

''I really won't be surprised; I mean Kiara is a witch or are you more than just a witch?'' Hailey asked.

'' Well, am part demon too'' Kiara said.

''Wow, okay Kiara is a witch and also part demon, Tasha, Xavier and Zack are vampires what next were wolves'' Hailey deadpanned from where she was. Then suddenly there was a loud banging on the door.

''Tasha's back'' Evie said.

''How come she can't get in?'' Hailey asked.

''I'm using a spell to keep her from getting in''.

''Guys, I really need that pie!!!'' I said nearly panicking.

''Will you shut up; you won't die if you don't eat for a second!'' Evie snapped at me, and the banging intensified.

''I know I won't die but I'm afraid you will!'' I snapped back.

''Will you two shut up I'm trying to concentrate'' Kiara said.

''I'm afraid that won't help you any longer'' Zack said from behind us at the window.

''WTF!!'' Kiara said turning around suddenly.

''While Tasha and Xavier were distracting you i came in from behind'' Kiara's eyes diverted to the window.

''And now i can do this'' Zack said and then almost immediately, he was in front of her, with his hand wrapped around her neck Kiara choked and her spell broke and the door burst open with evil grin splayed across Tasha and Xavier's faces.

However, none of what was happening was actually registering in my brain. There was this hum at the back of my mind, a very familiar and very dangerous hum which I have to keep in check, and the only way to keep it in is to get to that apple pie!

''Zack wait!'' I scream. ''Before you keep strangling Kiara, I need you to get me my apple pie''.

''Are you kidding me!!'' He said exasperated.

''No, I'm not, I need it now!!''

''I don't have time for you'' he said and focused on choking Kiara.

''I'm really sorry guys, I didn't want you to see this side of me'' I said to everyone and close my eyes.

''What side of you?'' Evie asked.

''This day couldn't get any weirder''

I opened my eyes, and everyone jerked with surprise look on their faces. All except Zack who was backing me.

I hummed a note and Zack scoffed.

''You didn't want us to hear you sing''.

''It's a lot worse than that'' Xavier said.

I sang it again and three more times till Zack stiffened, Let go of Kiara and start walking towards me. I sang louder and Tasha did the same.

''Guys snap out of it!'' Xavier shouted to them, but I already had them trapped in the song. Soon enough Zack reached me and loosened the ropes that tied me. Kiara just stood there while Evie and Hailey looked just about ready to faint.

He helped me stand up and I grabbed hold of his hair and opened my mouth. I haven't done this in a really long time, and I hoped I wouldn't have to do it again, but right now, I'm too caught up to care. 

Zack widens his eyes as if he got a revelation and struggled against my grip.

''*uck, I've never seen so many teeth'' He muttered as he struggled.

'' Let him go!'' Xavier commanded.

Chapitre suivant