his One For All power crackling around him.

Tony and Melissa exchanged quick glances, their HUDs updating in real-time. They flew towards Kurogiri, repulsors blazing, trying to penetrate the mist barrier.

Kurogiri, with a final effort, expanded the black mist further, creating a near-impenetrable wall. Tony and Melissa's repulsor blasts were absorbed into the void, disappearing harmlessly. Present Mic's sonic attacks and Aizawa's capture weapon were equally ineffective against the dense mist.

With a final, almost imperceptible nod, Kurogiri summoned all his remaining strength. The mist swirled and condensed around him, and in a flash, he and Tomura vanished into the darkness, escaping through a rapidly closing portal.

Tony and Melissa landed, their masks lifting up, frustration etched on their faces. Midoriya stopped in his tracks, panting heavily. Present Mic and Aizawa regrouped, assessing the situation.

"Dammit, they got away," Tony muttered, 'Space quirks are a serious pain in the ass, I'll need to think of a way to counter them'

"Just barely," Melissa added, her eyes scanning the area for any lingering threats.

Aizawa adjusted his goggles, his expression stern. "We need to regroup and plan our next move. This isn't over."

Midoriya nodded, determination blazing in his eyes. "We'll get them next time. We'll be ready."

"Let's start by capturing all the Villains that we can," Tony added. 

"I AM HERE!!!" All Might burst through the door with a serious expression. 

"YOU'RE USELESS!!!" Tony, Aizawa, Melissa, and Present Mic shouted with anger.



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