

Power Stone goals

999 = 1 extra chapters

normal release 1-3 chapters a week depending on how much I'm able to type.

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Upon arriving in Japan a member of the Fujiwara clan took an unhealthy interest in my Lagertha.

And I killed him...turns out I wasn't the only one that wanted him dead as I was ambushed by a couple of people dressed like Ninjas with a logo stiched on their shoulders that I remember from the Snake Eyes movie.

'The Arashikage.' I mutter in my mind feeling my head spin, our fight taking us down deep into the palace showing a place that made my skin crawl dozens of women strung up and preserved all cut up and placed in sexual orientations.

The leader of the group shouts something in Japanese and the ninjas stop attacking me.

Through hand communication the lead Ninja offers me his sword, and a bamboo scroll and left.

I spent the next three months tracking down the ninja clan and when I arrive I'm greeted by the leader who gives me a respectful greeting and summons a European to speak.

"The Hard Master greets you undying warrior and would like to offer you chance to join the clan...this offer is extended to your compatriots." The translator says and and I put my fist together and give a small bow.

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"Yes Hard Master…thank you for allowing myself and my men the ways of your clan." I reply with a bow to the Arashikage leader, while speaking the language that I have been taught over the last two decades that we have spent in Japan.

"You are most welcome Vidar-kun, you and your warriors have been very beneficial to the clan…if you could have children I would marry you to all of the daughters of the clan." The Hard Master replies back to me with a sad reluctant smile on his face making me laugh softly.

"My apologies Hard Master but I will only ever have two wives at most and I already possess my Shieldwife." I give my condolences to the Hard Master for his long departed plans making the old man smile jovially.

"I do not believe Lady Lagertha…would mind if you took mistresses…from both of your tastes…that have become well known within the clan." The Hard Master teases me and I roll my eyes at him.

"Those are playthings that we share together…what you mentioned is a commitment for eternity like Lagertha and I share…" I reply to the Hard Master and am interrupted by the entrance of ten Arashikage nin fully kitted and wearing their sacred yoroi.

"Mmm, I understand Vidar-kun but these are my gift to you…use them as you see fit…as you are a son of the clan." The Hard Master informs me and I stand up and inspect each nin and find all of them are women and by their eyes and their bodies I can easily tell that they are the women I and Lagertha have seduced into our bed over our time here, I smile at each of them as I take a bowl used for tea making and bite into my wrist keeping my fangs in it letting my blood flow off and out around my lips and into the bowl once it's full enough I release my own appendage, bow to my new nin warriors and sex pets while offering them the bowl.

Each one of them lowers their mask revealing Asian Beauties, one drinks and then passes the bowl down the line until it is empty.

And I move, snapping each one's neck in under a second. Hard Master and I share tea together while I await my newborn vampires to rise.

Clay Jars of blood waiting for them brought in by the servants.

"I have one more gift for you son of the Arashikage." The Hard Master says to me and I swear the man has some sort of dimensional storage device as he pulls out a long and beautifully decorated sword box.

"Hard Master, you have given me more than enough already." I reply to the man but he brushes me off like a wizened old man talking to a hot headed youngster.

"Shimi, discovered that your sword is decomposing…and she wanted to send you off with a more reliable blade…she worked her mystics on the star fall ore and transferred the power of your old sword to this one." The Hard Master informs me and a small part of me wants to go spank Shimi for not repairing my sword but replacing it but that feeling dies immediately as the Hard Master slides open the wood panel on the box revealing a sword that looks like Ichigo's Bankai.

"Wow." I express in awed surprise as I feel an instant love for the sword.

"Shimi found the drawings in your chambers and thought you would appreciate such a fine sword…" the Hard Master says but I'm too focused on the sword and the souls/raw energy i

contained inside of the sword, my grip becomes tighter on the red and black wrapped handle and I realize the metal isn't giving to my strength.

'Hmm…meteorite ore…I wonder what kinda metal this is.' I ask in my head, as I look upon the black blade that seems to distort the space around it, but chalk it up to an optical illusion which should be impossible with my perfect eyesight.

The chains hanging from the handle I can tell are meant to extend from the blade giving it range.

Hard Master takes out a sheath made of the same black metal and presents it to me.

"May these gifts help you in your long endless journey son of the Arashikage Clan." The Hard Master says to me as he stands up and bows before leaving as his…my nin, are starting to rise from the ground and ravenously feast on the blood set out for them not making any sounds of pain as their jaws mutate slightly.

One by one I compel each one to have absolute loyalty to me and to follow my commands to the letter which is something they would all do anyways and I rename them all Shadows 1-10.

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Giving my Shadows 1-4 the commands to follow and monitor my family from a distance and send me constant updates through one of them.

5 is assigned to tending to Roach, 6 I assign to Tatia to monitor the progress of my pet program, which is a mix of a school/orphanage for witches, werewolves and young abandoned vampires...whike also looking out for the native tribes of the Americas plus mine and Ayana's descendants, while 7-8 are assigned to Garmr and 9-10 are assigned to watch over my warriors.

I feel a sense of deja vu as I walk to my longboat, "Where to next? My Husband." Lagertha asks me while using Gar as a backrest.

"More training or is it time to go out into the battlefield?" I ask Lagertha.

"Hmm, why not a bit of both…" Lagertha replies to me with a smile…and like that we begin a campaign of training and fighting for whichever Queen, King, Emperor or Empress that pays the most…our life like that lasts 500 years.

Before Shadow 3 returns to my side and informs me that Niklaus has a Doppelganger and requires the Moonstone which is currently in my possession.

"I believe it is time to reunite with our family." I say to Lagertha who is currently bobbing her head up and down my shaft, making her look up at me and give her agreement with her eyes.

"Thank you Number 3, you are dismissed." I say in a commanding voice and Shadow 3 disappears into the shadows and leaves.

here's the extra chapter

Shane_Towncreators' thoughts
Chapitre suivant