
Chapter 25: Tiny Itty Bitty

The crying from both girls dies down once again and they have both passed out from exhaustion. The girls look fairly small for what Alex initially suspected they were, most of the baby fat has dissipated, but they are below average physically in every other area. Maybe they are younger than they seem. Some tests have to be done, and the group has to figure out if they have changed cognitively, so far neither girl has said or done anything to show any signs of concern, but they haven't done anything to put the three at ease either."We have to bring them to the lab." Alex is a bit flustered with this change of events, a little scared too. Everything happened so fast and she has no idea what to think, what to do, this is all out of her wheelhouse and she does not like not being in control, especially when it comes to the important people in her life, her family."Kara, you know you just sneezed blue dust right? That couldn't have been my imagination, could it?" Alex is on the verge of hyperventilating."No no, I saw it. It kinda looked like-" Kara goes wide-eyed and her mouth opens and gapes like a fish, as if something struck her brain, the only thing she's missing is a lit-up light bulb hovering overhead.Instead of looking at her sister, the blonde reporter turns shy, the realization struck her like a freight train. I've seen this shade of blue before.Her eyes shift to her sleeping baby, she is still rocking the tiny CEO in her arms. Her little girl is snoring lightly, drool dribbles a bit out of the corner of her mouth. Her head is turned right in the crevice of Kara's breast, two fingers lazily hanging between her lips.Kara breathes out a sigh, careful not to disturb her girl's peace. "I'm sorry....""Kara, what happened?" Sam speaks up.Kara gets up and kisses Lena's forehead. She shuffles over to Alex, whose arm looks like it has healed up nicely."Your arm's good right?" Alex shakes it out and then nods yes. Kara swiftly hands Alex the girl, the itty bitty Luthor doesn't stir at all. Kara then begins to pace the room freely."Ok, remember this morning when I was late? Well technically, I didn't lie when you asked why. I was in the clouds, I just don't know how I got there-"Alex goes wide-eyed. "Kar-""Shh Lex, anyways.... All I remember was leaving home, then flying over CATCO. Then bam, I was floating over the Pacific. I didn't know what I was doing there, I didn't remember what I was supposed to be doing so I went through my pockets. I saw I had cash which was weird. It had the words apple juice scribbled on it but I didn't pay that any mind at the time, it made me remember where I was supposed to be flying to. I remember having to wipe away blue sparkles from my suit before I flew off to the shop. I didn't think anything of it, I've had weirder stuff on my suit. I just, the shade of blue- and I don't remember, and then sneezing said blue sparkles..."Alex is fuming, she was about to get up and berate the super but she realizes she is still holding a sleeping child."You little bastard, you used a sleeping Lena so I couldn't get up and tackle you to the ground?" Alex says through clenched teeth. She's not mad at Kara because this is ultimately 'her fault', she's mad that Kara didn't tell her about the memory loss, the weird event, anything could have happened and Alex wouldn't know a thing.Kara gives her sister an innocent smile and shrugs at the question."Rao help us."Sam stands and rocks her girl. "Alex, we should get to the lab and quarantine. Maybe we all should since we have been in contact with Kara, and her smurf sneeze is the thing that is the reactant of all this.""No, contamination and disease outbreak protocols say we stay in place, less risk of spreading it through the halls to the others. I'll contact Winn and have him send a hazmat and specialist team here to seal everything off." Alex reaches her cell and calls Winn. "Send a code blue team to my office please." Alex then hears a crash, but decides not to ask if he's ok. "Have them contain us here, they know the rest." Boy genius sputters a bit but ultimately answers. "Yes, director sir!"Alex shakes her head in annoyance. "Why do they keep calling me director, that's J'onn's job."Sam smiles at her girlfriend. "Oh come on, it's the highest form of respect if they call you that out of their own free will and not out of obligation. You're like his equal, I think it fits you, Director Danvers." Sam mocks a salute, which makes Alex crack a smile.Over the course of two hours, a team sets up the quarantine for them. A lot of the code blue agents oggle the children, confused as to who they were and why they were there. Alex has neglected to tell J'onn and give him any information on the current situation. That has now come to bite her in the ass.J'onn has conferenced in on the big screen display, Alex reluctantly accepts the call.The martian gets straight to the point. "Agent Danvers, why are you in possession of two children, and why exactly are you being quarantined?" His face stoic as ever, internally, he's worried, but as the head of the operation, he has to hold every agent under him accountable, even though he sees her as his equal, and his daughter.Alex shoots Kara a glare who sits off-screen, still in her Supergirl suit. She walks on screen, scuffing the tips of her boots on the floor, looking like a scolded child."Funny story actually...." Kara goes over everything, from the minute before she left, to the situation's current handlings. After the call ends, the team collects samples of the leftover dust and samples from the adults. They managed to get cheek swabs from the kids but the blood test and other more invasive tests would have to wait for later.The lab techs have procured child appropriate clothing and they were changed without being awoken.Another hour or so later, they are left to their own devices while everything is being analyzed. They were given lunch, the kids got Mac n Cheese with vegan chicken nuggets and veggies. Maggie is the first little to stir awake, Lena is right behind her, but she cuddles deeper in the arms that wrap around her, making her feel safe and snug, she never wants to leave their hold.The slightly tinier human groans as she blinks her eyes to open. She whines at the pounding headache she has, she rubs at her temples, this all is quite a nauseating experience.She blinks at the feelings at the hand that pats at her stomach, she can tell by the feel and the smell that is her Sam. She feels very little right now, mentally though, Her brain hasn't quite caught up with her new body yet."Mommy, what's goin on?" She brings Sam's hands into her own and then drops them suddenly. She looks at her own fingers, wiggles the slightly chubby phalanges, they are as small as can be, compared to Sam's hand, her whole fist can wrap around only one of her mommy's fingers.She looks back to the body she's laying on."It's ok bunny, something happened but everything is fine you're fine, just a little mishap." Sam couldn't hold in a tiny giggle at the unintentional pun. Maggie is not having it.The detective's big brain is fighting for control, trying to push through the cloud of fuzz her little brain is feeling, she needs the details of what actually happened, her little brain can't comprehend such grown-up stuff.All parties can sense Maggie's internal struggle and panic. Alex now speaks, "It's ok baby, you're ok, you both are ok." Alex rocks the silent Luthor, she has not shown the fright that Maggie has. If anything, she seems content in her current state. Maybe all of this isn't so bad after all.Lena just looks on, observing the interaction, she still has her two fingers firmly placed in her mouth, giving in to sucks here and there, snuggled warmly into the agent's lap. Her eyes flit back and forth, but none are really paying attention to her, as she is not the one on the cusp of panic."I need- I need-" the thought cut off by her stomach growling loudly, hunger pangs rage through her and makes her aching head throb more than normal. The tiny detective huffs in offense and then winces, "I need food and Tylenol, my head is killing me." Her big brain eventually won the struggle.The Latina hops down from Sam's lap, careful not to jostle her head too much, movement makes the pain worse, she doesn't want to start getting too nauseated before she has a chance to silence her stomach's hunger protest.Maggie isn't used to her short and stubby legs, well, not this short. She overshoots her hop and stumbles ungracefully. Sam catches her with ease though. Her big hands settle her little one on her feet right side up. The tiny human mumbles an embarrassed thanks and wonders over the smell of food, the table on the far end of her girlfriend's office.The baby brunette smiles wide. Her little side peaks through. She can't help it, her favourite dish always puts her in a good mood. "Mac N Cheese?!"Lena perks up at her friend's squeak of happiness. She starts to squirm in Alex's arms, indicating she would like to be put down. Much like the detective, once on her feet, she falls over, but nobody can catch her in time. She lands with a soft thud to the ground. Alex goes to pick her up but with a blink of an eye, the baby Luthor is back on her feet, scurrying to her friends as if nothing happened, really nothing did, but with children you never know what will set them off.Sam gets her baby some medicine, kids medicine to be exact, while the Danvers sisters plate the little ones' food for them. They add in a nice helping of steamed and seasoned veggies, cabbage, and bok choy, they eat it without much complaint, dipping it in ketchup, which makes the three adults turn their noses.After the food is consumed, the two three-year-olds yawn, feeling tired once more after their filling meal.Before they can close their eyes, a knock on the office door disturbs the peace. Winn comes straight on, cutting the caution tape."All signs of contamination have dissipated it seems, no one in the building or in here are at risk so you all are clear. We're still running tests to see exactly how," his hands motion at the girls "all that came to be. Maybe it's best to take them to the lab now."At that, both Maggie and Lena blanch. Lena more so since the detective has chosen to stay in her big headspace.Lena voices for the first time since her de-aging. "No! No.no,no,no,no. No test, no needles, NO doctor!"Kara tries to shush her little one, rocking her side to side, trying to soothe her nerves. "Lena, baby, it's ok, it won't be bad, I'll be with you the entire time. We really need to know what is going on baby, we need to know you're ok."Lena sobs into the crooks of the blonde's neck, burying herself as deep as she can go. "NO! I don' wanna. 'S al-always da same."The reporter's brows crease at that, she looks towards her sister for silent support. She herself is holding a crying little girl, most likely upset because her friend is upset. Little Maggie was always a sympathetic crier."Is gonna be bad, always bad. She always said it wasn' gonna hurt. But it always hurted. She laughs when it hurted, she wan'ed it to. 'M fine, not sick, no doctor, no needles, please Mama. No, no,no,no,no." Her little one continues to chant those two-letter words endlessly, spiraling into a never-ending panic. Kara is lost at who the hell she is."All right, all right. I've got you Lena, you're ok, we are gonna go home, you're gonna have a nice nap, we can have a nice dinner, since Maggie got her favourite, I'll see what I can do for you to get yours, alright little star?" Kara caught the slip of Mama, internally screaming in joy, but there is no time for that when her little one is so distraught over something Kara has no clue on.The blue-eyed reporter looks at her sister again for permission, Kara would do it no matter what but giving a heads-up to her boss is ideal in this line of work. Alex nods yes in confirmation.Winn has been watching this interaction from the sidelines and is speechless to what all of this commotion was about. Sam takes him out of the room while the two sisters pack everything up getting ready to head home."We will come bye tomorrow Winn, I'm sure you can tell, nothing would get done with Lena in hysterics and Maggie on the fence. We won't put it off, don't worry, they just need some time to.... Adjust to their new bodies and brains, alright?"Boy Genius nods in confirmation and heads to let the lab know that the visit will be for tomorrow.Lena has fallen asleep and Maggie is right behind her. They get to the car and pack everything in. The two supers sit in the back seat, holding on firmly to the little girls since the car is not equipped with child car seats.They make it home safely, then put the girls to bed together in the main bedroom, and the three women start dinner. Talking to themselves internally, trying to grasp this new reality. They each are spiraling in their own way, but they all know that no matter what, everything will turn out just fine. .......... 
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