
Chapter 6: [water] x [wood] x past

Third POV

When Albion showed his resolve to Mercphobia and Aldoron, the two future dragon gods of Guiltina have a private conversation via [telepathy].

Mercphobia:'Aldoron, what do you make oh his statement about defeating Acnologia?'

Aldoron:'He is completely serious. He has sincere about defeating Acnologia and wanting to protect the people he cares about.'

Mercphobia:'So you really think that he might be able to do it?' he asked with curiosity.

Aldoron:'Honestly, I am not entirely sure. But there is something about him that makes me want to believe he can do it.'

The wood dragon has the power of [telepathic], using the roots to read a persons mind and found that he truly serious about defeating Acnologia and protecting his loved ones. Since the future dragon gods met the human known as Albion, they have not heard a single lie from the child.

Mercphobia:'I noticed that too. I will train him for the first two days, then you can train him the next two days.'

Aldoron:"I can agree to that. While we're teaching him we can see what hes really like."

After the two dragons agreed to train the child, they began the lessons while wondering if the boy can truly defeat the black dragon Acnologia.


Albion POV

Mercphobia:"My magic envolves using the element of [water] to slay dragons. If you master this you would be able to control any water, even turn [ice] into [water]."

I remember that in the 100 yer quest anime, that when Grey Fullbuster tride to use hs [ice-make magic] Mercphobia sensei was able to turn Greys [ice] into [water]; since ice is frozen water. Even in the bleach, Toshiro Hitsugia had trouble with Tier Harribel because she could tunr his ice into water and control it.

If I could create water with 100% purity using [water dragon slayer magic], I would be able to beat anyone who uses [lightning magic]; since water doesn't conduct electricity if it is 100% purity. I could probably be able to beat Laxus, Olga and other lightning wizards.

Mercphobia:"I want you to try to create water with magic. Since you learned 4 different [dragon slayer magic], it should be easy for you to do."

Me:"Alright sensei."

Considering that [water] is a simple element compared to [moon], [white] and [sky]: I should be able to use it. I imagine creating a ball of water using magic and just as I got the image, a magic circle appeared and a water ball appeared above it.

It was like I thought and Mercphobia sensei seemed happy that I was able to use [water] easily. I then make construcks out of the water ball; staring with simple shapes lke cubes and pryramids, then into butterflies.

Mercphobia:"I am impresed with your control over your magic power. It would seem like you are a natural at using magic."

Me:"I've been training in magic for about 2 weeks and learning several complicated elements of [dragon slayer magic]. Compared to those [water] is easier to comprehend."

Mercphobia:"You make a valid point. but you seem to handle them well."

Me:"It's for the sake of protecting my love ones and defeating Acnologia."

Mercphobia:"Let's continue."

Me:"Yes sensei."

We continued my training in [water dragon slayer magic] to learn the [roar], [wing attack] and develope other spells. There is no ice around to test tunring ice to water but thats for another time.


2 days later

Like a flash, 2 days of training with Mercphobia sensei has ended and its time to learn with Aldoron. As I stand in front of the future wood dragon god, he looks at me and starts talking.

Aldoron:"You are develping well. Learning so many elements is not easy, but having a goal can help. I want you to put your hand on the nearest tree and channel your magic power into it and picture a branch growing on that tree."

Me:"Alright sensei." I said as I put my right hand on the nearest tree.

I start to channel my magic power into the tree with the image of growing a branch on it. As I feel my magic power move to the tree, I start to see bud form on the tree before it completely grew into a branch with new leaves on it. It didn't take as much magic power as I thought.

Aldoron:"Well done. If you keep that progress, you'll be be able to create and control a forest to defeat your opponents."

In the manga, I remembered that the only ones who used [wood dragon slayer magic] was Aldoron and his lead god seed with the same name that acted as his brain. There weren't many spells for this magic but I can use Hashirama Senjus and captain Yamatos [wood style ninjutsu] to make spells.

Me:"So what's next sensei?" I asked the future wood dragon god.

Aldoron:"I want you to try to channel your magic power into the ground to grow an entire tree instead of just a branch. I want the size of this tree to reflect your total amount of magic power."

Me:"I see." So he wants to see how much magic power I have by creating growing a tree using what I have."I think I understand sensei."

I placed both my hands on the ground and channel my magic power to grow the biggest tree I could. The tree starts to sprout from the ground and continues to grow as my reserve continue to deplete.

When I ran out magic power, the tree grew up to 6 times my height, so about 18 feet. Aldoron sensei's face does not change much so its hard to tell if he is impressed or not. then I heard his voice.

Aldoron:"That is quite the tree you grew. This shows you have plenty of magic power but its best to keep increasing your magic power so you don't run out in a fight."

Me:"I am aware sensei. There is a saying I know of that states 'no matter how good you are, there is always someone better.' So if I ever fight an opponent, I go into the fight assuming that my opponent is stronger then me. that way I am not underestimating my opponent or overestimating my strength."

Aldoron:"That is a good way to think. many humans and dragons lost their lifes because they assumed they were strong or their enemy was week. You will rest until your magic power refills and we'll continue."

Me:"Understood sensei."

I sat in the lotus position to gather the ethernano in the atmosphere to refill my magic power and meditate until its time to train again.


3 years later

It has been 3 years since I started training in [dragon slayer magic], I am currently 8 years old. I have not mastered this magic yet but I have gotten very good at it. During the past 3 years, I have 6 types of [dragon slayer magics] and increased my total amount of magic power.

I spared with Natsu and Gajeel a few times, but neither of them were able to score a win against me. Somethimes both Natsu and Gajeel both fought me at once but they still lost. During my training I was able to turn myself into water like Juvia and use wood to create weapons like Gajeel.

I am currently with my mother and father when a thought occured to me, 'what if i had magic eyes like Freed, Bixlow and Evergreen from the thunder legion?' I want to see if I do so I'll ask my parents.

Me:"Mother, Father do you know about [eye magic]?" I asked.

Mother:"yes that is a type of magic that uses eye techniques."

Father:"Why do you ask son?"

Me:"I want to see if I could use [eye magic]. So I may need your help just in case."

Mother:"Very well, we'll help. Right Veldanava?" she shaid as father nodded in response to her question.

Me:"Thanks mother and father. Now I will try to chanel magic power into my eyes and see what happens."

I get into lotus position, close my eyes and begin to channel agic power into them to see if I could see I get any effects. As I feel the magic power gather into my eyes, I feel something happening. When opened my eyes, I see the inside of a house; I was in the wilderness with my parents, how did I end up here?

After looking around the room, I see a family of 4; a beautiful adult woman with black hair and eyes, a pink haired adult man with black eyes, and 2 children one with pink hair and one with black hair but both have black eyes.

The child with pink hair looks familiar; wait, holy crap!! That's Natsu, Zeref and their parents! I must be somehow seeing the past. I see them laughing and having a good time.

Me:'This family seemed so happy and carefree.' but just as I thought this, the scene changed to a village on fire. I looked up to see a dragon destroying the place with a roar of fire. Then I hear a voice yelling.

???:"Mother, Father, Natsu!!!" I turn to see the young Zeref running around searching for his family.

He rushes only to find that his parents and brother are dead, his face turned into a look filled with despair.

Young Zeref:"No. Mother. Father. Natsu. Please no." he starts to cry over the death of his family. I feel tears welling up in my eyes at the sight of this.


It can be sad to people die like this, especially if its someone you care about.


Seeing this has only reconfirmed my resolve to become strong so I won't let my loved ones die from anything accept old age.


I suddently hear a familiar voice calling my name, snapping me out of the vision. I now see the worried faces my dragon parents.

Mother:"Are you ok Albion? When you opened your eyes, you had a blank stare. Then suddenly you started crying."

Me:"What?" I said as i put my hand to my cheek and found that it was wet from tears.

Father:"What happened?"

Me:"I think I saw the past. When I opened my eyes after channeling magic power into them, I saw the inside of a house with a family of 4. A mother, a father and 2 children; one of the kids looked exactly like Natsu and the other child i think was Zeref."

Father:"Zeref? But then why were you crying."

Me:"It was because after seeing the loving family, the view change to one there the house was destroyed by a dragon and Zeref was the only one who survived. His face at the time was full of sadness and despair."

Mother:"How do you feel after that?"

Me:"Seeing what happened to zeref has reconfirmed my resolve. I don't want to lose anyone I care about like that, So I will get strong enough to protect them." I said while clenching my fist.

I learned [dragon slayer magic], [arc of embodiment], [heavenly body magic] and now I have [eye magic], but I should learn other magic incase someone nullifies that magic. Maybe learn [celestial spirit magic] from Anna sensei. Learning alchemy may be a good idea too and maybe blacksmithing so I can make my own weapons.

But I don't know who I could learn alchemy and blacksmith from, most of the alchemists I know of are in the future. I could try to learn alchemy on my own with what I know from my past life.

But maybe mother and father may have an idea.

Me:"Mother, Father do you know about alchemy and how to use it?"

Mother:"I know what alchemyis but I don't know how to use it."

Father:"I don't know how to use alchemy either."

Me:"I know the concept of alchemy but the world from past life only had alchemy in fiction. I could try to use it as a reference but sometimes its better to learn from a teacher."

Mother:"Maybe I could find you an alchemy teacher during the time you travel through the future, where would I be most likely to find alchemists?" she asked me.

I then told her that she and the other future dragon gods go to the continent of Guiltina, and that Guiltina will have more alchemists then Ishgar and Alakitasia. I also mentioned that the gold dragon Viernes will use alchemy to become the master of the Gold Owl alchemist guild.

Father:"Why not get Viernes to teach you alchemy now?"

Me:"I did consider that but I don't know where he is and he may be hostile to humans, so there is no guarentee that he will agree to teach me alchemy. Even if he was willing to teach me, he may ask for something in return. I would rather not take that kind of risk."

I mean, asking a dragon who is hostile to humans to teach a human to use alchemy may not end well. It is likely that Viernes may attack me for asking him to teach me alcemy and I do not think I am strong enough to slay a dragon yet.

Father:"I see what you mean." he said after a minute in thought.

He must have came to a similar conclusion that I did, there some risks worth taking and some not worth taking. Asking the future gold dragon god to teach me alchemy is a risk not worth taking. Then father suddenly had a look of realization.

Father:"Wait, you said your [eye magic] was able to see the past right?" he asked me.

Me:"I believe so, why?"

Father:"Do you think you could use that [eye magic] to find out what happened to Irene and Belserion?"

Me:"I don't have much control over my [eye magic] but If I train with it enough, I may be able to find out. I would like to find out as well."

Father:"Alright then we'll help ou train it." he sad and my mother nodded in agreement.

Me:"Thanks." I said as I got up and walked to my parents and hugged them and continued. " I really appreciate everything you have done for me."

Mother:"You are our son. its only natural." she said returning the hug.

Father:"Agreed." he said returing the hug.

We spent a few minutes hugging, after which I would train my magic power before going to sleep. Things will be even more busy now.


a/n: I used the senrigan from boruto as a reference for these magic eyes. look it up in the naruto wiki if you want to know what it is and what it looks like. If you want me to make his eyes look like it when he uses his [eye magic] let me know.

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