
Chapter 31: Returning Home

Fortunately, the rest of the journey back home was uneventful. After stopping by a shop next to the gates targeting the materials brought back by mercenaries, Kain was finally able to get rid of the materials from the cougar he had.

'12000 Celestial Dollars! A mere Black-iron beast was able to earn me almost as much as Bridge saved up after 3 years of part-time farm work. Now I understand better why everyone in this world is so desperate to awaken.' The ease at which even the lowest 1-star beast tamers can earn money is incomparable to ordinary people. Although the cost of caring for contracts is also astronomical.

'Although.. what exactly would the care and evolution plan for Bea be? I don't think anyone's ever had a contract like her before'

*That will be up to the Host to figure out. Out of everyone in this world, the Host is probably the most knowledgeable about microbes*

"Yeah, my 3 years of college-level biology totally makes me an expert…" Kain said while rolling his eyes.

* ….*

Even the System was unable to provide any more words of comfort.

'This sucks…'

Once Kain arrived home, the first thing he did was take a hot shower before jumping into bed. He hadn't been able to sleep at ease without fear of a sudden attack in over 24 hours, so as soon as his head hit the pillow he went off into dreamland

However, after what felt like only closing his eyes for a brief moment, he was violently slapped awake by Bridge.

"You're back! You're back! When we heard from Cherry that you went into the wilderness without a contract, we were all so terrified! Why wouldn't you take me with you?!" He yelled while wrapping him in a hug.

Feeling Bridge shaking, Kain didn't have the heart to yell at him for waking him up.

"You had just formed a contract a few days ago, you'd not be much safer than me out there. If I'm going to put myself in danger, I'm not going to drag you down with me" Kain said while patting Bridge's back.

'Well, it doesn't look like he'll let me go back to sleep right away. I might as well go get some food'

"When's dinner, I'm starving?"

"Right now. You looked exhausted so I didn't wake you up earlier, but I figured you'd want to eat."

Kain looked to find it completely dark outside, I guess he had gotten to sleep longer than he felt. "When I told everyone earlier that you were back, they immediately started working together to prepare your favourite"

"Hot pot…?" Kain asked hopefully.

After Bridge nodded, Kain immediately ran downstairs, no longer tired.

"Really, the things that come out of his mind are both great and strange. This hot pot he came up with is delicious, but I don't know why he insists we eat it with sticks" Bridge muttered before following after Kain.

Entering the dining room, Kain saw that everyone, including their neighbours, was already seated around a large table waiting for him. A delicious smell was coming from a large pot at the center of the table while a variety of ingredients were washed and cut on plates next to it.

Immediately Kain used chopsticks to pick up a piece of meat and dip it into the soup. He could barely even wait for it to fully cook before stuffing it into his mouth. Reaching for another piece his hand was suddenly smacked by the director—HARD!

"Go wash your hands! I let one slide because you looked like a starving stray cat, but no more!"

"Ah, sorry!" Kain quickly scampered off to wash his hands as he heard muffled giggles behind him.

Once Kain returned, he immediately sat down obediently, looking at the director.

"Did you find what you needed?" Director Silas asked. Everyone turned to look at Kain in anticipation.

"Uh-huh" Kain nodded with a big grin.

"Good" the director nodded, before everyone began to stuff their faces.

This is my first novel! If you are enjoying it please add it to your library and write a review.

Thank you in advance for your support!

KeepingSilentcreators' thoughts
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