I woke up so early that the sun isn't even setting yet. The reason why is because I've dreamed of my previous life. Where I was beaten up by my brothers there because I forgot to do the dishes after school, so they beat me up, and then suddenly the tip of my hair glows and then I woke up.
Good thing there's a couch here on the balcony where I can relax myself.
Because of that dream, I kept thinking now just what life does Alina have? There's always a time that something strange would just happen to her and then another information will arrive. Of course, the source of my info is Asher.
I sighed and lean on the couch's back and close my eyes.
Living as Alina seems easy but there are difficulties in it. Yes, I was transported here to be an ill-fated princess that will soon kill herself, and that was my only problem when I came here. I planned on how I would be able to avoid dying, and I was already determined that I won't waste this life. But how come a lot of confusing things keeps happening?
Unlike the Alina in the novel who never received affection from her family since they first met her. I, as Alina is seeing the love and care from her family. No matter if it's real or not, the case is she's able to interact with her family properly. The Alina in the novel weren't even able to properly talk with her brothers.
How come my life here is so different from the novel?
I couldn't help but sigh again. Maybe this is really a different dimension?
"Wow, you're so early," I flinched and open my eyes when I heard a voice not far in front of me. There, I saw Asher at the balustrade, sitting with his legs crossed and his hands pressed on top of where's he's sitting. He tilts his head and stared at me for a moment.
"What are you doing here?" I asked. He jumped down from the balustrade and walk towards me. When he gets close to me, he leaned forward and of course that surprised me, causing me to lean backward.
He's staring directly into my eyes again. I stared back of course, and I noticed how pretty his red eyes were.
Woah...it's mesmerizing...
"My beauty? Yes, I know," my shoulder fell because of his words. Looks like I said that out loud. Now he's gonna keep bragging about his beauty. He is indeed beautiful, can't deny that.
"What? What did you find within these eyes?" I asked. He levitated back to the balustrade and sits there.
"Did something happened yesterday?" Hmm, why is he asking me this question? As if he already knew that something happened yesterday, and is only testing me if I'd tell him or not. And he didn't even answer my question?
"Well...yeah," I replied. He did not respond to me, so I stayed quiet as well. Now he's just staring at me again, and I can't even tell what he's thinking because of that blank face of his. So, I also just stared at him and tilt my head.
I'm pretty sure he already know about it. Maybe he was there yesterday, and was just keeping an eye on Helios and I. It's a good thing that he's considerate enough to not bother me while I'm hanging out with Helios yesterday.
"What?" I asked when I couldn't take the silence anymore.
He shook his head as he sigh. There's definitely something going on with Alina here based on his reaction. He's just being secretive about it.
I'm pretty sure there's another problematic reason behind that sigh.
"How come you're already wide awake this early?" He asked.
I twitched my lips and sighs. Maybe I should tell him.
"Well...I dreamed about something..." his forehead creased and I can see annoyance all over his face. What now? I just said I dreamed about something?
"What? Another nightmare?" I shook my head, and that seem to make his mood better. Maybe he thought that it's tiring because he's going to watch over me if I had another strange nightmare.
"Maybe a nightmare? But it didn't affect me..." I spoke. He slowly nod his head.
"As long as I don't see your mana in an uproar," he said. Oh, that's why he didn't came to wake me up here like last time, because my mana seems stable when I dreamed of my family. That's amazing. Maybe they aren't really important to me that they're not affecting my mind and body anymore. I only woke up when my hair glowed in the dream after all.
"Anyway. You should go back to sleep, it's only three o'clock," For real? That's why the sun isn't peeking yet!
"Aye..." I replied and jumped off from the couch.
"Are you leaving?" I asked as I walk towards the door of the balcony.
"No. I'm gonna watch over your troublesome mana," Tch. Despite calling it troublesome, he's still going to look after it, huh? Hmph, he's surprisingly dedicated to his works.
"Aight..." I replied.
"It's amazing how your vocabulary changes overtime," Amazing, indeed. But I must make sure not to use it with the Princes and Emperor, because I might get in trouble. Although they find it adorable that Alina makes her own words. I didn't know 'yummy' and 'flex' is not a word here. The yummy one is even more surprising. I thought it's going to be a common word here, until one of Alina's brothers asked about it.
"Don't bother with the details...wuaah ~" I yawn and tap my lips gently as I feel tears comes out from my eyes because it suddenly feels hurt. All because I woke up this early.
"Wait a second," suddenly, he grabbed my wrist and pulls me to face him. I saw him leaning forward, then I felt a peck on my forehead.
After that, I feel really weak and everything went dark.
Huh? What did that jerk did? Taking advantage of this little cutie. He couldn't resist her cuteness anymore? Okay kidding...but why is that, I feel really really sleepy now.
I can still feel his hand on my wrist, and he caught me when I felt like I was about to fall.
I'm still conscious but I don't wanna open my eyes. I feel very relaxed as well. As if my body deactivates by itself.
I'm so sleepy...
I felt being carried, and put down on my bed.
Strange, I don't feel worried at all.
"Sleep well, Clara,"
"Brother Aeliii!" When I saw Aelius ahead of me, walking in the hallway, I called for him as per Themis' suggestion. Because it's going to be suspicious if I don't do it. Why would Alina, the girl who 'loves' her brothers and Dad suddenly refused to interact with her brother, right? Plus, I'm a kid who's been searching for her family everyday! That's why I should act like I'm always happy to see them!
He turned around, and his face lightened up when he looked at me. This prince looks like a princess, for real. Why is his hair so long, and that long eyelashes too! Plus, his droopy eyes that looks at you softly will make your heart flutter. He's a pretty prince.
"Ali, good morning. Where are you heading?" He asked. I spread my arms as I run towards him, and I saw him quickly spread his arms too, then bend his knees so that I can reach him.
I throw myself to him and he caught me, immediately carrying me on his arms.
"Good morning, brother Aeli! I'm just strolling around Dad's palace, I've got nothing to do," I replied with a smile on my face. Themis bowed at him and greets him too, which he replied to with a bow. Just bow? I feel like these people don't like Themis that much. My poor Themis.
"Aren't you going to invite Laverde's young lord?" He asked. Right, Ziel's been busy with his knight training. He really want to become a knight, and is dedicated into becoming one. I'm amazed. I don't even know when I can see him again.
I'm not even sure if I can call that pretty boy a playmate anymore!
Somehow, I miss Ziel. I'm always with Asher, and that jerk know nothing but to ruin my day with his new information about this little kid's body! Oh, come to think of it, I'm pretty sure he came into my room earlier...? Hmm? What time was it? Uh, wait, was that a dream?
I don't remember much, but I think he did come in to my room to watch over my troublesome mana?
"Nope...Ziel---Young Lord Laverde is busy with his training," I spoke. Ziel never told me about it, but of course I know about it! Hah! Who do you think I am?
"Nope...haha. I've been hearing you saying that word multiple times, Ali. Are you trying to create a new trend?" He asked. New trend? So 'nope' doesn't exist here as well? Oh dang, and its an informal word as well! And I've been using it when talking to them?!
"You have this strange way of talking too, like answering 'yup' or 'yep', instead of 'yes'. Are those words created by you?" No. I'm simply included to a certain generation in my own world.
"Hehe ~ isn't it cute, brother Aeli?" I giggled and wrap my arms around his shoulder as I watch the hallway. I'm suddenly nervous, I hope he doesn't know those are informal words. It sounds...not so polite though.
"It is adorable, Ali. Somehow, I also want to start using your words," Dang it. Please no, those are considered as informal words in our world! Nobles here should speak politely with each other so, please don't!
"I also heard from Zain that you mentioned another new word, which is 'flex' that means 'to show off'?" I nod my head at him. Dang it, really...
I need to start watching my words whenever I'm with this people. I'm just so used to those words that I can't stop using it even in another world! That's right, maybe they're just tolerating my way of speaking, but I don't really know how to speak politely...I feel like crying.
"Hehe ~" I answered. I don't know what to say, that's why.
"How about you, brother? Where are you going?" I asked.
"To my favorite place..."
"The Laboratory Room...is Brother Aeli's favorite place?" I asked. Haha...the heck is he experimenting in here? There are strange potions everywhere, and there are different types of grass---I think those are medicinal herbs? There are also...a graduated cylinder, beaker, is that a stirring rod? There's also test tube racks, and all slots have test tubes in it---that rack looks expensive! There are also flasks and more.
"Yup!" Please, don't answer me like that!
"Hihi ~ Brother Aeli is using my word now!" I giggled. But deep inside, I'm devastated.
"Right, it sounds amazing as well. Anyway, I don't think Ali will enjoy being in my laboratory...however, big brother have some things to do here..." he spoke. Is he telling me to leave? I'll gladly do that, chemistry is not my thing, brothah.
"I wonder if Ali is fine with staying here with me? But watching me do my tasks might bore you out," he added.
Haha, that question seems so difficult to answer. It's like he's trying to see if I'll stay here or not. But leaving this place might make him think that I don't like spending time with him, and staying here will definitely make me bored, because I don't like complicated things. Chemistry does looks fun, but my brain can't catch up with any of it! I know the equipments though...
"I'll stay here! I want to see Big bro make medicines!" I answered cheerfully.
Who knows? Maybe leaving this place will decrease his interest to Ali, and he hates her in the end?! That's going to be a step to my demise!
"Are you certain about that decision of yours? Just sitting there would tire you out..." he looks worried enough for me to believe that it's actually true. He just wants to confirm if his sister would hang out with him inside his laboratory. I seated straight from this chair he made from magic as I answer his question.
"Yup! To be honest, brother, I'm amazed with all the things here! This is my first time seeing real laboratory apparatuses!" I clap my hands gently while swaying my legs forward and backward. Acting like a real kid who's excited about something.
"Really? Does Ali knows the names of these equipments?" Yes. We never had a chemistry subjects but my brother does, he's a psychology student after all. I once heard him studying alone and memorizing the names of those 'lab apparatuses'. I memorized it after hearing him mumbled about it a few times, and seeing him points at the drawings on his book.
"Hm! Do you want to test me, Big bro?" I asked and look at him with a proud face. He chuckled and picked up an equipment. Starting with the easiest one, huh?
"Alright then...let me test Ali's wisdom about lab apparatuses," he said, showing a long glass stick to me.
"That's called a stirring rod! Of course, it is used to stir chemicals!" I answered. That's the one you'll definitely remember because it's always used in chemistry class.
Aelius smiled and nod his head as he put down the stirring rod carefully and get another one. Is he going to increase the difficulty of his so-called 'test'? Because, right now he's showing me the easy ones.
"It's a test tube! You can mix chemicals in there or used it to store the reagents that are not yet needed for the experimentation!" I answered. His eyes widens because of my answers, but ends up smiling after that.
"You even know the term 'reagents'?" Of course...I loved reading books and comics after all.
"Hihi ~"
"And if there's a test tube, there's a...?" He asked, placing his hand to the expensive looking rack---is that made of gold?!
"Test tube rack! You can already tell its purpose by hearing its name, hehe," I spoke. I jump from the chair, walk towards him and stopped in front of the long table where the lab apparatuses are placed properly.
"That's called a beaker, this is a graduated cylinder, this is called a funnel, that one is an alcohol lamp! You can use it to heat chemicals or water that is needed for the experimentation! You can also use it for combustion and sterilizing! Oh, you place it under the tripod stand with a wire gauze! This one is called an Erlenmeyer Flask, in which this other one is also a flask, but is called a Volumetric Flask! Uhm, a watch glass, petridish, crucibles--if the crucible is hot, you use the tong to lift it up...uhmm..."
"Alright, my sister already 'flexed' her knowledge about the laboratory apparatuses and I'm amazed! Looks like my sister has a potential to be a chemist," No! I only know the equipments but I know nothing about chemistry at all! And please forget about that word!
"Hihi ~ I'd love to! Once I grow up, I shall ask big brother Aeli to teach me!" I hope you forget about my words right away and don't actually teach me about it. Please.
"Really? It made me happy that Ali is actually interested in chemistry as well..." He smiled at me and ruffled my hair. He's really pretty everytime he smile.
Unlike Helios and Diellzain, I think Aelius is the calmest one. He speak nicely and more gently than the other two. Also, he's always smiling! Maybe he's the nicest one among those three. And I just remember that the one who smiles the most is always the one who becomes really scary when he's mad.
I suddenly recall the time when Asher was disrespecting their family and his eyes looked really scary, with it glowing and all.
Anyways, I'm not really interested in chemistry, Your Highness.
"Of course, and I want to know more about Brother Aeli as well!" I giggled and put my hands behind me as I clasp it together. Aelius' eyes widened when he heard my words. I'm not trying to make him feel guilty about it, but his face shows it.
"That...thank you, Ali..." he walk towards me and kneel down as he touched my cheek. What now? What are you planning to do to this little girl?
"We're sorry..." Stop with the apologies, please. It's not your fault.
I tilt my head, looking at him with confusion all over my face, but is still smiling. I really know how to act and I'm even surprised of myself.
"Well then, shall we start?" He said, suddenly.
Huh? 'We'?
"I'll teach Ali the basics! Of course, I won't let you touch any of the chemicals and apparatuses yet, just watch me,"
Dang it.
"Yaaay! Yes, please, Teacher!"
ACT. Act well, Clara. Don't show him your uninterested faces.
Aelius laughed before he walk towards the long table.
I'm going to be exhausted today.
We're gonna have chemistry class this early in the morning? What the heck?
Hiii! Sorry for the delayed update again, huhu. I went to a birthday party, and after that my niece and cousin pulled me out of the house just to play roller skates. I tried my best to write this when I came home at 7pm. But there are also chores in the house, please forgive me, and please enjoy this chapter!