
[22] The Ghost of Tenko Past

I wake up to the sound of Marin's alarm blaring that same idol song. She groans and fumbles for her phone, silencing it after a few attempts. I blink away the sleep, remembering today's the day of my entrance interview at Youtou High School.

"Morning, superstar," Marin mumbles, her hair a messy halo around her face. "Ready for your big day?"

I stretch and sit up. "As ready as I'll ever be. "

We get ready quickly, falling into our usual morning routine. I throw on some nondescript clothes and grab a face mask and hat. Marin emerges from the bathroom in her school uniform, looking impossibly put-together for someone who was a zombie twenty minutes ago.

"How do I look?" I ask, adjusting my hat in the mirror.

Marin grins. "Like a very suspicious individual trying not to look suspicious. Perfect!"

We head out, Marin chattering excitedly about school life and how cool it'll be to have me there. I nod along, my stomach doing little flips. It's not that I'm nervous about the interview - I know I've got this in the bag. But the idea of going back to school, of trying to be a normal student while also being, well, me... it's a lot.

As we walk, I notice a few people giving me second glances. I pull my hat lower and keep my head down. Marin, bless her, doesn't miss a beat. She links her arm through mine and starts loudly discussing some anime I've never heard of, effectively creating a bubble around us.

We're about a block away from Youtou when I hear it - the telltale gasp of recognition but Marin's got it covered.

"Oh my god, is that Akira Hoshino?" she squeals in a pitch-perfect imitation of a fangirl. She points in the opposite direction. "I think I saw him go that way!"

The small group that had started to form immediately turns and hurries off. Marin winks at me, and I can't help but laugh.

"You're getting too good at that," I tell her.

She shrugs, grinning. "What can I say? I learned from the best."

We make it to Youtou without further incident and Marin gives my hand a quick squeeze.

"You've got this," she says. "Just be yourself. Well, maybe not your TV self. But you know what I mean."

I nod, taking a deep breath. "Thanks, Marin."

She beams at me, then checks her watch. "Crap, I'm gonna be late for class. Text me how it goes!"

With a quick peck on my cheek, she's off, disappearing into the stream of students entering the building. I watch her go, then square my shoulders and head for the administration office.

The receptionist looks up as I enter, her eyes widening slightly. "Akira Hoshino?"

I nod, lowering my mask. "I'm here for the entrance interview."

She practically bounces out of her chair. "Of course! We've been expecting you. Please, follow me."

She leads me down a hallway to a small conference room. Inside, three people sit at a long table – an older man with graying hair, a middle-aged woman with kind eyes, and a younger man who looks vaguely familiar.

"Mr. Hoshino, welcome," the older man says, standing to shake my hand. "I'm Principal Tokimune. This is Vice Principal Yamamoto and Mr. Sato, head of our performing arts department."

I bow politely. "Thank you for having me."

"Please, have a seat," Principal Tokimune gestures to the chair across from them.

Mr. Sato leans forward, a gleam in his eye.

"I must say, Mr. Hoshino, we were thrilled when we received your application," he says. "Your performance in 'Sweet Today' has been nothing short of remarkable."

"Thank you," I reply. "I'm honored to be considered for your program."

Principal Tokimune clasps his hands on the table. "Given your unique situation, we're prepared to offer some flexibility. As long as you maintain good grades and attend classes at least twice a week, we believe we can accommodate your schedule."

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Really? That's... incredibly generous."

Mr. Sato chuckles. "We understand the demands of the entertainment industry. Many of our students are balancing similar commitments. We believe in nurturing talent, not stifling it."

We discuss the details of the arrangement, and I find myself relaxing as the conversation flows. They ask about my experiences on set, my goals for the future, and how I see myself fitting into the Youtou community.

"One last question, Mr. Hoshino," Principal Tokimune says as the interview winds down. "Why Youtou? With your current success, you could likely have your pick of schools."

I pause, considering my answer carefully. "Honestly? I want to be challenged. I want to be around other people who are as passionate about performing as I am. And..." I hesitate, then decide to be fully honest. "I want a chance at something resembling a normal high school experience."

The three exchange glances, seeming pleased with my response.

"Well, Mr. Hoshino," Principal Tokimune says, standing. "I think I speak for all of us when I say we would be delighted to have you join us at Youtou High School."

I stand as well, bowing deeply. "Thank you so much. I promise I won't let you down."

As I leave the administration building, I spot Marin waiting by a nearby tree. She waves excitedly as I approach.

"So? How'd it go?" she asks, bouncing on her toes.

I can't help but grin. "I'm in."

Marin squeals and throws her arms around me. "I knew it! Oh, this is going to be amazing. We can eat lunch together and study and-"

"Whoa, slow down," I laugh, gently disentangling myself from her embrace. "I'll only be here a couple days a week, remember?"

She pouts for a moment before her smile returns. "Still better than nothing. Come on, I'll give you the grand tour!"

Marin grabs my hand and pulls me through the school gates. I stumble after her, trying to keep my hat in place. "Slow down, Marin. We've got time."

She laughs, slowing her pace slightly. "Sorry, I'm just excited. It's not every day I get to show my boyfriend around my school."

We enter the main building, and I'm immediately struck by how... normal it all feels. Students mill about, chatting and laughing. A few glance our way, but most are too wrapped up in their own worlds to notice us.

Marin leads me up a staircase to the second floor. "This is where most of my classes are," she explains, gesturing down the hallway. "And look, there's the drama club room!"

She points to a door covered in colorful posters. I peer through the small window, seeing a group of students rehearsing what looks like a scene from Romeo and Juliet.

"Maybe you could give them some pointers sometime," Marin suggests, nudging me with her elbow.

I snort. "Yeah, I'm sure that wouldn't be weird at all. 'Hey guys, mind if I crash your rehearsal?'"

Marin rolls her eyes. "Please, they'd love it. You're like, their idol."

We continue down the hall, Marin pointing out various classrooms and clubs. I try to take it all in, but it's overwhelming. It's been so long since I've been in a normal school environment.

"And this," Marin says, stopping in front of a door, "is my homeroom."

She slides the door open, revealing a typical classroom. Desks in neat rows, a chalkboard at the front, motivational posters on the walls.

"It's... nice," I say, not sure what else to add.

Marin looks at me, her expression softening. "It's a lot, isn't it?"

I nod, grateful she understands. "Yeah, it's just... different. From what I'm used to, I mean."

She takes my hand, squeezing it gently. "You'll get used to it. And hey, if it ever gets too much, I'll be right here."

I smile, feeling some of the tension leave my shoulders. "Thanks, Marin."


I follow Marin back to the school gates, my head spinning with all the new information. The hallways, the classrooms, the faces - it's a lot to take in. As we reach the entrance, I turn to Marin.

"Thanks for the tour," I say, adjusting my hat. "I should probably head back home now."

Marin's face falls slightly. "Oh, right. I forgot you're not actually starting classes today."

I give her a small smile. "Soon enough. I've got to sort out my schedule first."

She nods, then stands on her tiptoes to give me a quick peck on the cheek. "Text me later?"

"Of course," I promise.

I watch as Marin disappears back into the school building, then turn and start walking home. The streets are quieter now, most students already in class. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. It's a text from Kana:

"Hey Akira, good news! Found someone to play the stalker for the last episode. My childhood friend Aqua. He's perfect for the role. Talk soon!"

I frown, rereading the message. Aqua? That's an unusual name. And Kana's childhood friend? I didn't even know she had one of those.

I type out a quick reply: "Sounds great. Looking forward to meeting him."

As I pocket my phone, my mind wanders back to the school. It felt so... normal. Almost oppressively so. Part of me is excited about the prospect of being a regular student, but another part is terrified. What if I can't fit in? What if I've forgotten how to just be a kid?

I shake my head, trying to clear these thoughts. One step at a time, I remind myself. First, I need to talk to Mio about adjusting my schedule.

I reach my apartment building and take the stairs two at a time. Inside, I flop onto the futon, suddenly exhausted. The silence of the empty apartment is a stark contrast to the bustling school hallways.

My phone buzzes again. This time it's Mio:

"Heard you got into Youtou. Congrats! Let's meet tomorrow to discuss your new schedule."

I send back a quick confirmation, then let my arm fall to my side. The ceiling fan spins lazily above me, and I find myself getting lost in its hypnotic motion.

Being back in a school setting, even briefly, stirred up a lot of feelings I thought I'd buried. Memories of my past life, of being Tenko, of the years I spent under Hidetora's thumb. I'd worked so hard to leave all that behind, to become Akira Hoshino, rising star. But now, faced with the prospect of being a normal high school student, I'm not sure who I'm supposed to be.

I roll onto my side, curling into myself. It's stupid to feel this way. I should be grateful for this opportunity. It's what I wanted, isn't it? A chance at a normal life?

But maybe that's the problem. I don't know how to be normal. I've spent so long playing roles, wearing masks, that I'm not sure what's left underneath.

My phone buzzes again. It's Marin this time:

"Miss you already! Can't wait for you to start classes for real. You're gonna love it here, I promise!"

I smile despite myself. Maybe she's right. Maybe I will love it. Maybe this is my chance to figure out who Akira Hoshino really is, beyond the characters I play on screen.

I sit up, suddenly feeling restless. There's no point in dwelling on this now. I've got lines to memorize, a new co-star to prepare for, and a life to figure out how to balance.

I grab my script from the table and flip it open. Time to see what kind of person this stalker character is supposed to be.

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