
Arrival Of A Gangster (1)

Kim took him around the market before they finally stopped at a small shop where hair was been shaved. The market is made triangular in shape with different stuff displayed here and there and shops nearing one another.

They entered the shop and met a woman sitting on a wooden chair with her eyes closed, and as they move closer, a very disgusting sound came from her mouth, startling them.

She was already dozing off.

Kim move forward and wake her up while Sifeng stared at a large surface at the front where he could clearly see his reflection.

'They used a polished stone as a mirror? Damn these people needs to be civilized.'

The woman woke up and quickly composed herself.

"Sorry young masters I was just taking a nap, you're welcome to my little shop, what may I do for you."

She said politely.

"Ma'am, my little brother is here to shave his hair."

Kim replied.

'Why the hell must she said little brother.'

"Oh young master Sifeng, what style should I make for you."

The woman asked still with her polite manner.

"Well, I don't really know, just cut out the ones covering my face and the back, then shave the two sides a little."

Sifeng replied while looking at his reflection on the polished stone.

The woman shrugged.

"I can do it but young master, nobody cut the back of their hair these days, I can just help you shave the longer ones."

"Just do what I asked, that's all."

He gave her the description of his hair in his world, the hair of a gangster.


Sifeng stared at the polished stone mirror with a bright smile on his as he carefully study his hair, the old woman stood besides him holding a large scissors and knife with a smirk on her face while Kim also stood behind with her cheek slightly turning red.

'Ah he looks stunning, where did he get this style from?'

The woman have done a great job shaving his hair, the front hair that covers his eyes was completely chopped off, the back and the two sides were shaved down a little while the upper part were left untouched, the remnants of the front hair curled backward joining force with the upper part and formed a small star.

Now looking at himself in the polished stone mirror, Sifeng realized that he looks more like himself in his previous world, like Ray.

"Ma'am, you've done a great job today, I'll hugely pay you."

Sifeng said happily as he brought out the small bag where he kept his coins.

"It's all thanks to your patience and great description, I'll have to admit, I haven't seen this type of style since I was born, this is the first time I'm seeing it and it look so stunning. I'll proudly say you brought this style to this world young master."

They left after paying the happy woman a huge amount of coin. They moved to their next destination which was opposite the woman's shop, after explaining what he wanted to the seamstresses, she looked at him like he has gone crazy.

"Young master if I heard you well, you want to cut down these dresses and create another style, fine but the description of the style you're giving does not exist so I'm sorry I can't do it."

The woman complained.

"Okay I know it does not exist but I'll give you a sketch of what I wanted and I'll pay you hugely, I will be here with you while you make the first one."

Sifeng replied.

"Young Miss, are you sure nothing is wrong with young master?"

The woman whispered into Kim's ear.

"Just help him do what he wants, I'm sure he knows what he's saying."

Kim replied.

'Well, I'm not really sure myself.'

She said in her mind.

The woman brought out a small flat wood and gave it to him with a long chalkboard.

"Here you can do the sketching here."

Sifeng happily took the wood and in a few minutes, he drew what he wanted.

"Done, let's start with this."

He said as he pushed the wood towards her before bringing out a white dress from the bunch.

The woman stared at the sketching a few times then sighed and look at him.

"There are two different style here, the second one is similar to the robe that bandits uses but this comes with something to cover one's head but the first style, I have no idea what it is."

She explained still studying the sketch, the first one seems to be two part, one for the upper part of the body (from neck to waist) while the other is for the lower part of the body (covering the leg from the waist)

"Making the second one will take me a whole day but I can manage some hours for the first one."

"Okay, let's not waste time and start now."

Sifeng said happily and moves closer to the woman.

Soon enough, a very bright smile appear on Sifeng face, it was already evening and the shades of the late sun reflected on his face as it shone through the window, both Kim and the seamstresses tried to keep their eyes away from his face as the shade reflected on him.

They're finally done with the first dress and Sifeng seems to be over the moon, the dress laid brightly on the woman's table, with Sifeng help, it was a lot faster than they had thought.

"Ma'am where's your changing room, let me test out your hard work."

"To your left."

He quickly picked the dress up which was the one of two parts and rushed to the room to his left.

A couple minutes later, a very stunning young boy in a white tight-fitting shirt and trouser came out of the room with a bright smile on his face.

The shirt is tight from the lower part of his neck to his wrist where it had become loosen and a petal design, the trouser is also tight from waist to the ankle where it had become very loosen with enough space almost covering his foot.

"Heyy, how do i look?"

He asked with the smile not moving away from his face.

Both the woman and Kim were unable to speak for a couple minutes but the woman finally say something.

"Heavenly made, young master you look like a celestial being."


Before leaving the shop, Sifeng gave the woman some little details of what she needed to do with the other dresses so they won't be the same, he also gave her a lifetime amount of coins.

Walking round the market, people couldn't help but stare at them in awe and speak out their mind as the two scions of the Nara clan walk back home.

"Hey who is that?"

"Is he perhaps young Miss boyfriend."

"I haven't seen him before what clan is he from."

"Look at his dress and hair cut, it looks out of this world, he doesn't seem to be from the Venom Sect."

"Do you mean a scion from another Sect came to look for young Miss of the Nara clan?"

"That's impossible, the six Sect are at each other's neck."

"Ah but they make quite a pair, look how stunning they both look, I'm jealous."

"I'm more interested in that dress, should we ask him where he got it?"

"No I'm out."

Sifeng smile darkly.

'Bunch of hypocrites, their words will change once they found out I'm the loser child of the Nara clan, but what's with this Sect stuffs they're talking about. I think there's only one place to learn about these things.'

"Hey Kim, when will I be returning to school?"

He asked his sister who also seems to be lost in her thoughts, she flinched and answer a minute later.

"Oh school, we'll resume two days from now. So sad you spent your whole holiday being unconscious."

'Hugh why am I feeling like this in front of my little brother.'

"Oh Okay."

Sifeng replied, his plan is to visit the school library so he could have more knowledge about the world.

"Curious, why are you asking about school all of a sudden, I mean you always don't want to go to school."

Kim asked.

"Oh I just missed those bastard, especially Yeong."

He replied with a clenched fist.

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