
Chapter 36: Hunting Prey (2)

Each white-grade beast only gave Kain 1 GP.

He could work hard honestly and slowly kill one spiritual creature at a time until he met the requirements.

However, only a fool would choose such a slow and arduous method. And Kain was no fool.

He was a firm believer of 'work smarter, not harder.'

Lounging all over a giant rock was a pack of grey Berserk Coyotes—At least 15. White-grade.

As he stared at the pack a plan hatched in Kain's mind. The river was about a 5-minute sprint Southeast of this rock and Kain planned to lure this whole pack into the river.

When he has tried this trick on the cougar in the past it didn't work. It remained pacing on the shore.

However, these coyotes have a crucial feature to ensure the plan's success—they are EXTREMELY dumb.

True to their name, once enraged they will chase their target to the ends of the earth. Into a poisonous marsh, a volcano or even off of a cliff—They will follow without a second thought, much less into a river.

He just needs to find a way to enrage all of them, and the most foolproof method was to find the pack leader.

After watching the pack for a while he found him. A silver coyote with red chest hair, unlike the white of the others, to signify his spiritual power grade.

This will be the first red-grade beast that he faced. Although he was nervous, he didn't feel as though it was not that risky as long as he got a headstart…and if he managed to slow down the leader's speed a bit.

Staying concealed in a nearby bush, Kain waited for the perfect opportunity.

The leader finally left his perch and walked to a bush not far from Kain to relieve his bladder.

Kain took out his trusty long-knife from the space ring and gently stroked the handle in reminiscence 'goodbye old friend, you've been a real one' he said before whipping his arm to throw it deep into one of its hind legs.


Kain immediately stood up from his hiding spot so that the entire pack could see him before making a mad dash for the river.

He could immediately hear angry growls and dozens of feet chasing after him.

'Damn they're fast!' He thought as he dodged a swipe from behind.

'Thankfully, I already made a plan to slow you all down' He thought, before jumping over a thin wire suspended slightly off of the ground. A wire that is a necessary component for suspending his camping tent.

'Hopefully it doesn't snap. I don't exactly want to sleep outside tonight'

Hearing multiple thuds behind him, he knew the plan was successful.


'Looks like I just enraged them even more…but that's not necessarily a bad thing.'

This is my first novel! If you are enjoying it please add it to your library and write a review.

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KeepingSilentcreators' thoughts
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