
Wanderer, Dominated

AN: This is a hentai world, it had to get lewd soon enough. Thanks for all the support so far!

My body aches with phantom pain from past strikes. My limbs burn with exhaustion, but I can't stop. The only thing keeping me going is the Abyss Flower, the fact that it only has a cooldown cost means I can keep coming back.

Were it not for the Abyss Flower Sigil, I'd think she was trying to kill me. But no, her hits have gotten harder as time goes on, just to see how well my healing works, never enough to outright kill me.

If this is how she treats all of her soldiers, I truly sympathise.

It's been 5 hours since I started training with Serafall. Not a single time, not even once, have I come close to landing a hit. Whether it be hiding in the shadows, or trying head on, or even trying to use my fledgling magic.

If I try to stab her, she either dodges, parries, or gets agonisingly close to being hit then disappears and I'm back at square one with a broken ribcage.

If I try to get a sneak attack, Camouflage goes inactive the second I leave the shadows, and she is more than fast enough to react. Magic constructs don't even manifest fully half the time, and when they do, she just laughs at them and goes back to attacking me.

Speaking of magic, the fact that it works based on imagination is phenomenal, magic constructs and attacks are incredibly useful. The only problem is that using Mana alerts her instantly where I am. It also doesn't help that all of my magic attacks are pathetically weak.

It's been around three hours since I last faced her head on, I learned very quickly that sneak attacks are slightly better for my chances. Not that there's any hope of them working out.

Nothing seems to work. I'm certain this woman has eyes in the back of her head. Worst part of it? She keeps taunting me.

Whether it be from across the garden, or right behind me, her voice haunts the foliage. The longest I've kept on her trail without being caught is 13 minutes, but she's always, always found me.

I'm lucky that she's kind enough to close her eyes and give me 20 seconds after she hits me. It'd be impossible without such lenience. I'm nowhere near fast enough right now. Once again, I hear her. I'm almost certain she doesn't know I'm here, I haven't moved in 9 minutes.

"Man, I thought you were better than that, Luocha. Don't you wanna sleep with little old me?" Her sing-song voice is right around this bush, I can feel the chill of her hammer.

"Or maybe you're just scared? I get it. I won't laugh if it's small!" Still there. Is she standing still? Scoping the scenery or trying to bait me?

I can't miss this chance, I could get a very easy hit here. The shadows around should cloak me enough, and I've got just barely enough MP to cast a spell.

I could send it under the bushes, catching her feet? Or some form of mist, through the hedge? Maybe try an explosive? I don't know. MP regen is quite slow, only 37MP per 60 seconds so if I'm going to try, I'll be out of Windrunner, which is my only chance to get away somewhat.

[I believe in you, User!]

If I use Circle of Life and Death Wish, chances are I'm guaranteed to hit, but I don't want to expose Death Wish yet. It is far too useful of a trump card.

Also, I'm not sure I want this training to end. It's not that I'm a masochist, the pain of being found is horrible. 3 times now I've had to heal my shattered ribcage. No, rather I've discovered the usefulness of training.

Through rigorous training, you've improved a stat! 1 AGI!

Every two hours, I've gained a stat point. It started with STR, now it's AGI, so logically the next will be INT, going down the list. Two hours for a stat point is an amazing rate, and it offers me even more ways to power myself up.

"You think she's still there?" Fuck, I lost myself in thought.

Serafall is right behind me, leaning over my shoulder on her tip toes, resting her chin on my collar. I try to stay still, to act as if I haven't noticed her yet.

She's close enough that I might be able to work something out. Though, it's slightly distracting when she's humming and rocking her head side to side.

"Man, your hair smells amazing! What shampoo do you use? Oh, its so soft too! Please tell me your routine!" Woman, at least try to take this seriously, my ego can't handle it. Right now, I have a plan. It will hurt, but I might be able to make it work.

"Circle of Life!" She doesn't get away, hell, she doesn't even try. Instead, she looks bored at the appearance of the circle, especially since it isn't my first time trying to use it.

"This trick again? Man, you're putting me to sleep here, Luocha." Still, she rocks her head side to side, going so far as to wrap her arms around my shoulders.

If I didn't know just how fast she was, I'd think she wanted to be hit. But no, she's just that confident. Brace yourself, Luocha, this will hurt.

"John 10:28, I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish, no one will snatch them out of my hand!" It hurts just to think, the staggering pain in my head and the burning sensation on my tongue almost send me to the floor.

I didn't expect quoting the Bible to hurt so much, but I need to move fast. We're both stunned somewhat, though I imagine its far worse for me.

She's behind me, I can't get a decent angle on her with Caduceus, so the next best bet is to make an angle. Shes hanging off my right shoulder, stomach further back than her chest, my only option is through my right breast.

The blade stabs through my chest so cleanly that I almost think I missed, yet the sudden shortness of breath does wonders to show I've impaled myself. I've done my best to ensure I only clipped my lung, but I didn't have enouch time to work on precision.


The pain is barely noticeable, my brain and tongue hurt far more. What's more important though is the sharp intake of breath behind me. In an instant, the weight is gone, she's leapt as far back as she can in the circle, but I know it worked.


Bingo. I turn around, my body fully healed and my breathing stable, and I notice a small scratch on her cleavage, a single drop of blood. Before I can even laugh, she's disappeared again.

Companion Quest (Gone like the wind) initiated!

I look around wildly, trying to find her in the circle, until I feel her arms wrap around my stomach, her head laying against my back. I'm almost scared she's going to have sex with me on the spot, until she starts lifting me, and I realise that this is a suplex, not a hug.

My body crashes against the ground, yet I notice the distinct lack of broken bones. Thankfully, she was kind enough to not put too much power into this, at least.

Suddenly, there's a weight on my chest, one that rapidly shifts down to my pelvis, and I'm left both scared and aroused. Her arm grabs a hold of my wrists, my arms unable to move and pinned to the floor.

"You worked so hard to try and hit me. All that, just for a night in my bed. It makes a girl feel wanted. You want this, don't you, Luocha?" She leans down, close to my ear, her voice a whisper.

The second I nod my head yes, she just giggles and begins peppering my neck in kisses, speaking in between each one.

"You've been getting stronger, haven't you, Luocha? Much stronger. I felt the way the Mana in the air around you fluctuated wildly, the same way it did after you killed those men. The same way it did last night." In the heat of the moment, my attention is only barely on her voice.

She moves in even closer, her warm breath against my ear once more. The slight shifting of her hips against my rapidly growing erection makes me wonder if she's actually going to tear my clothes off here and now.

Her body is getting warmer with every second, her core aflame with heat. It's impossible to resist the urge to buck my hips alongside her.

"How long would it take for you to reach my level? You've gotten more than three times stronger than you were yesterday. Who's to say there's a limit? What could you do with enough time?" She bites down on her lip for a moment, the grinding of her hips getting faster. Her breathing is getting heavier and heavier. She lifts her head up slightly to meet my eyes as I place my hands on her hips.

"I can't give you my maidenhood, but if you keep impressing me, I might just have to change my mind on that. For now though, you landed a hit. So you deserve a reward." I don't even care that I was misled, this situation is a reward enough as it is.

Sure, this is almost certainly some form of manipulation to keep me on her side, especially since she's now aware of how fast my power grows, but I'm too drunk on the feeling of her body to care right now.

Serafall looks at me with this hungry gleam in her eyes, before she shifts her arms a bit and leans down. I close my eyes, and enjoy the moment. The feeling is utterly immaculate, her lips as soft and plush as pillows.

Yet she goes even further, wanting more and more control, her tongue slipping into my mouth, claiming every inch of space, locking with my own. Her hips grow frenzied, every movement harder and faster. A few times, she breaks away from the kiss to bite down into my neck and moan, her body trembling against me.

I'm not sure how much time we spend like this. Time became a bit of a blur while we lay there in the grass, every second being one of pure bliss. She begins whispering, hovering just above my lips, leaving me hungry for more.

"This could be yours, every day and every night. All you need to do is get stronger. Strong enough to pin me down and take me on the spot. You'll do that for me, won't you Luocha?" I barely stop myself from grinning at the thought.

"Of course, My Lady." Her lips come crashing back down, and I'm once more in Nirvana. I'm certain now that she's using herself to motivate me, to groom me into a weapon for the Anti-Satan Faction to enjoy the benefits of.

I'd do the same in her position. That doesn't mean I won't try to make her eat those words. I can get to know her better along the way.

Prerequisite for Quest (Satanic submission) has been unlocked.

A few moments later, her hips begin to blur, her moans echoing against my lips. I'm damn near about to lose my own self control when she finally begins to twitch, her body shivering, a tiny squeal coming out of her as her movement slows down.

Even after that, she doesn't stop our liplock for a few minutes. I'd assume it's because she gets off on the control, and wanted to enjoy the feeling of domination for a little while longer.

Her head finally lifts up, my lips feeling swollen, and she gives me a simple smile before getting off of me. The last thing I hear before she disappears has me feeling far more proud than I'd expected.

"Not bad, Luocha."

I barely even did anything, she was in control the whole time. And yet, here I am, more motivated than I'd ever felt before. Issei, I'm sorry for judging you in the past. I get it now. These Devils are worth it.

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