
Chapter 19: NERVES

The rest of the day continues on smoothly for the five of them. For most of that day, the detective stayed in little space but just after dinner, she sinks back into her adult headspace. Around six, dinner was made and just as ten hits the throuple leaves the Luthor-Danvers household; just in time for Maggie's bedtime.....Three week time jump....Alex and Sam have noticed the freeness of Maggie, they can sense how much happier she has been lately. The detective's cases have been mild during this time. Alien-related cases have been in a lull, but there is no complaining coming from her.It's Friday for the tiny officer and she is pumped to get home and snuggle her girls.Maggie's phone buzzes as she raps up some paperwork she took on from a colleague of hers. They just had a baby and she figured it would be nice if someone did this for her, she was having a good couple of weeks, it's due time for some charity. Payback to the universe for good fortune.The brunette checks the message as she puts the finished paperwork on the sergeant's desk, it's from Sam. Which right away strikes her as unusual because it almost always is Alex around the end of her workday. It's to check that she is ready to be picked up, Sam checks in during the middle of the day, not the end.Sammy: Ima pic you up today, im five mins out. Lov you bunMaggie leaves the message on read and gathers up the rest of her things to meet her girlfriend out front.This is a rare occurrence so the detective is a bit anxious. If there is a change in pick up, these things usually get discussed in the morning rather than last minute. There would be somewhat of a warning at least an hour before. Maybe something happened to Lexi?She rattles those thoughts away almost as soon as they come. Sam probably wouldn't have texted her like she did if something serious was wrong. And the detective has not been called into a crime scene so it can't be that bad. The office isn't buzzing with word about an alien attack that they need to help with so far, it can't be that bad, right?Sam is waiting by the curb with the passenger door open, she's smiling at her Latina girlfriend."Hey babe." The Kryptonian says and pecks her girlfriend's cheek.She guides her into the seat and buckles her in snug then rounds the car and situates herself into the driver's seat. She smiles at her and softly pulls out of the temporary parking spot and starts their route home.Maggie notices that the smile is more subdued than usual, maybe even a bit forced, but she says nothing, deciding that if it's important Sam will tell her in due time.The detective leans a bit to her left, gently takes Sam's right hand, and holds it over her lap. She starts to play with her fingers. The slight crack in her window lets in enough breeze to colour her cheeks slightly pink due to the frigid temperature."Not that I'm not happy to see you, but it's always Lex that picks me up." The detectives leaves the statement up in the air for Sam to catch."Yea, she just got stuck with Supergirl downtown, this was a last-minute thing, she couldn't get to the phone fast enough."Sam grips onto Maggie's hand a bit harder, growing a bit tense, Maggie doesn't inquiries on these anxious tells out loud though."We are actually gonna head to Lena's place, it could take a little while longer for everything to get cleaned up." Sam turns a bit and shoots Maggie her first genuine smile so far. Interesting. "Even though our resident genius is mostly healed, She can't be alone for any longer than she has so far already. So therefore we are gonna keep her some company, hows that sound?"Maggie mulls it over in her head quickly and decides that spending time with her best friend will keep her mind from wandering to the worst-case scenarios.The detective shakes her head yes in response. The ride is about another twenty minutes from the ten minutes already spent in the car. It takes a bit longer to get there though, due to the traffic that is being created from stuff that is happening downtown.The silence is interrupted by a hungry detective's stomach."You didn't snack today, bun?" Sam knows the answer is probably no, The CFO usually reminds her to grab something but today was hectic so she forgot."I got distracted, wanted to do somethin nice for a friend. They just had a baby, she is the absolute cutest thing ever."Sam smiles at how her girlfriend gushes over a baby. "Well I can certainly think of something even cuter." Maggie flushes and groans at the compliment, her fuss is interrupted by another growl.The car stops at a stoplight and Sam quickly reaches into the back seat to grab a prepacked assortment of vegan cheeses and dried "meat".The tiny detective flushes once again at her girl. She loves how caring Sam is, when she's Big and Little, it makes her fuzzy inside, like swimming in a bath filled with stuffies and double rainbows. "Thanks Sammy."Maggie munches away at her snack. With Sam's free hand, she tunes the radio on some soft jazz to fill in the chewing sounds, knowing how much Maggie hates the sound of her own chewing.The ride goes smoothly on and they make it to their second home easily.Sam helps Maggie out of the car and makes their way up to the entrance of the building. They board the elevator and types in the entry code to her friend/boss's door."Lena!""Couch!"The CFO nods and redirects to the kitchen, going for a cold drink, whatever may catch her eye first.The other brunette launches toward the couch and plots right next to the still slightly injured woman."Hey! You walk into my home and not even greet the occupant?" The raveness playfully lifts her signature brow in challenge. In response, the Latina only rolls her eyes and takes some of the blankets that was currently draped over the other girl's legs."Have you eaten Lee?" This question isn't said lightly from the kitchen by the slightly taller Kryptonian. She does know that the Super has been gone since three that afternoon and she likely hasn't eaten dinner yet, maybe even lunch.Lena stays silent, save for mumbling something under her breath that even Super ears can't make out."Say again babe?" Sam says a bit sternly towards the now cowering CEO."Apple juice and animal crackers, but I'm not even that hungry." Sam lets out a soft sigh at that, one that can't be heard from the occupants on the couch. Lena tends to put off food when she is anxious or upset. She has been better since Kara came smashing into her life though. She focuses so hard on her projects and her company she loses track of time and just forgets that it's almost been a whole day since she's had a sip of water.Today it seems like her lack of appetite is due to anxiety, most likely worried about Alex and Kara's well-being. There hasn't been any news on it as of yet, so they must be doing fine; But usually, something as insignificant seeming would have been wrapped up by now."I'm gonna put on some one-pan pasta, you missy are gonna have a couple bites of that and a whole glass of water, then we can pick out a movie and relax till those crime fighters get back." Sam left no room for defiance. This leaves the CEO flushed and she turns and scowls at her Kryptonian friend. The detectives try to stifle her laughter but fails when she catches pink growing on her friend's neck.Lena in turn pokes at her side to stop this mockery. This leaves Maggie to yelp in surprise at the tiny but sharp pain that radiates from a spot on her ribs."Hey! That kinda hurt." She pouts and rubs at the sore spot to soothe away the pain."Then don't laugh at me." The raveness crosses her arms and turns her back towards the detective, acting out and throwing a subdued tantrum, one suited for a child.Maggie huffs at her best friend's attitude. She shuffles closer to her friend. She uncrosses her arms and puts them at her side. Maggie lies her head gently on the CEO's thigh, positioning herself for the best comfort. She lets out a little breath. The detective mumbles a little sorry, in return, Lena lets out a breath of her own and settles her hands in the brunette's hair. She plays with the ends and works her way up to the scalp.Lena always has to have her hands doing something. She tries to refrain from fidgeting too much due to the lesson instilled in her by her adoptive parents. She has learned from her friend group that indulging in these motions doesn't make her any less of a person, it doesn't make her weird, just a bit different, and different isn't bad, not even a little bit. Maggie has learned that her friend doesn't like to give in to these urges still though, so the detective encourages her to be herself, unbeknownst to Lena. Playing in Maggie's hair is one thing she favours the most, she lets her braid it, twist and twirl it. Maggie gets a free massage and Lena's stress and anxiety rolls off her shoulders, it's a win-win."How ya feelin?" Maggie says after a while, her eyes are closed, soaking up the softness the aura of the rooms holds.Lena doesn't stop her ministrations to answer the question. "I'm good, still a bit sore in the ribs but it's definitely bearable, I can sleep just fine. I finished the last rounds of my meds like two days ago. I'm thinking about easing back into work next week."Maggie sits up quickly, startling the CEO a bit, but the smile on the brunette's slips settles her beating heart. "Holy cow Lena, that's soooo good. Does this mean I can finally give you a pain-free hug?" The Latinas arms fidget in place, longing to hug her friend like she used to, she never realized how much she missed her endless connection.Lena laughs at her antics and guides her into a hug, Maggie closes her eyes and releases a content breath. Lena guides her back down to lay in her lap and her fingers resume her earlier ministrations.The room is filled with the aromas of cheesy pasta and the sounds of Gordon Ramsey screaming at cooks for undercooking their chicken. As he was about to verbally abuse the owner of the restaurant, the TV switched to breaking news.Supergirl is shown trying to keep contained a giant fluorescent blue monster-looking figure. It has one huge curved horn sticking out of each of its elbows, they catch onto the sides of the surrounding buildings, and bricks and concrete fall at each pass. The figure roars loud and Lena has to quickly turn the volume to the television down. Its mouth glows blue and tiny shocks of, "Electricity?" Lena mouths out loud. She leans in a bit closer to see if her eyes are playing tricks on her or is what she is seeing true.Two sets of eyes are glued to the tv but all six ears are listening closely."It seems that today here, Supergirl and her team try to fight off this electricity-producing alien. It has shown up out of what looks like thin air. It has not been seen walking into town, it has just.... Appeared." They tune out the rest of her talking, she seems to be scared herself, usually, reporters like her live for this type of action. They're more likely to love and glower at Supergirl content like this, not cower away. Something's wrong.Lena, being closer to the TV, sees a green tint off-screen. Then the colour's intensity rises and becomes more apparent to the duo on the couch.Sam quickly turns off the stove and makes her way to the couch when she has noticed both of the girls' heart rates spike.All eyes are glued to the crime-fighting Kryptonian as she stumbles forward a bit, her veins light up green intensely. The blonde's hands lunge towards her stomach, the other to her mouth, trying to stop the sickening feeling rising from her intestines.Maggie crawls on the floor to get closer to the tv. Her face takes on a green tint from the glow and proximity of the entertainment device. Kryptonite.A redhead steps into view, blocking eye access to the Super. Alex aims her plasma gun at the offscreen offender.A red streak topples the blue monster, knocking him unconscious with what seems like some last-minute invention, a usual occurrence, probably designed by Winn or another technical genius.The green glow comes more into view. A feminine figure is floating just beside the news anchor and eyes her and the cameraman, their sickly smirk startles the anchor and makes chills run down the three occupants of the Luthor-Danvers home.They reach into thin air, summoning a kryptonite-infused arrow. The red streak appeared again and tried to take out the glowing green figure. The Flash stands into view, wrestling with the offender. The fastest man alive isn't quick enough, the arrow is shot out and the offender is gone just as fast as the arrow left their bow, along with the blue monster, they both vanish, but not before incapacitating the red runner.The glowing object pierces through the air, intended to take out the blonde Super, the redhead had other plans. A plan that wasn't thought through well enough, but there was no time for actual thinking.The arrow makes contact with someone. Supergirl lunges backwards from a push of the agent trying to save her life."Alex?" The three yell in unisonBlood gushes from a wound that isn't visible from so far away. The news switches off and back to Gordon Ramsey, slamming and yelling about. 
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