

With a swift move of his hand Zeng revealed the four relics from the United Nation however he could not see their capabilites at all.

"Hey can you help me with this?" He asked the heavens will holding the miniature relics.

"Fine." Heavens will responded a bit annoyed.

"Explain then." He said and put them down.

"The one on the far left seems to be the best, it's a Green Grade sword training hall. It boosts training with the sword by 30% and has a 1% chance of giving enlightenments." She said explaining the small sword building on the left.

"Alright." Zeng said before tossing it down into the world. The hall landed close to the Grand Pavilion and startled the nearby disciples.

"This is the sword hall." Zeng said and sent the messages to Li Xuan.

"Now, any more?" Zeng asked exiting the inner world space.

"That one." She said pulling another miniature relics towards him.

"Green Grade Twelve Mountain Peak Array. Should be a defensive array capable of unleashing twelve mountains." She said bringing the small relic towards him.

"Alright ill give this to Li Xuan, however I can only place two relics at this time.." Zeng concluded and threw the relic into the inner world.

"Li Xuan here is an array for you, place it at the sect." Zeng said quickly exiting.


These past few days had been harsh for Li Xuan, he suddenly got promoted to Sect Leader and worked very hard to construct the various buildings the Grand Ansector ordered him. And now the Grand Ansector keeps throwing things into the world..when will this stop..

Using the mobile system Li Xuan gave two people the Grand Elder positions. First Zhao Yi who had been blessed by the Grand Ansector, she was given the second peak and finally Guo Chen received the third peak purely due to his combat abilities. Now these two peaks would divide the sects forces balancing the overall political situation.

These Grand Elders were allowed to appoint elders, recruit core disciples, inner and outer disciples per Zengs order.

Another day passed like this until suddenly a huge gate appeared out of nowhere at the bottom of the mountain..

The outer disciples who stood guard suddenly cowered in shock.

"It's just the Grand Ansector, calm down." The older disciple reminded him.

At this point it was fairly common too see the Grand Ansector doing weird things.. like summoning buildings..increase the worlds size.. everything..

On another day a huge white marble wall appeared close to the Grand pavilion. On the wall it stood.

"Heavenly Dao Sect Codex.

The Disciple is Loyal, they are Hardworking, Faithful, Extremely Unwavering, Truthfully Carefree, Secretly Righteous, Undoubtedly Curious, Surely Honest."

It stood almost glowing in golden light..

These were simple things Zeng added to add more life to the sect. Obviously he didn't know a lot so he just did what he wanted.


Zeng finally finished his Inner World affairs it's now time to focus on the real world.

"I should be at the early stage awakened currently, to reach Hunter I would have to find more Qi concentrated areas.." He thought.

Sure it would be doable to cultivate in his room with the Heavens Gift however it would still be slow.

With a much more large dantian, blessed meridians alongside 4x the Qi gathering speed it would be simple.

"Do you know any Qi infested areas?" He asked the heavens will still in thought.

"...Underground." She responded.

"Makes sense, I'm guessing the other energies are outside in the air?" Zeng said thinking about it.

"Yes." She replied fairly quickly.

"Okay but how am I supposed to go underground? Drill a hole till I'm satisfied or what." He asked not bothering to think about it.

"Find out yourself, I'm not helping you like a caretaker." She said before leaving his thoughts.

"Bruh.." was all he could say in English.

"I'll deal with this tomorrow." Zeng concluded and sat in the lotus position to cultivate through the night.

Meanwhile in Feng Yu's room..

"You won't believe it! My aunties grandson is here and he is mean!" She typed into the group chat on her phone.

"Really?" One message replied her friend

Lin Yuye.

"Is he hot?" Another message came jokingly from Zhou Jing.

"This is serious you know! He basically disrupted my peaceful life!" She typed even faster in anger.

Her friends continued joking around so she threw the phone onto the bed before kicking the bed..


The night passed by quickly as Zeng cultivated, he felt an increase of around 4% in the awakened early stage.

It was definitely fast, however he wasn't satisfied. He needed better conditions, he needed to progress even faster.

So in the morning he left around 5 AM greeting his grandfather with an excuse before leaving. His destination? The nearby mountain chain. Usually in his previous transmigration Qi veins were often found in these mountains buried deep inside. These Qi veins would be used as main headquarters founded by great sects, clans or organizations.

It took him around half an hour to arrive at the mountain chain around 50km away from the city.

Quickly releasing his Qi onto the nearby surroundings he could subtly feel the other entities or energies fiercely colliding with his Qi.

"Wow they really don't like me." He muttered and leaped deeply into the mountain where more Qi was concentrated.

Soon a lake appeared and he knew a Qi Vein was under it. The amount of concentration of Qi in the water was breathtaking.

"Is this good?" Zeng asked the heavens will.

"It will suffice." She responded after inspecting the lake.

"Alright!" Zeng took of his clothes and put them into his spatial ring before diving in.

In the water it was sparkling clear. A few fish here and there alongside some beasts who evolved from the energy breakout.

The deeper he went the better Qi concentration.

Around 30 meters down Zeng eventually sat at the bottom of the lake in his lotus position almost fully naked apart from his underwear.

With his increased dantian, meridians and outstanding gathering speed the nearby Qi was almost instantly drained. The water around him started slowly but surely get drained..

This process continued for about another 5 hours until he waz finished. At the end of his short cultivation session the whole lake had disappeared... the only choice now was for Zeng to dig down to the actual vein.

The various fish and beasts flopped around the ground until they died.

"Phew. Should be able to reach awakened middle." He thought to himself and proceeded with the short breakthrough.

"Status.." he murmured.


Stage: Awakened Middle

Health: 5470/5470

Strength: 232 ( 2320 KG punch force)

Endurance: 227

Agility: 231 ( Max speed -> 365 kmh)

Energy: Qi

Note: Average person has 7 stats in everything.


"Nice, very good progress." Zeng murmured to himself checking the holographic screen. He felt an increase of approximately 2.5x in strength.

"But this isn't enough, I need more.." he said yet again with a sigh.

With his fist he punched the ground lightly and a 10m hole emerged underneath.

"Oo, there it is." Zeng thought to himself seeing the picture perfect glowing white Qi Vein.

Crawling down the hole he eventually stood on the Vein, he punched around a bit and excavated the surroundings eventually creating a giant hole the size of a house.

"Now I'll suck you up real good.." Zeng murmured licking his lips like a vampire.

Sitting directly with his back against the Qi vein Zeng meditated.

He gathered every ounce of Qi in the vein completely killing it of life.

"40%...decent I suppose." He said after a few hours of continued meditation.

It was around 16:00 so four PM and he was a bit hungry so Zeng decided to return back to Shej City.

The attack on titan like city appeared in the distance and he passed the mini border tunnel again smoothly.

Finally returning home he realized no one was here. It was only Zeng alone in the desolate house.

Arriving in his room he checked upon the 10 time crystals. Sure they would be useful however only if he had higher max cultivation base capabilities.

"Hey when are you breaking through to Beginning Stage?" Zeng asked her still holding the crystal.

"Give or take two weeks, of course if you siphon it." She replied short after.

"Two weeks? Shit." Zeng said a little bit disappointed in the slow progress.

This would be a big problem in the future, sure he was advancing fast however his own capabilites came first.

"Fine. I'll do it." He eventually said with a sigh.

A/N: Sorry for only one chapter and a short one, I was busy the whole day.

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