
chapter 2

Chapter Two

The Cat's Meow

Years ago, not far from Tokyo, a black cat streaked through the back alleys, overshooting entrances and rounding corners at a dangerous speed. Every time the hyper-aware cat stopped to orient itself, its peace was broken by running footsteps, alarmed shouts, and more than a few bolts of energy, streaks of flame and crackles of lightning. The cat yowled as its side was scorched by a sudden flame, before it ran off in a parallel direction, paws moving so fast it almost ran in place before bolting off.

Years later, Kuroka reflected on her life, musing to herself in the safe place she'd managed to find for herself, in a small and unassuming town. My whole life, I've been running away from one thing or another.

The past again, just before that fateful escape. A minor lord of the Naberius clan had taken Kuroka and her younger sister in after her parents had died, and for a time Kuroka had thought they would be safe. But a devil rarely did anything for the sake of kindness, and reincarnating Kuroka and her sister Koneko was no exception. When Kuroka discovered he was planning to experiment on her sister, in the hopes of making a Super Devil, she had responded the only way she could.

Standing tall in the devil's throne room, Kuroka's pale skin gleamed as she gathered power in her hand, her twin tails high beyond and cat ears twitching as the busty woman fired a concentrated beam of pure ki energy. The devil was speared through the heart, screaming in pain before his life was snuffed out.

"You want a Super Devil, how's this?" Kuroka said, her mouth twitching in a smirk. Her excitement had been short-lived, and within the hour she'd been running for her life from a small army of Devils who might have brought her down with sheer numbers.

I've done things I haven't always been proud of, even when they had to be done. Sacrificed for others, but put myself at risk at the same time. Even doing something for the greater good can feel like an enormous mistake in the moment.

Kuroka had visited Koneko for a few brief, shining moments before she'd had to leave. Watching over the white haired girl, Kuroka stroked her hair for just an instant, knowing she might not see her again for a long time…if ever. She was hoping Koneko's life wouldn't be quite so messed up, without knowing that Koneko would simply be swapping one set of problems for another. There were times when Kuroka questioned her lot in life, but she'd never regretted protecting Koneko.

Even though, there had been a moment when it seemed Kuroka's actions might lead to her own end. She had killed a handful of devils after leaving Tokyo, ending up in a small town that she'd never even heard of in the human realm. Only then, weakened and in her cat form had she been on the edge of death, blood leaking from a small hole in her side. Her gold eyes began to flutter, her vision blurring, when there'd been a rustling nearby. Expecting an attack but knowing she could do nothing about it, Kuroka simply tried to lift her head, watching expectantly. Bursting from the undergrowth wasn't a devil, in its own form or some clever disguise…not unless they'd taken to hiding themselves as small children.

A cute boy with spiky brown hair walked up to Kuroka slowly, surprised to see her. "Ah, a kitty!"

He took a few steps closer, his dark eyes widening as he examined the poor animal.

"Oh you're hurt! You need help!" He rushed forward, his young mind knowing something was needed, but not exactly what. He reached out to stroke Kuroka's fur and she hissed, making him draw his hand back, though she could scarcely do much harm to him. He waited a moment, and though Kuroka's ears remained flat on her head, she slowly ceased her hissing, withdrawing her fangs…what danger could he be, really?

"Mommy will know what to do. I'll take you to her, ok?" Slowly the boy reached down, picking Kuroka up like she was a loaf of bread, his small hands under the top of her front two legs. As he toddled off with her, while a woman's voice called out for "Issei", Kuroka felt safe enough in his arms. He seemed a sweet, warm child, if not particularly bright.

Taken in by some human child, like just an ordinary housepet. Well, I suppose there are worse ways to live, at least for the time being. And it certainly will make for a fine cover while I rest and regain my strength, that's for sure. No one is going to look for the Underworld's most wanted criminal in the house of some ordinary family in some small town here in the human realm.

Kuroka had possessed every intention of resting with the family, who she learned were called the Hyoudou, once she had recovered completely. A few months or so, at most. But she saw that Issei led a mostly lonely life, and that his parents were rarely around, often gone on business. Living her life as a normal cat wasn't exactly what Kuroka had envisioned for herself but then she'd never made plans for any sort of future past saving her sister and killing her former lord. There were worse things to be than a beloved, well treated housepet, and Kuroka had made sure she established herself as an "outdoor cat", sneaking off into the human world in her humanoid form to explore and see what life had to offer.

In time, she came to see Issei almost as a substitute for her lost sister Koneko, who she couldn't dare check up on, but she established a slight information network. She learned that Koneko was safe and in the care of one of the Four Great Satans. That would have to be enough, for now. Then another unexpected twist of fate occurred, barely a year after Kuroka had begun staying with the Hyoudou family, in the form of another unusual "house guest". A powerful Valkyrie called Rossweisse, who had used her abilities to modify the town's memories, though Kuroka herself had been unaffected. She thought about revealing herself to Rossweisse, but after a brief period of observation, Kuroka had decided she didn't much like the other woman. She drank too much, she was too loud, and Kuroka didn't like the way she caught her looking at Issei, when no one else was around and she didn't expect to be observed by a lowly house cat.

So she kept her peace and quiet, and her place in the household, for years and years. Issei grew up as normal as he could, but then, much later, strange things happened, as the world of the supernatural intruded on their lives once again. Rias Gremory, another devil Kuroka had only heard of before, appeared in town, looking for Issei. There was also a fallen Angel, Yuuma Amano, and Kuroka knew her days of peacefully laying in the sun and receiving warm pets and scratches from Issei were coming to a close.

But even as the disguised cat began slinking through the house, working out a plan to best spy on Rias and the others, and to keep her Issei safe (she doubted that lush Rossweisse was up to the job-she was strong but not exactly a great thinker, and that was when she was sober), things had taken an even more unexpected turn. Kuroka's small nose turned up as she sniffed her way through the house, smelling something familiar but magnified to a level she'd never encountered before-it was the scent she associated with Issei, which reminded her of flour and yuzu, and then the unique, but unmistakable scent of his dragon side, long buried. But now that smell of dragon was so thick it filled the apartment in an almost visible haze, beginning to mess with Kuroka's head.

Ah…I can barely think, it's so powerful! I should go look for anyone watching Issei, make sure he's safe…but fuck it, I can do that later! I can't take it anymore, I've watched over Issei for years, and now he's finally matured into a handsome young man. I don't care if that noisy Valkyrie is around, probably trying to avoid her job as usual, I need to be with Issei, right now!

Kuroka slunk through the house, padding her way towards Issei's room with barely a noise. She reached the top of the stairs and passed Rossweisse's room, assuming she was asleep or something. It scarcely mattered to Kuroka now, nothing mattered but her and Issei being together the way they were supposed to be. Once she was past Rossweisse's door, Kuroka concentrated and in an instant she was in human form again. She adjusted her kimono as she walked, her cat ears and tails twitching with each step. Kuroka's large golden eyes matched her belt, tied in a bow in front of her taut, trim stomach as well as the oversized beads that hung around her waist. Her breasts were so big they nearly spilled out of her kimono, which only just covered her nipples and displayed the rest of her pale, milky-white cleavage. The black kimono, with red trim was also slit so high up on one side that it clearly showed that Kuroka wasn't wearing any underwear, with her thick thighs and even a hint of her pelvis on display.

I've got to look my best for Issei. It's been a long time since I spied on him taking a shower, but something tells me he'll be a little above average, for a human anyway. Maybe as big as seven inches, though I'd be able to make anything work, so long as it's just him and-

"Oh fuck, I'm fucking cumming, Ise! Pl-please slow down, I can't take much more, my body is on fire! HNNNG!"

Kuroka stopped, hearing Rossweisse's voice crying out in shameless, full-voiced passion, clearly in the throes of a massive orgasm. There were the heavy, fleshy sounds of skin slapping against skin, so fast it nearly sounded like some sort of jackhammer, along with deeper voiced grunts and groans that could only have been from Issei and then an obscene, wet and almost filthy-sounding noise, like a gushing hose.

Spllrt! Spllrt! Splllrcch!

Knowing what she was going to find and yet not quite able to believe it, Kuroka crept closer to the door, pushing it open just a crack. Inside, Rossweisse was naked, riding Issei's cock like a slut, her long silver hair bouncing around her slim yet curvy form as she moaned, sweat trickling down the small of her back. Issei was thrusting up into her at the same time, throwing off Rossweisse's rhythm and making her gasp as her pussy was practically fucked up behind her lungs.

"Holy shit!" Kuroka whispered, her jaw hanging open foolishly. Issei's cock wasn't just above average, it was absolutely enormous, far larger than any manhood Kuroka had ever seen. It had to be three feet long-or maybe even longer, so thick it looked like Rossweisse was taking a small barrel inside her pussy with each thrust, her labia stretching horribly as her body was rearranged. As Kuroka watched with rapt attention, Issei pushed Rossweisse onto her back, fucking her in a rough mating press position while Rossweisse babbled and moans, her legs trying to wrap around Issei's waist as he fucked her into the mattress. Kuroka felt her thighs rub together, her body tingling with arousal…and also, more than a little jealousy. How dare that shitty part-time teacher and full time drunk Rossweisse beat her to the punch like this? Kuroka resolved then and there to get Issei to herself once the pair was done, to show him that he had more than one sexy woman living under his roof, and to prove Kuroka was by far the superior woman.

She would be waiting for quite some time as Issei and Rossweisse were rutting like animals for the better part of a day, just hour after hour of rough, loud, lewd sex. By the time Monday morning rolled around, Kuroka had returned to cat form and had worked herself up into a tizzy by how turned on she was, desperate for some relief but knowing that nothing could possibly measure up to Issei's cock.

Issei and Rossweisse said their goodbyes in the living room, with Rossweisse having to hurry out and arrive before Issei for her duties as a teacher. Rossweisse missed a few buttons on her shirt as she exchanged sloppy, drooling kisses with Issei, letting the teenager practically stick his tongue down her throat as her cheeks hollowed out, leaning against his skinny yet strong body, feeling how weak she was after the marathon sex they'd only just finished. As they flirted before they left, with Issei saying he'd "come" by her office later and Rossweisse saying she would take it all like a good girl, Kuroka watched.

The door slammed shut behind Rossweisse, and Issei returned to his breakfast. He chuckled quietly, thinking out loud as he considered what the day would look like now that things had changed between him and Rossweisse-and all the days to come.

"I have to hurry to catch up to big sis Rossweisse. Heh, maybe we'll even have sex in the teacher's lounge."

As Issei was talking to himself, he didn't notice Kuroka approaching the table. She jumped up onto the back of Issei's chair, balancing herself precariously before she reached out with one paw and lightly swatting him on the back of the head-which instantly knocked Issei out. Kuroka thought for a second she had maybe put a little too much of her Senjutsu into the strike, but Issei was still breathing normally and looked downright blissed out in his sleep, leaning back in the chair with his eyes closed and snoring quietly.

Alone at last…Kuroka thought, impatient to enact her plans after waiting for so long. Rossweisse may have acted first, but Kuroka was going to make sure that Issei forgot all about her by the time she was done.

"Ah…whu, what, what happened? Ahh!" Issei woke with a start a little while later, laying in his bed, completely naked with no memory of how he'd gotten there. He'd been eating breakfast and then…

"How did…what the?! Who the hell are you?!" Issei's vision cleared and he saw he wasn't alone in the room. A woman, gorgeous and wearing a very revealing kimono was in his room, with the ears of a cat and bright, penetrating golden eyes.

"Oh, you know me, Issei. We've spent so much time together, after all."

Kuroka stepped closer, untying her belt and letting her robe fall to the floor. Even as Issei tried to think who this woman could possibly be, he found himself more than a little distracted. His cock started swelling up, already massive and laying between his legs like a club as this attractive, busty woman approached. She crawled onto the bed, her fingernails sharp and tenting the sheets as her mouth practically watered.

Fuck she's nearly as huge as President Rias, and has even bigger tits than Ross!

"And you saved me, remember? You promised we would always be together~" Kuroka straddled Issei, on her hands and knees as she rubbed against him, her massive breasts rubbing across his slender chest and neck, her actions very animal-like in a way that suddenly clicked with Issei.

"Ah, kitty!" He said, before he recalled that she'd had a collar when they first found her, all those years ago.

"Kuroka?" Issei asked, now that he'd understood what was happening-his cat was somehow a gorgeous woman doing her best to get him hard as a rock-he realized he actually didn't understand at all. Kuroka nodded quickly, before licking along his neck, making his short hairs stand up as confusion suddenly twisted Issei's face, not quite knowing where to even begin with this strange situation.

"But w-what are you, and, and how did you…and also, when-ah. Oh." Issei's voice cut off into a surprised gasp as Kuroka wrapped one sfot around his dick, beginning to jerk him with a fast, almost aggressive intensity.

"I'm sure you don't mind, Issei, but ever since I saw this massive thing, well it was all I thought about. I just can't hold back anymore, and what better way for me to show you my gratitude for saving me, all those years ago. My hero~" Kuroka said, whispering sensually in Issei's ear, as she traced her sharp fingernails across his collarbone. Her hands worked faster and faster, teasing Issei with surprising skill, showing that despite her cover as an ordinary housecat, Kuroka got up to all sorts of things on her "off hours." In scarcely a full minute, Issei's cock was rock hard, fully erect at it's massive, throbbing jaw and panty-dropping length, even after watching him fuck that lush, Rossweisse, Kuroka still hadn't seen his true, size in all its glory.

This thing has to be a meter long, and it's so thick, it's larger than one of Issei's thighs! The smell…it's driving me crazy! I, I need more. Kuroka's nose twitched as she leaned closer against Issei's body, his mind struggling to play catch up with his terribly aroused body. Kuroka's keen senses were working against her at the moment, leaving her brain practically drowning in the sheer, overwhelming musk and manly scent of Issei's hyper-virile dragon cock. She worked her way back down Issei's body, trailing her free hand along his firm pecs as she worked body in between his spread thighs.

Looking up at him with that magnificent cock in the way, like some impossible weapon, it almost intimidated her. Something so huge and majestic in its way, like some monstrous tree that had outgrown all others of its size, even a pussy cat as well traveled as Kuroka had never dealt with anything like it before. But she had to steel herself, because otherwise Issei would favor Rossweisse over her and Kuroka could not allow that.

"Here, baby, I know how much you just love big breasts, yeah? Bet you never had any as big as these puppies, you donkey dicked stud~" Kuroka hefted her massive tits like she was maneuvering two boulders, sandwiching the pillowy soft yet firm jugs around Issei's tree trunk sized dick. She worked her hand in time with her breasts, giving him a slow, almost agonizing titwank as she stroked his sensitive tip, playing with his foreskin and drawing it up and down, like a filthy, smegma-encrusted collar around his purplish bellend. Issei could only moan, events having moved far too fast for him but his body knowing how to respond, as thick, off-white precum began to leak from his distended piss slit.

"W-well? How do they feel?" Kuroka tried to sound more sure of herself than she felt, the sheer size and height of Issei's cock between her tits throwing her off. It was like trying to cover a fence post, not even her massive, marshmallow tits were quite up to the task.

"I know they're bigger than that damn Valkyrie's, that's for sure." Venom practically dripped from Kuroka's words, surprising Issei with her sudden harshness. Until recently, he'd had no idea Rossweisse was anything other than a normal, if beautiful woman, so how did Kuroka know? Did the two have some sort of past together, was that why Kuroka seemed to dislike her so much?

"Ah, well they are bigger, Kuroka but, y-you know my nee-chan is more than just-ahh!"

Kuroka cut him off again, knowing she had to exercise as much control over the hung boy as she could, to set the tempo of things and make sure he knew who was in charge. Her breasts worked faster and faster, hitting Issei's pelvis with heavy sounds, even as she squeezed them tighter, letting go of his dick to really press and almost maul her own tits, making the perfect, huge milky white tits puff out around her fingers.

"Yes, I know! But that's enough about her, Issei! Just fucking focu

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