
69- Secret Operation

The market was busy, like usual. People pass by in front and every crook of the line of shops, tackling daily task, mostly grocery shopping.

Talking about a bustling traffic of people, it was common to meet some type of crowd which was called Wasted. They're a group of beggars who occupied the path of the shop lots. They usually not violent, but it was an eye sore for the view. Thus, shop owners tend to chase them away from their premise.

From afar, a beggar walked with a thick stick on his left hand as a cane for him to stand properly. He dragged himself along the street with an old cup to collect any money given to him. He walked alone until he found a spot in front of a tea shop. It was a bit inclusive, quite far from the bustling street.

Once he arrived, he took a seat at the empty spot, looking around while catching his breath. He took a brief nap, closing his eyes and doze off.

Perhaps, he was too tired that he even missed a group of men enter the tea shop. They all wear colorful hanbok with black gat on the top of their hat. A gold chain dangle on the hat, giving out a lavish look.

The beggar slowly opened his eyes, darted towards the group of men. Perhaps the noise made by them kind of disturbing the beggar. He squated a bit, head stretched up and eyes linger around inside the tea house.

After some time, the man stood up with the help of his cane, and left the tea house. His wobbly legs kept him from walking fast, and he ended up fell at the side of the road.

"Hey, are you alright?" asked a man. He was wearing a yellow hanbok, with a gat that covered half of his face. The begger nodded slowly, helping himself stood back on feet. His eyes glare at the young man, who stood still by his side.

"Thank you..." that's all the begger could say. He slowly left the man hanging there, walking through the busy road.

As he was about to reach the end of the road, suddenly, he turned around and walked into a small alley on his right. He saw a man, in black hanbok, leaning againts the wall. The man lifted his gat a bit and took a glance at the beggar. Swiftly, he opened a door, and entered the space, following by the beggar who already tossed his cane away.

Inside the small space, the beggar took off his smelly hanbok and grabbed a chair. There were four men sitting around the round table, looking at him and wait.

"So? Any clue?" asked the man in blue hanbok. The beggar nodded. He took out something from his pocket.

"Does anyone know whose sigil is this?" asked the beggar.

"Indra, may I take a look?" asked Asura. Indra softly took the badge and handed it to his friend.

"I'm not familiar with this sigil. General, how about you?" Asura passed the badge to General Kim. The man took a glance at it and frowned.

"This is not something from here. Must be from a foreign country," said the general.

"I saw the meeting. But, I can't hear the conversation because it's quite busy in there. However, I did happened to encounter something odd," Sun An said. "This man, the one who I stole the badge from, he brought a man along. He looked like a shaman. Or, maybe an astrologer," his revelation made everyone confused.

"How did you know that man is an astrologer?" asked General Kim. Sun An took the wet clothe and rubbed off the stain from his face.

"He was reading a deck of cards that he placed on the top of the table. And then, I can see how jeoha mama reacted on his words. He seemed to be a bit worry and anxious about something," Sun An explained.

"He is a tarot card reader. Do you remember his face, Sun An? Maybe, we can ambush him and ask questions!" said Indra with gutso.

Instead of replying the inquiry, Sun An shook his head and sigh.

"What's wrong, Sun An?" Asura asked.

"That man.. he is a scammer," replied the younger.

All three of them fell in a deep shock.

"You better tell us the truth, Sun An! You told us earlier, he is a tarot card reader! Now, you said he is a scammer! Which one is true?!" Indra had lost his temper. He was already tired with this secret operation. He could've end this matter with his hands with it wasn't for Asura who kept gatekeeping him about it.

"Calm down, Indra... Perhaps, we're the one who lost a patience while Sun An is trying to explain the whole scenario," said Asura. He patted Indra's shoulder so his friend could keep his composure. Besides, they were not hangout just them, General Kim was there as well.

Might be keep the reputation on tab!

"After the meeting, I saw that tarot card reader met another man outside and the man handed him a pouch. I believe someone had paid him. And for what purpose, we don't know," said Sun An, calmly. He already changed his robe to a black robe with a leather corset that protected his torso.

"Young man, when you're using the tarot card service, you have to pay," General Kim clarified the situation. He wasn't sure about the allegation of fraud or scam made by the tarot card. Maybe that man was indeed a tarot card.

"True. But, you must pay him on the spot, or beforehand. It's not easy to drag a shaman out of his territory. So, either they paid him beforehand, or on the spot," Sun An answered. "And... I did notice something else..."

The three men stare at Sun An with curiosity peaked up.

"The man, who paid the tarot reader... I used to see him at The Sapphire. Maybe two or three times," Sun An's words make things even more complicated.

"Right now, the first thing that we have to do is to find the tarot card reader. From there, we'll find out what exactly happened during those shady meetings. I know, at least we will have a key to the purpose," said General Kim. Asura and Indra nod in unison, looking at each other with a meaningful look.

"General, the problem is, we have no one to refer. Last time, Dan ssi had a mole who we can count on. But, she happened to be dead. So, how can we find the tarot card reader?" asked Indra.

Now, they were stuck.

"Is there any tarot card shop at the market? Maybe the illegal one?" the older asked them again.

"Not that we know. We never skim for that because of the policy made by the kingdom years ago; no supernatural business shall be established in the market. If they still want to do some business, they might run it illegally," Asura explained.

"Thus, we have no choice but to skim around again and find out anything about the tarot card reader. As usual, we will exchange information from time to time," said General Kim.

Everybody agreed. They prepare to leave the spot once the meeting's over.

"You really have to go back tonight?" asked Asura to Sun An. The man nodded. He lifted his travelling bag and put it on the table.

"Yes. I can't leave the town for long. Right now, my trusted assistant is taking care of everything. But, still, the governor shall run the town as well," Sun An smiled, looking at Asura and Indra who stood next to each other.

"I heard a school will be open soon," asked Asura. Sun An nodded.

"Jeonha mama asked for my wish before I left. I told him, I want a school, not only for my siblings, but for the people as well. So, they decided to open a school at the old resident of the previous governor," Sun An's answers shock Asura and Indra

"Wait. So... If they revamp the resident to build a school, where did you live?" asked Indra.

"I found a small house, surrounding by farms, not far from the town. My parents love the sight, and it happens to be abandoned not too long ago. So, I asked my staff to do some renovation and we reside the area by now," said Sun An. There's a proud in his face.

"I did come for a visit once. The area is nice and fresh. Even the people there are friendly," General Kim joined the conversation after he finished packing up his bag.

"We're glad that you have a nice life now, Sun An!" said Asura, patting his shoulder and smile. He nodded as he looked at them in happiness.

"It all thanks to all of you, especially daegum jaga...."

"Speaking of daegun, how's he doing so far?"

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