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"One round," he conceded. "One round, then you are to leave me alone to research in peace."
"What is it you're researching?" Thor asked, poking curiously at a stack of books piled precariously at the edge of the desk.
"I was under the impression that you wanted to spar," Loki said drily. "But if you would rather remain here and discuss the rise of our forefathers, I have no objections."
Loki would forever deny the high pitched yelp he emitted when Thor wrapped a large hand around his wrist and yanked him from his seat and out of the library.
"You do know that I am perfectly capable of walking by myself?" Loki quipped sarcastically as he was dragged down the hall in the direction of the training courtyard.
"Then why don't you allow me to do so?"
"I do not trust you not to flee."
"Unhand me, Thor."
The buff thunder god released the slighter man, pouting as he did so. "Do not run," he cautioned.
Loki scoffed as he carefully straightened his sleeves and smoothed the wrinkles from his tunic. "As if I would lower myself to running away from the likes of you," he sneered. "Now, let's be off, the sooner we get started, the sooner I'll be rid of you."
Thor entered the training yard with all of his usual pomp, taking a few moments to boisterously announce his arrival and knock a few of the trainees around before heading toward the three men and single women idling along the far wall, drinking from their canteens. "My friends!" he greeted cheerfully "I have found my sparring partner."
"Who's the unlucky fellow?" Fandral asked, faux sympathetically.
"Apparently, I am," Loki appeared at his side with nary a whisper, nearly startling the blond man out of his boots.
"You actually agreed to spar with him?" Sif asked incredulously.
"I did," Loki agreed, "if only to get this imbecile to leave me in peace. Now come, Thor, let's get this over with so I can get back to my research."
"Which weapons would you prefer?"
"The usual will suffice," Loki said, drawing his dagger.
Thor laughed incredulously. "You wish to match that," he gestured playfully at the small weapon, "in a fight against this?" He hefted Mjölnir onto his shoulder. "I must say I'm disappointed brother, when I asked you to spar it was under the assumption that you would actually put up a fight."
"The might of a man is not measured by the size of his weapon, but rather by the force behind its blow. Now will we be sparring?"
"We will," Thor said decisively, moving to one of the many sparring mats dotting the grounds. "First down loses?"
"Very well, then let us begin."
Loki bent backward to duck the sudden swing of the enormous hammer, a slight breeze ruffled his hair as it passed only inches over his face. He was barely able to right himself before Mjölnir was aiming to bash in his skull, he threw up an arm to block the blow and grunted with the effort it took to redirect the hammer and the muscled forearm attached to it.
Thor was much larger, and noticeably stronger than Loki, which was nothing new, most people were larger and stronger than him, so he focused instead on speed and agility, using his lean stature to dodge his larger opponent's blows and dart in to strategically slice at vital points until his opponent bled out. If this had been a fight to the death, Loki would have simply severed an important artery and been done with it. But apparently it was frowned upon to kill one of the two princes of Asgard, even if it was the other prince doing the killing.
"Are you fighting or are you dancing, brother?" Thor laughed as Loki slipped beneath his arm and spun nimbly on the balls of his feet to face him just in time to block another heavy swing. He only partially succeeded. "At least give me a challenge!"
Loki sighed softly, dodging a multitude of rapid strikes and sending a flurry of his own back in return, none of which actually landed.
"Have you even landed a hit yet?" Thor taunted.
Loki responded by using the butt of his dagger to punch his brother's pressure points in rapid succession, the great oaf fell with a soft grunt and a thunderous crash.
"Good fight, brother," Loki commended. "Now, if you'll excuse me." He tucked his dagger into the sheath settled at his waist, then made to step over his downed brother, but halted when a large hand wrapped around his ankle.
"Just one more round," Thor pleaded.
"I said one round and one round only, Thor, you will not change my mind. Good day." He easily tugged his ankle from Thor's grasp and marched off. It was obvious to the five warriors left behind that Loki's thoughts had already ventured off to wherever they spent most of their time nowadays.
"Am I the only one who felt that that was a bit odd?" Fandral asked as he helped Thor climb to his feet. "Loki's always been one to draw out a fight, to confound his enemies with his tricks then defeat them in the most humiliating ways possible. But I didn't see him use his magic once. And he didn't even bother to taunt Thor for his loss."
"He has been behaving oddly as of late," Thor agreed. "He's been disappearing at the oddest of times with very little explanation. Just the other day he left the dining hall halfway through his meal and didn't return for hours. And lately he's taken up residence in the library, he told me he was looking into the lives of our ancestors."
"Do you think he's plotting something?" Sif asked.
Thor hesitated, "I-I cannot be certain."
"Whatever it is he's plotting, if he even is," Volstagg said, "it doesn't seem to be hurting anyone."
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