
Letter To Lotus

In a flicker of a second, Haylia's appearance changed again, going back to her normal self; placing her hand on her chest, she breathed heavily. Her heart was thumping at an abnormal pace. 

"What happened? Are you alright, Vera Haylia?" Cassandra quickly questioned, seeing what Siroos had told her before, that his mother at times revealed prophecies and got divine interventions. 

"I am, someone spoke through me but I am not sure who. I think it was directed towards you." 

Haylia answered with a heaving chest as Cassandra moved towards her and helped her sit down on the stool she was previously sitting on. 

She wondered who that might be. Was a good or goddess trying to send her some message? She was intrigued and curious but held her tongue. 

Moving away Cassandra fetched water from the urn and handed the small earthen pot to Haylia. The older woman was out of breath. 

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