
Chapter 23 - The New recruits Skills

Garrett was standing beside Shiva and Betty. He was ready to see what they could do but wasn't about to let them fight alone.

He was ready with his twin pistols and the 7 Variant Spikers were all growling and hissing but being cautious. They clearly had more intelligence than the normal zombie.

They might be evolution candidates to become Alphas.

Well he wasn't about to let that happen.

"Shiva! Betty! Colonel Garrett of the US Armies! We need to end these Variants before then escape and evolve further! I assume with current intelligence that these enemies have potential to evolve into alphas! We need to stop them here or countless more lives will be lost!" Garrett ordered.

With a resounding, "Yes sir!" Both girls spring into action.

Shiva springs into action with her Assault Rifle roaring to life and shooting out many rounds one after another. The first Spiker thinks it can tank them and faces it head on. Only to have the heavy rounds tear through its tougher skin and spikes. Shredding it into swiss cheese. It shrieks in pain and is finished off by a charged energy shot from Garrett. The other spikers look to where their ally is now a shredded corpse on the floor missing its head and most of its upper torso.

Then they look to the group. Betty has revved her Minigun and is about to unleash hell on them.

They run.


But not fast enough. She shreds one of them into two halves with no preamble and ensures it is finished off thanks to her gunning down its top half to ensure none of its brains remain.

The other 5 rush out into the atrium and into the rafters. Garrett comes out with his energy pistol charged again and Shiva tracking them down with her keen sense of smell. With a few sniffs she points and shoots down another one. With Garrett finishing it off again.

The remaining 4 unleash their spikes in a rain of death at them. Garrett grabs a table and brings it up to shield Shiva and him. Shiva smirks at the move but also blushes a bit at the readiness Garrett showed to defend her life with his own. (Big points for romantic partners in her culture)

But just before the spikes land a larger shield slams down in front of them both and latches into the ground with fastening spikes. The shield extends up by 4 ft and sideways 4 ft. Making the original 6ft by 4ft tower siege shield on Betty now a solid 10ft tall and 8ft wide wall of reinforced tempered steel. The Spikes mostly just dent and scratch the metal. With only a few of them, around 6, sticking in deep enough to actually deal some damage.

Betty grins as she and Shiva ready their heavy guns and dive around the sides of their cover. And fire for the next full minute at the rafter crawlers. Two more join the dead on the ground as the last two make a mad dash for the front doors. In their panic of being gunned down, they have forgotten that they are bosses and can't leave the dungeon. Garrett however isn't wasting the opportunity.

He is right behind them as they land on the ground sprinting. However while they are great in stats for ambushes and basic combat... Garrett is still in the 500s. His sword comes around and dissects them both at the waist. Making their bodies plop to the ground while their legs run for a few more steps before crashing and rolling. The blood smears and splatter that now decorate the Cinema entrance had more viscera than the trio of fighters were expecting.

Garrett shrugs though as he gets a notification, You have cleared a Hard level Dungeon with a group of fighters for the first time! You have gained an extra 10k points! Congratulations!

Garrett grins as he checks his points for this as the dungeon is complete and now he gained some stats from the Variants and some points from the whole dungeon as a whole.

Garret Grimsborne (Super Human):

Str- 515 +21 = 536

Agi- 502 +21 = 523

Sta- 487 +21 = 508

Int- 263 +21 = 284

Sense- 265 +21 = 286

Store points - 425,750 + 28,400 zombies +14,000 dungeon +10,000 bonus = 478,150

With a nod to himself at how much he gained from this one Hard dungeon he knew he would need to clear the other hard dungeons as well. But he turns and sees Shiva and Betty reloading their weapons using their survival packs full of ammo and rations. Both girls seemed to be chatting each other up and getting to know their backgrounds.

Garrett listened in as he approached.

Shiva continued as she goes, "Yeah in my world we still had tribes of the different races. And some old traditions still exist. Like how we marry strong males. Or if you are a male you find a strong and capable female. Continued strong bloodlines."

Betty nods and goes, "Yeah in my world we have tribes. But they are mixed with other races to ensure we have diversity. Such as I have a tuaren father and a Holstarus mother. I became a female Minotauress from that mixture. They said I could find anyone for a mate. And I figured I could find a human mate. But... Most humans in my world are either taken or not strong enough. I usually attracted the attention of... *Ugh* monster girl fetishists."

Shiva shivers alongside Betty as she remembers the men who came to her asking for her thighs to crush their skulls.

Garrett comes up and asks, "So... I'm guessing I didn't summon you away from your families? No one to worry about back home?"

Both women look to Garrett and salute after remembering his rank as a Colonel and a his skill in that fight.

Garrett waves them down and greets them as he did, "Garrett Grimsborne Colonel rank. I'm glad to meet you both. I won't lie... I wasn't expecting to summon you both here."

The women looked at each other then come to a realization and ask, "Accidental group summon?"

Garrett nods but then adds, "Honestly? Happy accident. I was hard pressed just by myself against them all. So it's good I summoned you both. I'm glad to have such capable and strong soldiers here. Especially with such beautiful beings such as yourselves as the summons."

They both blush a bit and nod in thanks.

Then Garrett breaks down their base, the dungeon, system, store and everything for them to understand. They follow along and understand as best they can. It takes a bit bit they figure it out together.

Eventually they agree with Garretts plan to grab supplies from the dungeons around here and continue to help his group.

Shiva says, "Good job looking out for your tribe Colonel! That's the makings of a great Chief! You got my support!"

Betty, "Agreed! We need to ensure those families have support and protection! Let's gather these supplies and clear these dungeons!"

Garrett nods and with their help and strength. (Their stats were based on his total and arranged based on their preferences. So they evened them out into 350 - 400 for every stat.)

They cleared the movie theater. They grabbed food from the kitchen... Mostly because the concession counter was covered in blood and bodies.

They both looked to Garrett who looked sheepish, "Well... I needed a way to thin the herd and that was the most convenient... I'm just glad the fridges and freezers were spared."

They shrug and concede the last point. As they gather the frozena and chilled food and load up the SWAT van.

While they load up the confirm the current status of how he became a chief of his survival group.

Once he told them about the general and his betrayal of the survivors they were so angry that they were ready to go hunting for the former human.

Garrett cooled them down and said, "Nah we need to solidify our position and make sure we are able to train up a good defense force before we make any moves further from home. So let's clear local dungeons first and then make moves on hunting down that traitor."

They nod with determined looks on their faces and finish loading up the van. And Garrett had a blast selling everything they didn't need in the dungeon.

Garrett checks the bags and space left and knows one thing, "Okay... We will need to drop this off at the base and then go for the next Hard Dungeon. Now that we have you two helping we can train up the other members of my personal squad. I think you'll love them."

They grow excited as Garrett explains and describes his squad mates to the two soldiers and they drive off with both women ensuring their supplies don't jostle around too much in the vans holding area.

With the hard dungeon cleared and new members who can help train up his squad and ensure they grab more points. Things were looking up for them all.

Current stats of Garret Grimsborne (Super Human):

Str- 536

Agi- 523

Sta- 508

Int- 284

Sense- 286

Store points - 478,150 + 36,680 sold items =514,830

(Please see authors note for voting details)

The Voting is still going and everyone is still able to vote. I'm looking forward to the votes coming out going forward.

Bulma - 20 Votes Cost: 2 million

Mei Overwatch - 15 votes Costs 7 million

These are the other harem members to possibly be summoned next! Cast your votes and let me know who you would like to be in the running! Once the next person breaks 8 votes they will be on the list to summon!

Tenten -6 votes

Tsunade - 7 votes

Jill valentine - 5 votes

Claire Redfield - 3 Votes

Tracer - 7 Votes

OC female elf from modern day - 6 votes

OC female Orc from modern day - 6 Votes

OC Female Amazoness from fantasy - 5 Votes

OC Female Dragon Born from fantasy - 3 votes

OC Cat demi (Think half anthro) from Fantasy -5 votes

Submit more votes of characters you would like to see him grab and add to his upcoming harem. I am taking requests or additional votes to his exist

Silverfangcreators' thoughts
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